Joy, happiness … we do not question. They are beyond question, maybe. A matter of being. But pain forces us to think, and to make connections … to discover what has been happening to cause it. And, curiously enough, pain draws us to other human beings in a significant way, whereas joy or happiness to some extent, isolates.
Author: May SartonTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful
The key to true happiness is finding peace within yourself.
Author: Manisha KoiralaTopics: Famous, Happiness
Happiness is not just a state of mind; it’s a choice we make every day.
Author: Manisha KoiralaTopics: Famous, Happiness
There is no happiness. There is only concentration.
Author: Al PacinoTopics: Concentration, Famous, Happiness

There is no happiness without pain, and there is no joy without sorrow.
Author: Cesare PaveseTopics: Famous, Happiness, Positive
Don’t let the sadness from the past and the fear of the future, ruin the happiness of the present.
Author: Wiz KhalifaTopics: Famous, future, Happiness

You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream.
Author: Bil KeaneTopics: Famous, Happiness, Positive

Happiness is being surrounded by the people you love.
Author: Bil KeaneTopics: Famous, Happiness, Positive
Happiness is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.
Author: Walter WinchellTopics: Famous, Happiness
My happiness is not dependent on others; it comes from within. Spiritual growth in a person is never encouraged, but it is important. I don’t know why people want to judge others instead of doing their own thing. I firmly feel that I don’t need to follow or live according to other people’s rules. I like living life the way I want to.
Author: Sonu NigamTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness
Most people are searching for happiness. They’re looking for it. They’re trying to find it in someone or something outside of themselves. That’s a fundamental mistake. Happiness is something that you are, and it comes from the way you think.
Author: Wayne DyerTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness
The happiness I feel in having a family has brought me a real beauty.
Author: Kate WinsletTopics: Famous, Happiness
I love Madrid. I am happy to be here. I have been here three years and hope to be here longer. But I am proud of where I come from and never forget the people I grew up with.
Author: Zinedine ZidaneTopics: Famous, Happiness
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
Author: Akshay KumarTopics: Famous, Happiness, Positive
Happiness isn’t about grand gestures or achievements. It’s about the small moments that make your heart full.
Author: Ben AffleckTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness
They say money can’t buy happiness? Look at the smile on my face. Ear to ear, baby!
Author: Ben AffleckTopics: Famous, Happiness, Money
I think the key to happiness is finding joy in the little things.
Author: Chris PrattTopics: Famous, Happiness
It is such a happiness when good people get together—and they always do.
Author: Emma StoneTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness
Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.
Author: Jim RohnTopics: Famous, future, Happiness
The happiness of my people is a testament to the values and principles I hold dear.
Author: Queen VictoriaTopics: Famous, Happiness, People
The happiness of my people is a reflection of the positive changes and progress that have been made.
Author: Queen VictoriaTopics: Famous, Happiness, People

Happiness is a state of mind. It’s just according to how you choose to look at things.
Author: Will SmithTopics: Famous, Happiness, Life
There is no happiness in life, there is only a mirage on the horizon, so cherish that.
Author: Vladimir PutinTopics: Famous, Happiness
Happiness never lays its finger on its pulse.
Author: Adam SmithTopics: Famous, Happiness, Positive
Through fasting…I have found perfect health, a new state of existence, a feeling of purity and happiness, something unknown to humans.
Author: Upton SinclairTopics: Feelings, Happiness, Human
The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.
Author: Victor HugoTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Love, Meaningful
Happiness is not something you find; it’s something you create.
Author: Zac EfronTopics: Experiences, Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive
Life’s too short to be anything but happy.
Author: Zac EfronTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Positive
The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved, loved for ourselves, or rather loved in spite of ourselves.
Author: Victor HugoTopics: conviction, Famous, Greatest, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Loved, Meaningful, Ourselves

The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves—say rather, loved in spite of ourselves.
Author: Victor HugoTopics: conviction, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Loved, Meaningful, Ourselves, Supreme
There are disappointments which wring us, and there are those which inflict a wound whose mark we bear to our graves. Such are so keen that no future gratification of the same desire can ever obliterate them: they become registered as a permanent loss of happiness
Author: Thomas HardyTopics: Desire, Disappointment, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Inflicted, Life, Meaningful
Happiness is but a mere episode in the general drama of pain.
Author: Thomas HardyTopics: Drama, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Pain
Happiness does not depend on outward circumstances, but on the state of the heart.
Author: J. C. RyleTopics: Depending, Doe, Famous, Happiness, Hearts, States
Greatness! Extraordinariness! Conquest of the world and immortality of the name! What good was all the happiness of people eternally unknown compared with this goal?
Author: Thomas E. MannTopics: Famous, Feelings, Goal, Happiness, Immortality, Life, Meaningful
Right in the difficult we must have our joys, our happiness, our dreams: there against the depth of this background, they stand out, there for the first time we see how beautiful they are.
Author: Rainer Maria RilkeTopics: Dreams, Famous, Happiness, Meaningful

Most writers enjoy two periods of happiness—when a glorious idea comes to mind, and when a last page has been written and you haven’t had time to know how much better it ought to be.
Author: J. B. PriestleyTopics: Enjoy, Famous, Glorious, Happiness, Idea, Last page, Mind
To show a child what once delighted you, to find the child’s delight added to your own – this is happiness.
Author: J. B. PriestleyTopics: Children, Delight, Famous, Happiness
Man’s holiness is now his greatest happiness, and in heaven man’s greatest happiness will be his perfect holiness
Author: Thomas BrooksTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Holiness, Life, Meaningful
God hath in Himself all power to defend you, all wisdom to direct you, all mercy to pardon you, all grace to enrich you, all righteousness to clothe you, all goodness to supply you, and all happiness to crown you
Author: Thomas BrooksTopics: Enriched, Famous, Feelings, God, Goodness, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Power, Wisdom

We are happy that we could resonate with so many people.
Author: J-HopeTopics: Connection, Famous, Happiness, People
The end of government is the happiness of the people
Author: Thomas Babington MacaulayTopics: Famous, Feelings, Government, Happiness, Life, Meaningful
If, then, the final happiness of man does not consist in those exterior advantages which are called goods of fortune, nor in goods of the body, nor in goods of the soul in its sentient part, nor in the virtues of practical intellect, called art and prudence, it remains that the final happiness of man consists in the contemplation of truth
Author: Thomas AquinasTopics: Advantages, Famous, Feelings, Fortune, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful
I think the most important thing in life is happiness. I respect people’s opinions, but I’m in search of happiness.
Author: J BalvinTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, People’s Opinions, Respect, Search, Think
I invite you to get out of the box, be yourself. If you have blue hair, pink, yellow; if you have a broken tooth; if you have other sexual preferences… be yourself. Fight for your happiness always.
Author: J BalvinTopics: Encouragement, Famous, Fighting, Happiness, Inspirational, Self-Acceptance
Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?
That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.
Topics: Country, Happiness, Happy, Heart, Heart Rate, High, High level, Kill, Kill Me, Remember
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Author: James MadisonTopics: Famous, Foundation, Government, Happiness, People, Powers, Rights, Safety
A good Government implies two things: first, fidelity to the object of Government, which is the happiness of the People; secondly, a knowledge of the means by which that object can be best attained.
Author: James MadisonTopics: Famous, Federalist-no-62, Government, Happiness, Knowledge, People

Happiness is the gift of friends; it is born out of human relationships
Author: A. C. BensonTopics: Friends, Friendship, Gift, Happiest, Happiness, Happy, Happy ending, Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Human Being, Relations, Relationship
Always remember that the labor that is congenial is the one always that secret of happiness that all want around the world.
Author: A. C. BensonTopics: Always, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Labor, Laborious, Life, Meaningful, Remember, World
To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea.
Author: James MadisonTopics: Famous, Government, Happiness, Ideas, Liberty, People
Happiness is secured through virtue; it is a good attained by man’s own will
Author: Thomas AquinasTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Secured, Virtue
There is within every soul a thirst for happiness and meaning
Author: Thomas AquinasTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Soul
Many deceive themselves, imagining they’ll find happiness in change.
Author: Thomas a KempisTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Imagine, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive
These limitations and restraints were laws. To be obedient to them was to escape hurt and make for happiness.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Happiness, Hurt, Laws, Limitations, Obedient
Peace and happiness are what you covet, but these are only to be obtained by labor.
Author: Thomas a KempisTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Inspirational, Labor, Life, Meaningful, Obtained, Peace, Positive
A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of.
Author: Jane AustenTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful
You must be the best judge of your own happiness.
Author: Jane AustenTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful
Good apple pies are a considerable part of our domestic happiness.
Author: Jane AustenTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful
I have sought for happiness everywhere, but I have found it nowhere except in a little corner with a little book
Author: Thomas a KempisTopics: Famous, Feelings, Found, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Sought
I refuse to accept other people’s ideas of happiness for me. As if there’s a “one size fits all” standard for happiness.
Author: Kanye WestTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Motivational, People, Refuse
My mother saw me being attacked. She cried when I left engineering for this cause. She understood my fight, encouraged me. I remember all those who were with me in this struggle, including two colleagues who were killed. Whenever I free children from slavery and take them back to their mothers, the tears of happiness in their eyes are like blessings of God. When I see the faces of liberated children, I find their smile of freedom divine and it gives me divine strength. I never feel I’m liberating them, rather it feels like they’re giving me freedom.
Author: Kailash SatyarthiTopics: Child labor, Divine strength, Encourage, Famous, Fighting, Freedom, Happiness, Liberty, Mother, Struggle, Threatened
I believe in life. I believe in liberty. I believe in the pursuit of happiness.
Author: Tom CruiseTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Liberty, Life, Pursuit
‘Bloo’ is a compilation of a few songs I’ve written over the past year, inspired by the necessity of finding happiness in the people I choose to surround myself with.
Author: Kacy HillTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspiration, Necessity, People, Songs
Most of the people at my headline shows are in their 20s, but it varies a ton: like, I’ve had a six-year-old hug my leg after the show and a 60-year-old shake my hand. It’s cool to see people connecting with the music across different generations.
Author: K. Flay
Topics: Cool, Different, Famous, Happiness, Headline, Music, People
Heartache is very fertile ground for song-making but so is happiness, so is absolute bliss.
Author: K. D. LangTopics: Famous, Happiness, Heartache, Song

