It’s interesting – I always thought when I was doing more melodramatic stuff like ‘Everwood’ that the directors were constantly reeling me in and stopping me from being funny.
Author: Chris PrattTopics: Famous, Interesting
We define journalism in America as the business and practice of presenting the news of the day in the interest of economic privilege.
Author: Upton SinclairTopics: Interesting, Meaningful, Positive
For me, rappers and dancers are poets and artists and often times the most interesting performances are given by them.
Author: O'Shea Jackson, Jr.Topics: Famous, Interesting, Meaningful, Performances, Poets, Rappers
Everyday life is interesting enough, whether it be in an office or being ignored on the set of something supposedly more glamorous.
Author: Ricky GervaisTopics: Everyday, Ignored, Interesting, Something
I was just reading about Paul Simon in ‘Uncut’, and it was fascinating. I never think about him much or think about his music or anything, but it’s interesting to hear his ideas on stuff.
Author: J MascisTopics: Famous, Hear, Ideas, Interesting, Reading, Stuff
Some men are more interesting than their books but my book is more interesting than its man.
Author: A. E. HousmanTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Interesting, Leadership Qualities, Lesson, Let go, Letting, Life, Meaningful
The infant periods of most nations are buried in silence or veiled in fable; and the world perhaps has lost but little which it needs regret. The origin and outset of the American Republic contain lessons of which posterity ought not to be deprived: and happily there never was a case in which every interesting incident could be so accurately preserved.
Author: James MadisonTopics: Education, Famous, Interesting, Origin, Periods, Regret
The danger of disturbing the public tranquillity by interesting too strongly the public passions, is a still more serious objection against a frequent reference of constitutional questions to the decision of the whole society.
Author: James MadisonTopics: Decision, Famous, Interesting, Objection, Passion, Public, Society

All the best stories in the world are but one story in reality – the story of escape. It is the only thing which interests us all and at all times, how to escape
Author: A. C. BensonTopics: Interest, Interesting, Realistic, Realities, Reality, Realization, Story, Storyteller, Workout, World
It never ceases to amaze me, the things they find interesting, amusing or unusual. I can only assume they’ve led very sheltered lives.
Author: Gail HoneymanTopics: Famous, Interesting, Things, Unusual

She was the kind of woman who, once she had made up her mind to like somebody, even if it had been an impulsive decision, would invest that person with all sorts of interesting and romantic aspects rather than admit she had been wrong.
Author: Gail GodwinTopics: Decision, Famous, Interesting, Make up, Mind, Romantic, Woman
Human nature is so well disposed towards those who are in interesting situations, that a young person, who either marries or dies, is sure of being kindly spoken of.
Author: Jane AustenTopics: Famous, Interesting, Meaningful
One of the interesting things here is that the people who should be shaping the future are politicians. But the political framework itself is so dead and closed that people look to other sources, like artists, because art and music allow people a certain freedom
Author: Thom YorkeTopics: Dead, Famous, Framework, Interesting, Meaningful, Politician, Shaping, Source
I was born in Suzhou, a city not very far from Shanghai. It’s a very interesting town – there is a long artist’s tradition there, especially during the Ming and Ching dynasties, which produced many, many scholars and painters and so forth. That’s where my family lived for 600, 700 years.
Author: I.M.PeiTopics: City, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Interesting, Life, Meaningful, Positive
I just really like Houston despite its craziness. There is a sense of energy and a kind of excitement, ‘We’re going places and God knows what’ll happen next.’ It’s very interesting. It’s very exciting.
Author: Gail CollinsTopics: Energy, Excitement, Famous, God, Interesting
I like working with actresses, and I like women a lot, not for obvious reasons, but just in that that theres so much about what they bring to the scene that keeps it so interesting. Their instincts are so different, and they never explain them to you.
Author: Ryan GoslingTopics: Different, Famous, Interesting, Meaningful, Obvious, Reasons, Scenes, Women, Workings
Show me a man with a tattoo and I’ll show you a man with an interesting past.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Interesting, Past, Show
I’m listening to Aphex Twin. That makes me cultured and interesting
Author: Thom YorkeTopics: Culture, Famous, Feelings, Interesting, Listening, Meaningful
I notice that students, particularly for gay students, it’s too easy to write about my last trick or something. It’s not very interesting to the reader
Author: Thom GunnTopics: Famous, Feelings, Interesting, Life, Meaningful, Notice, Readers, Students
In Paris, there has to be a presence. History becomes the most interesting when it’s compared to the present. I mean there’s a whole group of people that want to build new buildings that look like old buildings.
Author: Thom MayneTopics: Building, Famous, Feelings, Interesting, Meaningful, Presence
Architecture is involved with the world, but at the same time it has a certain autonomy. This autonomy cannot be explained in terms of traditional logic because the most interesting parts of the work are non-verbal. They operate within the terms of the work, like any art.
Author: Thom MayneTopics: Famous, Feelings, Interesting, Meaningful, Non-verbal, Positive, Traditional, Work, World
I’m not a tabula rasa type. In some ways, the more constraints I have, the work is more interesting to me
Author: Thom MayneTopics: Famous, Feelings, Interesting, Meaningful, Work

