Prune – prune businesses, products, activities, people. Do it annually.
Author: Donald RumsfeldTopics: Activities, Business, Famous
I see so many activists… who are artists because they feel that they have the power of communication.
Author: Yoko OnoTopics: Activities, Famous, Life
Sometimes you just have to go out there and let your instincts take over.
Author: Larry BirdTopics: Activities, Famous, Life
It makes me sick when I see a guy just stare at a loose ball and watch it go out of bounds.
Author: Larry BirdTopics: Activities, Experiences, Famous
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.
Author: John CenaTopics: Act, Activities, Famous
Yes I have a belt. I wear big pants because my ass is huge. So I can’t go to a store by off the rack a size that is appropriate for my waist because they don’t fit my ass!
Author: John CenaTopics: Activities, Famous
Sometimes you gotta take a step back to move forward.
Author: John CenaTopics: Activities, Famous, Feelings

I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
Author: Winston ChurchillTopics: Activities, Famous, Positive

I do not recognize the right of the public to break in the front door of a man’s private life in order to satisfy the gaze of the curious… I do not think it right to dissect living men even for the advancement of science. So far as I am concerned, I prefer a post mortem examination to vivisection without anaesthetics.
Author: Alexander Graham BellTopics: Activities, Famous, Meaningful
Lord Aberdeen was quite touched when I told him I was so attached to the dear, dear Highlands and missed the fine hills so much. There is a great peculiarity about the Highlands and Highlanders; and they are such a chivalrous, fine, active people.
Author: Queen VictoriaTopics: Achievement, Activities, Famous
Affairs go on, and all will take some shape or other, but it keeps one in hot water all the time.
Author: Queen VictoriaTopics: Ability, Activities, Famous, Feelings
A marriage is no amusement but a solemn act, and generally a sad one.
Author: Queen VictoriaTopics: Act, Activities, Life

I’m not on good terms with any of my exes. That’s why we’re not together anymore. We’re not friends.
Author: AdeleTopics: Activities, Famous, Positive
I’m not a size zero, and I’m not going to pretend to be. I’m proud of my body and my voice, and that’s what matters.
Author: AdeleTopics: Activities, Experiences, Famous
People’s blessings give you the power to work tirelessly. The only thing required is a commitment.
Author: Narendra ModiTopics: Activities, Famous
The real price of everything, what everything really costs to the man who wants to acquire it, is the toil and trouble of acquiring it.
Author: Adam SmithTopics: Acquire, Activities
Everybody knows my life. I won a lot of tournaments and scored more than 1,000 goals, won three World Cups but I could not play in Olympic Games.
Author: PeléTopics: Activities, Famous
The development of new machines is a process of continual improvement and refinement.
Author: Charles BabbageTopics: Ability, Activities
Post ‘Ek Tha Tiger,’ which was a more mainstream, action film, I spent a lot of time with Salman and I realised that he has a very strong commitment and believes strongly about certain issue and one of them is secularism in India.
Author: Kabir KhanTopics: Activities, People
Don’t complain about our coffee; someday you may be old and weak yourself.
Author: Upton SinclairTopics: Activities, Famous
I’ve learned over the years that if you start thinking about the race, it stresses you out a little bit. I just try to relax and think about video games, what I’m gonna do after the race, what I’m gonna do just to chill. Stuff like that to relax a little before the race.
Author: Usain BoltTopics: Activities, Famous
I was personally concerned and involved in child rights-related activities right from my childhood.
Author: Kailash SatyarthiTopics: Activities, Childhood, Concerned, Famous, Involved
Music is everywhere and in everything! I draw my inspiration from the day to day activities of my life!
Author: Kailash KherTopics: Activities, Day-To-Day, Everything, Everywhere, Famous, Inspiration, Life, Music
At best, I see the activity of president as coordinating an ensemble. On the dim days, it is progressively similar to that of a grasp connecting with the motor to impact forward movement, while taking more noteworthy contact
Author: A. Bartlett GiamattiTopics: Activities, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Forward-looking, Inspirational, Meaningful, Peace, Peace president, See, Similar, Similarity, Times, Times of difficulty
It’s not what the rabbi’s state that characterizes Jewishness but rather what we Israelis do each day – our activities and our qualities.
Author: A. B. YehoshuaTopics: Activities, Equal respect, Equal rights, Equality, Equality for Immigrants, Equally, Experiences, Famous, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful
For art to exist, for any sort of aesthetic activity or perception to exist, a certain physiological precondition is indispensable: intoxication.
Topics: Activities, Lesson, Letting go, Perception, Perfect, Physical, Physical attraction
All human beings seek the happy life, but many confuse the means – for example, wealth and status – with that life itself. This misguided focus on the means to a good life makes people get further from the happy life. The really worthwhile things are the virtuous activities that make up the happy life, not the external means that may seem to produce it.
Author: EpictetusTopics: Activities, Confused, Example, Famous, Focus, Good Life, Happy, Human Beings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Misguided belief, People, Positive, Seek, Seems, Status, Virtuous, Wealth
Do I look like someone who has something to do here on earth? —That’s what I’d like to answer the busybodies who inquire into my activities.
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Activities, Busy, Earth, Lightning, Like, Like me
Religion gives inspiration to act well. Not only that, it gives inspiration to the arts and to many other activities of human beings.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Activities, Human, Human Beings, Inspiration, Religion
Wherever you are, get the knowledge you need to go where you want to go, by listening to audio learning programs while driving, jogging or doing other activities.
Author: Brian TracyTopics: Activities, doing activities, Driving, Education, jogging, Knowing, Knowledge, Learning, Listen, Listened, Listening, Programs, True education
People who take a long view of their lives and careers always seem to make much better decisions about their time and activities than people who give very little thought to the future.
Author: Brian TracyTopics: Activities, Career, Decision, Decisions, Humble People, Inspire People, Live, Lives, People, People’s Opinions, Thoughtful, Thoughts, Time, Views
All activities and events that a body is to go through are determined at the time of conception.
Author: Ramana MaharshiTopics: Activities, Determined, Famous, Time
When your real, effortless, joyful grateful nature is realized, it will not be inconsistent with the ordinary activities of life.
Author: Ramana MaharshiTopics: Activities, Famous, Feelings, Joyful, Meaningful, Nature, Real
We can ill afford to have activities conducted as “non-profit,” that is, as activities that devour capital rather than form it, if they can be organized as activities that form capital, as activities that make a profit.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Activities, Famous, Meaningful, Organized, Rather
Writing is one of the most solitary activities in the world.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Activities, Famous, Meaningful, World
The basic essential of a great actor is that he loves himself in acting.
Author: Charlie Chaplin
Topics: Activities, Actors, Especially, Essential, Great, Love interest, Love Life, Loved, Lovemaking
I thought I would dress in baggy pants, big shoes, a cane, and a derby hat. Everything is a contradiction: the pants are baggy, the coat tight, the hat small, and the shoes large.
Author: Charlie Chaplin
Topics: Activities, Dreamy feeling, Dress Up, Language, Large, Large audience, Large-scale action, Lifelong Learning, Lifestyles, Light, Pants Up, Paparazzi, Small