At the end of the day, I’d love to see children stop begging their parents to go to the circus. That’s what would make me most happy.
Author: K. A. ApplegateTopics: Children, Famous, Happiness, Parents, Self-Fulfilling
When I contemplate the natural dignity of man; when I feel (for Nature has not been kind enough to me to blunt my feelings) for the honor and happiness of its character, I become irritated at the attempt to govern mankind by force and fraud, as if they were all knaves and fools, and can scarcely avoid disgust at those who are thus imposed upon
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Character, Dignity, Famous, Feel, Feelings, Force, Fraud, Happiness, Imposed, Irritated, Mankind, Meaningful, Natural, Scarcely
The issue of false consciousness is a genuinely difficult problem that has no definite solution. We should not approve of an unequal and brutal society because surveys show that people are happy. But who has the right to tell those oppressed women or starving landless peasants that they shouldn’t be happy, if they think they are? Does anyone have the right to make those people feel miserable by telling them the ‘truth’? There are no easy answers to these questions, but they definitely tell us that we cannot rely on ‘subjective’ happiness surveys to decide how well people are doing.
Author: Ha-Joon ChangTopics: Economy, False consciousness, Famous, Happiness, Inequality, Society
Natural rights are those which always appertain to man in right of his existence. Of this kind are all the intellectual rights, or rights of the mind, and also all those rights of acting as an individual for his own comfort and happiness, which are not injurious to the rights of others
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Comfort, Existence, Famous, Happiness, Individual, Injurious, Intellectual, Kind, Meaningful, Mind, Natural, Right
There is a happiness in Deism, when rightly understood, that is not to be found inany other system of religion. All other systems have something in them that either shock our reason, or are repugnant to it, and man, if he thinks at all, must stifle his reason in order to force himself to believe them
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Force, Found, Happiness, Inany, Reason, Religion, Right, Shock, Stifle, System, Think, Understood
Society is produced by our wants, and government by wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Distinction, Encourage, Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Negative, Patron, Positive, Produce, Promote, Punisher, Restraining, Society, Uniting, Want
It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving, it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe.
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Faithful, Happiness, Mentally, Necessary, Profession
It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself.
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Experiences, Faithful, Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Meaningful, Mentally, Necessary
I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life. I believe in the equality of humans; and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow creatures happy
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Creatures, Duties, Endeavoring, Equality, Famous, Feelings, Fellow, God, Happiness, Hope, Humans, Justice, Life, Loving, Meaningful, Mercy, Religious
I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Famous, Feelings, God, Happiness, Hope, Life, Meaningful, More
Independence is my happiness, and I view things as they are, without regard to place or person; my country is the world, and my religion is to do good
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Country, Famous, Feelings, Good, Happiness, Independence, Life, Meaningful, Place, Regarded, Religion, Things, Views, Without, World
In short, the world abounds with simple delusions which we may call “happiness”, if we be but able to entertain them.
Author: H. P. LovecraftTopics: Famous, Happiness, Simple, World
The most merciful thing in the world… is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents.
Author: H. P. LovecraftTopics: Famous, Happiness, Merciful, Mind, Success
A happiness that is sought for ourselves alone can never be found: for a happiness that is diminished by being shared is not big enough to make us happy
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Alone, Enough, Famous, Feelings, Found, Happiness, Happy, Life, Meaningful, Shared, Sought
Happiness that is sought for ourselves alone can never be found
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Famous, Found, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Ourselves, Sought
Ultimately faith is the only key to the universe. The final meaning of human existence, and the answers to the questions on which all our happiness depends cannot be found in any other way
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Depends, Experiences, Faith, Famous, Feelings, Final, Found, Happiness, Human existence, Key, Meaningful, Question, Universe
True happiness is not found in any other reward than that of being united with God. If I seek some other reward besides God Himself, I may get my reward but I cannot be happy.
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Experiences, Famous, Found, God, Happiness, Happy, Life, Meaningful, Rewards, Seek, True, United
There is only one problem on which all my existence, my peace, my happiness depend: to discover myself in discovering God. If I find Him I will find myself and if I find my true self I will find Him.
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Depends, Discover, Discovery, Existence, Famous, Feelings, Find, God, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Peace, Positive, Problem, True
The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her.
Author: H. L. MenckenTopics: Famous, Happiness, Love, Married, Secret
No matter how much a woman loved a man, it would still give her a glow to see him commit suicide for her.
Author: H. L. MenckenTopics: Famous, Happiness, Loved, Suicide, Women
True happiness is found in unselfish Love, A love which increases in proportion as it is shared
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Famous, Feelings, Found, Happiness, Increases, Inspirational, Life, Love, Meaningful, Positive, Proportion, Shared, True, Unselfish
Even the darkest moments of the liturgy are filled with joy, and Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten fast, is a day of happiness, a Christian feast
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Christian, Famous, Fast, Feasts, Feelings, Happiness, Joy, Lenten, Liturgy, Meaningful, Moments
Happiness is the china shop; love is the bull.
Author: H. L. MenckenTopics: Famous, Happiness, Love, Metaphor
Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.
Author: H. L. MenckenTopics: Definition, Famous, Fear, Happiness, Orthodoxy, Puritanism
Every one of these hundreds of millions of human beings is in some form seeking happiness…. Not one is altogether noble nor altogether trustworthy nor altogether consistent; and not one is altogether vile…. Not a single one but has at some time wept.
Author: H. G. WellsTopics: Famous, Happiness, Human Beings, Millions, Noble, Seeking
When ambition ends, happiness begins.
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Ambition, Ends, Famous, Happiness, Life
Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Happiness, Harmony, Intensity, Matter, Order, Rhythm
I don’t like to feel so crazy about someone. I don’t like to feel like my happiness is so tied up in another person.
Author: Gabrielle ZevinTopics: Crazy, Famous, Happiness, Independence, Love, Motivational, Relationship, Self-Care, Self-control, Self-Love

The more the heart is nourished with happiness, the more it is insatiable.
Author: Gabrielle RoyTopics: Famous, Happiness, Heart, Insatiable
Choosing love will bring you great joy and great happiness—that happiness is a choice you make.
Author: Gabrielle BernsteinTopics: Choice, Choosing, Famous, Great, Happiness, Inspirational, Joy, Love
Our happiness, success, and safety can be measured by our genuine capacity to tune in to the loving vibration of the universe.
Author: Gabrielle BernsteinTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Loving, Measuring, Safety, Success, Universe, Vibration

The more you retrain yourself to choose happiness over fear, the more blissful you will be.
Author: Gabrielle BernsteinTopics: Choice, Famous, Fear, Happiness, Inspirational
Whenever we place our happiness and peace in anything outside of ourselves, we’ll inevitably feel unfulfilled and stuck.
Author: Gabriel BatistutaTopics: Famous, Feeling, Happiness, Inner peace., Inspirational, Outside, Stuck, Unfulfilled
I would suggest that the next generation stop looking for happiness outside of themselves but instead turn inward.
Author: Gabrielle BernsteinTopics: Famous, Generation, Happiness, Inspirational, Looking, Suggestion

All the happiness, self-confidence, and support you’re seeking is already within you.
Author: Gabrielle BernsteinTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Seeking, Self-Confidence, Support

I am worthy of feeling good.
Author: Gabrielle BernsteinTopics: Famous, Feeling good, Fulfillment, Happiness, Inherent, Inspirational, Recognizing
When we chase happiness externally, we’re simply looking for God in all the wrong places.
Author: Gabrielle BernsteinTopics: Famous, God, Happiness, Inspirational, Looking, Places, Wrong
I’m working my happiness like a full time job.
Author: Gabrielle BernsteinTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Job
I learned that real happiness doesn’t come from getting but from giving.
Author: Gabrielle BernsteinTopics: Famous, Giving, Happiness, Inspirational, Learning, Motivational, Real
When we fulfill our function, which is to truly love ourselves and share love with others, then true happiness sets in.
Author: Gabrielle BernsteinTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Love, Purpose, Self-Love, Sharing
Choosing love will bring you great joy and great happiness – that happiness is a choice you make
Author: Gabrielle BernsteinTopics: Choice, Choosing, Famous, Great, Happiness, Inspirational, Joy, Love
Happiness is your choice. You can choose today.
Author: Gabrielle BernsteinTopics: Choose, Famous, Happiness, Human choice, Inspirational, Today
The more you retrain yourself to choose happiness over fear, the more blissful you will be.
Author: Gabrielle BernsteinTopics: Choose, Famous, Fear, Happiness, Inspirational
Perfect happiness, I believe, was never intended by the Deity to be the lot of one of his creatures in this world; but that he has very much put in our power the nearness of our approaches to it, is what I have steadfastly believed.
Author: Thomas JeffersonTopics: Creatures, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Intended, Meaningful, Nearness, Perfect, Steadfast, World
The glow of one warm thought is to me worth more than money.
Author: Thomas JeffersonTopics: Emotion, Famous, Feelings, Fulfillment, Gratitude, Happiness, Joy, Life, Meaningful, Money, Perspective, Positive, Positivity, Thoughts, Worth
Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits
Author: Thomas JeffersonTopics: Always, Chance, Condition, Contentment, Depends, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Freedom, Good, Greatest, Happiness, Health, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Occupation, Placed, Positive, Pursuit, Results

