We must succumb to the general influence of the times. No man can be of the tenth century, if he would; be must be a man of the nineteenth century
Author: Thomas Babington MacaulayTopics: Famous, Feelings, General, Influence, Life, Meaningful
For just as the first general precepts of the law of nature are self-evident to one in possession of natural reason, and have no need of promulgation, so also that of believing in God is primary and self-evident to one who has faith: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is
Author: Thomas AquinasTopics: Faith, Famous, Feelings, General, Law, Life, Meaningful, Nature, Positive, Possession, Reason, Self-evident
If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one…
Author: James MadisonTopics: Famous, General, Government, Money, Powers
Ice shelves in general have episodic carvings and there can be large icebergs breaking off – I’m talking 100km or 200km long – every 10 or 20 or 50 years.
Author: Ian AllisonTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, General, Inspirational, Large, Life, Meaningful, People, Positive

The ballpark is a place where generations come together to share in the joy of the game
Author: A. Bartlett GiamattiTopics: General, Place, Share, Shared experience, Together, Togetherness
In seats where perhaps we don’t expect to win at the next general election, the new infrastructure gives us a chance to win local council seats and to build a campaigning base which could help us to win in the future.
Author: Theresa MayTopics: Build, Campaigns, Chance, Election, Expect, General, Infrastructure, Local, Seat
The fact remains that we are invited to forget ourselves on purpose, cast our awful solemnity to the wind, and join in the general Dance
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Dance, Fact, Famous, Forget, General, Invited, Join, Meaningful, Purpose, Solemnity, Wind
History, in general, only informs us what bad government is.
Author: Thomas JeffersonTopics: Domination, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, General, History, Injustice, Meaningful, Rule, Unjust
Favor comes because, for a brief moment in the great space of human change and progress, some general human purpose finds in him a satisfactory embodiment
Author: Franklin D. RooseveltTopics: Favor, Favorite, General, Great, Human, Human behavior, Progress, Purpose, Purposeful Living, Satisfaction
I met the surgeon general – he offered me a cigarette.
Author: Rodney DangerfieldTopics: Cigarette, Famous, General, Offered, Surgeon
My general take on American music since 1969 is that it’s just getting stiffer and people are getting more uptight – audience, performance, and palace guard.
Author: Iggy PopTopics: Famous, General, Getting, Meaningful
As a general principle you should not force young men to do their duty, but let them do it voluntarily and thereby develop their characters.
Author: Robert E. LeeTopics: Characters, Famous, General, Principles, Voluntarily, Young
There is nothing left for me to do but to go and see General Grant and I would rather die a thousand deaths.
Author: Robert E. LeeTopics: Famous, General, Thousand
Sir, if you ever presume again to speak disrespectfully of General Grant in my presence, either you or I will sever his connection with this university.
Author: Robert E. LeeTopics: Connection, Disrespectfully, Famous, General, Presence, University
Sorrow seems more general than it did.
Author: Emily DickinsonTopics: Famous, General, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive, Sorrow
I went to a general store but they wouldn’t let me buy anything specific.
Author: Steven Alexander WrightTopics: Famous, General, Meaningful
It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Author: Edmund BurkeTopics: Errors, Famous, General, Inspirational, Life, loudest, Meaningful, Popular, popular error, Public, Suppose
The theoretical broadening which comes from having many humanities subjects on the campus is offset by the general dopiness of the people who study these things.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Campus, Famous, General, Humanities, People, Study, Subjects, Theoretical
Communism starts with the proposition that there are no universal truths or general truths of human nature.
Author: Richard M. NixonTopics: Famous, General, Human, Life, Meaningful, Nature, Universal
In general, I like the healthy stuff and don’t really have a problem with any of it.
Author: Conor McGregor
Topics: General, Health, Like, Like me, Problem, Realized, Really
The guys who won World War II and that whole generation have disappeared, and now we have a bunch of teenage twits.
Author: Clint Eastwood
Topics: Disappearing, General, Life, Meaningful, Technologies, Teenage, Works, World
Consumerism diverts us from thinking about women’s rights, it stops us from thinking about Iraq, it stops us from thinking about what’s going on in Africa – it stops us from thinking in general.
Author: PinkTopics: Diverts, Famous, General, Iraq, Thinking
The most important decisions in organizations are people decisions, and yet only the military, and only recently, has begun to ask, “If we assign this general to lead this base, what do we expect him to accomplish?
