Thomas Aquinas
- Country : Italy
- Profession :Theologian and philosopher
- DOB: 1275-03-07
Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), an influential medieval theologian and philosopher, was born in Roccasecca, Italy. Known for integrating Aristotelian philosophy with Christian theology, he joined the Dominican Order. Aquinas’s masterwork, “Summa Theologica,” addresses theological and philosophical questions. His “Thomistic” approach emphasizes reason’s compatibility with faith. Canonized as a saint in 1323, his teachings significantly shaped Catholic theology. Aquinas’s profound impact endures, as his works remain pivotal in the study of scholasticism, ethics, and metaphysics, solidifying his legacy as one of the most significant figures in Western intellectual history.
When you’re too close to people, when you spend too much time with them and love them too dearly, sometimes you can’t see them
Author: Thomas AquinasOver time, the ghosts of things that happened start to turn distant; once they’ve cut you a couple of million times, their edges blunt on your scar tissue, they wear thin. The ones that slice like razors forever are the ghosts of things that never got the chance to happen.
Author: Thomas AquinasIf, then, the final happiness of man does not consist in those exterior advantages which are called goods of fortune, nor in goods of the body, nor in goods of the soul in its sentient part, nor in the virtues of practical intellect, called art and prudence, it remains that the final happiness of man consists in the contemplation of truth
Author: Thomas AquinasA capacity as such is directed to an act. Wherefore we seek to know the nature of a capacity from the act to which it is directed, and consequently the nature of a capacity is diversified as the nature of the act is diversified
Author: Thomas AquinasOf all human pursuits, the pursuit of wisdom is the most perfect, the most sublime, the most useful, and the most agreeable
Author: Thomas AquinasFaith presupposes natural knowledge, even as grace presupposes nature, and perfection supposes something that can be perfected
Author: Thomas AquinasSee to whom Jesus is drawing near, three kinds of people: to those who make peace with him, to those who are devoted to God, and to those who are kind to their neighbors
Author: Thomas AquinasPipes are not to be used for teaching, nor any artificial instruments, as the harp, or the like: but whatsoever will make the hearers good men
Author: Thomas AquinasThe Stone is one, the Medicine is one, to which we add nothing, only in the preparation removing superfluities
Author: Thomas AquinasNow it seems that everything in the world stems from sources other than God, since the products of nature have their source in nature; deliberate effects can be traced back to human reason or will as their source. There is no need then to assume that God exists.
Author: Thomas AquinasThe theologian considers sin mainly as an offence against God; the moral philosopher as contrary to reasonableness
Author: Thomas AquinasThe custom of the Church has very great authority and ought to be jealously observed in all things.
Author: Thomas AquinasHere ’neath veils, my Saviour darkly I behold; To my thirsting spirit all thy light unfold; Face to face in heaven let me come to thee, And the blessed vision of thy glory see
Author: Thomas AquinasThe minister to whom confession is made is the delegate of Christ, Who is the Judge of the living and the dead
Author: Thomas AquinasThe minister to whom confession is made is the delegate of Christ, Who is the Judge of the living and the dead
Author: Thomas AquinasIf our opponent believes nothing of divine revelation, there is no longer any means of proving the articles of faith by reasoning, but only of answering his objections – if he has any – against faith. Since faith rests upon infallible truth, and since the contrary of a truth can never be demonstrated, it is clear that the arguments brought against faith cannot be demonstrations, but are difficulties that can be answered.