My love is for acting not money, so I only take on roles that I find challenging, in stories I find interesting.
Author: Gael Garcia BernalTopics: Challenges, Interesting, Love, Stories
I think it’s more interesting to see people who don’t feel appropriately. I relate to that, because sometimes I don’t feel anything at all for things I’m supposed to, and other times I feel too much. It’s not always like it is in the movies.
Author: Ryan GoslingTopics: Famous, Feel, Feelings, Interesting, Meaningful, Movies, People, Sometimes, Supposed, Times
I think about death a lot, like I think we all do. I don’t think of suicide as an option, but as fun. It’s an interesting idea that you can control how you go. It’s this thing that’s looming, and you can control it.
Author: Ryan Gosling
Topics: Death, Famous, Interesting, Looming, Meaningful, Suicide
When you succeed, at a certain point, you want to challenge yourself. Otherwise, you become boring. You become a has-been. It’s not very interesting. I don’t want to be this guy who has only succeeded in France. I could say, ‘O.K., that’s it; merci.’ But I’m not interested in that.
Author: Gad ElmalehTopics: Challenging, Famous, Interesting, Succeed, Successful, Yourself
I can say this: You haven’t lived until you’ve had to wear a triplet pregnancy belly. You would be amazed at what a girl can learn based on the different months of pregnancy to make her character more interesting.
Author: KaDee StricklandTopics: Character, Famous, Interesting, Learning, Make, Months, Pregnancy, Triplet pregnancy belly
I have spent my whole life working in the theater, and most of the people I know have done the same. And we are pretty interesting people.
Author: Theresa RebeckTopics: Done, Famous, Interesting, Meaningful, Pretty

I think I’ve had an interesting life. I’ve done films, TV, theatre and got married. I don’t have any regrets.
Author: Kabir BediTopics: Famous, Feelings, Interesting, Life, Married, No regrets
I think its more interesting to play a place where no one really knows you, but I think touring is also great
Author: Theophilus LondonTopics: Famous, Feelings, Great, Interesting, Life, Place
It’s always an interesting challenge to see if you can create a character that’s got emotion.
Author: Tim BurtonTopics: Challenge, Character, Create, Emotion, Famous, Feelings, Interesting, Life, Meaningful

I think, on the rap side of life, I’ve always been inspired by and respected Missy Elliott for a long time. She’s funny and created an image for herself that was non-sexualized but was really interesting and really cool and really kind of avant-garde in a lot of ways.
Author: K. Flay
Topics: Cool, Created, Famous, Image, Impactful, Inspired, Interesting, Life, Long Time, Rap, Think

I like not knowing everything. It makes things more interesting.
Author: K. A. ApplegateTopics: Dislike, Everything, Famous, Interesting, Knowing, Life, Makes, Things
It was interesting to find how dominating American vision is all over the world. I think there’s something to be said about the world’s mindset and its economics and all of that, and I think it affects the way we see ourselves and it affects music.
Author: K'naanTopics: Domination, Famous, Interesting, Mindset, Music, Thinking, Visions
If anything is possible, then nothing is interesting.
Author: H. G. WellsTopics: Famous, Interesting, Possible

For all my desire to be interesting, I have to confess that for most things and people I don’t give a damn.
Author: H. G. WellsTopics: Confession, Desire, Famous, Give, Interesting, People, Things
What’s interesting is that producers, directors and writers tend to typecast me in terms of whatever movie they’ve seen me in most recently.
Author: Gabrielle UnionTopics: Famous, Interesting, Movies, Producers
What’s interesting is that producers, directors and writers tend to typecast me in terms of whatever movie they’ve seen me in most recently.
Author: Gabrielle UnionTopics: Famous, Interesting, Producers

