Make it a part of every day’s business to read and meditate on some portion of God’s Word. Private means of grace are just as needful every day for our souls as food and clothing are for our bodies.
Author: J. C. RyleTopics: Famous, God, Grace, Inspirational, Meditate, Necessity, Reading, Souls, Words
Necessity is laid upon us. We must fight. There are no promises in the Lord Jesus Christ’s epistles to the seven churches, except to those who ‘overcome.’ Where there is grace, there will be conflict. The believer is a soldier. There is no holiness without a warfare. Saved souls will always be found to have fought a fight.
Author: J. C. Ryle
Topics: Conflicts, Famous, Fight, Grace, Holiness, Jesus, Lord, Necessity, Soldiers, Souls
A work of art is good if it has arisen out of necessity. That is the only way one can judge it.
Author: Rainer Maria RilkeTopics: Judge, Necessity, Work

There is a necessity for a regulating discipline of exercise that, whilst evoking the human energies, will not suffer them to be wasted
Author: Thomas de QuinceyTopics: Discipline, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Necessity, Wasted
To be a textual critic requires aptitude for thinking and willingness to think; and though it also requires other things, those things are supplements and cannot be substitutes. Knowledge is good, method is good, but one thing beyond all others is necessary; and that is to have a head, not a pumpkin, on your shoulders and brains, not pudding, in your head.
Author: A. E. HousmanTopics: Good, Knowing, Knowing yourself, Knowledge, Leadership, Leadership Qualities, Leads, Necessary, Necessity, Requires, Thinking, Thinking mind, Willingness
Do you know the only value life has is what life puts upon itself? And it is of course over-estimated since it is of necessity prejudiced in its own favour.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Course, Famous, Life, Meaningful, Necessity, Overestimated, Prejudiced
Both above and below, without and within, which way so ever thou dost turn thee, everywhere thou shalt find the Cross; and everywhere of necessity thou must hold fast patience, if thou wilt have inward peace, and enjoy an everlasting crown
Author: Thomas a KempisTopics: Famous, Feelings, Find, Hold, Life, Meaningful, Necessity, Patience, Peace
I believe that architecture is a pragmatic art. To become art it must be built on a foundation of necessity.
Author: I.M.PeiTopics: Built, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Foundation, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Necessity, Positive
I enjoy working with people. I understand that as a necessity. And clearly that’s something that develops as you get older. And I’ve grown into that.
Author: Thom MayneTopics: Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Necessity, Understand
Talking about food is like talking about your dreams. Everyone has something to say. We all have to eat, it’s just what we eat which differs. Some people eat for fuel and I feel bad for them.
Author: Gael Garcia BernalTopics: Dream, Famous, Food, Living, Necessity, People, Talking
‘Bloo’ is a compilation of a few songs I’ve written over the past year, inspired by the necessity of finding happiness in the people I choose to surround myself with.
Author: Kacy HillTopics: Famous, Happiness, Inspiration, Necessity, People, Songs
I am one of those for whom superfluity is a necessity
Author: Theophile GautierTopics: Famous, Feelings, Meaningful, Necessity, Superfluity
It is with a pious fraud as with a bad action; it begets a calamitous necessity of going on.
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Action, Famous, Fraud, Life, Meaningful, Necessity
A food critic really only needs two things in order to do his job properly: no eating disorders and the gastric morals of a hooker with a mortgage
Author: A. A. GillTopics: Famous, Food, Foodie, Little hard, Little Things, Meaningful, Moral, Moral character, Necessity, Need, Proportion, Proposal, Realizing, Really, Really Matter

We are kept keen on the grindstone of pain and necessity.
Author: H. G. WellsTopics: Famous, Grindstone, Keeping, Necessity, Pain
With wine and food, the confidence of my own table, and the necessity of reassuring my wife, I grew by insensible degrees courageous and secure.
Author: H. G. WellsTopics: Confidence, Courageous, Famous, Food, Man, Necessity, Reassuring, Secure, Wife, Wine

The professional military mind is by necessity an inferior and unimaginative mind; no man of
high intellectual quality would willingly imprison his gifts in such a calling.
Topics: Famous, Imprison, Inferior, Intellectual, Military, Mind, Necessity, Professional, Quality, Unimaginative mind
It is better to have it and need it, than to need it and not have it.
Author: Theodore Roosevelt
Topics: Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Leadership, Leads, Life, Meaningful, Necessity, Need
Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure
Author: Thomas A. EdisonTopics: Ambition, Change, Discontent, Drive, Experiences, Failure, Famous, Feelings, First, Growth, Improvement, Innovation, Inspirational, Life, Man, Meaningful, Necessity, Positive, Progress, Restlessness, Satisfied, Show, Throughly
Topics: Challenge, Change, Discontent, Dissatisfaction, Evolution, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, First, Growth, Improvement, Innovation, Inspirational, Meaningful, Necessity, Progress, Transformation
Necessity has the face of a dog.
Author: Gabriel Garcia MarquezTopics: Comparision, Dog, Face, Famous, Inspirational, Necessity
All I need is a sheet of paper and something to write with, and then I can turn the world upside down.
Topics: Down, Necessity, Need, Paper, Something, Something for nothing
I lack nothing. I only needed myself.
Author: Franz Kafka
Topics: Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, myself, Necessity, Need, Nothing, Notice, Something, Something for nothing
It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.’ ‘A melancholy conclusion,’ said K. ‘It turns lying into a universal principle.
Author: Franz Kafka
Topics: Acceptable, Necessary, Necessity, True, True courage
The need for novelty is the characteristic of an alienated gorilla.
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Character, Leading, Leads, Necessity, Need, Novel
Negation is the mind’s first freedom, yet a negative habit is fruitful only so long as we exert ourselves to overcome it, adapt it to our needs; once acquired it can imprison us.
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Freedom, Freedom of expression, Fruitful, Necessity, Need, Negative, Negative Impression, Open-Minded, Opening
I needed to know that there was such a thing as love and that it brought smiles and joy in its wake.
Author: Elie Wiesel
Topics: Joy, Joyful, Knowing, Knowing yourself, Knowledge, Necessity, Needing, Things, Thinking, Wake, Wake Up
The sky is so close to the sea that it is difficult to tell which is reflected in the other, which one needs the other, which one is dominating the other.
Author: Elie Wiesel
Topics: Dominance, Lesson, Letting go, Necessity, Need, Sea, Self-Progress, Self-Realization, Self-Reflection, Self-Respect, Skill Development, Sky, Sky diving
I know when I need it, I can count on you like four, three, two And you’ll be there ’cause that’s what friends are supposed to do
Author: Bruno MarsTopics: Count, Knowing, Knowing yourself, Knowledge, Necessity, Need, Number, Supply
We’ll find out what we’re made of When we are called to help our friends in need
Author: Bruno MarsTopics: Friend, Friendship, Help, Helping, Life Cycle, life lesson, Life Long Journey, Made, Necessity, Needing
We need to try to unite audiences, unite countries, join musical tastes, unite people
Author: Bad BunnyTopics: Countries, Musical, Musical Instruments, Necessity, Need, Task, Taste, Trying, United
For me Sir Alex was my father in football. He was crucial in my career and, outside football, was a great human being with me. Talent isn’t everything. You can have it from the cradle, but it is necessary to learn the trade to be the best.
Author: Cristiano Ronaldo
Topics: Everything, Famous, Feelings, Giving, Giving up, Goal, Goals, Idea, Idea of success, Life, Meaningful, Near, Necessarily, Necessities, Necessity

Honor is a luxury for aristocrats, but it is a necessity for hall porters.
Author: Gilbert K. ChestertonTopics: Famous, Hall porters, Honor, Luxury, Necessity
Truth must of necessity be stranger than fiction … for fiction is the creation of the human mind, and therefore is congenial to it.
Author: Gilbert K. ChestertonTopics: Creations, Famous, Fiction, Human Mind, Necessity, Stranger, Trust

All government is an ugly necessity.
Author: Gilbert K. ChestertonTopics: Famous, Inspirational, Necessity, Ugly

Literature is a luxury; fiction is a necessity.
Author: Gilbert K. ChestertonTopics: Famous, Fiction, Inspirational, Literature, Luxury, Necessity
It is necessity and not pleasure that compels us.
Author: Dante AlighieriTopics: Famous, Meaningful, Necessity, Pleasure
Because we all share this planet earth, we have to learn to live in harmony and peace with each other and with nature. This is not just a dream, but a necessity.
Author: Dalai LamaTopics: Famous, Harmony, Meaningful, Necessity, Peace