Perfect harmony of body and mind are my key to personal balance and happiness.
Author: Gabriela SabatiniTopics: Famous, Happiness, Harmony, Inspirational, Key, Mind, Perfect
I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Author: Thomas JeffersonTopics: Famous, Feelings, Government, Happiness, Inspirational, Labors, Meaningful, Positive, Predict, Pretense, Prevention, Responsibility, Under, Wasting
The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.
Author: Thomas JeffersonTopics: Care, Destruction, Duty, Famous, Feelings, Good, Government, Happiness, Human Life, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Objects, Positive, Priority, Responsibility
We shall have no better conditions in the future if we are satisfied with all those which we have at present
Author: Thomas A. EdisonTopics: Build, Change, Create, Famous, Feelings, Growth, Happiness, Improvement, Inspirational, Life, Living, Meaningful, Present, Progress, Satisfaction
I never did a day’s work in my life, it was all fun
Author: Thomas A. EdisonTopics: Career, Enjoyment, Experiences, Expression, Famous, Feelings, Fulfillment, Fun, Happiness, Hobby, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Passion, Positive, Satisfaction, Work
Happiness does not come from consumption of things
Author: Thich Nhat HanhTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Fulfillment, Happiness, Inspirational, Joy, Life, Materialism, Meaningful, Perspective, Positive, Things, Value
Our notions about happiness entrap us. We forget that they are just ideas. Our idea of happiness can prevent us from actually being happy. We fail to see the opportunity for joy that is right in front of us when we are caught in a belief that happiness should take a particular form.
Author: Thich Nhat HanhTopics: Caught, Experiences, Fail, Famous, Forget, Happiness, Idea, Inspirational, Joy, Liberation, Life, Meaningful, Nation, Opportunity, Particular, Perspective, Prevent, Right
Many people think excitement is happiness…. But when you are excited you are not peaceful. True happiness is based on peace.
Author: Thich Nhat Hanh
Topics: Excitement, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Fulfillment, Happiness, Joy, Life, Meaningful, Peaceful, Think, True
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
Author: Thich Nhat HanhTopics: Connection, Emotion, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Joy, Life, Meaningful, Positive, Positivity, Reflection, Sometimes, Source
Were I to sum up the Basle Congress in a word- which I shall guard against pronouncing publicly- it would be this: ‘At Basle, I founded the Jewish State. If I said this out loud today, I would be answered by universal laughter. If not in 5 years, certainly in 50, everyone will know it.’
Author: Theodor HerzlTopics: Founded, Happiness, Happy, Happy life, Knowing, Knowing yourself, Knowledge, Laughing, Laughter, Launch, Pronounced
Love animals: God has given them the rudiments of thought and joy untroubled. Do not trouble their joy, don’t harrass them, don’t deprive them of their happiness, don’t work against God’s intent. Man, do not pride yourself on superiority to animals; they are without sin, and you, with your greatness, defile the earth by your appearance on it, and leave the traces of your foulness after you – alas, it is true of almost every one of us!
Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky
Topics: Earth, Famous, Greatness, Happiness, Inspirational, Joy, Joyful, Lesson, Letting, Life, Story, Storytelling, Trouble, Troublemaker, True, True courage
The greatest happiness is to know the source of unhappiness.
Topics: Famous, Great, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Resolving, Resourceful, Unhappiness, Unhappy
Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it.
Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky
Topics: Happiness, Happy, Joy, Joyfully, Male friends, Man, Seek, Times, Times of difficulty, Trouble, Troublemaker
Happiness does not lie in happiness, but in the achievement of it.
Topics: Experiences, Famous, Happiest, Happiness, Happy life, Inspirational, Meaningful, Sense, Sense of Achievement
May you be for ever blessed for that moment of bliss and happiness which you gave to another lonely and grateful heart. Isn’t such a moment sufficient for the whole of one’s life?
Topics: Famous, Grateful, Gratitude, Happiness, Happy, Hear, Heart, Heart Rate, Lonely, Long, Moment, Suffering, Sufficient
Men like to to count their troubles; few calculate their happiness.
Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky
Topics: Alive, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Life, Male friends, Man, Meaningful, Trouble, Troublemaker
The man who is happy is fulfilling the purpose of existence
Topics: Exhibiting, Existence, Happiness, Happy, Happy life, Leading, Leads, Male friends, Man, Purpose, Purposeful Living
It is happiness if you laugh together, If you cry together, it is friendship; but if you are silent together, this is real love.
Author: Gabriel Garcia MarquezTopics: Cry, Famous, Friendship, Happiness, Inspirational, Laugh, Real love, Silent, Together
If you have some mind; When you cannot find the conditions you want for happiness, you should know how to be happy under the conditions you find.
Author: Gabriel Garcia MarquezTopics: Conditions, Famous, Happiness, Happy, Know, Mind
I became aware that the invincible power that has moved the world is unrequited, not happy, love.
Author: Gabriel Garcia MarquezTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Love, Myself., Power
A drug more harmful than the so-called heroic drugs has entered the national culture: easy money. The idea flourished that the law is the greatest obstacle to happiness, that learning to read and write is useless, that one lives better and safer as a criminal than as good people. In short: the state of social perversion typical of every larvae war.
Author: Gabriel Garcia MarquezTopics: Drug, Famous, Greatest, Happiness, Harmful, Law, Learning, Obstacle, Read, Write
No medicine cures what happiness cannot.
Author: Gabriel Garcia MarquezTopics: Cure, Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Medicine, Profound impact
Always remember that the most important thing in a good marriage is not happiness, but stability.
Author: Gabriel Garcia MarquezTopics: Famous, Happiness, Important, Inspirational, Remember
Are you happy are you satisfied?
How long can you stand the heat
Author: Freddie MercuryTopics: Famous, Happiness, Happy, Happy life, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Satisfaction, Stand
I love the fact that I can make people happy, in any form
Author: Freddie MercuryTopics: Facing, Fact, Factor, Famous, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Life, Love Letter, Loved, Lovely, Meaningful, People, People Respect, People’s Opinions
Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.
Author: Franz Kafka
Topics: Capabilities, Capacity, Famous, Happiness, Happy, Life, Meaningful, Never, Never Ending
Go for the moon. If you don’t get it, you’ll still be heading for a star. Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of the creative effort.
Author: Franklin D. RooseveltTopics: Effort, Famous, Happiness, Happy, Head Down, Heading, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Money, Money Rules, positively, Possession
Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort
Author: Franklin D. RooseveltTopics: Creating, Creation, Creative, Creative Aspects, Effort, Famous, Happiness, Happy, Life, Meaningful
In the midst of sadness, remember that happiness is still possible.
Author: Rod WaveTopics: Happiness, Possible, Remember, Sadness
I’m just tryna find peace and happiness, you can have all the shine.
Author: Rod WaveTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Peace, Shine
You can’t forbid children to do things that are available to them at every turn. God told Eve, ‘Don’t give the apple to Adam,’ and look what happened. It’s in our nature to want the things we see.
Author: Evel KnievelTopics: Children, Happiness, Happy
The best way for a person to have happy thoughts is to count his blessings and not his cash. Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length.
Author: Robert FrostTopics: Happiness, Happy, Length, Person
Of all the means to insure happiness throughout the whole life, by far the most important is the acquisition of friends.
Author: EpicurusTopics: Famous, Friends, Happiness, Important, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, People, Throughout
Happiness is man’s greatest aim in life. Tranquility and rationality are the cornerstones of happiness.
Author: EpicurusTopics: Famous, Greatest, Happiness, Inspirational, Man’s, Meaningful, Rationality
Your happiness depends on three things, all of which are within your power: your will, your ideas concerning the events in which you are involved, and the use you make of your ideas.
Author: EpictetusTopics: Famous, Happiness, Ideas, Inspirational, Involved, Life, Meaningful, Power, Things
The essence of philosophy is that a man should so live that his happiness shall depend as little as possible on external things.
Author: EpictetusTopics: Essence, Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Live, Man, Meaningful, Philosophy, Possible, Things
There is but one way to tranquility of mind and happiness, and that is to account no external things thine own, but to commit all to God.
Author: EpictetusTopics: Famous, God, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Mind, Thine
There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power or our will.
Author: EpictetusTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Power, Will
Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length.
Author: Robert FrostTopics: Famous, Happiness, Height, Length
People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.
Author: Enzo FerrariTopics: Famous, Fulfillment, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Lost, Meaningful, People, Roads
Happiness is not mere pleasure not the outcome of wealth. It is the result of active work rather than passive enjoyment of pleasure.
Author: Robert Baden-PowellTopics: Enjoyment, Famous, Happiness, Outcome, Passive, Pleasure, Results, Wealth, Work
Happiness is open to all, since, when you boil it down, it merely consists of contentment with what you have got and doing what you can for other people.
Author: Robert Baden-PowellTopics: Contentment, Famous, Happiness, Merely, People
The most worth-while thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others.
Author: Robert Baden-PowellTopics: Famous, Happiness, Lives, Worth
In life, the idea is to be happy.
Author: Eliud KipchogeTopics: Famous, Happiness, Happy, Idea, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful
You know, I think we Indians are afraid to show and celebrate our happiness, lest things change around. But I feel that it’s okay to be sad and okay to show when you are happy.
Author: Shah Rukh KhanTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful
Everyone has their own way of expressing happiness.
Author: Shah Rukh KhanTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful

Success is getting what you want. Happiness is liking what you get.
Author: H. Jackson Brown, Jr.Topics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Success
This is happiness. To run before the world is awake in the most beautiful environment here in Kenya’.
Author: Eliud KipchogeTopics: Environment, Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Kenya, Life, Meaningful, Run, World
Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery.
Author: H. Jackson Brown, Jr.Topics: Decision, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Marry, Meaningful, Person
True progress happens slowly. We must be patient.
Author: Eleanor RooseveltTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Meaningful, Patient, Progress, Slowly, True
Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.
Author: Eleanor RooseveltTopics: Famous, Feelings, Good, Happiness, Inspirational, Joy, Meaningful, Positive, Thoughts
Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product.
Author: Eleanor RooseveltTopics: Famous, Goal, Happiness, Life, Motivation, People
Happiness consists in getting enough sleep. Just that, nothing more.
Author: Robert A. HeinleinTopics: Famous, Happiness, Sleep
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.
Author: Robert A. HeinleinTopics: Condition, Essential, Famous, Happiness, Love, Meaningful, Person
Woman is not made to be the admiration of all, but the happiness of one.
Author: Edmund BurkeTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, People, Woman
I’ve made mistakes I could have treated you better I let you get away There goes my happily ever after
Author: Bruno MarsTopics: Getting, Happiness, Happy, Life, Life Choices, Life Cycle, Missions, Mistake, Treat
I’m happy of being in Real Madrid … I’ve fulfilled my dream.
Topics: Dreadful, Dream, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Lessons, Letting go, Life, Meaningful, Real
I was saluted by Alex Ferguson when I was subbed and that made me very happy.
Topics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful
Of course I miss playing for Manchester United. I played there for six years and that’s a long time. I am still interested in watching Manchester United and, you never know, maybe in the future I could return to play there. It’s always possible. I want to fulfil my contract here but, in the future, only God knows. I will not say I am not happy here at Real Madrid. I am really happy and everyone knows this is my club but, of course, I miss Manchester United, the boss, the players, because I left family there.
Topics: Familiar, Family, Family Secrets, Happiness, Happy, Knowing, Knowing yourself, Knowledge, Manchester United, Play, Play Station, Possible, United
Madrid and United are the two biggest clubs in the world and it’s a real 50-50. It could go either way. Manchester was my home and still is in my heart. I love it. Because when people treat you very well you never forget that. And I will never forget United, the people who work there and the supporters. So I am so happy to be going back to Manchester.
Author: Cristiano Ronaldo
Topics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Forget, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Life, Manchester United, Meaningful, United
After dating for five years, my relationship with Irina Shayk has come to an end. We believed it would be best for both of us to take this step now. I wish Irina the greatest happiness.
Topics: Ending, Happiness, Happy, Relation, Relationship, Ronaldo
I am very happy to be signing for the best team in the world and especially proud to be the first Portuguese player to join Manchester United.
Author: Cristiano Ronaldo
Topics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Life, Proud, Proudest moments, Singing, Special, Team, Team player, United, United States
The only way to deep happiness is to do something you love to the best of your ability.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Ability, Famous, Happiness, Love, Something
Happiness isn’t something that depends on our surroundings… It’s something we make inside ourselves.
Author: Corrie Ten Boom
Topics: Happiness, Inside, Something, Something for nothing, Sorrow
They must often change who would remain constant in happiness and wisdom.
Author: Confucius
Topics: Change, Change of Power, Famous, Happiness, Happy, Life, Meaningful, Remain, Sense of happiness, Wisdom, Wise
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
Author: G-EazyTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Key, Love, Motivational, Success, Successful

Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness.
Author: Richard BachTopics: Famous, Friend, Happiness, Wish
Pray for the strength to walk the high road, which at times may be lonely but which will lead to peace and happiness and joy supernal.
Author: Gordon B. HinckleyTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Joy, Peace, Pray, Strength
In the path of our happiness shall we find the learning for which we have chosen this lifetime.
Author: Richard BachTopics: Famous, Happiness, Learning, Lifetime
Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine.
Author: Gordon B. HinckleyTopics: Encourage, Faith, Famous, Gratitude, Happiness, Individuals, Inspirational, Message, Mindset, Optimism, Positivity, Promote
If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem.
Author: Richard BachTopics: Depends, Famous, Happiness, Problem, Somebody
Let us all try to stand a little taller, rise a little higher, be a little better. Make the extra effort. You will be happier.
Author: Gordon B. HinckleyTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Motivational, Personal Growth, Self-Improvement

Under the plan of heaven, the husband and the wife walk side by side as companions, neither one ahead of the other, but a daughter of God and a son of God walking side by side. Let your families be families of love and peace and happiness.
Author: Gordon B. HinckleyTopics: Family, Famous, Happiness, Heaven, Love, Marriage, Motherhood, Peace
Generally speaking, the most miserable people I know are those who are obsessed with themselves; the happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others…By and large, I have come to see that if we complain about life, it is because we are thinking only of ourselves.
Author: Gordon B. HinckleyTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Life
A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.
Author: Coco ChanelTopics: Change, Change of Power, Famous, Feelings, Happiest women, Happiness, Life, Life–risk, Lifelong Learning, Lifestyles, Meaningful, Women
If you’re sad, add more lipstick and attack. Men hate women who weep.
Author: Coco ChanelTopics: Happiest women, Happiness, Lips, Lipstick, Women
While money can’t buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery.
Author: Groucho MarxTopics: Choose, Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Misery, Money
The explorers seek happiness in finding curiosities, discovering new lands and undergoing risks in adventures. They are thrilling. But where is pleasure found? Only within. Pleasure is not to be sought in the external world.
Author: Ramana MaharshiTopics: Discovering, Famous, Happiness, Pleasure, Thrilling, Undergoing, World

Such happiness is relative and is better called pleasure or satisfaction.
Author: Ramana MaharshiTopics: Famous, Happiness, Pleasure, Relative, Satisfaction
Nearly all mankind is more or less unhappy because nearly all do not know the true Self. Real happiness abides in Self-knowledge alone. All else is fleeting. To know one’s Self is to be blissful always.
Author: Ramana MaharshiTopics: Happiness, Mankind, Nearly, Unhappy
Real peace is happiness. Pleasures do not form happiness.
Author: Ramana MaharshiTopics: Happiness, Peace, Pleasures, Real
Unless one is happy, one cannot bestow happiness on others.
Author: Ramana MaharshiTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Meaningful
One must realise his Self in order to open the store of unalloyed happiness.
Author: Ramana MaharshiTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Meaningful, Open, Realise
There’s only one way to have a happy marriage and as soon as I learn what it is I’ll get married again.
Author: Clint Eastwood
Topics: Constant learning, Happiness, Happy, Happy life, Marketing skills, Married, Martial, Unknown
Take the risk of thinking for yourself, much more happiness, truth, beauty, and wisdom will come to you that way.
Author: Christopher HitchensTopics: Conversation, Happiness, Happy, Self, Self Belief, Self-Acceptance, Self-Awareness, Self-Confidence, Self-control, Self-Defense, Truly, Trust, Trusted
Success can also cause misery. The trick is not to be surprised when you discover it doesn’t bring you all the happiness and answers you thought it would.
Author: PrinceTopics: Discover, Famous, Happiness, Misery, Success, Surprised
Money won’t buy you happiness, but it’ll pay for the search.
Author: PrinceTopics: Famous, Happiness, Money, Search
Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting some on yourself.
Author: Ralph Waldo EmersonTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Perfume, Pours
For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
Author: Ralph Waldo EmersonTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Seconds
People look to time in expectation that it will eventually make them happy, but you cannot find true happiness by looking toward the future.
Author: Eckhart TolleTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Meaningful
It is in the expectations of happiness that much of happiness is found. And it takes courage to expect happiness.
Author: Earl NightingaleTopics: Courage, Expectations, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Meaningful
We see our own children and their families embrace the roles, traditions and values that mean so much to us, as these are passed from one generation to the next, sometimes being updated for changing times. I see it in my own family and it is a source of great happiness.
Author: Queen Elizabeth IITopics: Famous, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Source, Times
Good memories are our second chance at happiness.
Author: Queen Elizabeth IITopics: Famous, Good, Happiness, Meaningful

The perfect happiness of men on the earth (if it ever comes) will not be a flat and solid thing, like the satisfaction of animals. It will be an exact and perilous balance; like that of a desperate romance. Man must have just enough faith in himself to have adventures, and just enough doubt of himself to enjoy them.
Author: Gilbert K. ChestertonTopics: Doubt, Faith, Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Romance, Satisfaction
True contentment is a thing as active as agriculture. It is the power of getting out of any situation all that there is in it. It is arduous and it is rare.
Author: Gilbert K. ChestertonTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Power, Rare, Situations
I always was a rich person because money’s not related to happiness.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Person, Rich
After all, what is happiness? Love, they tell me. But love doesn’t bring and never has brought happiness. On the contrary, it’s a constant state of anxiety, a battlefield; it’s sleepless nights, asking ourselves all the time if we’re doing the right thing. Real love is composed of ecstasy and agony.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Right, Time
Happiness is the only goal worth pursuing.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Famous, Goal, Happiness, Meaningful
The soul of the world is nourished by people’s Happiness.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, World

Happiness is a mystery, like religion, and should never be rationalised.
Author: Gilbert K. ChestertonTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Mystery, Rationalized, Religions
The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Famous, Happiness, Marvels, Secrets, Spoon, World
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.
Author: Gilbert K. ChestertonTopics: Famous, Gratitude, Happiness, Inspirational, Thoughts
Happiness is like the mountain summit. It is sometimes hidden by clouds, but we know it is there.
Author: Helen KellerTopics: Clouds, Famous, Happiness, Hidden, Mountain summit

I can see, and that is why I can be happy, in what you call the dark, but which to me is golden. I can see a God-made world, not a manmade world.
Author: Helen KellerTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Manmade world, Natural World, Perception, Perspective
No matter how dull, or how mean, or how wise a man is, he feels that happiness is his indisputable right.
Author: Helen KellerTopics: Famous, Happiness, Indisputable right, Individuals
Happiness is the final and perfect fruit of obedience to the laws of life.
Author: Helen KellerTopics: Famous, Final, Happiness, Inspirational, Laws of life, Life, Obedience
Happiness is something that multiplies when it is divided.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Divided, Famous, Happiness, Meaningful
It is said that success is happiness. I think goodwill and service to all men are the true kind of happiness.
Author: Helen KellerTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Men, Success, True
Knowledge is happiness, because to have knowledge—broad, deep knowledge—is to know true ends from false, and lofty things from low.
Author: Helen KellerTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Knowledge, Meaningful
I take happiness very seriously. It is a creed, a philosophy, and an objective.
Author: Helen KellerTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Objective, Philosophy, Seriously
There is joy in self-forgetfulness. So I try to make the light in others’ eyes my sun, the music in others’ ears my symphony, the smile on others’ lips my happiness.
Author: Helen KellerTopics: Famous, Fulfillment, Happiness, Inspirational, Joy, Motivational, Music, Self-forgetfulness
If we do not like our work and do not try to get happiness out of it, we are a menace to our profession as well as to ourselves.
Author: Helen KellerTopics: Famous, Happiness, Menace, Profession, Works
There is no greater pain than to remember, in our present grief, past happiness.
Author: Dante AlighieriTopics: Famous, Grief, Happiness, Meaningful, Pain
No sorrow is deeper than the remembrance of happiness when in misery.
Author: Dante AlighieriTopics: Deep, Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Misery, Sorrow
No one has a right to consume happiness without producing it.
Author: Helen KellerTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Producing, Right, Without
We are never really happy until we try to brighten the lives of others.
Author: Helen KellerTopics: Compassion, Empathy, Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Lives, Others, Positive, Positive Impact, Selflessness
Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.
Author: Helen KellerTopics: Choice, Determined, Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Personal responsibility, Powerful Message, Powerful motivation, Success
I hope you like these quotes. Thanks for visiting us, share WhatsApp, status Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms. keep smiling and be happy.
Author: Charlie Chaplin
Topics: Happiness, Happy, Happy life, Inspire People, Instagram, Platform, Sociable, Social, Social Influence, social Life, Social Media, Social sites, Socializing
I do not need drugs to be a genius, do not take a genius to be human, but I need your smile to be happy.
Author: Charlie ChaplinTopics: Drugs, Famous, Feelings, Genius, Happiness, Happy, Happy life, Huge trust, Human, Human behavior, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful
I’m English. I can’t accept happiness that easily. There’s got to be a trick in there somewhere.
Author: David BowieTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Trick
Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.
Author: Dalai LamaTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Understanding
I believe the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness. Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one believes in that religion or this religion, we are all seeking something better in life. So, I think, the very motion of our life is towards happiness.
Author: Dalai LamaTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Motivation, Religion, Seeing
Happiness doesn’t always come from a pursuit. Sometimes it comes when we least expect it.
Author: Dalai LamaTopics: Expect, Famous, Happiness, Meaningful
I believe compassion to be one of the few things we can practice that will bring immediate and long-term happiness to our lives. I’m not talking about the short-term gratification of pleasures like sex, drugs, or gambling (though I’m not knocking them), but something that will bring true and lasting happiness. The kind that sticks.
Author: Dalai LamaTopics: Compassion, Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Pleasure
We begin from the recognition that all beings cherish happiness and do not want to suffer. It then becomes both morally wrong and pragmatically unwise to pursue only one’s own happiness oblivious to the feelings and aspirations of all others who surround us as members of the same human family. The wiser course is to think of others when pursuing our own happiness.
Author: Dalai LamaTopics: Cherish, Family, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Meaningful, Moral, Recognition, Suffer
Happiness is not something readymade, it comes from your own actions.
Author: Dalai LamaTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful
Do you not know that his name is the happy God, and nothing gives him greater happiness then to give happiness to his creatures.
Author: Charles Spurgeon
Topics: Given, Giving, Happiest, Happiness, Happy, Nothing, Notice, Unknown
It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.
Author: Charles Spurgeon
Topics: Enjoy, Enjoying, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Lesson, Letting go, Life, Meaningful
The pursuit of happiness is a matter of choice.
Author: Charles R. SwindollTopics: Choice, Happiness, Happy, Matter, Mature, Personal choice, Pursuit, Push
I was never motivated by money. I think above all else about the happiness of my family, regardless of money.
Author: NeymarTopics: Experiences, Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Money
I feel like any other Brazilian citizen, I have a lot of happiness in me. I thank God for showing me the path to follow.
Author: NeymarTopics: Citizen, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Meaningful

