I have had my different husbands, my families. I am fond of them all and I visit them all. But deep inside me there is the feeling that I belong to show business.
Author: Ingrid BergmanTopics: Business, Businessman, Famous

You have to embrace the unknown in this business.
Author: Al PacinoTopics: Business, Famous, Positive
Fear will keep you alive in a war. Fear will keep you alive in business. There’s nothing wrong with fear.
Author: Norman SchwarzkopfTopics: Business, Famous, Life
Business is not about making money, but about solving problems.
Author: Jack MaTopics: Business, Famous
My vision is to build an e-commerce ecosystem that allows consumers and businesses to do all aspects of business online.
Author: Jack MaTopics: Business, Famous, Visions

Alibaba is about helping small businesses. Our goal is not about making money, it’s about making a difference.
Author: Jack MaTopics: Business, Famous, Positive

I think people forget that I started out playing music before I was in the business of music.
Author: Willie NelsonTopics: Business, Famous, Positive

It is not the business of the artist to record his own personal thoughts. The business of the artist is to record life as it is.
Author: Henry MillerTopics: Business, Famous, Positive
Logan Cale: If I just had my ass handed to me by a size three, I’d be inclined to mind my own business.
Author: James CameronTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous
Prune – prune businesses, products, activities, people. Do it annually.
Author: Donald RumsfeldTopics: Activities, Business, Famous
Success tends to go not to the person who is error-free, because he also tends to be risk-averse. Rather it goes to the person who recognizes that life is pretty much a percentage business. It isn’t making mistakes that’s critical; it’s correcting them and getting on with the principal task.
Author: Donald RumsfeldTopics: Business, Famous, Successful
The actual business of writing dialogue is not thought of as a craft.
Author: David HareTopics: Business, Famous, Life
You have to be prepared to take a lot of chances in this business.
Author: Teri GarrTopics: Business, Famous
In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.
Author: B. C. ForbesTopics: Business, Businessman, Famous
A business like an automobile, has to be driven, in order to get results.
Author: B. C. ForbesTopics: Business, Famous
If you don’t drive your business, you will be driven out of business.
Author: B. C. ForbesTopics: Business, Famous

I love the fact that women are able to take risks in this business now. It’s about time!
Author: Kate WinsletTopics: Business, Famous, Life, Positive

I want to be known for being hardworking and a businesswoman.
Author: Kim KardashianTopics: Business, Famous, Hardwork
I am a child but I have to think and act like a woman, this business forces you to.
Author: RihannaTopics: Act, Business, Famous
In business, real jobs profitably produce goods and services that people value more highly than their alternatives. Subsidizing inefficient jobs is costly, wastes resources, and weakens our economy.
Author: Charles KochTopics: Business, Famous, Life
Far too many businesses have been all too eager to lobby for maintaining and increasing subsidies and mandates paid by taxpayers and consumers.
Author: Charles KochTopics: Business, Businessman, Famous
The role of business is to provide products and services that make people’s lives better – while using fewer resources – and to act lawfully and with integrity.
Author: Charles KochTopics: Business, Famous, Feelings

The goal of a business is to create value for others. Profit is just a measure of how well we are doing that.
Author: Charles KochTopics: Business, Creative, Famous
I have a business that, funnily enough, has an Indian link – we grow Indian sandalwood in plantations and export the timber and oil overseas.
Author: Adam GilchristTopics: Business, Businessman, Famous

There’s always a lot of work to do in this business.
Author: Axl RoseTopics: Business, Famous, Positive
In this business, my business, I get to meet all kinds of incredible people, fascinating people, glamorous people and sexy people and highly intellectual people. And you meet them and you go ‘interesting, interesting, interesting’. They’re interesting, but not very many people stop you in your tracks.
Author: MadonnaTopics: Business, Businessman, Famous, People
Most of the great businesses of our time have experimented. Like Google.
Author: Evan WilliamsTopics: Business, Businessman, Famous
Generally, health is just so heavily regulated. It’s just a painful business to be in. It’s just not necessarily how I want to spend my time.
Author: Sergey BrinTopics: Business, Businessman, Famous
IT and the entire communications business clearly have the greatest potential for growth. But if you’re talking about sheer size, the steel and auto industries will remain at the top.
Author: Ratan TataTopics: Business, Communication, Famous
The ultimate test of your business model is whether it will survive when you are no longer around.
Author: Ratan TataTopics: Ability, Business, Famous
Business need to go beyond the interest of their companies to the communities they serve.
Author: Ratan TataTopics: Business, Community, Famous
A good business model is one that can adapt to changing circumstances.
Author: Carlos SlimTopics: Achievement, Business, Famous
If you are in business, you are not enjoying. You are working.
Author: Carlos SlimTopics: Business, Famous, Positive
All businesses make mistakes. The trick is to avoid large ones.
Author: Carlos SlimTopics: Business, Famous
Building a business and becoming a billionaire is it’s not championship. It’s the competence; the competence in your sector with other companies not looking to have some kind of records in this issue.
Author: Carlos SlimTopics: Business, Businessman, Famous
Profitability is coming from productivity, efficiency, management, austerity, and the way to manage the business.
Author: Carlos SlimTopics: Business, Famous, Profitable

Business is not just about profits; it’s about building relationships.
Author: Mukesh AmbaniTopics: Business, Famous, Relationships
Our established businesses of hydrocarbons, energy, and petrochemicals pretty much run on their own, with their own proven leaders. This has helped me focus almost exclusively on two things: Firstly, new businesses. And secondly, institutionalising what I call the Reliance Management System.
Author: Mukesh AmbaniTopics: Business, Businessman, Famous
At Reliance, we have always believed in investing in the businesses of the future and in investing in talent.
Author: Mukesh AmbaniTopics: Believes, Business, Famous
We all get into business, and we take a risk in terms of putting capital.
Author: Mukesh AmbaniTopics: Business, Famous, Risks
Profit or loss is not guaranteed. That depends on the consumer and depends on the product. That’s a risk that business people take.
Author: Mukesh AmbaniTopics: Business, Famous, profit and loss
Digital life and digital services are a multi-wave business.
Author: Mukesh AmbaniTopics: Business, Famous
I was very focussed on building various competencies in Reliance and we were not ready to do two things at the same time. It was a big risk for us to get into IT, especially because it was hugely effort-intensive. In my language, I said we have too much soap on our body and we need to take a bath in the chemicals business.
Author: Mukesh AmbaniTopics: Business, Famous, Inspirational
Our goal is very simply to become the desktop for e-businesses.
Author: Larry EllisonTopics: Business, Famous, Goals
If your business is static, you’re likely to have issues.
Author: Larry PageTopics: Business, Famous
The methods by which the “Empire of Business” maintains its control over journalism are four: First, ownership of the papers; second, ownership of the owners; third, advertising subsidies; and fourth, direct bribery. By these methods there exists in America a control of news and of current comment more absolute than any monopoly in any other industry.
Author: Upton SinclairTopics: Business, Journalism
Wall Street had been doing business with pieces of paper, and now someone asked for a dollar, and it was discovered that the dollar had been mislaid.
Author: Upton SinclairTopics: Business, Famous, Positive
If you can’t get emotional about what you believe in your heart, you’re in the wrong business.
Author: Vince LombardiTopics: Business, Emotional, Heart
We’re in this entertainment business really to give the audience what they want.
Author: O'Shea Jackson, Jr.Topics: Business, Entertainment, Entertainment business, Famous, Meaningful
You saw the exodus of many people on the business council, who resigned, who said those are not my personal values, those are not our corporate values, and those – we don’t believe – are the values of our country.
Author: J. C. WattsTopics: Business, Country, Famous, People, Personal Values
Be the business never so painful, you may have it done for money
Author: Thomas FullerTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Money
I think in politics, in Congress, you often do things that are Republican, or you do things because you’re a Democrat. Sometimes that’s good, obviously, and sometimes that’s obviously bad. But in the news business, there’s no such thing as Republican or Democratic news. News is news.
Author: J. C. WattsTopics: Business, Famous, Good, News, Politics
For me, it’s about camaraderie. My whole life is like, if something’s going on, nothing ever preceded fun. I always put my friends and the fun and the business ahead of everything.
Author: Ric FlairTopics: Always, Business, Everything, Friends, Nothing
Nobody has wrestled everybody in the business like I have, especially not Bret Hart.
Author: Ric FlairTopics: Business, Everybody, Nobody
I can take more punishment than anyone in the business.
Author: Ric FlairTopics: Business, Punishment
I dont think theres anything positive in the WCW brand at all. It was dead when they brought it. They were going to bury us when they did business.
Author: Ric FlairTopics: Brought, Business, Dead, Positive
I was always a fan but me and Kevin Pattero, he was a friend of mine who trained for the Olympic games in 1972 he and I became very close friends and roommates and I kind of rode his coattails into the business.
Author: Ric FlairTopics: Always, Business, Friend

