Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.
Author: H. L. MenckenTopics: Famous, Humor, Laughter, Witty
It is even harder for the average ape to believe that he has descended from man.
Author: H. L. MenckenTopics: Famous, Humorous, Witty
For such is the nature of man, that howsoever they may acknowledge many others to be more witty, or more eloquent, or more learned; Yet they will hardly believe there be many so wise as themselves: For they see their own wit at hand, and other men at a distance.
Author: Thomas HobbesTopics: Distance, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Hand, Hardly, Howsoever, Human, Judgement, Learned, Life, Man, Meaningful, Nature, Self-Perception, Witty
Although it is generally known, I think it’s about time to announce that I was born at a very early age.
Author: Groucho MarxTopics: Famous, Humor, Witty
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
Author: Groucho MarxTopics: Famous, Humorous, Meaningful, Time, Witty
Pride only helps us to be generous; it never makes us so, any more than vanity makes us witty.
Author: George EliotTopics: Famous, Help, Pride, Vanity, Witty
I frankly felt like the reception we received on the way in from the airport was very warm and hospitable. And I want to thank the Canadian people who came out to wave — with all five fingers — for their hospitality.
Author: George W. BushTopics: Famous, Grateful, Hospitality, Humor, Witty
Some people have no idea what they’re doing, and a lot of them are really good at it.
Author: George CarlinTopics: Famous, Idea, Inspirational, Sarcastic, Witty
I drink only to make my friends seem interesting.
Author: W. C. FieldsTopics: Famous, Friendship, Fun, Humor, Witty
I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.
Author: W. C. FieldsTopics: Compassion, Famous, Humor, Lighthearted, Love, Witty
I was the first comic in world history, so they told me, to pick fights with children.
Author: W. C. FieldsTopics: Cool, Famous, Humor, Witty
Never try to impress a woman, because if you do she’ll expect you to keep up the standard for the rest of your life.
Author: W. C. FieldsTopics: Expectation, Famous, Humor, Life, Love, Romantic, Witty
I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally
Author: W. C. FieldsTopics: Famous, Humor, Mind, Philosophy, Witty