Author: Thomas AquinasGods are called many by the error of some who worshipped many deities, thinking as they did the planets and other stars were gods, and also the separate parts of the world
Author: Thomas AquinasPractical sciences proceed by building up; theoretical science by resolving into components
Author: Thomas AquinasAs the saints will rejoice in all goods, so will the damned grieve for all goods
Author: Thomas AquinasEven as in heaven there will be most perfect charity, so in hell there will be the most perfect hate
Author: Thomas AquinasThe proper task of the Savior is that he is a savior; indeed, for this he came into the world: to seek and save what was lost
Author: Thomas AquinasIn deliberation we may hesitate; but a deliberated act must be performed swiftly
Author: Thomas AquinasFor in order that man may do well, whether in the works of the active life, or in those of the contemplative life, he needs the fellowship of friends
Author: Thomas AquinasThe apostles and their successors are God’s vicars in governing the Church which is built on faith and the sacraments of faith. Wherefore, just as they may not institute another Church, so neither may they deliver another faith, nor institute other sacraments
Author: Thomas AquinasIt is unlawful to add anything to the words of Holy Scripture regarding the sense
Author: Thomas AquinasSing, my tongue, the Saviour’s glory, Of His Flesh, the mystery sing; Of the Blood, all price exceeding, Shed by our Immortal King, Destined, for the world’s redemption, From a noble Womb to spring.
Author: Thomas AquinasMany cry to the Lord that they may win riches, that they may avoid losses; they cry that their family may be established, they ask for temporal happiness, for worldly dignities; and, lastly, they cry for bodily health, which is the patrimony of the poor. For these and suchlike things many cry to the Lord; hardly one cries for the Lord Himself! How easy it is for a man to desire all manner of things from the Lord and yet not desire the Lord Himself! As though the gift could be sweeter than the Giver!
Author: Thomas AquinasBaptism is not to be conferred on a man who is unwilling to give up his other sins, so neither should Baptism be given to one who is unwilling to renounce his unbelief. Nevertheless, each of them receives the Sacrament if it is conferred on him, although not unto salvation
Author: Thomas AquinasSo, to detract from the perfection of creatures is to detract from the perfection of divine power
Author: Thomas AquinasA thing is lovable according as it is good. But God is infinite good. Therefore He is infinitely lovable.
Author: Thomas AquinasThose who are more adapted to the active life can prepare themselves for contemplation in the practice of the active life, while those who are more adapted to the contemplative life can take upon themselves the works of the active life so as to become yet.
Author: Thomas AquinasArrive at knowledge over small streamlets, and do not plunge immediately into the ocean, since progress must go from the easier to the more difficult
Author: Thomas AquinasAffirmative precepts are distinguished from negative whenever one is not comprised in the other; thus, that of honoring parents does not comprise that of not killing, and vice versa
Author: Thomas AquinasThe truth of our faith becomes a matter of ridicule among the infidels if any Catholic, not gifted with the necessary scientific learning, presents as dogma what scientific scrutiny shows to be false
Author: Thomas AquinasAnger and the like are attributed to God on account of a similitude of effect. Thus, because to punish is properly the act of an angry man, God’s punishment is metaphorically spoken of as His anger
Author: Thomas AquinasIt has become the fashion to talk about Mysticism, even to pose as Mystics, and – need it be said? – those who talk the most on such subjects are those who know the least
Author: Thomas AquinasAgain, it is self-evident that truth exists. For truth exists if anything at all is true, and if anyone denies that truth exists, he concedes that it is true that it does not exist, since if truth does not exist it is then true that it does not exist
Author: Thomas AquinasLaw has the power to compel: indeed, the ability to enforce is a condition of the ability to command
Author: Thomas AquinasIt would seem that zeal is not an effect of love. For zeal is a beginning of contention
Author: Thomas AquinasHow is it they live in such harmony, the billions of stars, when most men can barely go a minute without declaring war in their minds?
Author: Thomas AquinasThe world tempts us either by attaching us to it in prosperity, or by filling us with fear of adversity. But faith overcomes this in that we believe in a life to come better than this one, and hence we despise the riches of this world and we are not terrified in the face of adversity
Author: Thomas AquinasFor loving draws us more to things than knowing does, since good is found by going to the thing, whereas the true is found when the thing comes to us
Author: Thomas AquinasBecause we cannot know what God is, but only what He is not, we cannot consider how He is but only how He is not
Author: Thomas AquinasI cannot understand how anyone conscious of mortal sin can laugh or be merry.
