Oh, dear friend, if you love your children, I charge you, do not let the early impression of a habit of prayer slip by. If you train your children to do anything, train them, at least, to have a habit of prayer.
Author: J. C. RyleTopics: Children, Famous, Habit, Impression., Meaningful, Prayer
I don’t have any tattoos but I’ve thought about getting Ernie, from Bert and Ernie, on my earlobe. He made a big impression on me as a kid. And I have pretty big earlobes.
Author: J MascisTopics: Famous, Impression., Kids, Tattoos, Thinking
In baseball, there’s no such thing as an insurmountable lead or an impossible comeback
Author: A. Bartlett GiamattiTopics: Come, Impossible, Impression., Leading, Leads, Old things, Open source, Open-mindedness, Sudden, Suffer, Sufferable, Things
A lengthy and painful discussion followed. It lasted through tea and dinner. It was revealed to Lady Beatrice that, though she had been sincerely mourned when Mamma had been under the impression she was dead, her unexpected return to life was something more than inconvenient. Had she never considered the disgrace she would inflict upon her family by returning, after all that had happened to her? What were all Aunt Harriet’s neighbors to think?
Author: Kage BakerTopics: Dead, Famous, Impression., Painful
Publicity is the engine of politics.
Author: H. W. BrandsTopics: Engine, Famous, Impression., Leadership, Politics, Publicity, Pursuasion
He was not a warm person, but he seemed to be, which in politics was more important.
Author: H. W. BrandsTopics: Famous, Imaginary, Impression., Politics
Our means of receiving impressions are absurdly few, and our notions of surrounding objects infinitely narrow. We see things only as we are constructed to see them, and can gain no idea of their absolute nature. With five feeble senses we pretend to comprehend the boundlessly complex cosmos.
Author: H. P. LovecraftTopics: Famous, Ideas, Impression., Mean, Narrow, Receiving
Voice actors I used to know who were starting out in comedy were guys who did a lot of voices. They were usually comedy actors who developed their comedy by doing tons of impressions and voices that were usually very funny. And I never did any of that, so that’s, I guess, why I don’t consider myself a voice actor.
Author: H. Jon Benjamin
Topics: Actors, Comedy, Experiences, Famous, Impression., Know, Never, Voiceover
There was no amazement, but only an impression of delightful rightness, of being reminded of happy things that had in some strange way been overlooked.
Author: H. G. WellsTopics: Famous, Happy things, Impression., Overlooked, Rightness
First impressions last. Start behind the eight ball and you’ll never get in front.
Author: Gabriel MachtTopics: Famous, First, Impression.

When I was a kid I did impressions and funny voices a lot. When I was telling a story I would use the voices to make it more entertaining.
Author: Gabriel IglesiasTopics: Childhood, Experience, Famous, Impression., Kid, Story, Voice
A novel is a work of poetry. In order to write it, one must have tranquility of spirit and of impression.
Topics: Famous, Impression., Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Novel, Poetry, Spirit, Work
First impressions are always unreliable.
Author: Franz Kafka
Topics: Always, Famous, Feelings, Impression., Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Unrelated things
Each time I fail to think about death, I have the impression of cheating, of deceiving someone in me.
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Cheat, Death, Impression., Suddenly, Suffer, Think, Thinking mind, Times, Times of difficulty
You collect impressions from people, from life, from your own daydreams.
Author: ShakiraTopics: Famous, Impression., Meaningful
My paintings seem to make the strongest impression on people who are, well, who are crazy,
Author: H. R. GigerTopics: Famous, Impression., Meaningful, Paintings
The people I work with have a very good impression of me for sure, because of how I am.
Topics: Good, Good Life, Impression., People, People Respect, People’s Opinions, Work
Don’t get the impression that you arouse my anger. You see, one can only be angry with those he respects.
Author: Richard M. NixonTopics: Famous, Impression., Inspirational, Meaningful
I aspire to be amazing. I want to leave a lasting impression. But I see how much effort that will require.
Author: Patrick MahomesTopics: Famous, Impression., Leave, Meaningful
As one who sees in dreams and wakes to find the emotional impression of his vision still powerful while its parts fade from his mind – Just such am I, having lost nearly all the vision itself, while in my heart I feel the sweetness of it yet distill and fall.
Author: Dante AlighieriTopics: Dream, Emotional, Fall, Famous, Heart, Impression., Lost, Meaningful, Powerful, Visions
Sometimes one creates a dynamic impression by saying something, and sometimes one creates as significant of an impression by remaining silent.
Author: Dalai LamaTopics: Famous, Impression., Meaningful, Significant, Silent
A general in time of war is constantly bombarded by reports both true and false; by errors arising from fear or negligence or hastiness; by disobedience born of right or wrong interpretations, of ill will; of a proper or mistaken sense of duty; of laziness; or of exhaustion; and by accident that nobody could have foreseen. In short, he is exposed to countless impressions, most of them disturbing, few of them encouraging. … If a man were to yield to these pressures, he would never complete an operation.
Author: Carl von Clausewitz
Topics: Encouragement, Falling, False, Fear, Impression., Operation, Replaced, Right, Times, Times of difficulty, True
We had taken his silence as a sort of encouragement; necessarily, then, this talk of his was a disappointment to us, for it showed we had made no impression upon him… we knew then how the missionary must feel when he has been cherishing a glad hope and has seen it blighted.
Author: Mark TwainTopics: Disappointment, Encouragement, Famous, Impression., Meaningful, Missionary, Necessarily, Silence