The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality of happiness, and by no means a necessity of life.
Author: George Bernard ShawTopics: Famous, Happiness, Life, Necessity, Quality
Real loneliness is not necessarily limited to when you are alone.
Author: Charles Bukowski
Topics: Alone, Limitation, Limited, Necessarily, Necessity, Reading, Real, Real-Life, Realities, Realization
Our species needs, and deserves, a citizenry with minds wide awake and a basic understanding of how the world works.
Author: Carl Sagan
Topics: Growing, Growth Mindset, Growth-oriented mindset, Necessity, Need, Needing
Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery
Author: Calvin CoolidgeTopics: Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Near, Necessity, Robbery, Royalty
Freedom is the truth of necessity.
Author: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich HegelTopics: Famous, Freedom, Inspirational, Necessity, Truth

Make a virtue of necessity.
Author: Geoffrey ChaucerTopics: Famous, Inspirational, Necessity, Virtue
Mothers are a biological necessity; fathers are a social invention.
Author: Margaret MeadTopics: Famous, Invention, Meaningful, Mothers, Necessity, Social
The Bible is not an option, it is a necessity. You cannot grow spiritually strong without it.
Author: Billy GrahamTopics: Necessity, Option
The emancipation of women is not an act of charity, it’s a basic necessity for the revolution to triumph.
Author: Anton ChekhovTopics: Act, Charity, Famous, Feelings, Life, Necessity, Revolution
The root of the matter the thing I mean is love, Christian love, or compassion. If you feel this, you have a motive for existence, a guide for action, a reason for courage, an imperative necessity for intellectual honesty.
Author: Bertrand RussellTopics: Christian, Compassion, Existence, Intellectual, Love, Motive, Necessity, Reason, Root

When you face your fear, most of the time you will discover that it was not really such a big threat after all. We all need some form of deeply rooted, powerful motivation – it empowers us to overcome obstacles so we can live our dreams.
Author: Les BrownTopics: Dreams, Empowerment, Famous, Inspirational, Live, Necessity, Obstacle, Overcome, Powerful motivation, Self-Discovery

Nature and nature’s laws lay hid in night
Author: Alexander PopeTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Law, Life, Meaningful, Nature, Necessity, Night, Objective
Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are the dead
Author: Aldous HuxleyTopics: Ability, Consistency, Continue, Dead, Dealing, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Life Cycle, Meaningful, Nature, Necessity, People
Be content with what nature made you, or run the risk of earning contempt by trying to be what you’re not
Author: AesopTopics: Ability, Courage, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Nature, Necessity, Risking, Risks, Rule, Try
Try as one may, it is impossible to deny one’s nature
Author: AesopTopics: Ability, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Importance, Impossible, Improvement, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Nature, Necessity
Necessity knows no law
Author: AesopTopics: Ability, Courage, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Law, leader, Learn, Life, Meaningful, Necessity, Positive

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted
Author: AesopTopics: Courage, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Kindness, Leads, Life, Meaningful, Motivates, Motivational, Necessity, Positive, Wasted
Whoever is ungrateful sooner or later will fall
Author: AeschylusTopics: Ability, Experiences, Fall, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Lasting Impact, Later, Leadership, Leads, Life, Motive, Mutual Growth, Necessity
In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer
Author: Albert CamusTopics: Famous, Feelings, Leads, Learned, Life, Necessity, New Things, Season
The ego is nothing other than the focus of conscious attention
Author: Alan WattsTopics: Famous, Feelings, Focused, Life, Motivation, Motive, Necessity
We do not ‘come into’ this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree
Topics: Famous, Feelings, Life, Nature, Necessity, WorldNecessities is the mistress and guide of nature. Necessity is the theme and inventress of nature, her curb and her eternal law.
Author: Leonardo da VinciTopics: Guide, Inventress, Mistress, Nature, Necessity
Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them.
Topics: Famous, Grief, Inter-Related, Love, Meaningful, Necessity, Strong, SupportNothing is so necessary for a young man as the company of intelligent women.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Company, Famous, Man, Necessity, Relationship, Support, Women
Only thing I got to do is be a better father to my children! Everything else gone fall in place!
Author: Lil BabyTopics: Acknowledgement, Children, Commitment, Contributions, Development, Education, Family, Famous, Father, Feelings, Focus, Goal, Growth, Happiness, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Necessity, Priority, Relationship, Responsibilities

Having money is one thing but having sense with the money is the key.
Author: Lil BabyTopics: Establish, Famous, Humor, Inspirational, Intelligence, Lesson, Management, Maturity, Meaningful, Mindset, Money, Necessity, Wealth
Chance and chance alone has a message for us. Everything that occurs out of necessity, everything expected, repeated day in and day out, is mute. Only chance can speak to us.
Author: Milan KunderaTopics: Alone, Chance, Expected, Experiences, Express, Famous, Feelings, Learning, Lesson, Life, Meaningful, Necessity, Truth