Author: Thomas AquinasIf someone knows from experience that daily Communion increases fervor without lessening reverence, then let him go every day. But if someone finds that reverence is lessened and devotion not much increased, then let him sometimes abstain, so as to draw near afterwards with better dispositions
Author: Thomas AquinasIt is necessary to posit something which is necessary of itself, and has no cause of its necessity outside of itself but is the cause of necessity in other things. And all people call this thing God
Author: Thomas AquinasMistakes are made on two counts: an argument is either based on error or incorrectly developed
Author: Thomas AquinasBeing born he have himself as our Companion, Eating with us he gave himself as Food, Dying He became our Ransom, Reigning he gives himself as our Reward
Author: Thomas AquinasIt is absurd and a detestable shame, that we should suffer those traditions to be changed which we have received from the fathers of old
Author: Thomas AquinasNow, nothing can be brought from potentiality to actual existence except through something actually existing
Author: Thomas AquinasDown in adoration falling, Lo! the sacred Host we hail; Lo! o’er ancient forms departing, Newer rites of grace prevail; Faith for all defects supplying, Where the feeble senses fail
Author: Thomas AquinasThere is, therefore, a more perfect intellectual life in the angels. In them the intellect does not proceed to self-knowledge from anything exterior, but knows itself through itself..
Author: Thomas AquinasWe ought to cherish the body. Our body’s substance is not from an evil principle, as the Manicheans imagine, but from God. And therefore, we ought to cherish the body by the friendship of love, by which we love God
Author: Thomas AquinasIn the realm of evil thoughts none induces to sin as much as do thoughts that concern the pleasure of the flesh
Author: Thomas AquinasFor just as the first general precepts of the law of nature are self-evident to one in possession of natural reason, and have no need of promulgation, so also that of believing in God is primary and self-evident to one who has faith: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is
Author: Thomas AquinasThere being an imminent danger for the faith, prelates must be questioned, even publicly, by their subjects
Author: Thomas AquinasThe celestial bodies are the cause of all that takes place in the sublunar world
Author: Thomas AquinasDo not wish to jump immediately from the streams to the sea, because one has to go through easier things to the more difficult
Author: Thomas AquinasThere would not be a perfect likeness of God in the universe if all things were of one grade of being
Author: Thomas AquinasIt is a sin directly against one’s neighbour, since one man cannot over-abound in external riches, without another man lacking them
Author: Thomas AquinasNow this relaxation of the mind from work consists on playful words or deeds. Therefore it becomes a wise and virtuous man to have recourse to such things at times
Author: Thomas AquinasAll men are equal in nature, and also in original sin. It is in the merits and demerits of their actions that they differ.
Author: Thomas AquinasJesus Lord, kind Pelican, Cleanse my filth with Thy blood, One drop of which can save The whole world from all its sin
Author: Thomas AquinasTo be united to God in unity of person was not fitting to human flesh, according to its natural endowments, since it was above his dignity; nevertheless, it was fitting that God, by reason of his infinite goodness, should unite it to himself for human salvation
Author: Thomas AquinasThe image of God always abides in the soul, whether this image be obsolete and clouded over as to amount to almost nothing; or whether it be obscured or disfigured, as is the case with sinners; or whether it be clear and beautiful as is the case with the just.
Author: Thomas AquinasWhen the devil is called the god of this world, it is not because he made it, but because we serve him with our worldliness
Author: Thomas AquinasA scrap of knowledge about sublime things is worth more than any amount about trivialities.
Author: Thomas AquinasGodhead here in hiding, whom I adore Masked by these bare shadows, shape and nothing more, See, Lord, at thy service low lies here a heart Lost, all lost in wonder at the God thou art.
Author: Thomas Aquinas