God makes us ask ourselves questions most often when He intends to resolve them. He gives us needs that He alone can satisfy, and awakens capacities that He means to fulfill. Any perplexity is liable to be a spiritual gestation, leading to a new birth and a mystical regeneration.
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Alone, Famous, Fulfilling, God, Intends, Leading, Liable, Mystical, Needs, Often, Perplexity, Question, Regeneration, Resolve, Satisfy, Spiritual
We must make the choices that enable us to fulfill the deepest capacities of our real selves
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Choice, Deepest, Famous, Feelings, Fulfilling, Life, Meaningful, Real, Selves
Finally I am coming to the conclusion that my highest ambition is to be what I already am. That I will never fulfill my obligation to surpass myself unless I first accept myself, and if I accept myself fully in the right way, I will already have surpassed myself
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Accept, Ambition, coming, Conclusions, Famous, Feelings, First, Fulfilling, Highest, Life, Meaningful, myself, Never, Obligation, Positive, Right, Surpassed, Surpasses, Unless
When we fulfil our function, which is to truly love ourselves and share love with others, then true happiness sets in.
Author: Gabrielle BernsteinTopics: Famous, Fulfilling, Function, Inspirational, Love, Self-Love, Self-Worth, Sharing
Self-determination is very fulfilling and gives life a new depth.
Author: Gabriela SabatiniTopics: Famous, Fulfilling, Give, Inspirational, Life, New depth, Self-Determination
The best revenge is massive success.
Author: Gabriel HeatterTopics: Achieving, Fulfilling, Response, Revenge, Success
Life is too short to hold onto grudges. Forgive, let go, and move forward.
Author: Gabriel ByrneTopics: Essence, Famous, Forgiveness, Fulfilling, Grudges, Inspirational, Life, Moving forward, Short
My wife once said that one of her great ambitions was to walk down the streets of Hong Kong with her children. So we all went to Asia on one occasion. Then she said she’d like to walk down the streets of Jerusalem with her children. So we arranged our family finances and all went to Jerusalem.
Author: Gordon B. HinckleyTopics: Creating, Experiences, Famous, Fulfilling, Inspirational, Lasting Memories, Loved ones, Meaningful journey, Wife

I intend to live forever, or die trying.
Author: Groucho MarxTopics: Determination, Expressing, Famous, Fulfilling, Humorous way, Life, Live, Long
Your actions must be just or full of pure intentions to provide His sacred service.
Author: Christopher Columbus
Topics: Act, Action, Famous, Fulfilling, Fulfillment, Intention, Meaningful, Sacred, Sacredness, Service
Resentments are the rocket fuel that lives in the tip of my saber.
Author: Charlie SheenTopics: Fulfilling, Lived, Lives, Living Fully, Multiple personalities, Valuable advice, Valuable lesson
If I carefully consider others, God will consider me, and in some way or other He will recompense me. Let me consider the poor, and the LORD will consider me. Let me look after little children, and the LORD will treat me as His child. Let me feed His flock, and He will feed me. Let me water His garden, and He will make a watered garden of my soul. This is the LORD’s own promise; be it mine to fulfill the condition and then to expect its fulfillment.
Author: Charles Spurgeon
Topics: Childhood, Children, Fulfilling, Fulfillment, Human Condition, Human Emotions, Lord, Lord God, Promises, Soul, Treat
It was a joy! Words weren’t dull, words were things that could make your mind hum. If you read them and let yourself feel the magic, you could live without pain, with hope, no matter what happened to you.
Author: Charles Bukowski
Topics: Clear, Clear-Minded, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Fulfilling, Fulfillment, Happening, Hope, Hope for peace, Joyful, Life, Matter, Meaningful
The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.
Author: Charles Bukowski
Topics: Confidence, Fulfilling, Intellectual development, Intelligence, Problem, Stupid, Workings, World
If the leader is filled with high ambition and if he pursues his aims with audacity and strength of will, he will reach them in spite of all obstacles.