Sometimes you got to put somebody in their place, let them know that you mean business and you’re a grown ass man.
Author: J. B. SmooveTopics: Business, Famous, Mean, Men, Sometimes
I want to be clear : Many local jurisdictions, businesses and organizations have their own mask requirements and other mitigations that must be respected, throughout this pandemic, we’ve deployed the tools available to us as needed. Our approach has saved lives and kept our economy open and growing.
Author: J. B. PritzkerTopics: Business, Clear, Economy, Famous, Growing, Lives, Local, Organizations, Pandemic, Proactive Approach, Requirement, Saved, Tools
Any business owner can tell you that if their company isn’t performing profitably and up to standards, one of two things will happen: either you make changes to improve its efficiency, or a competitor will drive you out of business. Market forces have a way of cutting to the chase rather quickly.
Author: J. B. PritzkerTopics: Business, Changes, Company, Drive, Famous, Improve, Market, Owners, Performing
None of our family businesses were focused on technology. It was ’93 when I came out of law school, and the Internet was taking hold. So I started New World Ventures.
Author: J. B. PritzkerTopics: Business, Family, Famous, Focused, Internet, Law, New world venture, Technology
I’m in the business of providing people with secondary satisfactions. It wouldn’t have done me much good if they had all written their own plays, would it?
Author: J. B. PriestleyTopics: Business, Famous, People, Play, Providing, Satisfaction, Secondary
There can be no doubt that smoking nowadays is largely a miserable automatic business. People use tobacco without ever taking an intelligent interest in it. They do not experiment, compare, fit the tobacco to the occasion. A man should always be pleasantly conscious of the fact that he is smoking.
Author: J. B. PriestleyTopics: Business, Famous, Intelligent, Interest, Miserable, Occasion, People, Tobacco
Everybody at Axa has understood that digital is there, that digital changes our business, and also that digital can create an opportunity
Author: Thomas BuberlTopics: Business, Changes, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Opportunity, Understood
Economy: cutting down other people’s wages.
Author: J. B. MortonTopics: Business, Economy, Famous, People, Wages
The business of everybody is the business of nobody
Author: Thomas Babington MacaulayTopics: Business, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful
The business of the dramatist is to keep himself out of sight, and to let nothing appear but his characters. As soon as he attracts notice to his personal feelings, the illusion is broken.
Author: Thomas Babington MacaulayTopics: Broken, Business, Character, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful
Everybody’s business is nobody’s business
Author: Thomas Babington MacaulayTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful
If I’m watching my son play soccer, that’s what I’m doing. If I’m going to a school concert, that’s what I’m doing. I turn the phone off. I actively tune into whatever I’m doing. I walk every evening with one of my sons and for that half an hour, 45 minutes, that’s what I’m doing.
Author: Gail KellyTopics: Business, Famous, Soccer, Women
You should choose organisations that are going to be flexible and supportive and recognise people are going through different stages in their careers and actually need different sorts of support.
Author: Gail KellyTopics: Business, Career, Entrepreneur, Famous, Organizations, Supportive, Women
Then the business game is to make profits out of others, and to prevent others from making profits out of you.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Business, Making, Prevent, Profits
When they want to do a thing, in business of course, they must wait till there arises in their brains, somehow, a religious, or ethical, or scientific, or philosophic, concept that the thing is right. And then they go ahead and do it, unwitting that one of the weaknesses of the human mind is that the wish is parent to the thought.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Business, Concept, Human, Scientific, Weaknesses
I’m all in favor of banks that play their part in community endeavors, private individuals looking for loans, people who want to start up a little business, and that’s what banks are for.
Author: Ian AndersonTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, People, Play, Positive, Start
A business man who was also a biologist and a sociologist would know, approximately, the right thing to do for humanity. But, outside the realm of business, these men are stupid. They know only business. They do not know mankind nor society, and yet they set themselves up as arbiters of the fates of the hungry millions and all the other millions thrown in. History, some day, will have an excruciating laugh at their expense.” I was not surprised when I had my.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Business, History, Hungry, Society, Stupid
I was not made for the desk and counting-house, for petty business squabbling, and legal jangling.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Business, Legal
You know, I really miss sex scandals. They’re generally colorful. They almost never mean anything over the long run. And while they’re going on, the people who actually keep the government running are let alone to go about their business. Good old sex scandals.
Author: Gail CollinsTopics: Business, Famous, Government, Mean, Missing, Running, Sex scandals
I started missing acting when I was in school, and I realized after being in the business after however many years that I was really interested in film.
Author: Gaby HoffmannTopics: Business, Famous, Film, Interested, Missing, Realized
I was never that famous, but I do think going to college and really getting away from the business and taking a true break is incredibly, incredibly important if you start acting at a young age.
Author: Gaby HoffmannTopics: Business, College, Famous, Important, Thinking
Bad taste is vulgar. The world as a whole is f——g ugly. And the Internet too, but I’m not in the construction business.
Author: Kanye WestTopics: Business, Famous, Internet, Ugly, Vulgar

When I think about being out of the business, it scares me.
Author: KaneTopics: Business, Famous, Scare, Thinking
People who like to fume about the manner in which Disney changed beloved classics are often ignorant of history, not to mention the realities of show business.
Author: Kage BakerTopics: Business, Disney, Famous, Ignorant, Manner, People, Reality
Today I can announce a raft of reforms that we estimate could save over 2.5 million police hours every year. That’s the equivalent of more than 1,200 police officer posts. These reforms are a watershed moment in policing. They show that we really mean business in busting bureaucracy
Author: Theresa MayTopics: Business, Equivalent, Estimate, Famous, Meaningful, Moment, Police, Reforms, Watershed
Whether people choose to have same sex relationships or relationships outside the marriage – whatever happens between two consenting adults should be purely their business, not the state’s or the society’s.
Author: Kabir BediTopics: Adults, Business, Choose, Famous, Marriage, People, Private affairs, Relationship, Sex
I need to travel, of course, with my laptop, so I can do my business on the road.
Author: Theophilus LondonTopics: Business, Famous, Laptop, Meaningful, Roads
No matter what you go through with the business side or the Hollywood side at the end of it all, when you are there on the set, it is your thing. So it is your own private world and that’s great. That’s where you have that bubble to create something in.
Author: Tim BurtonTopics: Business, Famous, Feelings, Great, Hollywood, Life, Matter, Meaningful, Private, Throughly