Challenges are what make life interesting, and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
Author: Gabriel JesusTopics: Challenges, Famous, Inspirational, Interesting, Life, Making, Meaningful, Motivational, Overcoming
We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken.
Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky
Topics: Interest, Interesting, Leadership, Leads, People, People Respect, People’s Opinions, Something for nothing, Sometimes, Sudden, Suffer
Oh, I was not made for heaven. No, I don’t want to go to heaven. Hell is much better. Think of all the interesting people you’re going to meet down there
Author: Freddie MercuryTopics: Famous, Heaven, Interesting, Life, Meaningful, People, People Respect, People’s Opinions, Suffer, Suffering, Think, Thinking mind
I drink to make other people more interesting.
Author: Ernest Hemingway
Topics: Drink, Drinking, Interest, Interesting, People, People Respect, People’s Opinions
All that shimmers on the surface of the world, all that we call interesting, is the fruit of ignorance and inebriation.
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Calling, Calm, Fruitful, Ignorance, Ignorant, Interesting, New Things, New worlds
I thought, “Wow, it sounds really stoned anyway.” It sounded good to me. I found out that there was a lot in there. what all this comes down to is I was just trying to get in touch with myself. And I met some interesting people in New York who weren’t in show business. I even got to know my dentist.
Author: Iggy PopTopics: Famous, Interesting, Meaningful, People, Thoughts
I never met one interesting mind that was not richly endowed with inadmissible deficiencies.
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Interesting, Lesson, Letting go, Open-Minded, Open-mindedness, Rich, rich opportunities
And how fascinating history is – the long, variegated pageant of man’s still continuing evolution of this strange planet, so much the most interesting of all the myriads of spinners through space.
Author: G. M. TrevelyanTopics: Evolution, Famous, History, Inspirational, Interesting, Long, Man, Pageant, Space
Some things that satisfy the rules of algebra can be interesting to mathematicians even though they don’t always represent a real situation.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Famous, Interesting, Mathematicians, Represent, Rules, Satisfy, Situation
The game I play is a very interesting one. It’s imagination, in a tight straightjacket.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Famous, Imagination, Interesting, Straightjacket
You see, one thing is, I can live with doubt and uncertainty and not knowing. I think it’s much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Doubt, Interesting, Uncertainty
I am not interested in what today’s mathematicians find interesting.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Famous, Interested, Interesting, Mathematicians
The thing that doesn’t fit is the thing that is most interesting.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Fit, Interesting, Most
There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Excitement, Interesting, Knowledge, Mystery, Questions
I think it’s much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Famous, Interesting, Knowing, Wrong
Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn’t matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Deeply, Explore, Famous, Interesting, Matter, World
I’ve matured as a person and so has the music… It’s gotten more sophisticated and interesting, I think.
Author: G-EazyTopics: Famous, Inspirational, Interesting, Mature, Music, Person, Sophisticated, Think
Facts are not interesting to me.
Author: Ray BradburyTopics: Facts, Famous, Feelings, Interesting, Meaningful
When I watch Jurgen Klopp’s Borussia Dortmund side, I see a manager who is determined to play in his opponent’s half, who is committed to attacking football, and, from the way he conducts himself on the touchline, is clearly an interesting, charismatic personality.
Author: Paul ScholesTopics: Determined, Famous, Football, Interesting, Managers, Opponent’s, Personality, Touchline
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. Coco ChanelYou can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life.
Author: Coco ChanelTopics: Face, Interest, Interesting, Lesson, Letting go
But that’s the glory of foreign travel, as far as I am concerned. I don’t want to know what people are talking about. I can’t think of anything that excites a greater sense of childlike wonder than to be in a country where you are ignorant of almost everything. Suddenly you are five years old again. You can’t read anything, you have only the most rudimentary sense of how things work, you can’t even reliably cross a street without endangering your life. Your whole existence becomes a series of interesting guesses.
Author: Post MaloneTopics: Concerned, Country, Endangering, Famous, Greater, Guesses, Ignorant, Interesting, People, Rudimentary, Suddenly, Talking, Wonder, Work
The key that unlocks energy is ‘Desire’. It’s also the key to a long and interesting life. If we expect to create any drive, any real force within ourselves, we have to get excited.
Author: Earl NightingaleTopics: Desire, Drive, Famous, Feelings, Force, Inspirational, Interesting, Life, Meaningful, Positive
What makes life interesting are the challenges we face.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Challenges, Famous, Interesting, Life, Meaningful
With action films, it’s great if it’s not just driven by action, but by a good story and interesting characters, as well. Though, there’s nothin’ like kicking butt!
Author: Dwayne JohnsonTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Interesting, Meaningful
People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of. It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting. And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Dream, Interesting, People, Universe
I think media are at their most interesting before anybody’s thought of calling them art, when people still think they’re just a load of junk.
Author: Douglas AdamsTopics: Famous, Interesting, Junk, Meaningful, Media
It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Dream, Famous, Interesting, Life, Meaningful, Possibility
Let’s talk about something exciting. Me.
Author: Charlie Sheen
Topics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Interesting, Life, Meaningful, Playful Attitude, Something, Somewhere
A fight every now and again does make life more interesting. Don’t ya think?
Author: Dante AlighieriTopics: Famous, Fight, Interesting, Meaningful

