Human activities
The Grizzly Bear is huge and wild;
He has devoured the infant child.
The infant child is not aware
He has been eaten by the bear.
Topics: Child, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Huge, Huge trust, Human activities, Infant, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Wild

Happiness is the gift of friends; it is born out of human relationships
Author: A. C. BensonTopics: Friends, Friendship, Gift, Happiest, Happiness, Happy, Happy ending, Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Human Being, Relations, Relationship
In literature, we find the universality of human experience
Author: A. B. YehoshuaTopics: Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Life Cycle, Life Experiences, Life Long Journey, Literacy test, Literally, Literature, Little, Universal, Universal Impact, Universal language

Writing is a way to explore the human condition
Author: A. B. YehoshuaTopics: Condition, Explore, Famous, Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Write
Literature is a celebration of the human spirit, a testament to our capacity for creativity and empathy
Author: A. B. YehoshuaTopics: Capacity, Create, Created, Creating, Empathy, Huge trust, Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Human Being, Inspiration, Inspirational Message

A good novel is like a mirror that reflects the complexities of human existence
Author: A. B. YehoshuaTopics: Desire for Goodness, Existence, Existence of God, Human, Human activities, Human behavior, reflecting

Since philosophy is a piece of human character, it merits a spot in the realm of endless facts.
Author: A. B. YehoshuaTopics: Endless, Endless Claims, Experiences, Fact, Factor, Facts, Famous, Feelings, Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Philosopher, Philosophers, Philosophic
In my own view, Hamas’ disappointment gets from an absence of legitimization by Israel and by a great part of the world. It is this disappointment that leads them to such ruinous urgency. That is the reason we have to give them status as a real adversary – before we talk about an understanding or, on the other hand, about a frontal war.
Author: A. B. YehoshuaTopics: Great, Human, Human activities, Human Activity, Human behavior, Human experience, Human feelings, Reason, Understand, Understanding Language, War, World

No doubt Jack the Ripper excused himself on the grounds that it was human nature.
Topics: Experiences, Famous, Ground, Himself, Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Inspirational, law of nature, Life, Meaningful
Of the 1,223 new medicines developed between 1975 and 1997, just 13 were for tropical diseases. Only four sprang from the pharmaceutical industry’s efforts to cure humans. None were found on purpose
Author: A. A. GillTopics: Develop, Efficiency, Effort, Huge, Human, Human activities, Purpose, Purposeful, Purposeful Living
People really do like seeing their best friends humiliated; a large part of the friendship is based on humiliation; and that is an old truth,well known to all intelligent people.
Topics: Alive, Friendship, Human, Human activities, Intelligent, People, People Respect, People’s Opinions, Seekers, Truth
It is an unfortunate human failing that a full pocketbook often groans more loudly than an empty stomach.
Author: Franklin D. RooseveltTopics: Empty, Famous, Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Unforgiving, Unfortunate
But while they prate of economic laws, men and women are starving. We must lay hold of the fact that economic laws are not made by nature. They are made by human beings
Author: Franklin D. RooseveltTopics: Economic, Equality, Equally, Facing, Fact, Factor, Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Naturally, Nature, Nature of love
Prison was tough on me. I saw people in prison that made me ashamed I was a human being. Some make Qaddafi and Idi Amin look like Sunday-school teachers
Author: Evel KnievelTopics: Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Looking, Looking forward, People, People Respect, People’s Opinions, Prison
No human beings more dangerous than those who have suffered for a belief: the great persecutors are recruited from the martyrs not quite beheaded. Far from diminishing the appetite for power, suffering exasperates it.
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Heading, Headline, Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Power, Power of nature, Struggle, Struggling, Suffer
No human being is illegal.
Author: Elie Wiesel
Topics: Famous, Feelings, Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Illegal, Life, Meaningful
Sir Alex has a special place in my life. In fact, he was the main man. I was not famous, I was not a star. I arrived at Old Trafford as just another young talent. He was the one who told me to do all the right things. He gave me the opportunity to play in one of the biggest clubs in the world. So he is one of the most important people in the world for me. I worked with Sir Alex for a few years and I know he deserves everything that he has achieved in his career. He works so hard, he is clever, he has experience, he is a human guy.
Topics: Care, Career, Experience, Hard, Hard Part, Hard Time, Human, Human activities, Importance
Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it
Author: Christopher HitchensTopics: Deliver, Demand, Demanding, Huge, Human, Human activities, Lesson, Letting, Organized-religion
We have a choice. We have two options as human beings. We have a choice between conversation and war. That’s it. Conversation and violence. And faith is a conversation stopper.
Author: Christopher HitchensTopics: Choice, Choosing, Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Human Being, Optimism, Option, Order
The Bible may, indeed does, contain a warrant for trafficking in humans, for ethnic cleansing, for slavery, for bride-price, and for indiscriminate massacre, but we are not bound by any of it because it was put together by crude, uncultured human mammals.
Author: Christopher HitchensTopics: Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Today, Together
Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.
Author: Christopher HitchensTopics: Human, Human activities, Human Activity, Human behavior, Organizations, Organized-religion, Religion, Religious Differences
The life of a single human being is worth more than all property of the richest man on earth
Author: Che GuevaraTopics: Earth, Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Richest, Richness, Single
Usually in a battle sequence when a bomb is going off, you forget you’re acting.
Author: Charlie Sheen
Topics: Act, Action, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Forget, Human, Human activities, Life, Meaningful, Untapped, Until
Women are not to be hit. They’re to be hugged and caressed.
Author: Charlie Sheen
Topics: Experiences, Famous, Hit, Hitting, Huge, Human, Human activities, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Role of Women, Scare, Women
It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English – up to fifty words used in correct context – no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese.
Author: Carl Sagan
Topics: Fish, Fishing, Fit, Human, Human activities, Human Activity, Interest, Interesting, Teach, Teaching, Times, Times of difficulty
Midlife is the time to let go of an overdominant ego and to contemplate the deeper significance of human existence
Author: Carl JungTopics: Deeper, Ego, Famous, Feelings, Huge trust, Human, Human activities, Human behavior, Life, Times, Times of difficulty, Tired