My objective has been to empower jointness, to push individuals to consider affiliations as opposed to working as solo business visionaries.
Author: A. Bartlett GiamattiTopics: Business, Businessman, Consider, Consideration, Empowering Message, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Individual, Individual achievements, Individual Choices, Inspirational, Joint, Joint efforts, Life, Meaningful, Object, Objective sources
Sometimes it is in the long-run interest of the business sector to restrict the freedom of individual firms so that they do not destroy the common pool of resources that all of them need, such as natural resources or the labour force.
Author: Ha-Joon ChangTopics: Business, Development, Famous, Freedom, Labor force, Natural resources, Sustainable
In England a king hath little more to do than to make war and give away places; which in plain terms, is to impoverish the nation and set it together by the ears. A pretty business indeed for a man to be allowed eight hundred thousand sterling a year for, and worshipped into the bargain! Of more worth is one honest man to society and in the sight of God, than all the crowned ruffians that ever lived
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Business, England, Famous, God, Honest, Impoverish, King, Nation, Places, Plain, Pretty, Ruffians, Sterling, Worth
The widely accepted assertion that, only if you let markets be will everyone be paid correctly and thus fairly, according to his worth, is a myth. Only when we part with this myth and grasp the political nature of the market and the collective nature of individual productivity will we be able to build a more just society in which historical legacies and collective actions, and not just individual talents and efforts, are properly taken into account in deciding how to reward people.
Author: Ha-Joon ChangTopics: Advice, Business, Famous, Social justice, Wages
Between the Great Depression and the 1970s, private business was viewed with suspicion even in most capitalist economies. Businesses were, so the story goes, seen as anti-social agents whose profit-seeking needed to be restrained for other, supposedly loftier, goals, such as justice, social harmony, protection of the weak and even national glory.
Author: Ha-Joon ChangTopics: Business, Famous, Goal, Justice, National glory, Protection, Social harmony, Stories
Even when he played, he made a business of it.
Author: H. W. BrandsTopics: Business, Famous, Fun, Habits, Leisure, Training
We must stop thinking primarily in terms of “money” and “business”.
Author: H. P. LovecraftTopics: Business, Famous, Money, Thinking
I never ask a man what his business is, for it never interests me. What I ask him about are his thoughts and dreams.
Author: H. P. LovecraftTopics: Business, Dreams, Famous, Interest, Never, Thoughts
The artist is not a reporter, but a Great Teacher. It is not his business to depict the world as it is, but as it ought to be.
Author: H. L. MenckenTopics: Business, Famous, World
[A] quotation is a handy thing to have about, saving one the trouble of thinking for oneself, always a laborious business.
Topics: Business, Businessman, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Little hard, Little Things, Littler, Meaningful, Trouble, Troublemaker
The purpose of an army must surely be to put itself out of business
Author: A. A. GillTopics: Business, Famous, Inspirational, Itself, Life, Meaningful, Purpose, Purposeful, Sure, Surer
All businesses need to be young forever. If your customer base ages with you, you’re Woolworth’s
Author: Jeff BezosTopics: Business, Famous, Forever, Meaningful
One of the first things to learn if you want to be a contemplative is to mind your own business. Nothing is more suspicious, in a man who seems holy, than an impatient desire to reform other menfir
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Business, Desire, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, First, Holy, Impatient, Learn, Life, Meaningful, Mind, Reform, Suspicious, Things
I often think we do not take this business of photography in a sufficiently serious spirit. Issuing a photograph is like marriage: you can only undo the mischief with infinite woe .
Author: H. G. WellsTopics: Business, Famous, Infinite, Issues, Marriage, Mischief, Photograph, Photography

Our business here is to be Utopian, to make vivid and credible, if we can, first this facet and then that, of an imaginary whole and happy world.
Author: H. G. WellsTopics: Business, Famous, Happy, Imaginary, Make, World
Advertising is legitimised lying.
Author: H. G. WellsTopics: Business, Famous, Lying, Marketing, Sale
Writing blurbs for books means you have to read the book, and it cuts into the business of bookselling. So every time I get a blurb from a bookseller, I try to write a thank you note.
Author: Gabrielle ZevinTopics: Business, Famous, Mean, Thankful, Time
Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy. That is not our business and, in fact, it is nobody’s business. What we are asked to do is to love, and this love itself will render both ourselves and our neighbors worthy
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Business, Compassion, Fact, Famous, Feelings, Humanity, Inquire, Itself, Job, Kindness, Life, Love, Meaningful, Neighbors, Nobody's, Others, Positive, Stopping, Unconditional
When I went to City of Bath College, I studied the music business
Author: Gabrielle AplinTopics: Business, College, Famous, Music, Studied
Money, not morality, is the principle commerce of civilized nations
Author: Thomas JeffersonTopics: Business, Capitalism, Economic, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Meaningful, Money, Principles, Value, Wealth
Be courageous. I have seen many depressions in business. Always America has emerged from these stronger and more prosperous. Be brave as your fathers before you. Have faith! Go forward!
Author: Thomas A. EdisonTopics: Brave, Business, Courageous, Depression, Faith, Famous, Feelings, Meaningful, Positive, Progress, Prosperous, Seen, Strength, Stronger
Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell ’em, ‘Certainly I can!’ Then get busy and find out how to do it.
Topics: Business, Busy, Humanize life, Humankind, Humble, Learn, Learning, Sudden, Suffer
Where issues used to be, say, parochial or local in Ireland or England and so forth, all politics is global now because all business is global.
Author: Gabriel ByrneTopics: Business, England, Famous, Global, Inspirational, Issues, Politics

