Source of inspiration
I am strong, the crowd makes me even stronger when they are on fire, I love to be with them, they give me focus so I just relax and play.
Author: Gael MonfilsTopics: Crowd, Famous, Focus, Giving, Play, Powerful motivation, Relaxing, Source of energy, Source of inspiration, Strong, Stronger
I got into tennis because of my parents. They would play a little on the weekend and I liked it when I played.
Author: Gael MonfilsTopics: Famous, Like, Motivation, Parents, Played, Source of inspiration, Tennis

Life is a constant source of inspiration for comedy, you just have to pay attention.
Author: Gad ElmalehTopics: Comedy, Constant, Essence, Famous, Life, Pay, Personal Experiences, Source of inspiration
I would love to have a career like Zinedine Zidane. He stopped playing, took some time, realised he liked coaching, and started working in the youth academy. I could follow a similar path.
Author: KakaTopics: Career, Famous, Follow, Path, Playing, Realized, Similar, Source of inspiration, Stopped

The support and love of the fans is what motivates me the most to perform.
Author: K. L. RahulTopics: Famous, Fans, Love, Motivates, Motivation, Perform, Source of inspiration, Support
[on her idol, Peggy Lee] I became a complete junkie for her . . . She represents an era that is leaving us, one where vocals were king.
Author: K. D. LangTopics: Era, Famous, Idol, King, Legacy, Represent, Role Model, Source of inspiration, Vocal
Freddie Mercury was a huge source of inspiration to me as a child
Author: Freddie MercuryTopics: Child, Famous, Feelings, Huge, Huge trust, Inspiration, Inspirational Message, Life, Meaningful, Source, Source of inspiration
Certification from one source or another seems to be the most important thing to people all over the world. A piece of paper from a school that says you’re smart, a pat on the head from your parents that says you’re good or some reinforcement from your peers that makes you think what you’re doing is worthwhile. People are just waiting around to get certified
Author: Frank ZappaTopics: Famous, Importance, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, People, People Respect, People’s Opinions, Resourceful, Resources, Source, Source of inspiration, Think, Thinking mind, Waiting, Wake
The source of our actions resides in an unconscious propensity to regard ourselves as the center, the cause, and the conclusion of time. Our reflexes and our pride transform into a planet the parcel of flesh and consciousness we are.
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Act, Action, Plan, Planet, Proper, Properly, Regarded, Residents, Source, Source of inspiration
We must not see any person as an abstraction. Instead, we must see in every person a universe with its own secrets, with its own treasures, with its own sources of anguish, and with some measure of triumph.
Author: Elie WieselTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Lesson, Letting go, Life, Meaningful, Measure, Measurement, Personal, Personal Appearance, Personal aspirations, Secret of success, Secretary of defense., seek opportunity, Seeker’s, Seekers, Source, Source of inspiration, Universally, Universe
For in the end, it is all about memory, its sources and its magnitude, and, of course, its consequences.
Author: Eleanor Roosevelt
Topics: Course, Ending, Endless Claims, Magnet, Magnificent, Member, Memories, Memorization, Real Consequences, Source, Source of energy, Source of inspiration
I mean I love movement. I mean the energy that comes from the way I move. We get energy from how we move. I mean the control I get from knowing everything about how my body feels and how it is working.
Topics: Famous, Getting, Knowing yourself, Knowledge, Life, Meaning of life, Meaningful, Movement, Source of energy, Source of inspiration, Workout