Mark Twain once said that true bravery isn’t the absence of fear, but the ability to act in the face of fear.
Author: J. A. KonrathTopics: Ability, Absence, Act, Courage, Famous, Fear, Fearless, Meaningful
She took a moment to lament her lack of parasol. Every time she left the house, she felt keenly the absence of her heretofore ubiquitous accessory.
Author: Gail CarrigerTopics: Absence, Famous, Feeling, House, Moments
The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due to the absence from Jerusalem of a lunatic asylum
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Absence, Famous, Jerusalem, Meaningful, Modern, Religious, World
f you are not fully present, you will look around and it will be gone
Author: Thich Nhat HanhTopics: Absence, Disconnection, Distraction, Famous, Feelings, Life, Look, Loss, Meaningful, Miss, Present, Vanish
Feelings aren’t an absence of strength.
Author: Gabourey SidibeTopics: Absence, Famous, Feelings, Strength
Pleasure is the first good. It is the beginning of every choice and every aversion. It is the absence of pain in the body and of troubles in the soul.
Author: EpictetusTopics: Absence, Choice, Famous, Good, Inspirational, Life, Lord, Meaningful, Pain, Personal belief, Philosopher, Pleasure, Soul, Strong desire, Troubles
In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it.
Author: Robert A. HeinleinTopics: Absence, Famous, Goals, Performing, Strangely
Liberty does not exist in the absence of morality.
Author: Edmund BurkeTopics: Absence, Exist, Famous, Inspirational, Liberty, Life, Meaningful, Morality
Luxury lies not in the richness of things, but in the absence of vulgarity
Author: Coco ChanelTopics: Absence, Lesson, Letting go, Lies, Life, Life Choices, Luxury, Rich, Rich People, Richest
Doubts arise because of an absence of surrender.
Author: Ramana MaharshiTopics: Absence, Famous, Feelings, Meaningful, Surrender
Nature without learning is blind, learning apart from nature is fractional, and practice in the absence of both is aimless.
Author: PlutarchTopics: Absence, Famous, Learning, Meaningful
Grief is natural; the absence of all feeling is undesirable, but moderation in grief should be observed, as in the face of all good or evil.
Author: PlutarchTopics: Absence, Famous, Meaningful, Moderation, Natural, Observed
What embitters the world is not excess of criticism, but an absence of self-criticism.
Author: Gilbert K. ChestertonTopics: Absence, Criticism, Excess, Famous, Inspirational, Self-criticism, World
And one has to understand that braveness is not the absence of fear but rather the strength to keep on going forward despite the fear.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Absence, Famous, Fear, Inspirational, Meaningful, Understand
Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose – and commit myself to – what is best for me.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Absence, Famous, Freedom, Life, Meaningful
There is no “approved” solution to any tactical situation.
Author: George S. PattonTopics: Absence, Famous, Inspirational, Solutions
In the absence of love, we began slowly but surely to fall apart.
Author: Marianne WilliamsonTopics: Absence, Famous, Love, Meaningful
Speak not evil of the absent, for it is unjust.
Author: George WashingtonTopics: Absence, Evil, Famous, Individuals, Motivational, Negative, Speaking

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
Author: Nelson MandelaTopics: Absence, Courage, Famous, Fear, Learned, Life, Meaningful, Triumph

If you’re a scientist, and you have to have an answer, even in the absence of data, you’re not going to be a good scientist.
Author: Neil deGrasse TysonTopics: Absence, Famous, Good, Inspirational, Meaningful, Scientist
Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.
Author: Benjamin FranklinTopics: Absence, Presence, Sharpening, Sharpest, Strengthen
In fourth grade, I missed 82 days of school. Out of 160.
Author: LeBron JamesTopics: Absence, Famous, Kid, School
I’m suppose to be #1 on everybody list. We’ll see what happens when I no longer exist.
Author: LeBron JamesTopics: Absence, Curiosity, Famous, Self-importance
Peace is not the absence of war, but a virtue based on strength of character.
Author: Baruch SpinozaTopics: Absence, Character, Famous, Meaningful, Peace, Strength, Strengthen
In the absence of sound oversight, responsible businesses are forced to compete against unscrupulous and underhanded businesses, who are unencumbered by any restrictions on activities that might harm the environment, or take advantage of middle-class families, or threaten to bring down the entire financial system.
Author: Barack ObamaTopics: Absence, Activities, Business, Environment, Families, Famous, Restriction
You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas.
Author: Terence McKennaTopics: Absence, Experiences, Explore, Famous, Idea, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive
The absence of alternatives clears the mind marvelously.
Author: Terence McKennaTopics: Absence, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive
It is wise to turn circumstances to good account
Author: AesopTopics: Absence, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive, Try
I can never be your friend because of my lost tail, nor you mine because of your lost child
Author: AesopTopics: Absence, Child, Choice, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Never, Never Ending, Trust
Fine feathers don’t make fine birds
Author: AesopTopics: Absence, Courage, Experiences, Famous, Inspirational, Leads, Learn, Lesson, Level, Life, Meaningful
Money can run out but talent is forever.
Author: Lady GagaTopics: Absence, Character, Facts, Famous, Meaningful Impact, Positive, Talent