Author: Carl von Clausewitz
Topics: Fulfilling, Leadership, Reaching, Reaction, Strength, Will
Do your duty as you see it, and damn the consequences.
Author: George S. PattonTopics: Consequences, Duty, Famous, Fulfilling, Inspirational, Motivational, Obligations, Regardless, Responsibilities, Sense of duty
It has been my observation in life that, if one will only exercise the patience to wait, his wants are likely to be filled.
Author: Calvin CoolidgeTopics: Exercise, Famous, Feelings, Fulfilling, Life, Lightning, Like, Meaningful, Obligation, Observation, Path, Patience
The only way I know to drive out evil from the country is by the constructive method of filling it with good.
Author: Calvin CoolidgeTopics: Drive, Evil, Famous, Feelings, Fulfilling, Life, Meaningful
The reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another.
Author: George EliotTopics: Duty, Famous, Fulfilling, Power, Rewards
The right wing, where I stood, was exposed to and received all the enemy’s fire … I heard the bullets whistle, and, believe me, there is something charming in the sound.
Author: George WashingtonTopics: Famous, Fulfilling, Inspirational, Military, War
There is nothing more fulfilling than to serve your country and your fellow citizens and to do it well.
Author: George W. BushTopics: Country, Famous, Fellow citizens, Fulfilling, Inspirational, Satisfaction, Sense of patriotism, Serving
I keep sailing on in this middle passage. I am sailing into the wind and the dark. But I am doing my best to keep my boat steady and my sails full
Author: Arthur AsheTopics: Dark, Famous, Fulfilling, Keep, Life, Meaningful, Middle
I have a really beautiful life right now, so there is no reason to be hostile.I’m a husband,a father and a man who tries to do the right thing in life and in my work.
Author: Ice CubeTopics: Famous, Fulfilling, Inspirational, Life, Motivation, Motivational
Come, fill the Cup, and in the Fire of Spring The Winter Garment of Repentance fling: The Bird of Time has but a little way To fly—and Lo! the Bird is on the Wing.
Author: Omar KhayyamTopics: Fire, Fulfilling, Little, Wings, Winter
If the day did not require an AK then it was good.
Author: Ice CubeTopics: Famous, Fulfilling, Inspirational
I’m really living my dream, so if I were to change anything up, I probably wouldn’t be where I am.
Author: Lil DurkTopics: Famous, Fulfilling, Inspirational, Life
Old age may have its limitations and challenges, but in spite of them, our latter years can be some of the most rewarding and fulfilling of our lives.
Author: Billy GrahamTopics: Challenges, Fulfilling, Limitations, Years
The things you want are always possible; it is just that the way to get them is not always apparent. The only real obstacle in your path to a fulfilling life is you, and that can be a considerable obstacle because you carry the baggage of insecurities and past experience.
Author: Les BrownTopics: Considering, Famous, Fulfilling, Insecurities, Life, Obstacle, Past experiences
All of us need to grow continuously in our lives.
Author: Les BrownTopics: Famous, Fulfilling, Grow, Lifelong Learning, Lives, Meaningful, Motivational, Personal Development
No one will take better care of your dream than you.
Author: Les BrownTopics: Care, Dream, Famous, Fulfilling, Inspirational, Personal responsibility
I did for the fun of it
Author: Amelia EarhartTopics: Ability, Enjoyment, Entertainment, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Fulfilling, Fun, Life, Positive

In politics shared hatreds are almost always the basis of friendships.
Author: Alexis de TocquevilleTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Friendship, Fulfilling, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Politics
The cat always leaves a mark on his friend
Author: AesopTopics: Ability, Duplicate, Famous, Feelings, Friends, Fulfilling, Life, Meaningful
The loiterer often imputes delay to his more active friend
Author: AesopTopics: Ability, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Friend, Friendship, Fulfilling, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful
Topics: Ability, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Friends, Friendship, Fulfilling, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Opportunity, Organization
No man is so poor as not to have many valuable friends
Author: AesopTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Friendship, Fulfilling, Inspirational, Life, Man, Meaningful, Poor, Popularity, Positive Words
Considering all that’s happened in my life, I feel like I’m a pretty levelheaded person that has remained happy and not let my shortcomings overtake the better part of me. I’m fulfilling the things I wanted to fulfill, and I’m still sane.
