Physical activities
Sport is an important part of the development of kids, and hence, it should be made a part of their curriculum.
Author: Gagan NarangTopics: Development, Famous, Important, Kids, Physical activities, Sports

A boxing workout is the heaviest thing, but it’s the best. The worst part is that boxing gyms are the smelliest things in the universe. You have to lie down on the floor, where everyone has been sweating and spitting, and do 1,000 situps and push-ups.
Author: Gael Garcia BernalTopics: Famous, Gyms, Lying, Physical activities, Universe, Workout
Across disparate cultures that require physical risk-taking as a rite of passage, it is always the men who engage in such pursuits.
Author: Gad SaadTopics: Courage, Engages, Famous, Masculinity, Men, Physical, Physical activities, Pursuit, Taking Risks
I do a lot of body weight stuff, power work, with your legs as well. There are weights involved now and again. There is a bit of mixture.
Author: Harry KaneTopics: Exercise, Famous, Involved, Legs, Mixture, Physical activities, Power work

Personally, I love training, and getting paid to play football is incredible. Playing the game and working hard is what I have always dreamed of doing.
Author: Harry KaneTopics: Dreamy feeling, Famous, Fitness, Football, Incredible, Inspirational, Love, Paid, Personally, Physical activities, Playing, Soccer, Training, Working hard
The manager and the fitness staff condition every training session. They plan it out week by week on what players need. If players need a rest, they will do that; if players need to work hard, they will do that as well.
Author: Harry KaneTopics: Caring, Famous, Fitness, Hard Work, Managers, Physical activities, Physical Health, Physical Limits, Plan, Players, Rest, Session, Training, Week
I am not a buff guy who’s working out at the gym after practice.
Author: Kai HavertzTopics: Famous, Fitness, Guy, Gyms, Physical activities, Practice
My mum was slightly stressed because she didn’t want it to make my condition worse and it is a big risk factor with the stress. Exercise kind of exacerbated the condition but as long as they knew it wasn’t going to make me worse they were happy.
Author: Kadeena CoxTopics: Condition, Exercise, Famous, Mother, Physical activities, Physical Health, Risk factor, Stressed
When kids are 15 or 16, they should be playing more sports. I played football, basketball, cricket… Name any sport, and I played it.
Author: K. L. RahulTopics: Cricket, Endurance, Famous, Football, Kids, Physical activities, Sports
We, as sportsmen, we’re not used to just sitting at home and being at home all day. We want to go out. We want to play sport. We want to be in the gym, want to train; we want to hit balls, and when you’re not physically able to do that, it’s really tough. It starts playing on the mind a lot more.
Author: K. L. RahulTopics: Famous, Isolation, Lonliness, Mental Health, Motivation, Physical activities, Sitting, Social Interaction, Sports, Sportsman, Stress buster, Train

The more cricket you play in your head, the less you perform on the field. So let cricket, the sport, be on the field.
Author: K. L. RahulTopics: Concentration, Cricket, Famous, Fields, Focus, Imagination, Perform, Physical activities, Sport, Visualize