Literature is one of the most interesting and significant expressions of humanity.
Author: P. T. BarnumTopics: Famous, Humanity, Interesting, Literature, Meaningful, Significant
It would be very interesting to preserve photographically not the stages, but the metamorphoses of a picture. Possibly one might then discover the path followed by the brain in materializing a dream.
Author: Pablo PicassoTopics: Discover, Dream, Famous, Interesting, Materializing, Metamorphoses, Photographically, Pictures
The exciting part for me, as a pilot, was the landing on the moon. That was the time that we had achieved the national goal of putting Americans on the moon. The landing approach was, by far, the most difficult and challenging part of the flight. Walking on the lunar surface was very interesting, but it was something we looked on as reasonably safe and predictable. So the feeling of elation accompanied the landing rather than the walking.
Author: Neil ArmstrongTopics: Challenging, Exciting, Famous, Feeling, Flight, Interesting, Landing, Lunar, Meaningful, Moon, National, Pilots, Predictable, Reasonably, Surface, Time, Walking
The landing approach was, by far, the most difficult and challenging part of the flight. Walking on the lunar surface was very interesting, but it was something we looked on as reasonably safe and predictable. So the feeling of elation accompanied the landing rather than the walking.
Author: Neil ArmstrongTopics: Challenging, Difficult, Famous, Feeling, Feelings, Flight, Interesting, Landing, Life, Lunar, Meaningful, Predictable, Reasonably, Surface, Walking
Anything else you’re interested in is not going to happen if you can’t breathe the air and drink the water. Don’t sit this one out. Do something. You are by accident of fate alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet.
Author: Carl Sagan
Topics: Happen, Happening, Historically, History, Interested, Interesting, Moment, Plain, Planet, Water
It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English – up to fifty words used in correct context – no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese.
Author: Carl Sagan
Topics: Fish, Fishing, Fit, Human, Human activities, Human Activity, Interest, Interesting, Teach, Teaching, Times, Times of difficulty
It’s a brilliant surface in that sunlight. The horizon seems quite close to you because the curvature is so much more pronounced than here on earth. It’s an interesting place to be. I recommend it.
Author: Neil ArmstrongTopics: Brilliant, Earth, Famous, Horizon, Interesting, Meaningful, Pronounced, Sunlight, Surface
Only if we know that the thing which truly matters is the infinite can we avoid fixing our interests upon futilities, and upon all kinds of goals which are not of real importance
Author: Carl JungTopics: Goals, Infinite, Interest, Interesting, Kind, Kindness, Little Things, Motive, Things, Thinking mind
I just think that pop music is very interesting in how it can reach so many people. I like that I can tell stories and I just wanted to be heard more, I guess. That’s why it’s pop, but in my mind I don’t really view my music as pop, I don’t really view it as anything. I just look at it as a picture, I like visuals.
Author: Melanie MartinezTopics: Famous, Interesting, Meaningful, Music, People, Pictures, Stories, Visuals
I think that any female who gets asked if she’s a feminist… it’s silly… it’s so interesting when people ask females if they’re a feminist. Of course every female wants to be equal!
Author: Melanie MartinezTopics: Famous, Female, Feminists, Interesting, Meaningful, People
Your country and mine is an interesting one, but there is nothing there that is half so interesting as the human mind.
Author: Mark TwainTopics: Famous, Human, Interesting, Meaningful
I just owe almost everything to my father and it’s passionately interesting for me that the things that I learned in a small town, in a very modest home, are just the things that I believe have won the election.
Author: Margaret ThatcherTopics: Election, Famous, Father, Inspirational, Interesting, Learned, Meaningful, Passionately
It’s passionately interesting for me that the things that I learned in a small town, in a very modest home, are just the things that I believe have won the election.
Author: Margaret ThatcherTopics: Election, Famous, Interesting, Learned, Meaningful, Modest, Modest Home, Passionately
I’m the commander—see, I don’t need to explain—I do not need to explain why I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being president.
Author: George W. BushTopics: Famous, Interesting, No explanation, Things
It’s interesting that I had such a close relationship with my grandfather. Because your parents always judge you: they say, ‘You shouldn’t do this, you shouldn’t do that.’ But with your grandparents you have a feeling that you can say anything or you can do anything, and they will support you. That’s why you have this kind of connection.
Author: Novak DjokovicTopics: Connection, Family, Famous, Interesting, Judge, Life, Meaningful, Relationship
Keep thinking, keep interested, keep praying, keep dreaming.
Author: Norman Vincent PealeTopics: Famous, Interesting, Life, Meaningful, Praying, Thinking
I really think it’s important that my beliefs don’t impinge upon what you get from the movie. It’s your opinion that matters and it’s far more interesting than mine.
Author: Nicolas CageTopics: Famous, Important, Interesting, Meaningful, Movies, Opinion
I just try to keep it fresh. I try to keep it interesting. The truth is my roots are independently spirited dramas that are small, and I will always go back to that well, because that’s where I broke out of. But I’m going to keep doing as many different movies as I possibly can.
Author: Nicolas CageTopics: Famous, Independently, Interesting, Meaningful, Movies
Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here.
Author: Neil GaimanTopics: Experiences, Famous, Fantastic, Glorious, Interesting, Meaningful
If everybody likes you, you are not a very interesting person.
Author: Bette DavisTopics: Everybody, Interesting, Person
Meals make the society, hold the fabric together in lots of ways that were charming and interesting and intoxicating to me. The perfect meal, or the best meals, occur in a context that frequently has very little to do with the food itself.
Author: Anthony BourdainTopics: Famous, Food, Interesting, Life, Meals, Meaningful, Perfect, Society, Together
Being the right thing in the wrong place and the wrong thing in the right place is worth it because something interesting always happens
Author: Andy WarholTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Interesting, Life, Meaningful