I’m not a very gregarious person. I can’t bear attention being called to me in a public place, which is ridiculous in a business that pays you to be noticed.
Author: Gabriel ByrneTopics: Business, Famous, Person, Public
One of my personal plights in this business is about playing ‘The Sassy Black Girl.’
Author: Gabourey SidibeTopics: Business, Character, Famous, Personal plights, Playing, Sassy black girl
Perpetual devotion to what a man calls his business, is only to be sustained by perpetual neglect of many other things.
Author: Robert Louis StevensonTopics: Business, Devotion, Famous, Neglect, Perpetual, Sustained
Our business in life is not to succeed, but to continue to fail in good spirits.
Author: Robert Louis StevensonTopics: Business, Continue, Famous, Good, Succeed
Modern poets talk against business, poor things, but all of us write for money. Beginners are subjected to trial by market.
Author: Robert FrostTopics: Business, Market, Modern, Money
It’s none of their business that you have to learn how to write. Let them think you were born that way.
Author: Ernest Hemingway
Topics: Business, Leading, Leads, Learn, Learning, Things, Think
The PC is successful because we’re all benefiting from the competition with each other. If Twitter comes along, our games benefit. If Nvidia makes better graphics technology, all the games are going to shine. If we come out with a better game, people are going to buy more PCs.
Author: Gabe NewellTopics: Business, Competition, Consumers, Famous, Mutual Benefits, PC, PC industry, Positive aspects, Successful
I consider Apple to be very closed. Let’s say you have a book business, and you are charging 5 to 7 percent gross margins; you can’t exist in an Apple world because they want 30 percent, and they don’t care that you only have 7 percent to play with
Author: Gabe NewellTopics: Business, Considering, Express, Famous, Impact on Margins, Perspective
We can all agree that we need to be helping small businesses. All of us can agree that the cost of higher education is too high, and college debt is too big of a burden for young people.
Author: Ilhan OmarTopics: Business, College, Famous, Meaningful
I could’ve always worked shows, clubs, Las Vegas and Atlantic City, but I was successful in business ventures, and things weren’t happening in show business, so I said, ‘Let me see what I can do.
Author: Gabe KaplanTopics: Business, Famous, Happening, Successful, Things
In show business, you had levels. I was at the top of the TV end of it
Author: Gabe KaplanTopics: Business, Famous, Television, Top
Freud was way off base in considering sex the fundamental motivation. The ruling passion in men is minding each other’s business.
Author: Robert FrostTopics: Business, Considering, Freud, Fundamental, Motivation

