For passion, like crime does not sit well with the sure order and even course of everyday life. It welcomes every loosening of the social fabric, every confusion and affliction visited upon the world, for passion sees in such a disorder a vague hope of finding advantage for itself
Author: Thomas E. MannTopics: Confusion, Course, Crimes, Famous, Feelings, Hope, Life, Loosening, Meaningful, Passion
The highest type of leadership maintains itself by its intrinsic worth, sans panoply, pomp and power. Of course, there are never enough real leaders to go around. Wherefore it becomes necessary to dress some men up and by other artificial means to give them a prestige and a power which they could not win by their own resources.
Author: Reinhold NiebuhrTopics: Course, Highest, Leaders, Leadership, Prestige
Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.
Author: A. C. BensonTopics: Course, Mankind, Manner, Manner Of Life, Powerful, Powerful aspiration, Powerful asset, Powerful Being, Words
Rationality belongs to the cool observer, but because of the stupidity of the average man, he follows not reason, but faith, and the naive faith requires necessary illusion and emotionally potent oversimplifications which are provided by the myth-maker to keep ordinary person on course.
Author: Reinhold NiebuhrTopics: Course, Person, Provided, Rationality, Reason
My mother dedicated over fifty years of her life to the nursing profession, giving selflessly of her time, energy, and passion for the benefit of others. I always marvel at what an indelible and honorable contribution she has made and hope to be able to make a similar impact over the course of my life and career.
Author: Ian Anthony DaleTopics: Course, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Honorable, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Mother, Passion, People, Positive
Do you know the only value life has is what life puts upon itself? And it is of course over-estimated since it is of necessity prejudiced in its own favour.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Course, Famous, Life, Meaningful, Necessity, Overestimated, Prejudiced
Of course it was beautiful; but there was something more than beauty in it, something more stingingly splendid which had made beauty its handmaiden.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Course, Something
It is so much easier to live placidly and complacently. Of course, to live placidly and complacently is not to live at all.”
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Course
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives
Author: Therese FowlerTopics: Course, Famous, Life, Meaningful, Spend
And it is crucial of course that chief constables are able to make decisions within their budgets about how they deploy their police officers to the greatest effect to ensure that they’re able to do the job that the public want them to do
Author: Theresa MayTopics: Budget, Course, Crucial, Decision, Famous, Greatest, Job, Life, Officers, Public
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.
Topics: Courage, Course, Fact, Life Cycle, Life Experiences, life lesson, People, People Respect, People’s Opinions
Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.
Author: Rudyard KiplingTopics: Course, Drug, Most, Powerful
Of course, we believe these things. We believe in social security. We believe in work for the unemployed. We believe in saving homes. Cross our hearts and hope to die! We believe in all these things. But we do not like the way that the present administration is doing them. Just turn them over to us. We will do all of them; we will do more of them, we will do them better and, most important of all, the doing of them will not cost anybody anything!
Author: Franklin D. RooseveltTopics: Courage, Course, Famous, Heart, Heart Rate, Importance, Important, Life, Meaningful, Present, Security, Things, Thinking
The thing is to become a master and in your old age to acquire the courage to do what children did when they knew nothing.
Topics: Courage, Course, Knowing, Knowing yourself, Knowledge, Master, Master key, New Paths, New Things, New ways, Nothing
If we had the courage to confront the doubts we timidly conceive about ourselves, none of us would utter an ‘I’ without shame.
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Courage, Course, Double, Doubt, Self, Self Belief, Self Care, Self Respect, Shame, Times, Times of difficulty
I did only what my duty demanded. I could have taken no other course without dishonor.
Author: Robert E. LeeTopics: Course, Dishonor, Famous
Young men, of course, don’t want to be guided by old back numbers, but at the same time I know that in my own case I gained a lot by studying the characters of the chiefs under whom I served from time to time. Lord Wolseley, for instance, said: ‘Use your common sense rather than book instructions.’
Author: Robert Baden-PowellTopics: Characters, Common, Course, Famous, Guided, Instructions, Numbers, Studying, Time

That’s too bad. I like the golf course. We’re seeing it under some difficult conditions because of the greens, (but) I have great memories here.
