Hope for peace

I still go up my 44 stairs two at a time, but that is in hopes of dropping dead at the top.
Author: A. E. HousmanTopics: Hope, Hope for peace, Hope of reward, Hopeful, Still, Stillness, Times, Times of difficulty

Hope lies to mortals
And most believe her,
But man’s deceiver
Was never mine.
Topics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Hope, Hope for peace, Hopeful, Inspirational, Leadership Qualities, Leading, Leads, Life, Meaningful
We for a certainty are not the first
Have sat in taverns while the tempest hurled
Their hopeful plans to emptiness, and cursed
Whatever brute and blackguard made the world.
Topics: Empty, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Hope, Hope for peace, Hopeful, Hopefully, Hopeless, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Poem, Poet, Poetic, Positive
There is an infinite amount of hope in the universe … but not for us.
Author: Franz Kafka
Topics: Hope, Hope for peace, Infinite, Infinite parts, Sudden, Suffer, Suffering, Universe
It’s silly not to hope. It’s a sin he thought.
Author: Ernest Hemingway
Topics: Famous, Hope, Hope for peace, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Thinking mind, Thought-provoking, Thoughtful manner
Alone, even doing nothing, you do not waste your time. You do, almost always, in company. No encounter with yourself can be altogether sterile: Something necessarily emerges, even if only the hope of some day meeting yourself again.
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Energy, Hope, Hope for peace, Near, Necessary, Necessities, Self, Self Belief, Self Care, Self prepared, Something, Something for nothing, To see, Togetherness
To Live signifies to believe and hope – to lie and to lie to oneself.
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Hope, Hope for peace, Lie, Live, Lived, Lively, Self, Self Belief
We are involved in technology development for, you know, missions that we hope to plan that would take us to an asteroid and eventually to Mars.
Author: Ellen Ochoa
Topics: Develop, Development, Hope, Hope for peace, Hope of reward, Involved, Involvement, Mars, Mission, Missionary, Plan, Tears, Technological
People crushed by law, have no hopes but from power. If laws are their enemies, they will be enemies to laws; and those who have much hope and nothing to lose, will always be dangerous.
Author: Edmund BurkeTopics: Crush, Dangerous, Enemies, Famous, Hope, Hope for peace, Law, Life, Meaningful, People, Power
In hopes, you’re on the other side talking to me, too Or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon?
Author: Bruno MarsTopics: Alone, Fool, Fooling, Hope, Hope for peace, Hopeful, Lesson, Letting go, Moon, Moral character
The number 7 shirt is an honor and a responsibility. I hope it brings me a lot of luck.
Topics: Famous, Feelings, Honor, Hope, Hope for peace, Lesson, Letting go, Life, Loyalty, Luck, Meaningful, Responsibility, Shirts
I have a few tricks and dribbles which I use a lot and when I am playing well, it is natural that they become easier. But the tricks I use are the ones that will hopefully benefit the team. What I do as an individual player is only important if it helps the team to win. That is the most important thing.
Topics: Easy, Hope for peace, Hopeful, Important, Ronaldo, Team, Team-oriented mindset, Wins
The kid makes you sick. He looks the part, he walks the part, he is the part. He’s six-foot something, fit as a flea, good-looking – he’s got to have something wrong with him….Hopefully he’s hung like a hamster! That would make us all feel better!
Topics: Feel, Feeling, Feeling good, Feeling safe, Hope for peace, Hopeful, Ronaldo
Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.
Author: Confucius
Topics: Confidence, Education, Famous, Hope, Hope for peace, Life, Meaningful
The shortest way to drive yourself mad is to refuse to be swayed by hope or fear
Author: Christopher HitchensTopics: Drive, Fear, Hope, Hope for peace, Hopeful, Reform, Refuse, Regarded, Self, Self Belief, Self Care, Self prepared, Shortest
Each one of us can be an oasis of peace.
Author: Desmond TutuTopics: Famous, Hope for peace, Meaningful
A tramp, a gentleman, a poet, a dreamer, a lonely fellow, always hopeful of romance and adventure.
Author: Charlie Chaplin
Topics: Advantages, Dream, Hope for peace, Hopeful, Hopeful force, Logically, Loneliness, Lonely, Poet, Romance
We are one in Christ; let us be friends with one another; but let us never be friends with one another’s error. If I be wrong, rebuke me sternly; I can bear it, and bear it cheerfully; and if ye be wrong, expect the like measure from me, and neither peace nor parley with your mistakes.
Author: Charles Spurgeon
Topics: Cheerful, Christ, Christian, Friend, Friendship, Hope for peace, Hopeful, Measure, Mission, Mistake, Peace, Peaceably
Faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the windows which hope has opened.
Author: Charles Spurgeon
Topics: Built, Hope, Hope for peace, Loss of faith, Open, Open-Minded, Willingness, Window
Once for all; I knew to my sorrow, often and often, if not always, that I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.
Author: Charles Dickens
Topics: Always, Discouragement, Happiness, Happy, Hope for peace, Love interest, Loved, Lovemaking, Peace, Peaceably, Peaceful sky., Promise, Promising, Reason, Reasonable, Reasonably
It was a joy! Words weren’t dull, words were things that could make your mind hum. If you read them and let yourself feel the magic, you could live without pain, with hope, no matter what happened to you.
Author: Charles Bukowski
Topics: Clear, Clear-Minded, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Fulfilling, Fulfillment, Happening, Hope, Hope for peace, Joyful, Life, Matter, Meaningful