Music is life, and life is not a business.
Author: Iggy PopTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful, Music
When you start out in the wrestling business, you make a lot of mistakes, tripping over your own feet and looking like a fool.
Author: Hulk HoganTopics: Business, Famous, Looking, Meaningful, Mistake, Start
The best wrestlers, whether its a Hulk Hogan or a Rey Mysterio, are the ones who have psychology and can understand this business.
Author: Hulk HoganTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful, Understand
The enigma of cinema is gone because of the focus on business. As soon as you attach numbers to a film, you limit it. Films are meant to be an escape from reality.
Author: Shah Rukh KhanTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful
Many who burnt heretics in the ordinary way of their business were otherwise excellent people.
Author: G. M. TrevelyanTopics: Business, Excellent, Famous, Heretics, Inspirational, Ordinary, People
When I got back here in 1997, I was looking for more room, and I found an archive of old Macs and other stuff. I said, ‘Get it away!’ and I shipped all that shit off to Stanford. If you look backward in this business, you’ll be crushed. You have to look forward.
Author: Steven Paul JobsTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful
A desire not to butt into other people’s business is at least eighty percent of all human wisdom.
Author: Robert A. HeinleinTopics: Business, Desire, Famous, Human, People’s, Wisdom
Art is the beautiful way of doing things. Science is the effective way of doing things. Business is the economic way of doing things.
Author: Elbert HubbardTopics: Business, Businessman, Economic, Effective, Effective communication, Science, Things
Business, to be successful, must be based on science, for demand and supply are matters of mathematics, not guesswork.
Author: Elbert HubbardTopics: Business, Businessman, Busy, Guessing, Mathematical, Mathematical logic, Science, Science Fiction, Scientific, Succeed, Success, Successful journey, Supply, Support, Work
As a career, the business of an orthodox preacher is about as successful as that of a celluloid dog chasing an asbestos cat through hell.
Author: Elbert HubbardTopics: Business, Businessman, Busy, Hard, Hard conditions, Hard man, Hard Part, Hard Time, Hell, Success, Successful, Successful journey, Sudden, Suffer
Los Angles is not my favorite city. Well, I shouldn’t say that… I love to visit it, on a temporary basis. It’s just such a company town! You can’t go anywhere and not run into someone who wants to be in the business.
Author: Rita MorenoTopics: Business, Company, Famous, Favorite, Someone, Visitors
Almost everything worthwhile carries with it some sort of risk, whether it’s starting a new business, entering into a serious relationship, or jumping out of an airplane.
Author: Brian TracyTopics: Business, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Jumping, Love, Love interest, Love Life, Meaningful, People, Positive, Relationship, Relationships, Risk and Freedom, Risks, Serious
If you learn to run your own business, you’ll never have to worry about having a job or pleasing a boss for the rest of your life.
Author: Brian TracyTopics: Business, Businessman, Famous, Inspirational, Job, Joblessness, Jobs, Learn, Learner, Life, Meaningful, own business, Pleasing, Positive, rest of your life
Your success in life isn’t based on your ability to simply change. It is based on your ability to change faster than your competition, customers and business.
Author: Brian TracyTopics: Ability, Business, Businessman, Change, Customer, Customers, Famous, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Nature of success, Positive, Success, Successful
It’s sentiment and business. Half and half.
Author: Haim SabanTopics: Business, Famous, Half, Meaningful, Sentiment
This isn’t over. This is just the beginning, any company that chooses to boycott business in Israel is going to look at this case, and once we’re done, they’re going to think twice whether they want to take on Israel or not. Trust me, this is just the beginning.
Author: Haim SabanTopics: Business, Company, Famous, Meaningful
Politics would be a helluva good business if it weren’t for the goddamned people.
Author: Richard M. NixonTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful, People
If you aren’t having fun, you are doing it wrong. If you feel like getting up in the morning to work on your business is a chore, then it’s time to try something else.
Author: Richard BransonTopics: Business, Famous, Morning, Something, Work
Business opportunities are like buses; there’s always another one coming.
Author: Richard BransonTopics: Business, coming, Famous, Opportunities
A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.
Author: Richard BransonTopics: Business, Creative, Exercise, Famous, Instincts, Involving
I know I can hold two, maybe even three belts. So I have business to take care of back in and around my weight class.
Author: Conor McGregor
Topics: Business, Busy, Care, Careful, Famous, Knowing, Knowing yourself, Knowledge, Life, Meaningful
When I’m in there I’m just in my zone. What people think about when they’re looking at me, that’s their business. If there is a bit of that, I am fine with it, each to his own.
Author: Conor McGregor
Topics: Business, Busy, Own identity, Own Life
I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.
Author: G-EazyTopics: Business, Businessman, Famous, Man
What’s the difference between you and the man sitting beside you? It’s one percent. In my business, only one percent makes it. If everyone had the same dream, only 1 will make it from this crowd. Who will be that one?
Author: Ray LewisTopics: Business, Crowd, Difference, Dream, Famous, Percent, Sitting
My business is to prevent the future.
Author: Ray BradburyTopics: Business, Famous, Feelings, Meaningful
I knew the shirt-swapping business in general was getting out of hand when opponents would ask me for my shirt while we were still mid-match. Those are the wrong priorities.
Author: Paul ScholesTopics: Business, Famous, Opponents, Priorities, Shirt-Swapping
Mind your business. Take care of what you came here for. Find the ‘I’ first and you may afterwards speak of other matters.
Author: Ramana MaharshiTopics: Business, Famous, Matters, Speak
The Power that created you has created the world as well. If it can take care of you, it can similarily take care of the world also. If God has created the world, it is His business to look after it, not yours.
Author: Ramana MaharshiTopics: Business, Created, Power, World
One lesson to any young chef out there: never mix family with business.
Author: Gordon RamsayTopics: Advice, Business, Family, Famous, Inspirational, Lesson, Mix
The secret is to make sure the business is running to perfection, with or without me.
Author: Gordon RamsayTopics: Business, Famous, Inspirational, Make, Perfection, Running, Secrets
Ultimately, who you choose to be in a relationship with and what you do in your bedroom is your business.
Author: EminemTopics: Business, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Relationship
A business enterprise must continue beyond the lifetime of the individual or of the generation to be capable of producing its contributions to economy and to society.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Capable, Economy, Famous, Individuals, Meaningful
When the business grows, the person who founded it is incredibly busy. Rapid growth puts an enormous strain on a business. You outgrow your production facilities. You outgrow your management capabilities.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Capabilities, Famous, Founded, Management, Meaningful
Any existing organization, whether a business, a church, a labor union, or a hospital, goes down fast if it does not innovate. Conversely, any new organization, whether a business, a church, a labor union, or a hospital, collapses if it does not manage. Not to innovate is the single largest reason for the decline of existing organizations. Not to know how to manage is the single largest reason for the failure of new ventures.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Manage, Meaningful, Organization
If a business is to be considered a continuous process, instead of a series of disjointed stop-and-go events, then the economic universe in which a business operates-and all the major events within it-must have rhyme, rhythm, or reason.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Economic, Famous, Meaningful, Reason
The enterprise can fulfill its human and social functions only if it prospers as a business.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Functions, Meaningful
I’m a writer. I could not or would not ever run a business. I don’t even have a secretary. And contrary to some of the stereotypes, entrepreneurs are not loners. I am.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, entrepreneurs, Famous, Meaningful, Secretary
The subordinate’s job is not to reform or reeducate the boss, not to make him conform to what the business schools or the management book say bosses should be like. It is to enable a particular boss to perform as a unique individual.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Individuals, Management, Meaningful, Particular, Subordinates
To expose a 4.2 Trillion dollar ripoff of the American people by the stockholders of the 1000 largest corporations over the last one-hundred years will be a tall order of business.
Author: R. Buckminster FullerTopics: Business, Famous, Life, Meaningful, People, Years
The new always looks so puny-so unpromising-next to the reality of the massive, ongoing business.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Massive, Meaningful, Reality
The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living.
Author: R. Buckminster FullerTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful, People, School, True
Businesses are not paid to reform customers. They are paid to satisfy customers.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Customers, Famous, Meaningful, Reform, Satisfies
Business exists to supply goods and services to customers and economic surplus to society, rather than to supply jobs to workers and managers or even dividends to shareholders.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Customers, Economic, Famous, Managers, Meaningful, Supply
Free enterprise cannot be justified as being good for business. It can be justified only as being good for society.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Justified, Meaningful, Society
An employer has no business with a man’s personality. The task is not to change personality, but to enable a person to achieve and to perform.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful, Personality
Managers are the basic and scarcest resource of any business enterprise.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Managers, Meaningful, Resources
If you have too many problems, maybe you should get out of business. There is no law that says a company must last forever.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Forever, Meaningful, Problems
Tomorrow always arrives. It is always different. And even the mightiest company is in trouble if it has not worked on the future. Being surprised by what happens is a risk that even the largest and richest company cannot afford, and even the smallest business need not run.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Company, Famous, Happens, Meaningful, Surprised, Tomorrow
What makes demographics such a rewarding opportunity for the entrepreneur is precisely its neglect by decision makers, whether businessmen, public-service staffs, or governmental policymakers. They still cling to the assumption that demographics do not change – or do not change fast. Indeed, they reject even the plainest evidence of demographic changes.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Entrepreneur, Evidence, Famous, Meaningful, Rewarding
Some of the best business and nonprofit CEOs I’ve worked with over a sixty-five-year consulting career were not stereotypical leaders. They were all over the map in terms of their personalities, attitudes, values, strengths, and weaknesses.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Leaders, Meaningful, Personalities, Strengths, Weakness
Providing more desirable products, services, and customer experiences is vital to the continued existence of any business. And that is INNOVATION.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Meaningful, Products
In business school classrooms they construct wonderful models of a non- world.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful, Wonderful
Football’s a difficult business, and aren’t they prima donnas? But it’s a wonderful game.
Author: Queen Elizabeth IITopics: Business, Famous, Feelings, Meaningful
There is a point of complexity beyond which a business is no longer manageable.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful
A business exists because the consumer is willing to pay you his money. You run a business to satisfy the consumer. That isn’t marketing. That goes way beyond marketing.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Consumers, Famous, Marketing, Meaningful, Money
All great change in business has come from outside the firm, not from inside.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Inside, Meaningful
To satisfy the customer is the mission and purpose of every business.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Customer, Famous, Meaningful, Mission
Profit is not the purpose of a business, but rather the test of its validity.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful, Profits, Purpose
No business can do everything. Even if it has the money, it will never have enough good people. It has to set priorities. The worst thing to do is a little bit of everything. This makes sure that nothing is being accomplished. It is better to pick the wrong priority than none at all.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Accomplished, Business, Enough, Everything, Famous, Meaningful, Nothing, Priorities
Business, that’s easily defined – it’s other people’s money.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful, Money
Business purpose and business mission are so rarely given adequate thought is perhaps the most important cause of business frustration and failure.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Frustration, Meaningful, Mission, Thoughts
A business is not defined by its name, statutes, or articles of incorporation. It is defined by the business mission. Only a clear definition of the mission and purpose of the organization makes possible clear and realistic business objectives.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful, Mission, Organization, Purpose
There are just two questions to ask to attain success in business: First, “What business am I in?” Second, “How’s business?
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful, Question
Luck never built a business. Prosperity and growth come only to the business that systematically finds and exploits its potential.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful, Potential
It’s safe to say headphones is good business.
Author: DJ KhaledTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful
Business enterprise is an organ of society. There is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Customer, Definition, Famous, Meaningful, Organ, Society
More business decisions occur over lunch and dinner than at any other time, yet no MBA courses are given on the subject.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Dinner, Famous, Meaningful, More, Subjects, Time
Every single social and global issue of our day is a business opportunity in disguise.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Global, Issues, Meaningful, Social
There are two types of people in the business community: those who produce results and those who give you reasons why they didn’t.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful, People, Produce, Reason
Innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or a different service.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Change, Famous, Innovation, Meaningful, Service
The single most important thing to remember about any enterprise is that there are no results inside its walls. The result of a business is a satisfied customer.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Customer, Famous, Important, Meaningful, Remember, Results, Satisfied, Single
The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.
Author: Gilbert K. ChestertonTopics: Business, Division, Famous, Making mistakes, Motivational, Prevent mistakes, Progressive, World
Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of the business.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Famous, Function, Marketing, Meaningful, Unique, Uniquely
Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business has two and only two functions: Marketing and Innovation. Marketing and Innovation produce results. All the rest are costs.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Customer, Famous, Functions, Innovation, Meaningful, Purpose, Results
The purpose of a business is to create a customer.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Customer, Famous, Meaningful, Purpose
There are only two things in a business that make money – innovation and marketing, everything else is cost.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Cost, Famous, Innovation, Marketing, Meaningful, Money, Things
Marketing is not a function, it is the whole business seen from the customer’s point of view.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Customer, Famous, Function, Marketing, Meaningful, Views
Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Decision, Famous, Made, Meaningful, See, Someone, Successful
I find the whole business of religion profoundly interesting. But it does mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take it seriously
Author: Douglas AdamsTopics: Business, Famous, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, People
You come to me for advice, but you can’t cope with anything you don’t recognize. Hmmm. So we’ll have to tell you something you already know but make it sound like news, eh Well, business as usual, I suppose.
Author: Douglas AdamsTopics: Advice, Business, Famous, Meaningful, Recognize, Something
If this political business teaches you one thing, it is that you can be as wise as the wise men of this world, and yet you always wander into the next minute like a child into the dark.
Author: Otto von BismarckTopics: Business, Dark, Political
No man has a right to expect to succeed in life unless he understands his business, and nobody can understand his business thoroughly unless he learns it by personal application and experience
Author: P. T. BarnumTopics: Business, Experience, Famous, Life, Meaningful, Personal, Succeed, Understands
The show business has all phases and grades of dignity, from the exhibition of a monkey to the exposition of that highest art in music or the drama which secures for the gifted secures a world wide fame princes well might envy.
Author: P. T. BarnumTopics: Business, Dignity, Drama, Exhibitionist, Expositions, Famous, Highest, Meaningful, Monkey, Music, Secures