Author: Hale IrwinTopics: Condition, Course, Famous, Meaningful
For in the end, it is all about memory, its sources and its magnitude, and, of course, its consequences.
Author: Eleanor Roosevelt
Topics: Course, Ending, Endless Claims, Magnet, Magnificent, Member, Memories, Memorization, Real Consequences, Source, Source of energy, Source of inspiration
Of course, you only live one life, and you make all your mistakes, and learn what not to do, and that’s the end of you.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Course, End, Mistakes
Responsible is Able to respond, Able to answer for the way we choose to live. There’s only one person we have to answer to, of course, and that is ourselves.
Author: Richard BachTopics: Choose, Course, Famous, Ourselves, Person, Responds, Responsible
Navigate by the same star, unwilling to change, and you find yourself not only off-course but lost.
Author: Richard BachTopics: Change, Course, Famous, Navigate, Unwilling
It takes more courage to send men into battle than to fight the battle yourself.
Author: Colin Powell
Topics: Courage, Course, Fight, Lesson, Letting go, Yourself
Our weapons are the ironic mind against the literal, the open mind against the credulous, the courageous pursuit of truth against the fearful and abject forces who would set limits to investigation (and who stupidly claim that we already have all the truth we need).
Author: Christopher HitchensTopics: Courage, Course, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Invest, Investigate, Life, Limitation, Limited Capacity, Meaningful, Weapon, Wear
Whatever is destined not to happen will not happen, try as you may. Whatever is destined to happen will happen, do what you may to prevent it. This is certain. The best course, therefore, is to remain silent.
Author: Ramana MaharshiTopics: Certain, Course, Feelings, Happen, Life, Positive, Prevent
My definition of freedom is knowing who you are, and then being it. No matter what anyone else is doing. And naked parties of course.
Author: PinkTopics: Course, Definition, Famous, Freedom, Matter, Naked, Parties
Charting your own course isn’t just more necessary than ever before. It’s also much easier – and much more fun.
Author: PinkTopics: Course, Famous, Meaningful, Necessary
In the turbulence of this anxious and active world many people are leading uneventful, lonely lives. To them dreariness, not disaster, is the enemy. They seldom realize that on their steadfastness, on their ability to withstand the fatigue of dull repetitive work, and on their courage in meeting constant small adversities depend in great measure the happiness and prosperity of the community as a whole. The upward course of a nation’s history is due in the long run to the soundness of heart of its average men and women.
Author: Queen Elizabeth IITopics: Course, Famous, History, Life, Long, Meaningful, World
The path, of course, is not always smooth, and may at times this year have felt quite bumpy, but small steps can make a world of difference.
Author: Queen Elizabeth IITopics: Course, Famous, Meaningful, Path
The upward course of a nation’s history is due, in the long run, to the soundness of heart of its average men and women.
Topics: Course, Famous, History, Meaningful, WomenPart of my daily regime is my glucosamine and, of course, a multitude of multivitamins. Branched-chain amino acids, glutamine, of course, protein. I have one protein shake a day, and that is immediately after my training.
Author: Dwayne JohnsonTopics: Course, Famous, Meaningful, Training
I’d rather sit in bed and watch TV. All of my ex-boyfriends, of course, not Paris, would be like, ‘What’s the problem? You’re so not sexual.
Author: Paris HiltonTopics: Course, Famous, Meaningful, Paris, Problem, Rather, Sexual, Watch
To course across more kindly waters now my talent’s little vessel lifts her sails, leaving behind herself a sea so cruel; and what I sing will be that second kingdom, in which the human soul is cleansed of sin, becoming worthy of ascent to Heaven.
Author: Dante AlighieriTopics: Course, Cruel, Famous, Heaven, Human, Kingdom, Lifts, Little, Meaningful, Sea, Sin, Sing, Soul, Talent, Vessel, Water
My course is set for an uncharted sea.
