The best victories are those that leave no regrets.
Author: Antonio ConteTopics: Best, Famous, Regret
I don’t regret anything, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t look back and think, ‘What was I thinking?’
Author: David BeckhamTopics: Famous, Regret
Villains with a conscience have this sad realization of who they are, and the monster they’ve become – there’s a sense of regret. So at the end of these movies there’s a dramatic resonance that really stays with the audience
Author: Thomas Haden ChurchTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Realization, Regret, Villain
The infant periods of most nations are buried in silence or veiled in fable; and the world perhaps has lost but little which it needs regret. The origin and outset of the American Republic contain lessons of which posterity ought not to be deprived: and happily there never was a case in which every interesting incident could be so accurately preserved.
Author: James MadisonTopics: Education, Famous, Interesting, Origin, Periods, Regret
We wear out our lives with regrets for the things we didn’t do rather than by the things we did
Author: A. C. BensonTopics: Experiences, Famous, Inspirational, Lesson, Let go, Letting, Life, Meaningful, Regret, Regretful
Lantern-shine, dim but kind – No starkness in darkness – Even I please the eye. Outside, wind and rain, Weather’s fitful wax and wane. Tomorrow’s sun will reveal What night conceals. All we lack, regret, know, Forgotten in lamp-oil glow.
Author: Gail Carson LevineTopics: Darkness, Famous, Kind, Rain, Regret, Tomorrow, Wind

These things, regrettably, are bound to occur when one is married and befriended.
Author: Gail CarrigerTopics: Famous, Married, Occurs, Regret, Things
I don’t regret the move to Bayern. It’s a very good moment for me, also because my team-mates trust in me.
Author: Thiago AlcantaraTopics: Famous, Feelings, Meaningful, Moment, Regret, Team, Trust
I never sort of really regret anything because you make your choices and I like to stand by them.
Author: Tim BurtonTopics: Choice, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Regret, Stand
And oh, god, how could so much regret and so much sweetness and so much sadness all be present in that single moment. I was already dead and missing my unlived life. I was already dead and Tobias was mourning. I tried to smile. For him.
Author: K. A. ApplegateTopics: Dead, Famous, Mourning, Regret, Sadness
But mostly, I remembered what I’ve always believed. What my mom taught me. That while some things are just plain awful, most things in life can be seen either tragic or comic. And it’s your choice. Is life a big, long, tiresome slog from sadness to regret to guilt to resentment to self-pity? Or is life weird, outrageous, bizarre, ironic, and just stupid? Gotta go with stupid. It’s not the easy way out. Self pity is the easiest thing in the world. Finding the humor, the irony, the slight justification for a skewed, skeptical optimism. That’s tough. – Marco, Animorphs #35: The Proposal.
Author: K. A. ApplegateTopics: Famous, Mom, Regret, Stupid
If we spend our time with regrets over yesterday, and worries over what might happen tomorrow, we have no today in which to live
Author: Thomas SowellTopics: Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Regret, Spend, Tomorrow

