It was difficult being a teacher and out of the closet in the ’50s. By the time I retired, the English department was proud of having a gay poet of a certain minor fame. It was a very satisfactory change!
Author: Thom GunnTopics: Department, Difficult, English, Famous, Feelings, Meaningful, Proud, Satisfactory, Teacher
The next time some academics tell you how important ‘diversity’ is, ask how many Republicans there are in their sociology department.
Author: Gad SaadTopics: Department, Diversity, Famous, Republican, Sociology
You know how sometimes department stores have these things where, if you win, you get 10 minutes to go in and take anything you want from the store? That’s basically what I’m doing. I’m running in and just trying to grab as many characters as possible before they pull the plug on me.
Author: Ryan GoslingTopics: Characters, Department, Famous, Meaningful, minutes, Possible, Running, Sometimes
The next time some academics tell you how important diversity is, ask how many Republicans there are in their sociology department
Author: Thomas SowellTopics: Department, Diversity, Famous, Important, Meaningful, Republican, Sociology

Tellingly, the department that deals with relations with the rest of the world doesn’t have the word “foreign” in it: it is the State Department. It looks after the interests of one state alone. It might be called the Bargepole Department
Author: A. A. GillTopics: Alone, Department, Interest
A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user.
Author: Theodore Roosevelt
Topics: Character, Department, Depending, Like, Like me, Used To, Useful, Useful Things
There was a power outage at a department store yesterday. Twenty people were trapped on the escalators.
Author: Steven Alexander WrightTopics: Department, Famous, Meaningful
I’m a science guy. I’m a geek. I love geology and botany and marine science. I thought maybe I’d be a professional guide, or maybe even a park ranger, working for the Department of Fish and Game.
Author: Paul WalkerTopics: Department, Famous, Guide, Meaningful, Park, Professional, Science, Thoughts
It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves
Author: Carl JungTopics: Department, Depends, Famous, Life, Meaningful, Themselves, Things, Thinking, Thinking mind
If with a pure mind a person speaks or acts happiness follows him like his never-departing shadow.
Author: BuddhaTopics: Department, Follow, Following, Happens, Happiness, Happy, Pure, Speaking

Unless you can get the ear of a Senator, or a Congressman, or a Chief of a Bureau or Department, and persuade him to use his ‘influence’ in your behalf, you cannot get an employment of the most trivial nature in Washington.
Author: Mark TwainTopics: Department, Famous, Nature, Persuade, Trivial
And one of the first and most startling things you find out is, that every individual you encounter in the City of Washington … from the highest bureau chief, clear down to the maid who scrubs Department halls, the night watchmen of the public buildings… represents Political Influence.
Author: Mark TwainTopics: Department, Famous, Meaningful, Political, Public, watchmen
For one man cannot do right in one department of life whilst he is occupied in doing wrong in any other department. Life is one indivisible whole.
Author: Mahatma GandhiTopics: Department, Famous, Indivisible, Life, Wrong
I had at one time a very bad fever of which I almost died. In my fever I had a long consistent delirium. I dreamt that I was in Hell, and that Hell is a place full of all those happenings that are improbable but not impossible. The effects of this are curious. Some of the damned, when they first arrive below, imagine that they will beguile the tedium of eternity by games of cards. But they find this impossible, because, whenever a pack is shuffled, it comes out in perfect order, beginning with the Ace of Spades and ending with the King of Hearts. There is a special department of Hell for students of probability. In this department there are many typewriters and many monkeys. Every time that a monkey walks on a typewriter, it types by chance one of Shakespeare’s sonnets. There is another place of torment for physicists. In this there are kettles and fires, but when the kettles are put on the fires, the water in them freezes. There are also stuffy rooms. But experience has taught the physicists never to open a window because, when they do, all the air rushes out and leaves the room a vacuum.
Author: Bertrand RussellTopics: Consistent, Department, Happenings, Impossible, Perfect, Probability, Shuffled, Students, Vacuum
As I said last week in the wake of the grand jury decision, I think Ferguson laid bare a problem that is not unique to St. Louis or that area, and is not unique to our time, and that is a simmering distrust that exists between too many police departments and too many communities of color.
Author: Barack ObamaTopics: Community, Decision, Department, Distrust, Experiences, Famous, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Police, Problem, Problems, Unique