The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality of happiness, and by no means a necessity of life.
Author: George Bernard ShawTopics: Famous, Happiness, Life, Necessity, Quality
The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not.
Author: George Bernard ShawTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational
Once for all; I knew to my sorrow, often and often, if not always, that I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.
Author: Charles Dickens
Topics: Always, Discouragement, Happiness, Happy, Hope for peace, Love interest, Loved, Lovemaking, Peace, Peaceably, Peaceful sky., Promise, Promising, Reason, Reasonable, Reasonably
Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pound ought and six, result misery.
Author: Charles Dickens
Topics: Count, First annual, Happiness, Happy, Number, Similar results, Similarity, Simple
Happiness is a gift and the trick is not to expect it, but to delight in it when it comes.
Author: Charles Dickens
Topics: Delight, Gift, Happiness, Happy, Real Trick, Real-Life, Realized, Really, Reason
Whether one is rich or poor, educated or illiterate, religious or non-believing, man or woman, black, white, or brown, we are all the same. Physically, emotionally, and mentally, we are all equal. We all share basic needs for food, shelter, safety, and love. We all aspire to happiness and we all shun suffering. Each of us has hopes, worries, fears, and dreams. Each of us wants the best for our family and loved ones. We all experience pain when we suffer loss and joy when we achieve what we seek. On this fundamental level, religion, ethnicity, culture, and language make no difference.
Author: Dalai LamaTopics: Experience, Famous, Happiness, Illiterate, Meaningful, Poor, Religious, Rich, Suffer
When we feel love and kindness towards others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it also helps us to develop inner happiness and peace.
Author: Dalai LamaTopics: Care, Famous, Happiness, Kindness, Love, Meaningful, Peace
Anything is a waste of time unless you are fucking well or creating well or getting well or looming toward a kind of phantom-love-happiness.
Author: Charles Bukowski
Topics: Famous, Feelings, Getting, Happiness, Happy, Humankind, Humble, Life, Meaningful, Periods of happiness, Times, Times of difficulty
We don’t even ask happiness, just a little less pain.
Author: Charles Bukowski
Topics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Lesson, Letting go, Life, Little, Meaningful, Pain, Painful
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
Author: Mother TeresaTopics: Famous, Happiness, Happy, Jealous, Meaningful, People
We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.
Author: George Bernard ShawTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Right, Wealth
A lifetime of happiness! No man alive could bear it; it would be hell on earth.
Author: George Bernard ShawTopics: Earth, Famous, Happiness, Individual perspectives, Inspirational, Lifetime
There is no key to happiness; the door is always open.
Author: Mother TeresaTopics: Doors, Famous, Happiness, Meaningful
Let us thank the life I have lived for all the happy and all the sad hours, for every joy, for every sadness. My soul, my journey, should continue with you. I will wander with you and ascend to my solitude.
Author: Carl JungTopics: Happens, Happiness, Happy, Human soul, Journey, Joyful, Living, Living Fully, Solitude, Solution, Soul, Thankful, Wonder
Every man is capable of doing good to another, but to contribute to the happiness of an entire society is to become akin to the gods.
Author: MontesquieuTopics: Capable, Contribute, Famous, Good, Happiness, Meaningful, Society
I’m ready to be with this man. Forever. That’s why I’m getting married because I want it to be forever
Author: Cardi BTopics: Forever, Happiness, Happy Marriage, Making love, Man, Ready, Sudden, Suffers
History is not the soil of happiness. The periods of happiness are blank pages in it.
Author: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich HegelTopics: Famous, Happiness, History, Overshadowed, Periods of happiness

Happiness can exist only in acceptance.
Author: George OrwellTopics: Existence, Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Life
Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness.
Author: George OrwellTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Men, Object
If with a pure mind a person speaks or acts happiness follows him like his never-departing shadow.
Author: BuddhaTopics: Department, Follow, Following, Happens, Happiness, Happy, Pure, Speaking
To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.
Author: BuddhaTopics: Discipline, Enlightenment, Happiness, Happy, Healing, Health, Human Mind, Peaceful
Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our natural lives
Author: C. S. LewisTopics: Happiness, Natural, Personal responsibility, Responsible, Solid, True Self
There is a kind of happiness and wonder that makes you serious. It is too good to waste on jokes.
Author: C. S. LewisTopics: Happiness, Happy, Jokes, Kindness, Serious

The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.
Author: George OrwellTopics: Choice, Famous, Freedom, Happiness, Inspirational, Mankind
I didn’t go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity.
Author: C. S. LewisTopics: Always, Christ, Christian, Happiness, Happy, Learning, Lesson, Religion
God can’t give us peace and happiness apart from Himself because there is no such thing
Author: C. S. LewisTopics: God, Happiness, Happy, Peace, Things
May all beings have happy minds.
Author: BuddhaTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Human, Human Being, Life, Meaningful, Mindful, Mindset

Whether happiness may come or not, one should try and prepare one’s self to do without it.
Author: George EliotTopics: Experiences, Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Self prepared
Whether happiness may come or not, one should try and prepare one’s self to do without it.
Author: George EliotTopics: Famous, Happiness, Resilience, Self-reliance

Those who are not looking for happiness are the most likely to find it, because those who are searching forget that the surest way to be happy is to seek happiness for others.
Author: Martin Luther King, Jr.Topics: Famous, Find, Forget, Happiness, Happy, Meaningful, Searching, Surest
One flesh they are; and one flesh, so I’d guess, Has but one heart, come grief or happiness.
Author: Geoffrey ChaucerTopics: Famous, Grief, Happiness, Heart, Inspirational

Only the mad can be happy, and not many of those.
Author: Mark TwainTopics: Famous, Happiness, Happy, Madness, Meaningful
Are you so unobservant as not to have found out that sanity and happiness are an impossible combination? No sane man can be happy, for to him life is real, and he sees what a fearful thing it is.
Author: Mark TwainTopics: Combination, Famous, Fearful, Happiness, Happy, Impossible, Meaningful, Unobservant
Yet little Tom was not unhappy. He had a hard time of it but did not know it. It was the sort of time that all the Offal Court boys had, therefore he supposed it was the correct and comfortable thing.
Author: Mark TwainTopics: Comfortable, Correct, Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Supposed, Time, Unhappy
Be happy, but never satisfied
Author: Bruce LeeTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Life, Meaningful, Satisfaction
Let’s face it. Umpiring is not an easy or happy way to make a living. In the abuse they suffer, and the pay they get for it, you see an imbalance that can only be explained by their need to stay close to a game they can’t resist.
Author: Bob UeckerTopics: Face, Happiness, Happy, Living, Pay, Resist
Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she’s not there
Author: Bob MarleyTopics: Happiness, Happy, Mad world
Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end
Author: Bob MarleyTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Life, Meaningful, Money, Never, Never Ending
Oh, so happy we will be sharing the love that is free
Author: Bob MarleyTopics: Famous, Freedom, Happiness, Happy, Life, Love, Meaningful, Share
Just because you are happy it does not mean that the day is perfect but that you have looked beyond its imperfections.
Author: Bob MarleyTopics: Happiness, Happy, Imperfection, Looking, Perfect
The universe is conspiring in every moment to bring me happiness and peace.
Author: Marianne WilliamsonTopics: Famous, Happiness, Meaningful, Peace
Love is a mighty pretty thing; but like all other delicious things, it is cloying; and when the first transports of the passion begins to subside, which it assuredly will do, and yield, oftentimes too late, to more sober reflections, it serves to evince, that love is too dainty a food to live upon alone, and ought not to be considered farther than as a necessary ingredient for that matrimonial happiness which results from a combination of causes.
Author: George WashingtonTopics: Food, Happiness, Ingredients, Love, Matrimonial
There is nothing which can better deserve our patronage than the promotion of science and literature. Knowledge is in every country the surest basis of public happiness.
Author: George WashingtonTopics: Country, Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Knowledge, Literature, Promote, Public, Science
Happiness depends more upon the internal frame of a person’s own mind, than on the externals in the world.
Author: George WashingtonTopics: Depends, Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Mind, World
Human happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.
Author: George WashingtonTopics: Duty, Famous, Happiness, Humans, Inspirational

I have always considered marriage as the most interesting event of one’s life, and the foundation of happiness or misery.
Author: George WashingtonTopics: Considering, Event, Famous, Foundation, Happiness, Inspirational, Marriage, Misery, Personal opinions
Knowledge is in every country the surest basis of public happiness.
Author: George WashingtonTopics: Country, Education, Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Knowledge, Public, Public life
When you’re not happy, you need to be strong to change, resisting the temptation of turning back.
Author: Ayrton SennaTopics: Change, Famous, Happiness, Happy, Life, Strong
Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind.
Author: Marcel ProustTopics: Famous, Grief, Happiness, Inspirational, Meaningful, Mind
Every form of happiness is private. Our greatest moments are personal, self-motivated, not to be touched”
Author: Ayn RandTopics: Famous, Greatness, Happiness, Life, Motivation, Touched
Happiness is good for the body, but it is grief which develops the strengths of the mind.
Author: Marcel ProustTopics: Famous, Good, Grief, Happiness, Meaningful, Mind, Strengths
Because happiness alone is good for the body; whereas sorrow develops the strength of the mind.
Author: Marcel ProustTopics: Alone, Famous, Good, Happiness, Inspirational, Meaningful, Mind, Sorrow, Strength

She knew that even pain can be confessed, but to confess happiness is to stand naked, delivered to the witness.
Author: Ayn RandTopics: Confession, Deliver, Happiness
My happiness is not the means to any end. It is the end. It is its own goal. It is its own purpose.
Author: Ayn RandTopics: End, Goal, Happiness, Purpose
Learn to value yourself, which means: fight for your happiness.
Author: Ayn RandTopics: Fight, Happiness, Happy, Learn, Value
How often is not the prospect of future happiness thus sacrificed to one’s impatient insistence upon an immediate gratification.
Author: Marcel ProustTopics: Famous, Gratification, Happiness, Immediate, Impatient, Insistence, Inspirational, Meaningful, Prospect, Sacrificed
In Holland and Belgium, and afterwards in England, my happiest moments were in the country. I’ve always had a passion for the outdoors, for trees, for birds and flowers.
Author: Audrey HepburnTopics: Country, Happiness, Passion
I have to be alone very often. I’d be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment. That’s how I refuel.
Author: Audrey HepburnTopics: Alone, Happiness, Happy, Morning
I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and… I believe in miracles.
Author: Audrey HepburnTopics: Happiness, Happy, Miracles
Whatever one may say, the happiest moment of the happy man is the moment… falling asleep, and the unhappiest moment of the unhappy that of his awaking
Author: Arthur SchopenhauerTopics: Falling, Happiness, Unhappy
The greatest of follies is to sacrifice health for any other kind of happiness.
Author: Arthur SchopenhauerTopics: Famous, Great, Happiness, Healing, Health, Life, Sacrifice

