Self-knowledge is the first step to maturity.
Author: Jane AustenTopics: Famous, Maturity, Meaningful
I’ve experienced many hardships‚ but mentally‚ I’ve always been older‚ and that reflects in my actions‚ too.
Author: Kailash KherTopics: Famous, Hardships, Maturity, Mentally
Eternal vigilance is only part of the price of freedom. The maturity to live with imperfections is another crucial part of the price of freedom
Author: Thomas SowellTopics: Crucial, Eternal, Famous, Freedom, Imperfection, Maturity, Meaningful, Part, Price
If I am to meet with a disappointment, the sooner I know it, the more of life I shall have to wear it off.
Author: Thomas JeffersonTopics: Disappointment, Emotional, Experience, Famous, Feelings, Growth, Inspirational, Knowledge, Learning, Life, Maturity, Meaningful, Meet, Meetings, Perspective, Positive, Sooner, Wear
Maturity is often more absurd than youth and very frequently is most unjust to youth
Author: Thomas A. EdisonTopics: Age, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Frequently, Judgement, Life, Maturity, Meaningful, Most, Often, Perspective, Unfair, Unjust, Youth

The habit of saying thank you is the mark of a cultivated mind.
Author: Gordon B. HinckleyTopics: Famous, Gratitude, Habit, Inspirational, Knowledge, Maturity
The willingness to forgive is a sign of spiritual and emotional maturity. It is one of the great virtues to which we all should aspire. Imagine a world filled with individuals willing both to apologize and to accept an apology. Is there any problem that could not be solved among people who possessed the humility and largeness of spirit and soul to do either — or both — when needed?
Author: Gordon B. HinckleyTopics: Famous, Forgiveness, Inspirational, Maturity, Mercy, Virtues, Willingness
It’s not just a matter of whether you support Obama or Romney. It’s who they have coming with them. I always keep my powder dry, as they say in the military.
Author: Colin Powell
Topics: Keeping, Key, Matter, Maturity, Military, Military acts, Supply, Support, Supporting
I consider myself a moderate Republican. I have very, very moderate social views, and I’m pretty strong on, on defense matters.
Author: Colin Powell
Topics: Consider, Defending, Famous, Feelings, Life, Matter, Maturity, Meaningful, Mobilizing, Moderating, myself, Strong, Strong belief, Views
No matter the age, a woman who is unloved is lost – unloved she might as well die.
Author: Coco ChanelTopics: Age, Die, Idea of Freedom, Ideal woman, Idealistic, Love Life, Loved, Lovely, Matter, Mature, Maturity
Finally, don’t try to innovate for the future. Innovate for the present! An innovation may have long-range impact; it may not reach its full maturity until twenty years later.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Famous, Impact, Maturity, Meaningful
The person who will make the greatest contribution to a company is the mature person-and you cannot have maturity if you have no life or interest outside the job.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Contributions, Famous, Greatest, Mature, Maturity, Meaningful, Person, Person's
Our maturity will be judged by how well we are able to agree to disagree and yet continue to love one another, to care for one another, and cherish one another and seek the greater good of the other.
Author: Desmond TutuTopics: Care, Famous, Maturity, Meaningful
When one has reached maturity in the art, one will have a formless form. It is like ice dissolving in water
Author: Bruce LeeTopics: Like, Maturity, Reach, Water

There comes a point, I think, as you get a little older, you feel that nothing represents you. You can see the value of many positions, even positions that are in savage conflict with one another. You can locate components on both sides that resonate within you.
Author: Leonard CohenTopics: Complexities, Experiences, Famous, Inspirational, Maturity, Old, Older, Open-Minded, Position, Savage conflict
If we want maturity, we have to be mature. If we want a nation that feels hopeful, then we have to speak in hopeful terms… We have to model what we want.
Author: Michelle ObamaTopics: Hopeful, Maturity, Nation

Whether it’s with my engineers in the team, my home life, or my friends, I don’t like things to get complicated – and one good example would be the steering wheel in my Mercedes Formula 1 car.
Author: Lewis HamiltonTopics: Car, Clarity, Engineers, Family, Friend, Maturity, Meaningful, Mercedes, Prioritization, Simplicity, Straightforward

Having money is one thing but having sense with the money is the key.
Author: Lil BabyTopics: Establish, Famous, Humor, Inspirational, Intelligence, Lesson, Management, Maturity, Meaningful, Mindset, Money, Necessity, Wealth
When you are struggling and you start thinking about giving up, I want you to remember something that my husband and I have talked about since we first started this journey nearly a decade ago, something that has carried us through every moment in this White House and every moment of our lives, and that is the power of hope—the belief that something better is always possible if you’re willing to work for it and fight for it.
Author: Michelle ObamaTopics: Acknowledgement, Ambition, Contributions, Courage, Growth, Maturity, Meaningful, Mind, Motivational, Observation, Optimistic, Passion, Possibility, Race, Work
One time I didn’t leave my hotel room for four days, I was so stuck in my head. But now, with maturity and age, I’ve realized that winning isn’t everything. It’s very much about the journey, particularly in my sport. There are so many people on my team, and I’ve got to be conscious of them. So while winning is definitely the ultimate goal, the lessons learned when I don’t win only strengthen me.
Author: Lewis HamiltonTopics: Everything, Experiences, Facts, Famous, Goal, Improvement, Learning, Lesson, Life, Maturity, Meaningful, Performance, Reality, Sports, Strength, Truth