The feeling of being interested can act as a kind of neurological signal, directing us to fruitful areas of inquiry.
Author: B.F. SkinnerTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feeling, Feelings, Fruitful, Inquiry, Inspirational, Interest, Interested, Interesting, Meaningful, Neurological, Signal
When you run into something interesting, drop everything else and study it.
Author: B.F. SkinnerTopics: Everything, Experiences, Famous, Inspirational, Interest, Interesting, Life, Meaningful, Positive, Study
This created world really helped me as an actor. It heightened everything, which made it more dangerous, more interesting and more liberating.
Author: Leonardo Di CaprioTopics: Experiences, Famous, Interesting, Liberating, Positive, Positive Impact
An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.
Author: Aldous HuxleyTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Interest, Interesting, Life, Meaningful, Person, Personal Experiences, Sex, Sexuality
Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant, and interesting
Author: Aldous HuxleyTopics: Ability, Everybody, Evolution, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Fulfillment, Inspirational, Interesting, Life, Little Things, Live, Meaningful, Power, Powerful Message, Reading, Real
Life is not divided into semesters. You don’t get summers off, and very few employers are interested in helping you. Find yourself.
Author: Bill GatesTopics: Divide, Famous, Feelings, Help, Helped, Inspirational, Interest, Interesting, Life, Meaningful
No, I’m not interested in developing a powerful brain. All I’m after is just a mediocre brain, something like the President of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company.
Author: Alan TuringTopics: Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Interest, Interesting, Life, Powerful, President
One cannot choose wisely for a life unless he dares to listen to himself, his own self, at each moment of his life
Author: Abraham MaslowTopics: Famous, Feelings, Interesting, Leads, Life, Listening
It’s interesting that you put me in the league with those illustrious fighters [Muhammad Ali, Joe Louis, Jack Johnson], but I’ve proved since my career I’ve surpassed them as far my popularity. I’m the biggest fighter in the history of the sport. If you don’t believe it, check the cash register.
Author: Mike TysonTopics: History, Interesting, Popularity, Surpassed
I don’t think that women need to smell interesting.
Author: Lady GagaTopics: Cherish, Disbelief, Famous, Interesting, Meaningful, Mentality