It is difficult for a woman to define her feelings in language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs
Author: Thomas HardyTopics: Difficult, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Language, Life, Meaningful

Body language is more powerful than words.
Author: Ricky GervaisTopics: Language, More, Powerful, Words
An art whose medium is language will always show a high degree of critical creativeness, for speech is itself a critique of life: it names, it characterizes, it passes judgment, in that it creates.
Author: Thomas E. MannTopics: Famous, Feelings, Language, Meaningful, Positive, Speech
Fear not because your prayer is stammering, your words feeble, and your language poor. Jesus can understand you.
Author: J. C. RyleTopics: Famous, Fear, Jesus, Language, Prayer, Understand, Words
It is most absurdly said, in popular language, of any man, that he is disguised in liquor; for, on the contrary, most men are disguised by sobriety
Author: Thomas de QuinceyTopics: Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Language, Life, Liquor, Meaningful, Popular
In the modern languages there was not, six hundred years ago, a single volume which is now read. The library of our profound scholar must have consisted entirely of Latin books
Author: Thomas Babington MacaulayTopics: Famous, Feelings, Language, Life, Meaningful, Modern, Profound, Volume
Language is the machine of the poet
Author: Thomas Babington MacaulayTopics: Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Language, Life, Machine, Meaningful
It is, I believe, no exaggeration to say that all the historical information which has been collected from all the books written in the Sanskrit language is less valuable than what may be found in the most paltry abridgement used at preparatory schools in England
Author: Thomas Babington MacaulayTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Historical, Information, Language, Meaningful
The true Tarot is symbolism; it speaks no other language and offers no other signs.
Author: A. E. WaiteTopics: Landmarks, Language, Language Prejudice, Offer, Offering, Personal aspirations, Personal Attachment, Personal belief, Personal choice, Personal contact, Speak, Speaking
Music goes further than any border, any language.
Author: J BalvinTopics: Famous, Language, Power of music
Oh, these cursed phrases, these lies of language, under which people with meat in their bellies and whole shirts on their backs shelter themselves, and evade the responsibility of their brothers and sisters, empty of belly and without whole shirts on their backs.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Language, Responsibility, Shelter, Shirts
You forget how I talked when you first met me. I have learned a new language since then. Before that time I talked as that girl talks. Now I can manage to make myself understood sufficiently in your language to explain that you do not know that other girl’s language.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: First, Forget, Language, Learned, Manage, Understood
This is the first time I have heard ‘ethics’ in the mouth of a man. You and I are the only men on this ship that know its meaning. At one time in my life, I dreamed that I might someday talk with men who used such language, that I might lift myself out of the place in life in which I had been born, and hold conversation and mingle with men who talked about just such things as ethics.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Conversation, First, Language, Meaning, Mouth
Dreams say what they mean, but they don’t say it in daytime language.
Author: Gail GodwinTopics: Dream, Famous, Language, Mean
“Language makes the uncommon common. It can never create experience of something we do not know – only release something in us that is already there.”
Author: Iain McGilchristTopics: Common, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Language, Life, Meaningful, People, Positive
So thinking is prior to language. What language contributes is to firm up certain particular ways of seeing the world and give fixity to them. This has its good side, and its bad. It aids consistency of reference over time and space. But it can also exert a restrictive force on what and how we think. It represents a more fixed version of the world: it shapes, rather than grounds, our thinking.
Author: Iain McGilchristTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Language, Life, Meaningful, People, Positive, Version, World
There were not words enough in the English language, nor in any language, to make his attitude and conduct intelligible to them.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: English, Language
No; I did not hate him. The word is too weak. There is no word in the language strong enough to describe my feelings. I can say only that I knew the gnawing of a desire for vengeance on him that was a pain in itself and that exceeded all the bounds of language.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Desire, Language
I think maybe since there isn’t a great deal of access to the mainstream media and people don’t understand the language of mainstream media, if you put music out there with lyrics that are loosely political, people absorb some of it and spit it back out.
Author: Thom YorkeTopics: Famous, Feelings, Great, Language, Lyrics, Mainstream, Meaningful, Media, Political, Understand
I lived for a year in Scotland. British sign language is very different from American.
Author: I.King jordanTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Language, Life, Lived, Meaningful, Positive
I don’t see it in terms of changing things, but rather using language and music as weapons for fighting a mainstream media which is predominately right wing, and loyal to the political framework and its corporate interests
Author: Thom YorkeTopics: Famous, Fighting, Framework, Language, Life, Mainstream, Meaningful, Political
The word is too weak. There is no word in the language strong enough to describe my feelings.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Enough, Language, Strong, Weak
I remember people saying that Atletico wanted me, that they are a big team, and that it will be a big challenge for me. I don’t know why, but I just felt really prepared for it, really confident. I went there and tried to do my best in training as well as learn the language really quickly. That was important, I think
Author: Thibaut CourtoisTopics: Challenge, Famous, Feelings, Language, Life, Meaningful, Remember, Team, Wanted
Atletico was a real group of friends. We went out together, and my teammates taught me a language I did not know at all when I arrived. When I left, I cried
Author: Thibaut CourtoisTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Language, Meaningful, Real, Taught, Teammates
My arrival at Porto wasn’t easy and I had some difficulties. I spoke the same language but I felt very lonely. Two months later I caught tuberculosis yet at the time no doctor at Porto knew for sure what was wrong with me. I trained and played with the B team
Author: Thiago SilvaTopics: Doctor, Easy, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Language, Lonely, Meaningful, Wrong