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Decisions, Famous, General, Important, Meaningful, Military, Organizations
If general perception changes from seeing the glass as ‘half-full’ to seeing it as ‘half empty’ there are major innovative opportunities.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Famous, General, Innovative, Meaningful, Opportunities, Perception
The history of Money getting, which is commerce, is a history of civilization, and wherever trade has flourished most, there, too, have art and science produced the noblest fruits. In fact, as a general thing, Money getters are the benefactors of our race. To them, in a great measure, are we indebted for our institutions of learning and of art, our academies, colleges, and churches.
Author: P. T. BarnumTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, General, History, Meaningful, Money
As a general thing, I have not duped the world nor attempted to do so. I have generally given people the worth of their money twice told.
Author: P. T. BarnumTopics: Famous, General, Meaningful, World
My mother said to me, if you are a soldier, you will became a general. If you are a monk will become the Pope. Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.
Author: Pablo PicassoTopics: Famous, General, Instead, Monk, Mother, Painter, Picasso, Soldier
When I was a child my mother said to me, ‘If you become a soldier, you’ll be a general. If you become a monk, you’ll be the pope.’ Instead I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.
Author: Pablo PicassoTopics: Child, Famous, General, Instead, Monk, Mother, Painter, Picasso, Soldier
In the first book I shall describe all the positions of the spheres, along with the motions which I attribute to the Earth, so that the book will contain as it were the general structure of the universe.
Author: Nicolaus CopernicusTopics: Famous, First, General, Meaningful
There is nothing more pathetic and futile than a general who lives long enough to explain a defeat.
Author: George S. PattonTopics: Failure, Famous, General, Justify, Military leaders
If we offer too much silent assent about mysticism and superstition – even when it seems to be doing a little good – we abet a general climate in which scepticism is considered impolite, science tiresome, and rigorous thinking somehow stuffy and inappropriate.
Author: Carl Sagan
Topics: General, Good, Little, Little Things, Science, Scientific, Significant, Silent, Superstition, Supply, Things, Thinking mind
The kernel of all jealousy is lack of love
Author: Carl JungTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, General, Jealousy, Life, Love, Loveable, Meaningful
About a third of my cases are suffering from no clinically definable neurosis, but from the senselessness and emptiness of their lives. This can be defined as the general neurosis of our times
Author: Carl JungTopics: Empty, General, Lives, Living, Suffer, Suffering, Times, Times of difficulty
With some notable exceptions, businessmen favor free enterprise in general but are opposed to it when it comes to themselves.
Author: Milton FriedmanTopics: Famous, General, Life, Meaningful
Under the attempt to perform the impossible, there sets a general disintegration
Author: Bob UeckerTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, General, Impossible, Lesson, Letting, Life, Meaningful, Perfectly, Performance, Under, Underdeveloped
Of mankind we may say in general they are fickle, hypocritical, and greedy of gain.
Author: Niccolo MachiavelliTopics: Famous, General, Greedy, Mankind, Meaningful
It’s not the generals, it’s the civilians who authorise and organise the worst war crimes.
Author: Noam ChomskyTopics: Crimes, General, War
Science, in its ultimate ideal, consists of a set of propositions arranged in a hierarchy, the lowest level of the hierarchy being concerned with particular facts, and the highest with some general law, governing everything in the universe. The various levels in the hierarchy have a two-fold logical connection, travelling one up, one down; the upward connection proceeds by induction, the downward by deduction.
Author: Bertrand RussellTopics: Connection, General, Induction, Propositions, Science, Ultimate
A habit of basing convictions upon evidence, and of giving to them only that degree or certainty which the evidence warrants, would, if it became general, cure most of the ills from which the world suffers.
Author: Bertrand RussellTopics: Cure, Evidence, General, Habit, Suffers, World
I like boring things
Author: Andy WarholTopics: Famous, Feelings, General, Laughter, Life, Things, Thoughts
Three cheers for the war. Three cheers for Italy’s war and three cheers for war in general. Peace is hence absurd or rather a pause in war.
Author: Benito MussoliniTopics: General, Pause
Concentrate your energies, your thoughts and your capital. The wise man puts all his eggs in one basket and watches the basket
Author: Andrew CarnegieTopics: Concentration, Energy, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, General, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful
True knowledge of good and evil as we possess is merely abstract or general, and the judgment which we pass on the order of things and the connection of causes, with a view to determining what is good or bad for us in the present, is rather imaginary than real.
Author: Baruch SpinozaTopics: Evil, General, Good, Imaginary, Judgment, Judgmental, Merely