Author: Leonardo Di CaprioTopics: Famous, Fulfilling, Happy, Inspirational, Life Experiences, Positive, Success
How can sincerity be a condition of friendship? A taste for truth at any cost is a passion which spares nothing
Author: Albert CamusTopics: Condition, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Friendship, Fulfilling, Inspirational, Life, Price, Task, Taste
When I no longer thrill to the first snow of the season, I’ll know I’m growing old.
Author: Lady BirdTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feeling, Fulfilling, Motivating, Old, Season

Life well spent is long.
Author: Leonardo da VinciTopics: Contributions, Experiences, Famous, Fulfilling, Long-Term, Meaningful, Positive
Ned, I would love to stand here and talk with you—but I’m not going to
Author: Adam sandlerTopics: Fame Obsession, Famous, Fear, Feelings, Fulfilling, Life, Responsibilities, Survives
The time you are most prepared for dating is when you don’t need anyone to complete you, fulfill you, or instill in you a sense of worth or purpose.
Author: Myles MunroeTopics: Complete, Fulfilling, Worth
Respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Famous, Fulfilling, Invented, Love, Respect

The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.
Author: Abraham LincolnTopics: Famous, Fulfilling, Goal, Growth, Hard Work, Life, Positive
I think tolerance and acceptance and love is something that feeds every community.
Author: Lady GagaTopics: Community, Famous, Fulfilling, Tolerance
Every time I feel tired while I am exercising and training, I close my eyes to see that picture, to see that list with my name. This usually motivates me to work again.
Author: Michael JordanTopics: Exercising, Fulfilling, Motivation, Motivational, Photos, Pictures, Training, Work
I have so much energy. I train, I travel, I’m learning about music and fashion, reading a lot. I don’t want to miss anything. I want to experience everything.”
Author: Lewis HamiltonTopics: Energy, Enjoy, Everything, Experiences, Famous, Fulfilling, Fun, Happy, Interest, Learning, Life, Music
I love to be on the move, and I am fortunate that I have friends all over the world.
Author: Lewis HamiltonTopics: Famous, Fortunate, Friend, Fulfilling, Happy, Interest, Love, Moving, World
My dad wanted me to have a better life than he had ever had. He wanted us to succeed so badly. And I never wanted to let him down.
Author: Lewis HamiltonTopics: Ambition, Dad, Famous, Feelings, Fulfilling, Improved, Influence, Inspiration, Positive, Successful
I always thought, if I can affect one kid and help him or her fulfill their dreams, that would be kinda neat, so I want to ensure that I’m remembered in a good way.
Author: Lewis HamiltonTopics: Ability, Child, Contribute, Desire, Dreams, Famous, Fulfilling, Kid
I understand you, and I shall not attempt to make you change your mind… I have told you what I think, and that is all. I shall remain your friend even if you act contrary to my convictions, and I shall help you even if I disagree with you.
Author: Milan KunderaTopics: Concept, Facts, Freedom, Friendship, Fulfilling, Life
I am a walking piece of art every day, with my dreams and my ambitions forward at all times in an effort to inspire my fans to lead their life in that way.
Author: Lady GagaTopics: Ambition, Effort, Embrace, Empowered, Encouragement, Establish, Experiences, Famous, Fans, Fulfilling, Impactful, Improve, Influence, Inspiration, Meaningful, Motivational, Passionate, Positive, Role Model
I want my fans to love themselves. It’s almost like I want to hypnotize them so when they hear my music they love themselves instantly.
Author: Lady GagaTopics: Acknowledgement, Contributions, Encouragement, Explore, Famous, Fulfilling, Impactful, Influence, Inspiration, Love, Meaningful, Motivational, Realization, Self Belief, Self-Acceptance, Self-Love, Self-Perception, Self-Worth