The two enemies of human happiness are pain and boredom
Author: Arthur SchopenhauerTopics: Happiness, Human Beings, Humankind, Pain
It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else
Author: Arthur SchopenhauerTopics: Difficult, Happiness, Impossible
Money is human happiness in the abstract.
Author: Arthur SchopenhauerTopics: Happiness, Human, Human Being, Money
The safest way of not being very miserable is not to expect to be very happy
Author: Arthur SchopenhauerTopics: Famous, Happiness, Life, Miserable, Personal safety
Every possession and every happiness is but lent by chance for an uncertain time, and may therefore be demanded back the next hour.
Author: Arthur SchopenhauerTopics: Demand, Happiness, Possessions, Time
When the boys come, instead of buying Barbie dolls, all of a sudden you’re into trucks and remote controls, cars and tanks. You buy building blocks and build castles and locomotives. You get into knives and later take them shooting with pistols, shotguns, and rifles. All of which made me very happy.
Author: Arnold SchwarzeneggerTopics: Building, Buying, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Mechanism, Shoot, Technological
Happiness is there for the taking – and the making.
Author: Oprah WinfreyTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Meaningful
If you’re holding anyone else accountable for your happiness, you’re wasting your time. You must be fearless enough to give yourself the love you didn’t receive.
Author: Oprah WinfreyTopics: Fearless, Happiness, Holding, Love, Receive, Wasting

I saw what a mess a lot of people could make of their lives when they’re smitten. Some of them go temporarily insane. They find a person who they think holds the key to their happiness-the only key to their happiness… My work has always been my greatest happiness.
Author: Mae WestTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Meaningful
The happiness you feel is in direct proportion to the love you give.
Author: Oprah WinfreyTopics: Happiness, Love, Proportion
Pleasure is Nature’s test, her sign of approval. When we are happy, we are always good, but when we are good, we are not always happy.
Author: Oscar WildeTopics: Famous, Good, Happiness, Happy, Life, Meaningful, Pleasure
The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means.
Author: Oscar WildeTopics: Famous, Good, Happiness, Life
I’m very fortunate to have the support of the people around me, I feel happy because my wife helps me and people who are close
Author: Novak DjokovicTopics: Famous, Fortune, Happiness, Happy, Life, Meaningful, People, Support
The way to choose happiness is to follow what is right and real and the truth for you. You can never be happy living someone else’s dream. Live your own. And you will for sure know the meaning of happiness.
Author: Oprah WinfreyTopics: Happiness, Meaning, Meaningful, Real, Someone, Truth
I’m a happy man, because I am successful in what I do, of course; but what makes me most happy is I have people around me that I love and who love me back. This, for me, is the most important thing. Nobody likes to be alone
Author: Novak DjokovicTopics: Ability, Alone, Course, Famous, Happiness, Important, Love, Meaningful
Man’s happiness really lies in contentment. He who is discontented, however much he possesses, becomes a slave to his desires.
Author: Mahatma GandhiTopics: Contentment, Desires, Discontented, Famous, Happiness, Lies, Meaningful, Possesses
The best thing I’ve done with my money is buying a house for my family. You wake up to a house you love and you feel like somebody.
Author: Ice CubeTopics: Contributions, Family, Famous, Happiness, House, Inspirational, Privileges, Proud
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
Author: Mahatma GandhiTopics: Famous, Happiness, Harmony, Inspirational, Mahatma Gandhi, Meaningful
One can no more set fire to the sea,
than convince people of the dangers of happiness – And yet, we know that though the smallest shock is fatal
to the filled up bottle, that shock will not break
the empty one.
Topics: Danger, Empty, Fire, Happiness, Happy, Sea
Happiness will never come if it’s a goal in itself.
Author: Norman Vincent PealeTopics: Famous, Goals, Happiness, Life
Have absolutely no sense of guilt about being happy and successful if you operate honestly and with a sense of social responsibility.
Author: Norman Vincent PealeTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Honestly, Life, Meaningful, Responsibilities
Part of the happiness of life consists not in fighting battles, but in avoiding them. A masterly retreat is in itself a victory.
Author: Norman Vincent PealeTopics: Famous, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Victory
Our happiness depends on the habit of mind we cultivate.
Author: Norman Vincent PealeTopics: Famous, Habit, Happiness, Life, Meaningful
If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you put yourself into a condition conducive to your goal.
Author: Norman Vincent PealeTopics: Clear-Minded, Famous, Goal, Happiness, Life, Meaningful
Practice hope. As hopefulness becomes a habit, you can achieve a permanently happy spirit.
Author: Norman Vincent PealeTopics: Famous, Habit, Happiness, Happy, Hope, Life, Practical

Don’t stay watching happiness, make it.
Author: Nicki MinajTopics: Famous, Happiness, Love, Meaningful, Watching
So, my happiness doesn’t come from money or fame. My happiness comes from seeing life without struggle.
Author: Nicki MinajTopics: Fame, Famous, Happiness, Love, Meaningful, Money, Struggle
I think a child may be the only thing that could give me true happiness.
Author: Nicki MinajTopics: Famous, Happiness, Love, Meaningful, True
Beauty might bring happiness, but happiness always brings beauty.
Author: Nicki MinajTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Meaningful
True happiness comes from gaining insight and growing into your best possible self. Otherwise all you’re having is immediate gratification pleasure, which is fleeting and doesn’t grow you as a person.
Author: AristotleTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Person, Pleasures
Happiness is the highest good
Author: AristotleTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Highest, Life, Meaningful

All men seek happiness. There are no exceptions…. This is the motive of every act of every man, including those who go and hang themselves.
Author: Blaise PascalTopics: Exception, Happiness, Motive
One swallow does not make a summer, neither does one fine day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a person entirely happy
Author: AristotleTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Summer, Time
Happiness can be found neither in ourselves nor in external things, but in God and in ourselves as united to him.
Author: Blaise PascalTopics: God, Happiness, Ourselves, United
Happiness does not consist in pastimes and amusements but in virtuous activities
Author: AristotleTopics: Famous, Happiness, Human activities, Life, Meaningful
Happiness is neither within us, nor without us. It is in the union of ourselves with God.
Author: Blaise PascalTopics: God, Happiness, Neither, Ourselves, Union
Happiness depends upon ourselves
Author: AristotleTopics: Famous, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Ourselves
Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.
Author: AristotleTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Purpose
You should feel grateful and happy that you’re healthy, you’re alive, and that you are loved. Whatever weight you are, whatever situation you’re in, whether you have a breakout, whatever it is — you are loved
Author: Ariana GrandeTopics: Ability, Famous, Feelings, Greatest, Happiness, Healthy, Life, Love, Meaningful

The key to happiness? Lowering your expectations and raising your snack game.
Author: Theo VonTopics: Expectations, Happiness, Lowering, Raising
They say money can’t buy happiness, but have you ever seen someone sad on a wave runner?
Author: Theo VonTopics: Happiness, Money, Runner, Someone
Be happy with being you
Author: Ariana GrandeTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Life, Meaningful
Rapping is my dream, but my kids make me happy.
Author: Lil DurkTopics: Dream, Famous, Happiness, Kids, Rapping
A sure way to lose happiness, I found, is to want it at the expense of everything else.
Author: Bette DavisTopics: Everything, Found, Happiness
You will never be happier than you expect. To change your happiness, change your expectation.
Author: Bette DavisTopics: Expect, Expectation, Happier, Happiness
Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are. It solely relies on what you think.
Author: Anton ChekhovTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Self, Think
Life does not agree with philosophy: There is no happiness that is not idleness, and only what is useless is pleasurable.
Author: Anton ChekhovTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Philosopher, Pleasure
One must never look for happiness: one meets it by the way.
Author: Anton ChekhovTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Look, Meet
The greatest happiness you can have is knowing that you do not necessarily require happiness.
Author: Anton ChekhovTopics: Famous, Feelings, Great, Happiness, Life, Necessary
The road to happiness and prosperity lies in an organized diminution of work.
Author: Bertrand RussellTopics: Happiness, Organized, Prosperity, Work
I do not believe that science per se is an adequate source of happiness, nor do I think that my own scientific outlook has contributed very greatly to my own happiness, which I attribute to defecating twice a day with unfailing regularity. Science in itself appears to me neutral, that is to say, it increases men’s power whether for good or for evil. An appreciation of the ends of life is something which must be superadded to science if it is to bring happiness, but only the kind of society to which science is apt to give rise. I am afraid you may be disappointed that I am not more of an apostle of science, but as I grow older, and no doubt—as a result of the decay of my tissues, I begin to see the good life more and more as a matter of balance and to dread all over-emphasis upon anyone ingredient.
Author: Bertrand RussellTopics: Happiness, Increases, Ingredient, Ingredients, Neutral, Regularity, Science, Scientific, Society
All the conditions of happiness are realized in the life of the man of science.
Author: Bertrand RussellTopics: Condition, Conditions, Happiness, Realized, Science
Happiness is not about getting all you want, it is about enjoying all you have.
Author: Les BrownTopics: Enjoyment, Famous, Fulfillment, Happiness, Motivational

Riches, prestige, everything can be lost. But the happiness in your own heart can only be dimmed; it will always be there, as long as you live, to make you happy again
Author: Anne FrankTopics: Everything, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Prestige, Richest
Whoever is happy will make others happy too
Author: Anne FrankTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Life, Love, Meaningful, Positive, Satisfaction
As long as you can look fearlessly at the sky, you’ll know that you’re pure within and will find happiness once more
Author: Anne FrankTopics: Famous, Fear, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Look, Pure, Sky
Riches can all be lost, but that happiness in your own heart can only be veiled, and it will bring you happiness again, as long as you live.
Author: Anne FrankTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Heart, Life, Live, Meaningful, Rich, Sense of happiness
You must work and do good, not be lazy and gamble, if you wish to earn happiness
Author: Anne FrankTopics: Famous, Good, Happiness, Lazy, Life, Meaningful
Earning happiness means doing good and working, not speculating and being lazy. Laziness may look inviting, but only work gives you true satisfaction
Author: Anne FrankTopics: Famous, Feelings, Goodness, Happiness, Life, Satisfaction, True, Work
I was too happy for words and I believe he was as well
Author: Anne FrankTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Life, Meaningful, Positive Words

Happiness is found in doing, not merely possessing.
Author: Napoleon HillTopics: Famous, Found, Founded, Happiness, Meaningful, Merely
Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of mind, than on outward circumstances.
Author: Benjamin FranklinTopics: Circumstances, Disposition, Happiness
Happiness consists more in the small conveniences of pleasures that occur every day, than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom to a man in the course of his life.
Author: Benjamin FranklinTopics: Fortune, Happiness, Life, Pleasures
The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.
Author: Benjamin FranklinTopics: Constitution, Guarantee, Happiness
Why do people spend their time being sad when they could be happy?
Author: Andy WarholTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Sadness, Time