Man serves the interests of no creature except himself.
Author: George OrwellTopics: Famous, Human activities, Human behavior, Human Nature, Man, Perspective, Self-Interest
Anybody with ability can play in the big leagues. To last as long as I did with the skills I had, with the numbers I produced, was a triumph of the human spirit.
Author: Bob UeckerTopics: Human, Human activities, Humankind, League, Long, Numbers, Skill
When the last point is done, we are humans. Give your opponent a hug and say, ‘great fight,’ and that’s all
Author: Novak DjokovicTopics: Famous, Great, Greatness, Human activities, Life, Meaningful
God loves you. God doesn’t want anyone to be hungry and oppressed. He just puts his big arms around everybody and hugs them up against himself.
Author: Norman Vincent PealeTopics: Famous, God, God willing, Human activities, Hungry, Life, Meaningful
The greatest tragedy is what dies inside us while we live. We need not fear death. We need fear only that we may exist without having sensed something of the possibilities that lie within human existence.
Author: Norman CousinsTopics: Death, Famous, Fear, Great, Human activities, Lie, Life, Meaningful
The greatest force in the human body is the natural drive of the body to heal itself – but that force in not independent of the belief system. Everything begins with belief. What we believe is the most powerful option of all.
Author: Norman CousinsTopics: Famous, Feelings, Great, Heal, Human, Human activities, Life, Meaningful, Powerful
Happiness does not consist in pastimes and amusements but in virtuous activities
Author: AristotleTopics: Famous, Happiness, Human activities, Life, Meaningful
Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others
Author: AristotleTopics: Courage, Famous, Feelings, Human activities, Life, Meaningful, Qualified
The most important thing in life is human relationships.
Author: Anton ChekhovTopics: Famous, Feelings, Human, Human activities, Importance, Life, Relationship
We are not mad. We are human. We want to love, and someone must forgive us for the paths we take to love, for the paths are many and dark, and we are ardent and cruel in our journey.
Author: Leonard CohenTopics: Cruel, Experiences, Famous, Forgiveness, Human, Human activities, Human Nature, Inspirational, Understanding
The enemy of a love is never outside, it’s not a man or woman, it’s what we lack in ourselves.
Author: Anais NinTopics: Enemy, Energy, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Human activities, Life, Love
It is indeed difficult to imagine how men who have entirely renounced the habit of managing their own affairs could be successful in choosing those who ought to lead them. It is impossible to believe that a liberal, energetic, and wise government can ever emerge from the ballots of a nation of servants.
Author: Alexis de TocquevilleTopics: Difference, Difficult, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Human, Human activities, Human Being, Inspirational, Lead Roles, Leadership, Life, Manage, Meaningful, Nation, Successful

I am deeply convinced that any permanent, regular administrative system whose aim is to provide for the needs of the poor will breed more miseries than it can cure, will deprave the population that it wants to help and comfort, will dry up the sources of savings, will stop the accumulation of capital, will retard the development of trade, and will benumb human industry
Author: Alexis de TocquevilleTopics: Ability, Courage, Deep, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Human activities, Human Being, Human Life, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Poor, Popular, Population, Regularly
I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not run
Author: Alexis de TocquevilleTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Human activities, Human Right, Humanity, Inspirational, Law, Life, Meaningful, United States
Men will not receive education and manners from their equals, even though they are the wisest and most virtuous of men.
Author: Alexis de TocquevilleTopics: Education, Effective, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Human activities, Inspirational, Life, Manner Of Life, Meaningful
Love, free as air, at sight of human ties, spreads his light wings, and in a moment flies
Author: Alexander PopeTopics: Ability, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Freedom, Human activities, Inspirational, Life, Light, Love, Meaningful, Moment
It is the imagination that argues for the divine spark within human beings. It is literally a decent of the World’s Soul into all of us.
Author: Terence McKennaTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Human, Human activities, Imagination, Imagine, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive, Soul, World
The creative act is a letting down of the net of human imagination into the ocean of chaos on which we are suspended, and the attempt to bring out of it ideas.
Author: Terence McKennaTopics: Creation, Creations, Creative, Creative Aspects, Experiences, Famous, Human, Human activities, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Ocean, Perfect Chaos, Positive

Hope springs eternal in the human breast
Author: Alexander PopeTopics: Eternal, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Honour, Hope, Hopeful, Human activities, Human Being, Human Emotions, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful