
Football is a continuous learning process – there’s always room for improvement.
Author: Unai EmeryTopics: Improvements, Learning
You gotta improvise in life. You gotta improv if the police pull you over.
Author: J. B. SmooveTopics: Famous, Improv, Improvements, Police
Improv relies just as much on listening as it does you delivering dialogue. That’s the hard for some people. Some people just concentrate on what they’re going to say, and they’re not listening. You have to listen in order to see where the other person is going to.
Author: J. B. SmooveTopics: Famous, Hard, Improvements, Listening, People

There is romance, the genuine glinting stuff, in typewriters, and not merely in their development from clumsy giants into agile dwarfs, but in the history of their manufacture, which is filled with raids, battles, lonely pioneers, great gambles, hope, fear, despair, triumph. If some of our novels could be written by the typewriters instead of on them, how much better they would be.
Author: J. B. PriestleyTopics: Creativity, Evolution, Famous, History, Human, Human History, Improvements, Ingenuity, Innovation, Machines, Struggle, Triumph
The next attempt may not be perfect, but the second is better than the first, and the third is even better than the second.
Author: J-HopeTopics: Development, Famous, Growth, Improvements, Inspirational
As long as I keep it real, I learn something from everyone. And when you view yourself as a student and not as somebody who’s bigger, there is still learning that can be done every day, and that keeps you open-minded and more ready to learn about life and love.
Author: J BalvinTopics: Famous, Improvements, Learning, Life, Love, Open-Minded
The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce. … The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives and liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State.
Author: James MadisonTopics: Famous, Government, Improvements, Prosperity
Criticism can bother you, but you should be more bothered if there’s no criticism.
Author: Kanye WestTopics: Criticism, Famous, Growth, Improvements
I have delivered sometimes, and the other times, I have not. I have taken it in my stride as a player and learnt from my mistakes.
Author: K. L. RahulTopics: Famous, Improvements, Learning from Mistakes, Player, Self-Reflection, Strategy, Success
I am happy to playing against teams like South Africa and Australia early on in my career. It is going to make me stronger as a cricketer.
Author: K. L. RahulTopics: Career, Famous, Happy, Improvements, Professional athlete, Skill Development, Strategy, Stronger, Teams, Teamwork
As a cricketer – or any sportsperson, for that matter – you like yourself to be tested and get better all the time.
Author: K. L. RahulTopics: Famous, Improvements, Matter, Personal Growth, Sportsperson, Test, Time
The spirit in which the offer was made must of necessity contribute to improving and alleviating the situation of the Jewish people without our renouncing one iota of the great principles upon which our movement is based.
Author: Theodor HerzlTopics: Greatness, Improvements, Improving, Lesson, Letting, Movement, People, People Respect, People’s Opinions, Situation, Spirit
If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.
Author: Gilbert K. ChestertonTopics: Famous, Importance, Improvements, Inspirational, Personal Growth, Taking Risks
When I am making music, I am growing at the same time, ain’t I?
Author: G-DragonTopics: Famous, Improvements, Make, Music, Personal Growth, Time
Walk through life eager and open to self-improvement and that which is going to best help you evolve, because that’s really why were here: to evolve as human beings.
Author: Oprah WinfreyTopics: Help, Human Being, Human Beings, Improvement, Improvements, Life's, Really
Even when you’re winning keep working like you’re losing.
Author: Lil DurkTopics: Famous, Improvements, Inspirational, Maintaining, Major Work, Motivational, Positive Mindset, Positive Words

I will heighten my life by helping others heighten theirs.
Author: Les BrownTopics: Famous, Heighten, Help, Improvements, Incomparable, Life, Motivational

I have two short goals: To get better every day and to help my teammates get better every day.
Author: LeBron JamesTopics: Goals, Improvements, Teammates
Education as a product is like a lot of other products; you can’t do anything to improve the product until you improve the process.
Author: B.F. SkinnerTopics: Education, Experiences, Famous, Improve, Improved, Improvement, Improvements, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive, Product, Products

Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer.
Author: Leonardo da VinciTopics: Famous, Focused, Improvements, Judgement, Motivational, Relaxation, Surer
One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.
Author: Leonardo da VinciTopics: Achievement, Famous, Improvements, Life Long Journey, Motivational, Personal Fulfillment, Personal Growth, Self-Mastery
The more busy you are with the improvement of your inner life, the more active you become in social life, helping other people.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Busy, Famous, Help, Improvements, Motivational, People, social Life
No longer able to believe in the Church religion, whose falsehood they had detected, and incapable of accepting true Christian teaching, which denounced their whole manner of life, these rich and powerful people, stranded without any religious conception of life, involuntarily returned to that pagan view of things which places life’s meaning in personal enjoyment.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Disillusioned, Falsehood, Famous, Improvements, Learning, Manner Of Life, Personal Enjoyment
He’s a phenomenal player who has many qualities that year after year he improves. He’s one of the best.
Author: Lionel MessiTopics: Exceptional, Famous, Footballer, Improvements, Phenomenal Player, Quality, Ronaldo
You have to fail and then get better. Then you have to fail again, and then get even better.
Author: Lady GagaTopics: Courage, Dedication, Encouragement, Failure, Famous, Humility, Importance, Improvements, Inspiration, Persistence, Positive, Resilience
My father is strong in his legs, and I think I get that from him. I am stronger there than in my upper body, but that is what gives me a low centre of gravity. It makes it harder for opponents to get me off the ball.
Author: Luca ModricTopics: Ability, Confidence, Family, Famous, Father, Feelings, Focused, Goal, Impact, Improvements, Incredible, Inspiration, Positive, Power, Self Belief, Self-Discovery, Special, Strength, Stronger
Everyone has a different view on football, but I didn’t have a fear that I wouldn’t be good enough in England.
Author: Luca ModricTopics: Confidence, Experiences, Famous, Fear, Feelings, Football, Hard Work, Honest, Improvements, Inspirational, Mindset, Opinion, Passionate, Self Belief, Self-Acceptance, Success

Manage the cause, not the result.
Author: W. Edwards DemingTopics: Famous, Improvements, Management, Outcome, Performance, Process, Quality
Nothing happens without personal transformation.
Author: W. Edwards DemingTopics: Change, Famous, Growth, Improvements, Leadership, Management, Mind, Organizations, Positive, Success
It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.
Author: W. Edwards DemingTopics: Business, Famous, Growth, Improvements, Opportunity, Organizations, Outcome, Process, Success, Survival
Improve quality, you automatically improve productivity.
Author: W. Edwards DemingTopics: Business, Famous, Importance, Improvements, Performance, Philosophy, Position, Powerful, Success, Unique, Value

Success is only meaningful–and enjoyable–if it feels like your own.
Author: Michelle ObamaTopics: Achievement, Excitement, Experiences, Express, Feelings, Growth, Happiness, Happy, Improvement, Improvements, Journey, Successful, Superhero, Talent, Trophy, Work
If you do not take control over your time and your life, other people will gobble it up. If you don’t prioritize yourself, you constantly start falling lower and lower on your list.
Author: Michelle ObamaTopics: Advice, Challenge, Cheat, Confidence, Efficiency, Effort, Equality, Facts, Failure, Famous, Fear, Feeling, Hard Work, Improve, Improvement, Improvements, Sorrows, Success, Successful, Time, Value, Wisdom, Work
You have to stay in school. You have to. You have to go to college. You have to get your degree. Because that’s the one thing people can’t take away from you is your education. And it is worth the investment.
Author: Michelle ObamaTopics: Achievement, Acknowledgement, Ambition, Concept, Confidence, Courage, Development, Education, Everything, Improve, Improvement, Improvements, Journey, Learning, Meaningful, Opportunity, Work
Let’s be very clear: Strong men – men who are truly role models – don’t need to put down women to make themselves feel powerful. People who are truly strong lift others up. People who are truly powerful bring others together.
Author: Michelle ObamaTopics: Acknowledgement, Chance, Comparision, Connection, Education, Encouragement, Express, Feelings, Freedom, Happy, Help, Improve, Improvements, Judgement, Lesson
In addition to building better products, a more open world will also encourage businesses to engage with their customers directly and authentically. More than four million businesses have Pages on Facebook that they use to have a dialogue with their customers. We expect this trend to grow as well.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Achievement, Advice, Ambition, Change, Concept, Development, Efficiency, Improvements, Journey, Learning, Life, Meaningful, World
In racing there are always things you can learn, every single day. There is always space for improvement, and I think that applies to everything in life.
Author: Lewis HamiltonTopics: Everything, Experiences, Famous, Improvements, Learning, Life, Meaningful, Practice, Race, Successful
My brother was told that he wouldn’t walk, that he wouldn’t be able to play drums, that he wouldn’t be able to race a car – and he’s done all those things. He’s defied the odds, defied disability. I look at him and I’m so inspired, by his mentality and by how incredible the body and the mind are. There’s really nothing you can’t do. My brother has proved that.
Author: Lewis HamiltonTopics: Challenge, Courage, Crucial, Dream, Faith, Famous, Feeling, Goal, Improvements, Inspirational, Journey, Lesson, Life, Meaningful, Motivational, Possibility, Race, Relationship, Respect, Strength, Trust
What people tend to forget is the journey that I had getting to Formula One. There were plenty of years where I had to learn about losing and having bad races.
Author: Lewis HamiltonTopics: Courage, Facts, Famous, Feeling, Improvements, Journey, Learning, Lesson, Life, Motivational, Race
People don’t care about what you say; they care about what you build.
Author: Mark ZuckerbergTopics: Challenge, Concept, Control, Courage, Crucial, Effort, Emotion, Freedom, Growth, Hard Work, Improvement, Improvements, Judgement, Knowledge
Little by little, I’m getting better all the time. I’ve not lost the passion to play.
Author: Lionel MessiTopics: Ambition, Consistency, Famous, Growth, Improvements, Intelligence, Learning, Life, Observation, Passion, Patience, Player, Possibility, Practice, Sports
Sometimes, things may not go your way, but the effort should be there every single night.
Author: Michael JordanTopics: Achievement, Challenge, Chance, Courage, Dream, Effort, Emotion, Fear, Feelings, Improvements, Judgement, Learning, Lesson, Sacrifice, Self-Worth, War
I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.
Author: Michael JordanTopics: Achievement, Challenge, Championship, Emotion, Enjoyment, Famous, Football, Footballer, Goal, Happiness, Improvements, Learning, Lesson, Respect, Struggle, Talent, Trust, Work
I never thought a role model should be negative.
Author: Michael JordanTopics: Control, Criticize, Education, Emotion, Faith, Feelings, Improvements, Inspirational, Learning, Lesson, Meaningful, Mind, Observation, Parenting
Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.
Author: Michael JordanTopics: Desire, Dream, Education, Emotion, Expectation, Faith, Famous, Fear, Feelings, Goals, Hope, Humor, Improvements, Inspirational, Learning, Lesson, Life, Mind, Money, Performance, Teacher, Time, Value, Work
I’ve never lost a game, I just ran out of time.
Author: Michael JordanTopics: Achievement, Ambition, Chance, Emotion, Expectation, Failure, Fear, Feelings, Football, Footballer, Goal, Humor, Improvements, Judgement, Learning, Lesson, Life, Society, Strength, Struggle, Success, Teacher, Time, Value, Work
I’ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come.
Author: Michael JordanTopics: Ambition, Business, Challenge, Courage, Expectation, Experiences, Fear, Feelings, Goals, Humor, Improvements, Inspirational, Learning, Lesson, Life, Observation, Patience, Performance, Power, Process, Reality, Struggle, Time, Trust, Truth, Work
Once you leave the ground, you fly. Some people fly longer than others.
Author: Michael JordanTopics: Achievement, Ambition, Challenge, Courage, Education, Emotion, Failure, Feelings, Improvements, Judgement, Learning, Lesson, Life, Meaningful, Motivational, Positive, Reality, Strength, Struggle, Teacher, Time