You have to be willing to get happy about nothing
Author: Andy WarholTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Will, Willing
I’m the type who’d be happy not going anywhere as long as I was sure I knew exactly what was happening at the places I wasn’t going to. I’m the type who’d like to sit home and watch every party that I’m invited to on a monitor in my bedroom
Author: Andy WarholTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Like, Meaningful, Particular, Party
If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes
Author: Andrew CarnegieTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Think, Thoughts
The secret of happiness is renunciation
Author: Andrew CarnegieTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful
What everyone wants from life is continuous and genuine happiness.
Author: Baruch SpinozaTopics: Continue, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Meaningful
From the backstabbing co-worker to the meddling sister-in-law, you are in charge of how you react to the people and events in your life. You can either give negativity power over your life or you can choose happiness instead. Take control and choose to focus on what is important in your life. Those who cannot live fully often become destroyers of life
Author: Anais NinTopics: Destroy, Determine, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Focus, Happiness, Happy, Hard Work, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Powerful, Work
Others may know pleasure, but pleasure is not happiness. It has no more importance than a shadow following a man.
Author: Muhammad AliTopics: Famous, Happiness, Man, Meaningful, Shadow
Happiness is a butterfly. Try to catch it like every night. It escapes from my hands into moonlight.
Author: Lana Del ReyTopics: Butterfly, Escapes, Experiences, Famous, Happiness, Moonligh
When I found somebody who I fell in love with, it made me feel different than I felt the rest of the day. It was electrifying. That’s what inspired the ‘Off to the Races’ melodies. That’s one of the times when you’re feeling electrified by someone else and they make you happy to be alive.
Author: Lana Del ReyTopics: Happiness, Inspire, Love
In New York I pretty much live in diners – I order French Fries, Diet Coke floats and lots of coffee.
Author: Lana Del ReyTopics: Enjoyment, Experiences, Famous, Happiness, Joyful
Happiness is not the reward of virtue, but is virtue itself; nor do we delight in happiness because we restrain from our lusts; but on the contrary, because we delight in it, therefore we are able to restrain them.
Author: Baruch SpinozaTopics: Delight, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Restrain, Rewards
When your happiness is someone else’s happiness, that is love.
Author: Lana Del ReyTopics: Famous, Fulfillment, Happiness, Inspirational, Joy, Positive, Selfless connection, Unconditional Love
I used to wonder if it was God’s plan that I should be alone for so much of my life. But I found peace. I found happiness within people and the world.
Author: Lana Del ReyTopics: Alone, Famous, Found, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Peace, World
All happiness or unhappiness solely depends upon the quality of the object to which we are attached by love.
Author: Baruch SpinozaTopics: Equality, Famous, Happiness, Life, Love, Meaningful, Quality
Happiness is a virtue, not its reward.
Author: Baruch SpinozaTopics: Famous, Happiness, Life, Meaningful, Positive, Rewarded, Rewards

Doing what you love is freedom. Loving what you do is happiness.
Author: Lana Del ReyTopics: Famous, Freedom, Happiness, Inspirational, Love, Motivational
That period of time in which our affairs prosper, our friends are true and our happiness is assured
Author: Ambrose BierceTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Performance, Periods, Time

The happy and powerful do not go into exile, and there are no surer guarantees of equality among men than poverty and misfortune.
Author: Alexis de TocquevilleTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Possibly, Poverty, Preference
The main thing for me right now is just to live my life with my family and friends. They treat me like Leo, not ‘Leonardo, Master Thespian’. That’s all I need to keep my sanity.
Author: Leonardo Di CaprioTopics: Family, Famous, Friends, Happiness, Importance, Inspirational, Joy
The main reason for the development of society and the happiness of the people is the gradual growth of the public spirit and the increase of public virtue
Author: Alexis de TocquevilleTopics: Ability, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Growth, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Public, Reason, Societal Perception, Society
Kindness in thinking or giving, creates profoundness and happiness. Kindness in saying creates an everlasting love.
Author: Morgan FreemanTopics: Giving, Happiness, Kindness, Love, Profoundness, Thinking
I won’t be happy until we have every boy in America between the ages of six and sixteen wearing a glove and swinging a bat.
Author: Babe RuthTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Meaningful, Positive
How happy had it been for me had I been slain in the battle. It had been far more noble to have died the victim of the enemy than fall a sacrifice to the rage of my friends
Author: Alexander the GreatTopics: Enemy, Engages, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Fresh, Friendship, Happen, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive
Ye gods, annihilate but space and time, and make two lovers happy
Author: Alexander PopeTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, God, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Lovers, Meaningful, Space, Time

How happy is the blameless vestal’s lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
Author: Alexander PopeTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Forget, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, World
Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities
Author: Aldous HuxleyTopics: Ability, Achievement, Activities, Admire, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Product, Promoting
To see ourselves as others see us is a most salutary gift. Hardly less important is the capacity to see others as they see themselves
Author: Aldous HuxleyTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Gift, Happiness, Hard, Important, Improvement, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, See, Self Belief
If these town gods can’t detect the thieves who steal from their own temples, it’s hardly likely they’ll tell me who stole my spade
Author: AesopTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, God, Happiness, Hard, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive, Reliability, Religion, Tell, Temple
Happiness and confidence are the prettiest things you can wear.
Author: Taylor SwiftTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Life, Meaningful, Positive
He that is discontented in one place will seldom be happy in another
Author: AesopTopics: Ability, Experiences, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Hard, Hard Work, Haters, Inspirational, Meaningful, Place, Platform, Player
“From a small seed, a mighty trunk may grow
Author: AeschylusTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Grow, Happen, Happiness, Hard Time, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Motivational, Motive, Positive
For in all adversity of fortune, the worst sort of misery is to have been happy
Author: AeschylusTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Fortune, Happiness, Happy, Harder, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive
Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.
Author: Albert SchweitzerTopics: Everything, Experiences, Fall, Falling, Famous, Feelings, Happen, Happiness, Inspirational, Laugh, leader, Life, Live, Meaningful, Place, Positive, Reason, Regret
One thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve
Author: Albert SchweitzerTopics: Ability, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Found, Freedom, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Leading, Life, Meaningful, Realization, Really, Serve

Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier
Author: Albert SchweitzerTopics: Acceptable, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Good, Good Life, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Life, Live, Meaningful, Rich

Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.
Author: Albert SchweitzerTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Good, Happiness, Happy, Health, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful
The only ones among youThe only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve
Author: Albert SchweitzerTopics: Ability, Development, Difference, Difficult, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Found, Freedom, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Life, Little, Little Things, Live, Meaningful, Positive, Realization, Really, Serve, Shine Like
Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it
Author: Albert SchweitzerTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Inspirational, Leading, Leads, Life, Share
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful
Author: Albert SchweitzerTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Lesson, Life, Life Cycle, Love, Motive, Stronger, Struggle, Success, Suffer
If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
Author: Albert EinsteinTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Goal, Goals, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Inspire People, Life, Meaningful, People, Positive
One must imagine Sisyphus happy
Author: Albert CamusTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Image, Imagination, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Motive
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back
Author: Albert CamusTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Found, Happiness, Happy, Hard, Life, Something, Stronger
In a lot of ways Chris and Liam are definitely worlds ahead of me in terms of the entertainment industry and the experience it brings which I’m more than happy to concede to.
Author: Luke HemsworthTopics: Entertainment, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy

Heroism is accessible. Happiness is more difficult
Author: Albert CamusTopics: Difference, Difficult, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life
But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?
Author: Albert CamusTopics: Compare, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Human Life, Leads, Life, Opinion, Question, Simple
Your successes and happiness are forgiven you only if you generously consent to share them
Author: Albert CamusTopics: Famous, Feelings, Forgiveness, Happiness, Leads, Life, Share, Success
Against eternal injustice, man must assert justice, and to protest against the universe of grief, he must create happiness
Author: Albert CamusTopics: Create, Entertainment, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Injustice, Life, Man, Universe
To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others
Author: Albert CamusTopics: Concerned, Conditions, Confession, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Learning, Life

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life
Author: Albert CamusTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Life, Looking, Meaningful, Meaningful Impact, Never, Never Ending, Research
I think a girl always needs a cardigan, and I tend to go for the sparkles. I have a minimum of 50 embellished cardigans. I’m not a believer in less is more; I’m sort of a believer in more is necessary.
Author: L'Wren ScottTopics: Famous, Happiness, Joy, Self-Satisfaction, Sparkles

I don’t really measure success by anything other than if I am happy. That is success to me. Am I happy waking up every morning? And despite the challenges of running my own business, do I look forward to going to work? Absolutely.
Author: L'Wren ScottTopics: Achievement, Challenge, Famous, Happiness, Joyfulness, Personal Well-Being, Self-Fulfilling, Self-Satisfaction, Success
If happiness always depends on something expected in the future, we are chasing a will-o’-the-wisp that ever eludes our grasp
Author: Alan WattsTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Hard Time, Hope, Life
Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields…Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness.
Author: Mary OliverTopics: Fields, Happiness, Kindness
But I also say this: that light is an invitation to happiness, and that happiness, when it’s done right, is a kind of holiness, palpable and redemptive.
Author: Mary OliverTopics: Happiness, Holiness, Palpable, Redemptive
It’s important I surround myself with people who make me happy.
Author: Adam sandlerTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Life, Positive
The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.
Author: Leonardo da VinciTopics: Famous, Happiness, Joy, Noblest, Pleasure, Understanding
Rest, nature, books, music, love for one’s neighbour — such is my idea of happiness.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Famous, Happiness, Idea, Love, Music, Nature, Neighbour, Rest
Joy can only be real if people look upon their life as a service and have a definite object in life outside themselves and their personal happiness.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Happiness, Inspirational, Joy, Life, Personal Fulfillment, Real
Happiness is an allegory, unhappiness a story.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Comparision, Famous, Happiness, Impactful, Story, Unhappy
Terrible is the situation of those who cannot perceive spiritual growth in themselves. They can see only physical life, which will disappear in time. When you understand your spiritual being and live with it, then instead of despairing you understand the joy that can never be destroyed, which always grows.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Destroyed, Disappear, Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Joy, Physical Life

Happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way, we see them.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Respond
One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between Man and Nature shall not be broken.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Condition, Exist, Famous, Happiness, Man, Meaningful, Motivational, Nature
The happiness of men consists in life. And life is in labor.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspirational, Inter-Related, Labor, Life
A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one’s neighbor — such is my idea of happiness.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Acceptable, Emotion, Famous, Happiness, Ideas, Positivity, Possibility
So many people allow fear to rob them of their reasoning, halt their happiness, or derail their dreams. So as we approach Halloween, I thought it was the perfect time to share 13 quotes on fear—the kind that keep you from moving forward in your life and achieving your full potential.
Author: Abraham MaslowTopics: Dream, Famous, Fear, Feel, Feelings, Happiness, Life
One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between Man and Nature shall not be broken.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Connection, Famous, Happiness, Harmony, Link, Man, Mindfulness, Nature

Happiness is in your ability to love others.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Ability, Famous, Happiness, Love
Happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way we see them.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Circumstances, Famous, Happiness, Material Possessions, Meaningful, Mindset
Seize the moments of happiness, love and be loved! That is the only reality in the world, all else is folly.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Famous, Happiness, Life, Love, Meaningful, Meaningful Impact, Reality, World
If you make it a habit not to blame others, you will feel the growth of the ability to love in your soul, and you will see the growth of goodness in your life.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Ability, Famous, Growth, Happiness, Inspirational, Love, Soul
Be more dedicated to making solid achievements than to running after swift but synthetic happiness.
Author: A.P.J. Abdul KalamTopics: Achievement, Famous, Happiness, Life

Poetry comes from the highest happiness or the deepest sorrow.
Author: A.P.J. Abdul KalamTopics: Famous, Guide, Happiness, Life, Motivational
Making music happens to be the funniest thing on the planet to me. I can make songs sitting down and then not depart from the booth, and I love it.
Author: A Boogie wit da HoodieTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Life, Love, Music, Passion, Peace

I’m always striving for greatness
Author: A Boogie wit da HoodieTopics: Famous, Feelings, Goals, Greatness, Happiness, Hard Work, Hopeful, Inspirational, Life
I listen to music before every race. Generally, there will be a song I’ll get into over the weekend, and I play it all weekend, particularly when I’m getting ready for a race.
Author: Lewis HamiltonTopics: Enjoy, Famous, Happiness, Interest, Listen, Music, Race, Self-Expression
The days have taught you not to trust happiness because it hurts when it deceives.
Author: Mahmoud DarwishTopics: Days, Happiness, Hurt, Taught
If you live, live free or die like the trees, standing up.
Author: Mahmoud DarwishTopics: Dream, Friendship, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Motivational, Positive, Success, Wisdom
Football has been my life since I was a kid. My style remains the same, I love every single minute I get on the pitch. I know I have a great responsibility, and that there are objectives to accomplish, but I try to have fun too, because that’s what i love to do.
Author: Lionel MessiTopics: Childhood, Enjoy, Everything, Famous, Football, Fulfillment, Happiness, Life, Love, Motivation, Passionate, Possibility, Responsibilities
I think that music is one of the most powerful things the world has to offer no matter what race or religion or nationality, sexual orientation, gender that you are it has the power to unite us.
Author: Lady GagaTopics: Ability, Famous, Happiness, Lesson, Life, Meaningful, Motivational, Music, Opinion, Positive, Powerful, Significance, Worth
It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you come from, or how much money you’ve got in your pocket. You have your own destiny and your own life ahead of you.
Author: Lady GagaTopics: Determination, Famous, Freedom, Happiness, Meaningful, Personal Growth, Positive, Success

Topics: Challenging, Complexities, Enlightenment, Expectation, Experiences, Failure, Famous, Happiness, Hard Time, Inspirational, Meaningful, Motivational, Shadow, Success

My emotions, when I think about the time I spent at Spurs, are always really positive.
Author: Luca ModricTopics: Experiences, Famous, Fulfilling, Happiness, Inspirational, Meaningful, Memories, Moment, Positive, Prestigious Club
We are Madrid, and we want to define our own philosophy. We don’t want to be compared to anyone.
Author: Luca ModricTopics: Confidence, Experiences, Famous, Happiness, Legacy, Powerful, Prestigious Club, Proud, Real Madrid, Significance
All I dreamed of when I became a footballer was to play for a club as big as Real Madrid. It’s maybe the most famous and best club in the history of football.
Author: Luca ModricTopics: Ambition, Desire, Dream, Famous, Footballer, Happiness, Impactful, Incredible, Inspiration, Legacy, Meaningful, Prestigious Club
I’m happy that a normal person can win the Ballon D’Or.
Author: Luca ModricTopics: Celebrates, Chance, Consistency, Experiences, Famous, Football, Footballer, Glorious, Happiness, Hope, Incredible, Intelligence, Positive, Prestigious Award, Rewards, Self Belief, Successful
Happiness, not in another place, but this place…not for another hour, but this hour.
Author: Walt WhitmanTopics: Circumstances, Encouragement, Environment, Facts, Famous, Happiness, Journey, Joy, Life, Meaningful, Moment, Potential
Do anything, but let it produce joy.
Author: Walt WhitmanTopics: Facts, Famous, Freedom, Happiness, Happy, Joy, Laugh, Laughter, Life, Love, Magic, Meaningful

We were together. I forget the rest.
Author: Walt WhitmanTopics: Couple, Deep, Emotion, Enjoyment, Express, Facts, Feelings, Gift, Happiness, Heart, Joy, Life, Love, Precious, Relationship
The Greek word for return is nostos. Algos means suffering. So nostalgia is the suffering caused by an unappeased yearning to return.
Author: Milan KunderaTopics: Happiness, Happy, Joy, Life, Return, Suffering
Only thing I got to do is be a better father to my children! Everything else gone fall in place!
Author: Lil BabyTopics: Acknowledgement, Children, Commitment, Contributions, Development, Education, Family, Famous, Father, Feelings, Focus, Goal, Growth, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Necessity, Priority, Relationship, Responsibilities
Happiness is the longing for repetition.
Author: Milan KunderaTopics: Achievement, Happiness, Learning, Meaningful, Optimistic

The novel is the imaginary paradise of individuals.
Author: Milan KunderaTopics: Dream, Happiness, Imagination, Love, Novel, Paradise, Philosophy, Wisdom
The basketball court for me, during a game, is the most peaceful place I can imagine. On the basketball court, I worry about nothing. When I’m out there, no one can bother me.
Author: Michael JordanTopics: Acknowledgement, Career, Challenge, Chance, Choice, Competition, Confidence, Connection, Creative, Dedication, Desire, Emotion, Express, Feeling, Focus, Focused, Football, Footballer, Happiness, Magic, Sports, Talent, Understanding
I would pass onto any young player to enjoy your football, play your football as you want to play the game, try and enjoy it and make the most of it
Author: Lionel MessiTopics: Enjoyment, Famous, Football, Freedom, Fun, Greatness, Happiness, Player, Soccer
One of the Arsenal players came up to me afterwards and said it had been an honor to be on the same pitch as me. I thought, My God, that is a great thing to say when your team has just lost.
Author: Lionel MessiTopics: Career, Express, Famous, Feelings, Football, Happiness, Honour, Inspiration, Player, Team

Success is only meaningful–and enjoyable–if it feels like your own.
Author: Michelle ObamaTopics: Achievement, Excitement, Experiences, Express, Feelings, Growth, Happiness, Happy, Improvement, Improvements, Journey, Successful, Superhero, Talent, Trophy, Work
Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, dreams are forever.
Author: Walt DisneyTopics: Age, Creative, Dream, Famous, Happiness, Imagination, Journey, Joy, Life, Reality, Time
I just save my money, man. I don’t even try to enjoy it like these other rappers; they having fun and they lit, but they gon’ be broke later on. I be savin’, I be chillin’. It feels good to know I got it, but it feel better to know I’ma keep it too.
Author: Lil BabyTopics: Acknowledgement, Ambition, Desire, Dream, Enjoyment, Facts, Famous, Fun, Happiness, Hard Work, Inspirational, Intelligence, Life, Money, Saving
I feel like the most incredible warrior when I’m in my car.
Author: Lewis HamiltonTopics: Car, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness
A shark? No, I like to think I’m more like a panther. A shark attacks from behind without you knowing. With a panther, you know it’s coming but he still gets you.
Author: Lewis HamiltonTopics: Courage, Enemies, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Mentality, Proud, Self-Worth
There is a huge need and a huge opportunity to get everyone in the world connected, to give everyone a voice and to help transform society for the future. The scale of the technology and infrastructure that must be built is unprecedented, and we believe this is the most important problem we can focus on.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Advice, Ambition, Challenge, Change, Children, Concept, Confession, Desire, Effort, Feelings, Growth, Happiness, Hard Work, Improvement, Leadership, Learning, Lesson, Life, Social Work, Work
I used to always be in Atlanta, chilling. I didn’t really have as much to do. So I would gamble as a hobby. Now I’d rather go into the studio and try to make me a hit.
Author: Lil BabyTopics: Change, Decision, Desire, Famous, Happiness, Life, Music, Past, Practice
I appreciate the support I get from the people! Y’all motivate me to go harder.
Author: Lil BabyTopics: Famous, Growth, Happiness, Positive, Strength, Support
Everyone has said I got my own sound.
Author: Lil BabyTopics: Famous, Happiness, Honour, Positive, Satisfaction, Sound, Success
Freedom is like poetry. It does not mean anything unless you live it.
Author: Mahmoud DarwishTopics: Achievement, Championship, Courage, Expectation, Feelings, Growth, Happiness, Life, Work
It doesn’t matter if I am better than Cristiano Ronaldo, all that matters is that Barcelona are better than Madrid.
Author: Lionel MessiTopics: Courage, Criticize, Devotion, Experiences, Famous, Football, Footballer, Happiness, Relationship, Soccer, Successful, Talent, Truth
I grow as a player yearly and do not get stuck in a rut. I improve my game in every way possible.
Author: Lionel MessiTopics: Enjoyment, Expectation, Growth, Happiness, Improvement, Motivational, Player, Positive, Possibility, Self-Worth, Sports, Talent, Trust
I like to score goals, but I also like to have friends among the people I have played with.
Author: Lionel MessiTopics: Desire, Expectation, Famous, Feelings, Football, Friendship, Happiness, Hope, Positive, Relationship, Value
I have never stopped being Argentine, and I have never wanted to. I feel very proud of being Argentine, even though I left there. Barcelona is my home because the club and the people here have given me everything, but I will not stop being Argentine
Author: Lionel MessiTopics: Consistency, Country, Devotion, Emotion, Experiences, Faith, Feelings, Freedom, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Love, Opportunity, Patriotism, Proud, Respect, Support

I am the happiest man alive and I am happy for myself, for my family and for my country.
Author: Lionel MessiTopics: Achievement, Children, Country, Experiences, Family, Famous, Feelings, Gift, Happiness, Life, Love, Precious, Quality, Relationship, Satisfaction, Strength
I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.
Author: Michael JordanTopics: Achievement, Challenge, Championship, Emotion, Enjoyment, Famous, Football, Footballer, Goal, Happiness, Improvements, Learning, Lesson, Respect, Struggle, Talent, Trust, Work
There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing a happy and smiling child. I always help in any way I can, even if it’s just by signing an autograph. A child’s smile is worth more than all the money in the world.
Author: Lionel MessiTopics: Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Money, Satisfaction, World
I’m happy with a ball at my feet. My motivation comes from playing the game I love.
Author: Lionel MessiTopics: Famous, Football, Happiness, Love, Motivational
The way I drive, the way I handle a car, is an expression of my inner feelings.
Author: Lewis HamiltonTopics: Car, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness
In every tear, a story unfolds.
Author: Mahmoud DarwishTopics: Courage, Emotion, Happiness, Humor, Life, Strength
Today I am the happiest man in the world, my son was born and thanks to God for this gift.
Author: Lionel MessiTopics: Famous, Gift, God, Happiness, Life
What I do is play soccer, which is what I like.
Author: Lionel MessiTopics: Enjoyment, Famous, Happiness, Soccer, Sports