There is no alternative way, so far discovered, of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system.
Author: Milton FriedmanTopics: Activities, Candle, Discovered, Famous, Improving, Meaningful, Ordinary, People, People’s, Productive, Unleashed
Evil does not exist in guerrilla warfare but only in the unorganized and undisciplined activities that are anarchism.
Author: Mao ZedongTopics: Activities, Evil, Famous, Guerrilla, Meaningful, Undisciplined, Unorganized
When you’ve got gray hair, every move you make seems young and spry, instead of just being normally active
Author: Andy WarholTopics: Activities, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful
In soloing – as in other activities – it is far easier to start something than it is to finish it
Author: Amelia EarhartTopics: Activities, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Something, Somewhere
In the absence of sound oversight, responsible businesses are forced to compete against unscrupulous and underhanded businesses, who are unencumbered by any restrictions on activities that might harm the environment, or take advantage of middle-class families, or threaten to bring down the entire financial system.
Author: Barack ObamaTopics: Absence, Activities, Business, Environment, Families, Famous, Restriction
Even the mundane task of washing dishes by hand is an example of the small tasks and personal activities that once filled people’s daily lives with a sense of achievement.
Author: B.F. SkinnerTopics: Achievement, Activities, Courage, Daily, Day-To-Day, Days, Example, Experiences, Famous, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Personal, Positive
Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities
Author: Aldous HuxleyTopics: Ability, Achievement, Activities, Admire, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Happiness, Happy, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Product, Promoting
The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.
Author: Albert EinsteinTopics: Activities, Alive, Child, Childhood, Children, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Good Life, Human Activity, Human Life, Innner Beauty, Life, Permitting, Truth
Topics: Activities, Famous, Feelings, Human Activity, Human Being, Human Life, Humanity, Humiliation, Life
My father taught me to work, but not to love it. I never did like to work, and I don’t deny it. I’d rather read, tell stories, crack jokes, talk, laugh—anything but work
Author: Abraham LincolnTopics: Ability, Achievement, Activities, Famous, Feelings, Life, Plan, Problems, Process, Speak, Speech
I know not how to aid you, save in the assurance of one of mature age, and much severe experience, that you can not fail, if you resolutely determine, that you will not.
Author: Abraham LincolnTopics: Act, Activities, Age, Challenging, Experiences, Experiment, Famous, Feelings, Life
I am not in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people
Author: Abraham LincolnTopics: Ability, Act, Activities, Career, Challenge, Choose, Clear-Minded, Concentration, Famous, Feelings, Life
I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong
Author: Abraham LincolnTopics: Achievement, Act, Activities, Admire, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Life, Positive, Strong Men, Struggle, Success, Suffer, Time, True Self, Understanding