Theatricality is a concept. It’s not a specific language.
Author: Gael Garcia BernalTopics: Concept, Famous, Feelings, Language

Films, fiction, can encompass a whole global vision on a particular subject with any story, whatever it is. You can play the story in whatever country with whatever language in whatever style you want to tell the story in.
Author: Gael Garcia BernalTopics: Country, Famous, Fiction, Film, Language, Play, Storytelling, Style

In English, I’m a little bit limited. I speak English as a second language, and that’s a little limitation that I have to work around and I have to use it to my favor. So, yes, that’s why I end up wanting to do more things in Latin America.
Author: Gael Garcia BernalTopics: English, Famous, Language, Latin America, Limitation, Second, Speaking, Work
It’s difficult to act in a language that’s not your own. It takes a long time to put your head around it and feel confident with it.
Author: Gael Garcia BernalTopics: Difficult, Famous, Language, Long
I generally won’t give importance to language barriers. If I feel an actor will fit into the role I will approach.
Author: Thiagarajan KumararajaTopics: Actors, Famous, Feelings, Importance, Language
Baseball is a language that transcends borders and unites people from all walks of life
Author: A. Bartlett GiamattiTopics: Entire life, Entirely, Entitlement, Language, Language Prejudice, People, People Respect, People’s Opinions
For us Indians, I don’t think English can ever exude that magic of emotions which our mother tongue can.
Author: Kailash KherTopics: Famous, Indian, Language, Magic, Mother tongue, Thinking
In a country like India, we don’t want to put everyone in one big mixture. We have a different language, culture and cuisine for each region, even though we are united in the larger context. We are more like a fruit salad, where each ingredient has its own specialty, each fruit its distinct flavor, and together, the salad makes a tasty dish, without losing the individuality of each constituent.
Author: Kabir BediTopics: Country, Famous, India, Individuality, Language, Mass culture, Mixture, Multilingual society

I love singing devotional songs, in whatever language.
Author: K. J. YesudasTopics: Famous, Feelings, Language, Love, Multilingual Music, Singing, Songs