Author: Dante AlighieriTopics: Course, Famous, Meaningful, Sea
A government must not waiver once it has chosen its course. It must not look to the left or right but go forward.
Author: Otto von Bismarck
Topics: Course
Fame is empowering. My mistake was that I thought I would instinctively know how to handle it. But there’s no manual, no training course.
Author: Charlie Sheen
Topics: Course, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Handle, Handle situations, Handling, Inspirational, Knowing, Knowing yourself, Life, Meaningful, Train, Training
If God had begun saving us because we were good, He would of course leave off saving us when we were not good.
Author: Charles Spurgeon
Topics: Courageous, Course, God, God willing, Relieve, Religion, Religious Differences, Save, Saving
Of course it’s possible to love a human being if you don’t know them too well.
Author: Charles Bukowski
Topics: Course, Human, Human behavior, Love interest, Love Life, Loved, Loving
There are as many nights as days, and one is just as long as the other in the year’s course
Author: Carl JungTopics: Courage, Course, Days, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Lesson, Letting go, Life, Life Experiences, Life Long Journey, Meaningful
I gave you everything. What’s mine is yours. I want you to live your life of course, but I hope you get what you dying for
Author: Cardi BTopics: Courage, Course, Dying, Everything, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Hope, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Yourself
Should a seeker not find a companion who is better or equal, let them resolutely pursue a solitary course.
Author: BuddhaTopics: Course, Equal, Seekers, Solitary
Faith in oneself is the best and safest course.
Author: MichelangeloTopics: Course, Faith, Famous, Meaningful

Let nature take its course, and your tools will strike at the right moment.
Author: Bruce LeeTopics: Course, Moment, Nature, Will, Will power

They say love is a stream that will find its course.
Author: Bob MarleyTopics: Course, Famous, Love, Meaningful, Stream
I didn’t know, until reading A Course in Miracles, that a miracle is a reasonable thing to ask for. I didn’t know that a miracle is just a shift in perception.
Author: Marianne WilliamsonTopics: Course, Famous, Life, Miracles
Of course it’s the same old story. Truth usually is the same old story.
Author: Margaret ThatcherTopics: Course, Famous, Inspirational, Meaningful, Old Story, Truth
I’m a happy man, because I am successful in what I do, of course; but what makes me most happy is I have people around me that I love and who love me back. This, for me, is the most important thing. Nobody likes to be alone
Author: Novak DjokovicTopics: Ability, Alone, Course, Famous, Happiness, Important, Love, Meaningful
A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.
Author: Mahatma GandhiTopics: Course, Faith, Famous, History, Meaningful, Unquenchable
It’s still a very long way to go and I know the gap of course is quite big, but I also know that can switch around very quickly.
Author: Max VerstappenTopics: Course, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Meaningful, Quickly
The world is, of course, nothing but our conception of it.
Author: Anton ChekhovTopics: Course, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Nothing, World
I have good people around me, so I always have advice. A lot of people can talk to me, but it’s me, of course, who still has to take that to the track and to perform.
Author: Max VerstappenTopics: Course, Famous, Good, Meaningful, People
Of course there will be difficult times, and there will be more in the future, but I know what I have to do in the car.
Author: Max VerstappenTopics: Course, Famous, Meaningful, Times
Of course I think everybody has moments in their careers when they’re frustrated, or you’re not happy with the current situation.
Author: Max VerstappenTopics: Course, Famous, Happy, Meaningful, Moment
The Tortoise never for a moment stopped, but went on with a slow but steady pace straight to the end of the course
Author: AesopTopics: Ability, Courage, Course, Creation, End, End Up, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Never, Nobody, Positive, Slowly
I do know there are a lot of people who seem to be in my corner, and that’s, of course, wonderful. I’m really more interested in the nomination than in the award, because I think the nomination just puts you within a group of outstanding actors.
Author: Morgan FreemanTopics: Course, Group, Lot, Nomination, People, Wonderful
We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality.
Author: Albert EinsteinTopics: Course, Famous, God, Intellect, Intellectual, Life, Living God, Meaningful, Personality, Power, Powerful, Powerful Concept