Great storytelling in film involves both emotional and intellectual engagement.
Author: Kabir KhanTopics: Engagement, Great
“Meaning emerges from engagement with the world, not from abstract contemplation of it.”
Author: Iain McGilchristTopics: Emerges, Engagement, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, People, Positive, World
“Goethe wisely wrote, however, that ’we are, and ought to be, obscure to ourselves, turned outwards, and working upon the world which surrounds us.’13 We see ourselves, and therefore come to know ourselves, only indirectly, through our engagement with the world at large.”
Author: Iain McGilchristTopics: Engagement, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Ourselves, People, Positive
“Emotion is inseparable from the body in which it is felt, and emotion is also the basis for our engagement with the world.”
Author: Iain McGilchristTopics: Emotion, Engagement, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, People, Positive
The main engagement of the writer is towards truthfulness; therefore he must keep his mind and his judgment free.
Author: Gabrielle RoyTopics: Engagement, Famous, Free, Judgement
That government is the strongest of which every man feels himself a part.
Author: Thomas JeffersonTopics: Citizenship, Collaboration, Connection, Engagement, Famous, Feeling, Feelings, Government, Inspirational, Involvement, Man, Meaningful, Part, Participation, Positive, Relationship, Strongest
Philosophy is not an abstract intellectual exercise, but a concrete engagement with the fundamental questions of human existence.
Author: Gabriel MarcelTopics: Engagement, Famous, Human existence, Mean, Philosophy
It is astonishing what an effort it seems to be for many people to put their brains definitely and systematically to work
Author: Thomas A. EdisonTopics: Definitely, Effort, Engagement, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Focus, Meaningful, People, Productivity, Thinking, Work
Do not avoid contact with suffering or close your eyes before suffering. Do not lose awareness of the existence of suffering in the life of the world. Find ways to be with those who are suffering by all means, including personal contact and visits, images, sounds. By such means, …awaken yourself and others to the reality of suffering in the world. If we get in touch with the suffering of the world, and are moved by that suffering, we may come forward to help the people who are suffering
Author: Thich Nhat HanhTopics: Action, Close, Compassion, Empathy, Engagement, Existence, Eyes, Famous, Feelings, Find, Help, Humanity, Image, Including, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Moved, People, Personal contact, Positive, Reality, Sounds, Suffering, Touch, Visits, World
If you love someone, the greatest gift you can give them is your presence
Author: Thich Nhat HanhTopics: Connection, Devotion, Engagement, Famous, Feelings, Greatest Gift, Intimacy, Life, Love, Meaningful, Positive, Presence, Someone, Time, Togetherness, Understanding
If you love someone but rarely make yourself available to him or her, that is not true love
Author: Thich Nhat HanhTopics: Dedication, Devotion, Engagement, Famous, Feelings, Investment, Involvement, Life, Love, Meaningful, Positive, Presence, Rarely, Relationship, Responsiveness, True Love
I think through education, belief in God, and good engineering, our children become a lot better at what they’re doing than we did, and that starts with the very first sign of life on the face of this earth.
Author: Evel KnievelTopics: Children, Earth, Education, Engagement, Engineering, England, Goals, God, God willing

Maybe 10 times a year I’ll do a corporate date, but no casinos or no nightclubs or no comedy clubs.
Author: Gabe KaplanTopics: Engagement, Famous, Limited, Live performances, Nightclubs, Restriction, Shows
When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.
Author: Corrie Ten Boom
Topics: Engagement, Engineers, Jumping, Train, Truly, Trust
By the time I was 25 I felt the team was in decline and alcohol was taking over. For three years I was out every night and gambling became a drug, too.
Author: George BestTopics: Drug, Engagement, Famous, Team
The great mistake is to anticipate the outcome of the engagement; you ought not to be thinking of whether it ends in victory or defeat.
Author: Bruce LeeTopics: Defeat, Engagement, Great, Mistake, Think, Thinking mind
Long engagements give people the opportunity of finding out each other’s character before marriage, which is never advisable
Author: Oscar WildeTopics: Character, Engagement, Famous, Life, Marriage, Meaningful, Opportunity
This is the real secret of life—to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play
Topics: Complete, Engagement, Facts, Famous, Feelings, Life, Motivates, Motivational, Reality, Realization, Workthe desire for desires—boredom.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Dissatisfaction, Engagement, Motivation, Passion, Restlessness