Different languages, different food, different customs. That’s our neighborhood: wild and tangled and colorful. Like the best kind of garden.
Author: K. A. ApplegateTopics: Customs, Different, Famous, Food, Language, Neighborhoods, Wild
Art isn’t held with the same high regard as it is after success. In any country, in any language, you’re a loser if you’re making music until you prove otherwise.
Author: K'naanTopics: Country, Famous, Language, Loser, Music, Success
I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as ABC, hold up truth to your eyes
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Bring, Eyes, Famous, Feelings, Language, Meaningful, Plain, Reason, Truth
That which is now called learning, was not learning originally. Learning does not consist, as the schools now make it consist, in the knowledge of languages, but in the knowledge of things to which language gives names
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Famous, Feelings, Knowledge, Language, Learning, Meaningful, Name, Originally, Positive, School
Language is our most powerful tool and our greatest gift.
Author: A. B. YehoshuaTopics: Gift, Great, Landing, Language, Powerful, Powerful aspiration, Powerful Being
Language is a tool for understanding and empathy, and literature is its most powerful expression.
Author: A. B. YehoshuaTopics: Empathy, Express, Landing, Language, Large, Powerful, Powerful Being, Powerful Concept, Tools, Top, Understanding, Understanding Language
Human language is local and changeable, and is therefore incapable of being used as the means of unchangeable and universal information
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Changeable, Famous, Incapable, Information, Language, Local, Meaningful, Universal
The logic of the poet – that is, the logic of language or the experience itself – develops the way a living organism grows: it spreads out towards what it loves, and is heliotropic, like a plant
Author: Thomas MertonTopics: Experience, Famous, Grows, Heliotropic, Language, Life, Living, Logic, Meaningful, Organisms, Poet
The notion that anything is gained by fixing a language in a groove is cherished only by pedants.
Author: H. L. MenckenTopics: Famous, Groove, Language, Pedants
The whole language of writing for me is finding out what you don’t want to know, what you don’t want to find out. But something forces you to anyway.
Author: James BaldwinTopics: Famous, Language, Meaningful, Something

The French in particular confuse unadorned direct language with a lack of culture or intellectual elegance
Author: A. A. GillTopics: Culture, Elegance, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Language, Lapse of time, Large, Leading, Leads, Life, Meaningful, Part, Participate, Participating
The whole language of writing for me is finding out what you don’t want to know, what you don’t want to find out. But something forces you to anyway.
Author: James BaldwinTopics: Famous, Language, Meaningful, Something
You might say that Richard Wagner was the Queen Victoria of Europe. He had musical children everywhere.
Author: Zubin MehtaTopics: Childhood, Children, Language, Music, Music choice, Music Education
To be able to speak, listen, and understand the language of love is a greater education than any degree.
Author: Gabriela MistralTopics: Ability, Education, Famous, Greater, Inspirational, Language, Listening, Love, Speaking, Understanding
He has done more than anyone for the Spanish language since Cervantes.
Author: Gabriel Garcia MarquezTopics: Famous, Inspirational, Language, Literature

The duty of the writers is not to preserve the language but to open the way for it in history.
Author: Gabriel Garcia MarquezTopics: Duty, Famous, History, Inspirational, Language, Preserve, Way
The grammarians burst with anger at our blunders but those of the next century pick them up as genius of the language. So rest assured: there is no lawsuit. See you in the third millennium.
Author: Gabriel Garcia MarquezTopics: Famous, Genius, Language, Lawsuits
The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.
Author: Ronald ReaganTopics: English, Government, Language
All language is but a poor translation.
Author: Franz Kafka
Topics: Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Language, Life, Meaningful, Poor, Poor Man
In every language, the first word after “Mama!” that every kid learns to say is “Mine!” A system that doesn’t allow ownership, that doesn’t allow you to say “Mine!” when you grow up, has – to put in mildly – a fatal design flaw
Author: Frank ZappaTopics: Designed, Famous, Grow, Growing Brave, Kid, Language, Large, Life, Meaningful, Mingle, Mingled
Italian was my first foreign language. I speak it better than English
Author: ImanTopics: Famous, First, Language, Meaningful
We inhabit a language rather than a country.
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Country, Famous, Feelings, Habit, Had, Landing, Language, Lapse of time, Life, Meaningful, Rather, Ratio
Duty is the sublimest work in the English language.
Author: Robert E. LeeTopics: Duty, Famous, Language, Work
Duty, then is the sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more; you should never wish to do less.
Author: Robert E. LeeTopics: Duty, Famous, Language, Meaningful, Wish, World

All translations are made up” opined Vikram, “Languages are different for a reason. You can’t move ideas between them without losing something
Author: G. Willow WilsonTopics: Language, Reason
Its very variety, subtlety, and utterly irrational, idiomatic complexity makes it possible to say things in English which simply cannot be said in any other language.
Author: Robert A. HeinleinTopics: English, Irrational, Language, Utterly, Variety
Mathematics is not just a language. Mathematics is a language plus reasoning.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Language, Mathematics, Reasoning
Precise language is not the problem. Clear language is the problem.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Language, Precise, Problem
Mathematics is a language plus reasoning; it is like a language plus logic. Mathematics is a tool for reasoning.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Famous, Language, Logic, Mathematics, Reasoning
The eyes have one language everywhere.
Author: George HerbertTopics: Everywhere, Eyes, Famous, Feelings, Language
It was a pleasure merely to hear the sound of her voice, with which, like an instrument of many strings, she could pass from one language to another; so that there were few of the barbarian nations that she answered by an interpreter.
Author: PlutarchTopics: Famous, Interpreter, Language, Meaningful, Voice
Cicero called Aristotle a river of flowing gold, and said of Plato’s Dialogues, that if Jupiter were to speak, it would be in language like theirs.
Author: PlutarchTopics: Famous, Language, Meaningful, River

Swearing is industry language. For as long as we’re alive it’s not going to change. You’ve got to be boisterous to get results.
Author: Gordon RamsayTopics: Change, Famous, Industry, Inspirational, Language, Results
Synergy is the only word in our language that means behavior of whole systems unpredicted by the separately observed behaviors of any of the system’s separate parts or any subassembly of the system’s parts.
Author: R. Buckminster FullerTopics: Famous, Language, Meaningful
I am learning the Language of World and everything in the world is beginning to make sense to me.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Everything, Famous, Language, Learning, World
If I can learn to understand this language without words, I can learn to understand the world.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Famous, Language, Learn, Understand, Words, World
Every human being should know two languages: the language of society and the language of signs. One serves to communicate with other people, the other serves to understand God’s messages.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Human, Language, Languages, Messages, People, Signs, Society, Understand
Language is very powerful. Language does not just describe reality. Language creates the reality it describes.
Author: Desmond TutuTopics: Famous, Language, Meaningful, Reality
The price a world language must be prepared to pay is submission to many different kinds of use.
Author: Chinua Achebe
Topics: Different, Famous, Feelings, Kind, Kindness, Landing, Language, Life, Meaningful, Prepare, Prepared, Price, Religious, Religious Differences
If you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language.
Author: Douglas AdamsTopics: Famous, Instantly, Language, Meaningful, Stick
Nothing which is harmonized by the bond of the Muse can be changed from its own to another language without destroying its sweetness.
Author: Dante AlighieriTopics: Famous, Harmony, Language, Meaningful
At grief so deep the tongue must wag in vain; the language of our sense and memory lacks the vocabulary of such pain.
Author: Dante AlighieriTopics: Famous, Grief, Language, Meaningful, Memory, Pain, Sense, Tongue, Vain
I can ask for cigarettes in every language.
Author: David BowieTopics: Famous, Language, Meaningful
I thought I would dress in baggy pants, big shoes, a cane, and a derby hat. Everything is a contradiction: the pants are baggy, the coat tight, the hat small, and the shoes large.
Author: Charlie Chaplin
Topics: Activities, Dreamy feeling, Dress Up, Language, Large, Large audience, Large-scale action, Lifelong Learning, Lifestyles, Light, Pants Up, Paparazzi, Small
Industry cannot flourish if labor languishes
Author: Calvin CoolidgeTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Industrial, Inspirational, Labor, Language, Life, Meaningful
The great enemy of clear language is insincerity.
Author: George OrwellTopics: Enemy, Famous, Insincerity, Language, Meaningful
You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me
Author: C. S. LewisTopics: Enlightenment, Enough, Language, Large, Suitable
But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.
Author: George OrwellTopics: Famous, Inspirational, Language, Thoughts
A riot is the language of the unheard.
Author: Martin Luther King, Jr.Topics: Famous, Language, Life, Meaningful
What you habitually think largely determines what you will ultimately become.
Author: Bruce LeeTopics: Determination, Language, Large, Things, Thinking, Ultimate
Everyone smiles in the same language.
Author: George CarlinTopics: Famous, Inspirational, Language, Positive emotion, Unifying nature, Universal expression, Universal language
It doesn’t matter what the income level of your family is, or if English is the first or second language. It makes no difference. The bottom line is that every child can be an academic champion, an academic champion and a superstar in academics.
Author: Arnold SchwarzeneggerTopics: Champion, Experiences, Family, Famous, Inspirational, Language, Life, Meaningful, Positive, Surroundings
I had to know at least two languages.
Author: Novak DjokovicTopics: Famous, Feelings, Knowing, Language, Meaningful, Normal