The people who make art their business are mostly imposters.
Author: Pablo PicassoTopics: Business, Famous, Imposters, People
I went into the business for the money, and the art grew out of it. If people are disillusioned by that remark, I can’t help it. It’s the truth.
Author: Charlie Chaplin
Topics: Business, Famous, Grew Up, Humankind, Humble People, Life, Meaningful, Money, Religiously, Self-help section, Simple Gestures, Simplest truth
It’s a woman’s business to get married as soon as possible, and a man’s to keep unmarried as long as he can.
Author: George Bernard ShawTopics: Business, Famous, Man, Marriage, Women
People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.
Author: George Bernard ShawTopics: Business, Famous, Inspirational, People, Perseverance
We would have loved the opportunity to take some time to enjoy it, but we had the inevitable checklist and experiments that had to go on. So it was back to business, back to work as soon as we congratulated each other.
Author: Neil ArmstrongTopics: Business, Famous, Inevitable, Love, Meaningful, Opportunity, Time
The business of America is business, and the chief ideal of the American people is idealism
Author: Calvin CoolidgeTopics: Business, Famous, Feelings, Ideal, Idealize, Life, Meaningful
Let us give Nature a chance; she knows her business better than we do.
Author: Michel de MontaigneTopics: Business, Chance, Famous, Nature

Nevertheless, the ultimate business of philosophy is to preserve the force of the most elemental words in which Dasein expresses itself, and to keep the common understanding from levelling them off to that unintelligibility which functions in turn as a source of pseudo-problems.
Author: Martin HeideggerTopics: Business, Famous, Functions, Levelling, Meaningful, Nevertheless, Philosophy, Preserve, Pseudo-Problems., Ultimate, Understanding, Unintelligibility, Words

I’ve got incredible support from my wife and family and people around me. I’ve got great people around me who handle anything on the outside, business-wise, who help free me up to create in my job.
Author: Matthew McConaugheyTopics: Business, Family, Famous, Handle, Incredible, Meaningful, People, Support, Wife

There was no getting around the stubborn fact that taking sweetmeats was only “hooking,” while taking bacon and hams and such valuables was plain simple stealing — and there was a command against that in the Bible. So they inwardly resolved that so long as they remained in the business, their piracies should not again be sullied with the crime of stealing.
Author: Mark TwainTopics: Business, Command, Crimes, Famous, Hooking, Life, Meaningful, Simple, Stealing, Stubborn, Valuables

Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and a body ain’t got no business doing wrong when he ain’t ignorant and knows better.
Author: Mark TwainTopics: Business, Famous, Ignorant, Inspirational, Meaningful, Wrong

Let your discourse with men of business be short and comprehensive.
Author: George WashingtonTopics: Business, Discourse, Men, Short

System in all things is the soul of business. To deliberate maturely, & execute promptly is the way to conduct it to advantage. With me, it has always been a maxim, rather to let my designs appear from my works, than by my expressions.
Author: George WashingtonTopics: Business, Economic, Entrepreneur, System
Barney spotted our neighbor’s lawn, where he promptly took care of his business. There I was, the former president of the United States, with a plastic bag on my hand, picking up that which I had been dodging for the past eight years.
Author: George W. BushTopics: Business, Care, Famous, Picking up, Plastic bag, President
I would like to flood South Africa with black personages of all sorts of persuasions: writers, educators, businessmen, you name it. If you are black and have any clout at all, I would like to see you go to South Africa and look for yourself and come back and try to use the tools that you have at your command to try and help the brothers down there
Author: Arthur AsheTopics: Business, Education, Famous, Life, Look, Meaningful, Person, Try
I was very glad I could afford to say no. With the income from my businesses, I didn’t need money from acting. I never wanted to be in a financially vulnerable position, where I had to take a part I didn’t like.
Author: Arnold SchwarzeneggerTopics: Business, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Money, Position
My business skills have come from being guided by my inner self – my intuition.
Author: Oprah WinfreyTopics: Business, Guide, Guides, Guiding, Intuition
Never ask a man where’s he’s been. If he’s out on legitimate business, he doesn’t need an alibi. And, girls, if he has been out on illegitimate business, it’s your own fault.
Author: Mae WestTopics: Business, Famous, Fault, Meaningful
I see all art as a complement to telling people’s stories. I’m in the storytelling business. I believe that the humanity that all of us share is the stories of our lives, and everybody has a story. Your story is as important as the next person’s story.
Author: Oprah WinfreyTopics: Business, People, Person's, Stories, Telling
The work of your life is to discover your purpose and get on with the business of living it out.
Author: Oprah WinfreyTopics: Business, Discover, Life, Purpose, Work
Never react emotionally to criticism. Analyze yourself to determine whether it is justified. If it is, correct yourself. Otherwise, go on about your business.
Author: Norman Vincent PealeTopics: Business, Famous, Life, Meaningful, React

It’s not hard to get your way when it’s your way or the highway. People either follow suit or they’re not around. I don’t really like the sound of that, ’cause that sounds like a temper tantrum. I’m just very black and white when it comes to my business. There’s really no gray area.
Author: Nicki MinajTopics: Business, Famous, Feelings, Meaningful, People, Tantrum, Temper
My goal in the beginning was to buy my mother a house. Now I realize, okay, if I really focus and become a key player in business, then I can build an empire.
Author: Nicki MinajTopics: Business, Famous, Feelings, Meaningful
Female rappers get it the hardest. You have to be a girl, yet you have to be just as hard as the guys. I think some female rappers get scared out of the business before they can make it.
Author: Nicki MinajTopics: Ability, Business, Famous, Female Rapper, Hardest, Meaningful
That is neoliberal democracy in a nutshell: trivial debate over minor issues by parties that basically pursue the same pro-business policies regardless of formal differences and campaign debate. Democracy is permissible as long as the control of business is off-limits to popular deliberation or change; i.e. so long as it isn’t democracy.
Author: Noam ChomskyTopics: Business, Change, Control, Democracy, Difference, Parties, Popular
Let me make this clear, I’m not difficult, I’m just ’bout my business.
Author: Nicki MinajTopics: Business, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful
The war against working people should be understood to be a real war…. Specifically in the U.S., which happens to have a highly class-conscious business class…. And they have long seen themselves as fighting a bitter class war, except they don’t want anybody else to know about it.
Author: Noam ChomskyTopics: Business, Fighting, Real, United States, War
In the US, there is basically one party – the business party. It has two factions, called Democrats and Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies. By and large, I am opposed to these policies. As is most of the population.
Author: Noam ChomskyTopics: Business, Policies, Population, Republican, Variations
It’s strictly business in this game, still they faking friendly. Don’t let them take advantage of you.
Author: Nipsey HussleTopics: Advantages, Business, Famous, Life
I never wanted to alienate my brand for business. I always wanted to keep it authentic and keep it as pure as I could
Author: Nipsey HussleTopics: Business, Famous, Feelings, Keep, Life, Meaningful, Pure

Nothing is so intolerable to man as being fully at rest, without a passion, without business, without entertainment, without care.
Author: Blaise PascalTopics: Business, Entertainment, Intolerable, Passion, Tolerable
Many invest wisely in business matters, but fail to invest time and interest in their most valued possessions: their spouses and children.
Author: Billy GrahamTopics: Business, Children, Interest, Invest, Possessions
I do not regret one professional enemy I have made. Any actor who doesn’t dare to make an enemy should get out of the business.
Author: Bette DavisTopics: Actors, Business, Enemy, Professional, Regret
Luck is not a business model
Author: Anthony BourdainTopics: Business, Famous, Feelings, Lesson, Life, Luck, Role Model
Withholding anything short of the best service of which one is capable is costly business – a fact which many have learned too late.
Author: Napoleon HillTopics: Business, Experiences, Facts, Famous, Inspirational, Life

The modern athlete is an individual corporation. I’m not quite sure it’s very good for sport, or good for team work, or those different things that sport says it’s about. This is about business.
Author: LeBron JamesTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Individual corporation
No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit
Author: Andrew CarnegieTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Greatness, Inspirational, Learning, Life, Meaningful

I believe in the an eye-for-an-eye business. I’m no cheek turner.
Author: Muhammad AliTopics: Business, Famous, Meaningful
My intention was never to transform into a different person. What other people think of me is none of my business.
Author: Lana Del ReyTopics: Business, Famous, Intention, Transform
It’s very, very rare in this business [moviemaking] where a script lands on your lap ready to go.
Author: Leonardo Di CaprioTopics: Business, Famous, Inspirational, Moviemaking, Rarely, Script
It’s business! Leave your emotions at the door.
Author: Leonardo Di CaprioTopics: Business, Doors, Emotion, Famous, Leave
Remember that life is neither pain nor pleasure; it is serious business, to be entered upon with courage and in a spirit of self-sacrifice
Author: Alexis de TocquevilleTopics: Business, Courage, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Pleasure, Self-Defense, Self-Expression, Self-Improvement, Self-Realization
Are we a nation that educates the world’s best and brightest in our universities, only to send them home to create businesses in countries that compete against us? Or are we a nation that encourages them to stay and create jobs, businesses, and industries right here in America?
Author: Barack ObamaTopics: Business, Encourage, Famous, Industries, Inspirational, Meaningful, Nation, Positive, Universities
In the absence of sound oversight, responsible businesses are forced to compete against unscrupulous and underhanded businesses, who are unencumbered by any restrictions on activities that might harm the environment, or take advantage of middle-class families, or threaten to bring down the entire financial system.
Author: Barack ObamaTopics: Absence, Activities, Business, Environment, Families, Famous, Restriction
That’s what the Affordable Care Act is all about. It’s about filling the gaps in employer-based care so that when we lose a job, or go back to school, or start that new business, we’ll still have coverage.
Author: Barack ObamaTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Inspirational, Meaningful, Positive, School
If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help… Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.
Author: Barack ObamaTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Helped, Invested, Meaningful, Positive, Successful
The last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of the recession because that would just suck up and take more demand out of the economy and put businesses in a further hole.
Author: Barack ObamaTopics: Business, Economy, Famous, Meaningful, Positive, Recession
It’s time to fundamentally change the way that we do business in Washington. To help build a new foundation for the 21st century, we need to reform our government so that it is more efficient, more transparent, and more creative. That will demand new thinking and a new sense of responsibility for every dollar that is spent.
Author: Barack ObamaTopics: Business, Demand, Famous, Foundation, Government, Meaningful, Positive, Responsibility
I believe that I have been basically anarchistic, anti-religion and anti-industry and business. In other words, anti-bureaucracy. I would like to see people behave well without having to have priests stand by, politicians stand by, or people collecting bills.
Author: B.F. SkinnerTopics: Business, Famous, Industry, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive, Religion
A person who is too nice an observer of the business of the crowd, like one who is too curious in observing the labor of bees, will often be stung for his curiosity
Author: Alexander PopeTopics: Business, Curiosity, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Like, Meaningful, Nice, Observation, Observe, Person, Personal Experiences, Personality
As you grow in this business, you learn how to do more with less.
Author: Morgan FreemanTopics: Business, Grow, Learn
Effective philanthropy requires a lot of time and creativity – the same kind of focus and skills that building a business requires.
Author: Bill GatesTopics: Business, Creation, Creations, Creative, Effective, Efficiency, Experiences, Famous, Meaningful, Positive
A fundamental new rule for business is that the Internet changes everything.
Author: Bill GatesTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Inspirational, Meaningful, Positive
A bad strategy will fail no matter how good your information is, and lame execution will stymie a good strategy. If you do enough things poorly, you will go out of business.
Author: Bill GatesTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Good, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive, Strategic Thinking, Strategy
The way to be successful in the software world is to come up with breakthrough software, and so whether it’s Microsoft Office or Windows, its pushing that forward. New ideas, surprising the marketplace, so good engineering and good business are one in the same.
Author: Bill GatesTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive, Success, Successful
Effective philanthropy requires a lot of time and creativity – the same kind of focus and skills that building a business requires
Author: Bill GatesTopics: Build, Building, Business, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive, Skill, Skilled
In business, the idea of measuring what you are doing, picking the measurements that count like customer satisfaction and performance… you thrive on that
Author: Bill GatesTopics: Business, Dissatisfaction, Famous, Inspirational, Meaningful, Measure, Positive, Satisfaction, Satisfied
This is a fantastic time to be entering the business world, because business is going to change more in the next 10 years than it has in the last 50.
Author: Bill GatesTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Fantasy, Inspirational, Meaningful, Positive, World
Of my mental cycles, I devote maybe 10% to business thinking. Business isn’t that complicated.
Author: Bill GatesTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Meaningful, Mental Health, Mental Illness
Business is a money game with few rules and a lot of risk.
Author: Bill GatesTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Money, Risking, Risks, Rule
Your premium brand had better be delivering something special, or it’s not going to get the business.
Author: Bill GatesTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Inspirational, Meaningful, Positive
If you are willing to work hard and ask lots of questions, you can learn business pretty fast.
Author: Bill GatesTopics: Business, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive, Question, Work