I think it’s a mistake to work on success in career. I’ve worked on my passions obsessively. How can I say what I want to say more precisely than the last time I said it? Success is such an elusive concept. When you work for it, I think you get it in a way you might regret it.
Author: K'naanTopics: Career, Famous, Inspirational, Mistake, Passion, Regret, Success
If heaven ever wishes to grant me a boon, it will be a total effacing of the results of a mere change which fixed my eye on a certain stray piece of shelf-paper.
Author: H. P. LovecraftTopics: Change, Discovery, Eyes, Famous, Heaven, Regret
Accent is the last great redoubt of prejudice. The race relations industry, that inquisition of fairness and sensitivity, doesn’t protect against discrimination by funny voice. You can mock an accent with impunity, and everyone does
Author: A. A. GillTopics: Everyone, Everything, Protect, Protecting, Regional Accent, Regret
Hell is truth seen too late.
Author: Thomas HobbesTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Hell, Late, Life, Meaningful, Redemption, Reflection, Regret, Seen, Trust, Truth, Understanding
Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.
Author: Gabriel ByrneTopics: Famous, Fear, Inspirational, Past, Powerful Message, Regret
Paradise was unendurable, otherwise the first man would have adapted to it; this world is no less so, since here we regret paradise or anticipate another one. What to do? Where to go? Do nothing and go nowhere, easy enough.
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Easy, Leads, Male friends, Man, Paradise, Regret, Regular
One should never regret one’s excesses, only one’s failures of nerve.
Author: Iain BanksTopics: Famous, Meaningful, Nerves, Regret
I don’t have regrets. In any sport, the feeling of regret is a sign of indiscipline.
Author: Eliud KipchogeTopics: Famous, Feeling, Indiscipline, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Regret, Regrets, Sign, Sport
I think the things you most regret in life are things you didn’t do. What you really regret was never asking that girl to dance.
Author: Steven Paul JobsTopics: Famous, Meaningful, Regret
My advice to other disabled people would be, concentrate on things your disability doesn’t prevent you doing well, and don’t regret the things it interferes with. Don’t be disabled in spirit as well as physically.
Author: Stephen HawkingTopics: Advice, Famous, Meaningful, Regret
You will regret many things in life, but you will never regret being too kind or too fair
Author: Brian TracyTopics: Fair, Famous, Inspirational, Kind, Life, Meaningful, People, Positive, Regret, Things
And once we decide to do something, we should never look back, never regret it.
Author: Richard BransonTopics: Decide, Famous, Regret, Something
Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret.
Author: G-EazyTopics: Difficult, Famous, Give up, Inspirational, Never, Regret, Something, Want
I don’t regret my painful times, i bare my scars as if they were medals. I know that freedom has a high price, as high as that of slavery; the only difference is that you pay with pleasure and a smile, even when that that smile dimmed by tears.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Famous, Life, Meaningful, Pleasure, Regret, Slavery
You can always regret just missing it, but as a football player, you have to move on to the next play.
Author: Patrick MahomesTopics: Always, Experiences, Famous, Meaningful, Regret
No space of regret can make amends for one life’s opportunity misused
Author: Charles Dickens
Topics: Major Work, Make, Mistakes, Misunderestimated, Misuse of Values, Opportunities, Regeneration, Regret, Space
The one thing I regret was that my work required an enormous amount of my time, and a lot of travel.
Author: Neil ArmstrongTopics: Famous, Meaningful, Regret, Time, Work
The regret on our side is, they used to say years ago, we are reading about you in science class. Now they say, we are reading about you in history class
Author: Neil ArmstrongTopics: Famous, History, Meaningful, Reading, Regret, Science
I used to worry a lot. I still worry a lot, but not about the things that I used to worry about because my younger self, I didn’t regret anything that I ever did… I was happy, and I was free, and I was living it up.
Author: Cardi BTopics: Free, Freedom, Little fun, Little Things, Living, Regeneration, Region, Regret, Worry
I was happy and I was free and I was living it up. I don’t regret that, because you know people, they try to make you feel like it was wrong that I used to show my boobs or like freaking walk around naked or strip and people would try to make me feel like I was wrong for doing that and then for a second, I would be like, ‘Why did I did that?’ And then I was like, ‘F*ck that!’ Because I had a good time
Author: Cardi BTopics: Freaks, Free, Good, Happy, People, People’s Opinions, Regret, Season, Second, Try
We should not look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought experience.
Author: George WashingtonTopics: Encourage, Famous, Forward-looking, Inspirational, Learning, Past experiences, Past mistakes, Regret
The past could always be annihilated. Regret, denial, or forgetfulness could do that. But the future was inevitable. There were passions in him that would find their terrible outlet, dreams that would make the shadow of their evil real
Author: Oscar WildeTopics: Evil, Forget, Passion, Past, Regret, Shadow
It is better to act and repent than not to act and regret.
Author: Niccolo MachiavelliTopics: Act, Famous, Meaningful, Regret
I’m tryna live my life, so when it’s over, I have no regrets
Author: Nipsey HussleTopics: Famous, Life, Live, Regret
I’ve learned that regret is just a socially acceptable form of time travel.
Author: Theo VonTopics: Acceptable, Learned, Regret, Socially
There is no reason to regret that I cannot finish the church. I will grow old but others will come after me. What must always be conserved is the spirit of the work, but its life has to depend on the generations it is handed down to and with whom it lives and is incarnated
Author: Antoni GaudiTopics: Church, Famous, Feelings, Generation, Life, Old, Reason, Regret, Work
I do not regret one professional enemy I have made. Any actor who doesn’t dare to make an enemy should get out of the business.
Author: Bette DavisTopics: Actors, Business, Enemy, Professional, Regret
Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude
Author: Anne FrankTopics: Dead, Famous, Feelings, Flowers, Life, Living, Meaningful, Regret, Stronger

Youth is a blunder; manhood a struggle; old age a regret.
Author: Benjamin DisraeliTopics: Famous, Life, Meaningful, Regret, Struggle, Youth
Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.
Author: Albert SchweitzerTopics: Everything, Experiences, Fall, Falling, Famous, Feelings, Happen, Happiness, Inspirational, Laugh, leader, Life, Live, Meaningful, Place, Positive, Reason, Regret