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
Author: Nelson MandelaTopics: Famous, Heart, Language, Man, Meaningful, Understands
Language is the exact expression of thought and this is only achieved with one’s own language, which does it in a perfect way
Author: Antoni GaudiTopics: Famous, Feelings, Language, Life, Meaningful, Perfect, Self-Expression, Thoughts
I listened to a lot of tapes of British theatre actresses and tried to learn from them. As Americans, we don’t have such a gift with language.
Author: Angelina JolieTopics: Actress, Famous, Feelings, Language, Learn, Life, Listened
Math is the language of the universe. So the more equations you know, the more you can converse with the cosmos.
Author: Neil deGrasse TysonTopics: Equations, Famous, Language, Math, Meaningful, Universe
We don’t have a language for the senses. Feelings are images, sensations are like musical sounds
Author: Anais NinTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feeling, Feelings, Inspirational, Language, Life, Meaningful, Music
A malevolent literary device for cramping the growth of a language and making it hard and inelastic. This dictionary, however, is a most useful work.
Author: Alexis de TocquevilleTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Growth, Hard, Hardest, Inspirational, Language, Life, Meaningful, Used To, Useful, Work
The nations of our time cannot prevent the conditions of men from becoming equal, but it depends upon themselves whether the principle of equality is to lead them to servitude or freedom, to knowledge or barbarism, to prosperity or wretchedness.
Author: Alexis de TocquevilleTopics: Equal, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Knowledge, Language, Leads, Learning, Life, Meaningful, Nation, Time

The world is made of language, and if you know the laws that govern language, you can make of it what you will.
Author: Terence McKennaTopics: Famous, Language, Languages, Law, Life, Meaningful, Natural World, Positive, World
A belief in hell and the knowledge that every ambition is doomed to frustration at the hands of a skeleton have never prevented the majority of human beings from behaving as though death were no more than an unfounded rumor
Author: Aldous HuxleyTopics: Ability, Death, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Knowledge, Labor, Language, Life, Meaningful, Rumors, Run
The Fawn and His Mother A YOUNG FAWN once said to his Mother, “You are larger than a dog, and swifter, and more used to running, and you have your horns as a defense; why, then, O Mother! do the hounds frighten you so?” She smiled, and said: “I know full well, my son, that all you say is true. I have the advantages you mention, but when I hear even the bark of a single dog I feel ready to faint, and fly away as fast as I can.” No arguments will give courage to the coward
Author: AesopTopics: Ability, Acceptable, Courage, Dogs, Experiences, Family, Famous, Feel, Feelings, Fly, Focus, Give, Good, Inspirational, Language, Life, Mother, Motivational, Run, Running, Self-Defense, Self-Expression, Self-Growth, Self-Love, Single Idea, Skilled, Social