It’s business! Leave your emotions at the door.
Author: Leonardo Di CaprioTopics: Business, Emotion, Famous, Inspirational, Leave, Professionalism
The great thing about turning 30 in this business is that you get to perpetuate being young or old as long as we want.
Author: Leonardo Di CaprioTopics: Business, Famous, Old, Young
God wants to supply your needs from a place you never expected, through people you never knew, in ways you never thought, but first you have to believe that it is possible. Once you understand that His ability to meet your needs is bigger than your job or your business, you will find that your source of life is bigger than the resources that you have been accumulating.
Author: Myles MunroeTopics: Ability, Business, Expected, God

I can quit boxing now and practically go into any kind of business and I’ll be successful just as well as I was in boxing.
Author: Mike TysonTopics: Business, Practically
We’re very focused on making News Feed really good, making our photos experience really good, making messaging really good, and creating great location apps. That’s the nature of a platform business of our scale. Most companies that are relevant to us will have some overlaps in some competitive way.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Business, Companies, Focused, Good, Location, News Feed, Overlaps, Photos, Platform
Building a mission and building a business go hand in hand.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Building, Business, Hand, Mission

I never called my work an ‘art.’ It’s part of show business, the business of building entertainment.
Author: Walt DisneyTopics: Business, Entertainment, Experiences, Public, Work
I’m a rapper, but I’m more of a hustler.
Author: Lil BabyTopics: Ability, Business, Challenge, Determined, Development, Dreams, Entrepreneur, Famous, Focused, Hustler, Improve, Interest, Money, Passionate, Successful
It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.
Author: W. Edwards DemingTopics: Business, Famous, Growth, Improvements, Opportunity, Organizations, Outcome, Process, Success, Survival
Improve quality, you automatically improve productivity.
Author: W. Edwards DemingTopics: Business, Famous, Importance, Improvements, Performance, Philosophy, Position, Powerful, Success, Unique, Value
When I get up and work out, I’m working out just as much for my girls as I am for me, because I want them to see a mother who loves them dearly, who invests in them, but who also invests in herself. It’s just as much about letting them know as young women that it is okay to put yourself a little higher on your priority list.
Author: Michelle ObamaTopics: Achievement, Acknowledgement, Business, Care, Challenge, Child, Childhood, Comparision, Connection, Courage, Dedication, Deep, Desire, Development, Education, Effort, Entrepreneur, Express, Family, Feeling, Focus, Goals, Job, Journey, Life, Love, Parenting, Precious, Work

When you’ve worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity, you do not slam it shut behind you. You reach back and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.
Author: Michelle ObamaTopics: Achievement, Advice, Business, Concept, Connection, Courage, Culture, Education, Facts, Feeling, Freedom, Teacher, Time, Training, Value, Wisdom
Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future.
Author: Walt DisneyTopics: Business, Change, Culture, Encouragement, Entrepreneur, Innovation, Technology, Unique, Visions

I have never been interested in personal gain or profit. This business and this studio have been my entire life.
Author: Walt DisneyTopics: Age, Business, Creative, Entertainment, Famous, Humor, Joy, Life, Passion, Work
When they go low, we go high.
Author: Michelle ObamaTopics: Business, Confidence, Courage, Effort, Faith, Feeling, Hope, Losing, Meaningful, Mind, Profession, Talent, Teamwork, Wisdom
Advertising works most effectively when it’s in line with what people are already trying to do.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Business, Concept, Feelings, Meaningful, Work
Our mission is to connect every person in the world. You don’t do that by having a service people pay for.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Ambition, Business, Concept, Courage, Feeling, Life, Wisdom, Work
I grew up going to the store, seeing the products [of L’Oréal ], seeing the commercials and the ambassadors. I never in a million years thought I’d be associated with them.
Author: Lewis HamiltonTopics: Business, Change, Commercials, Confession, Experiences, Famous, Happy, Life, Opportunity, Position, Positive, Reality, Success
I will only hire someone to work directly for me if I would work for that person. It’s a pretty good test.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Business, Chance, Concept, Confidence, Control, Courage, Effort, Emotion, Everything, Express, Feelings, Life, Observation, Opportunity
I feel like the thing we can do is celebrate people doing great work and create more cultural momentum and awareness that this is an important thing in the world. So when the next economic crisis hits and people are talking about where to cut from the budget, science isn’t the thing.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Advice, Ambition, Business, Concept, Control, Effort, Growth, Imagination, Lesson, Life, Manipulation, Meaningful
When you give everyone a voice and give people power, the system usually ends up in a really good place. So, what we view our role as, is giving people that power.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Business, Care, Concept, Confession, Courage, Decision, Desire, Dream, Effort, Faith, Leadership, Learning, Manipulation, Meaningful, Mind, Motivational, Opportunity, Social Work

Figuring out what the next big trend is tells us what we should focus on.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Advice, Ambition, Business, Challenge, Competition, Effort, Everything, Experiences, Express, Facts, Team, Teamwork, Technique, Time, Title, Wealth
We Don’t Build Services to Make Money, We Make Money To Build Services.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Achievement, Ambition, Business, Care, Confession, Cool, Courage, Effort, Feelings, Hard Work, Help, Life, Love
Facebook was not originally created to be a company. It was built to accomplish a social mission – to make the world more open and connected.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Business, Challenge, Communication, Concept, Confession, Experiences, Express, Facts, Famous, Growth, Internet, Learning, Observation, Passion, Social Media, Successful, Talent, Technique, Trust, Wisdom, World
The thing I really care about is the mission, making the world open.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Ambition, Business, Challenge, Chance, Change, Commitment, Concept, Desire, Dream, Emotion, Express, Feelings, Leadership, Life, Strength, Talent, Team, Wisdom, Work, World

The only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Advice, Business, Chance, Competition, Concept, Courage, Effort, Feelings, Hard Work, Inspirational, Learning, Lesson, Life, Losing, Loss, Motivational, Reality, Strength, Work
You can’t inspect quality into a product; it has to be built in.
Author: W. Edwards DemingTopics: Business, Crucial, Facts, Famous, Improvement, Quality
A thing worth having is a thing worth cheating for.
Author: W. C. FieldsTopics: Business, Famous, Feelings, Humor, Life, Meaningful, Mind, Opportunity, Passion, Reason
I’m here to build something for the long-term. Anything else is a distraction.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Ambition, Business, Courage, Dreams, Faith, Social Work, Strength, Work
I think that people just have this core desire to express who they are. And I think that’s always existed.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Ambition, Business, Challenge, Education, Experiences, Faith, Feelings, Loyal, Mind, Performance
Our mission is to make the world more open and connected.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Business, Communication, Concept, Education, Famous, Goals, Improvement, Inspirational, Internet, Job, Leadership, Learning, Lesson, Life, Social Media, Society, Teamwork, Technology

I belong to the land, and the land belongs to me.
Author: Mahmoud DarwishTopics: Business, Challenge, Courage, Emotion, Faith, Feelings, Wisdom
I’ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come.
Author: Michael JordanTopics: Ambition, Business, Challenge, Courage, Expectation, Experiences, Fear, Feelings, Goals, Humor, Improvements, Inspirational, Learning, Lesson, Life, Observation, Patience, Performance, Power, Process, Reality, Struggle, Time, Trust, Truth, Work

You can’t improve what you don’t measure.
Author: W. Edwards DemingTopics: Business, Consistency, Famous, Improvements, Performance, Process, Strength
Understanding variation is the key to success in quality and business.
Author: W. Edwards DemingTopics: Business, Consistency, Efficiency, Famous, Life, Philosophy, Positive, Success