With the growth of Harvard from a small provincial college into a great University, a unique paranoia has swept the ranks of local officialdom, furrowing brows throughout University Hall. The lurking fear is that somehow, in the operations of the gigantic administrative machine, a student might get lost in the shuffle.
Author: J. Anthony LukasTopics: College, Famous, Fear, Growth, Harvard, Revolutionary, Students
Should ardent spirits be everywhere banished from the list of drinks, it will be a revolution not the least remarkable in this revolutionary age, and our country will have its full share in that as in other merits.
Author: James MadisonTopics: Age, Country, Famous, Merits, Revolutionary
Furthermore, the revolutionary parties in all countries gave public utterance to the socialist principle of international peace that must be preserved at all hazards, even to the extent of revolt and revolution at home. The.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Home, International, Preserved, Revolutionary
“Modern architecture needed to be part of an evolutionary, not a revolutionary, process.”
Author: I.M.PeiTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Modern, Positive, Revolutionary
say you are conservative – eminently conservative – while we are revolutionary, destructive, or something of the sort. What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?
Author: George Haven PutnamTopics: Conservative, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive, Revolutionary, Sort, Tried
john Brown’s effort was peculiar. It was not a slave insurrection
Author: George Haven PutnamTopics: Curious, Effort, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Odd feeling, Odds, Positive, Revolution, Revolutionary, Slave, Slaves, Strange, Strange place, Strange things, Strange world, Weird

We happen to be the vanguard of that revolutionary struggle because we are the most dispossessed.
Author: H. Rap BrownTopics: Dispossessed, Famous, Revolutionary, Struggle, Vanguard
The doctrine of the Kingdom of Heaven, which was the main teaching of Jesus, is certainly one of the most revolutionary doctrines that ever stirred and changed human thought.
Author: H. G. WellsTopics: Changed, Doctrine, Famous, Heaven, Human, Inspirational, Jesus, Kingdom, Revolutionary, Teaching, Thoughts
When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers of all revolutionary parties; at the same time, when we rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse.
Author: Theodor HerzlTopics: Officers, Official Language, Particularly, Parties, Power, Reviews, Revolutionary, Terrible, Times, Times of difficulty
I love the 3D revolution. I love the technology today that continues to push the envelope, continues to break new ground, and continues to raise the bar.
Author: Dwayne JohnsonTopics: Famous, Meaningful, Revolution, Revolutionary
At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that a great feeling of love guides a true revolutionary. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality.
Author: Che GuevaraTopics: Impossible, Quality, Quality of Life, Quality time, Revolutionary, Ridiculous, Right, Thinking, Thoughtful manner, True
Topics: Grasp, Hidden, Revolutionary
Me see myself as a revolutionary, wouldn’t want no help and imma take no bribe from no one and fight it single handed with music
Author: Bob MarleyTopics: Music, Revolutionary, See, Single, Wanted
The chief enemies in China’s revolutionary war are imperialism and the feudal forces.
Author: Mao ZedongTopics: Enemies, Famous, Feudal, Imperialism, Revolutionary, War
The revolutionary war is a war of the masses; it can be waged only by mobilizing the masses and relying on them.
Author: Mao ZedongTopics: Famous, Masses, Meaningful, Mobilizing, Revolutionary, Waged, War
No political party can possibly lead a great revolutionary movement to victory unless it possesses revolutionary theory and knowledge of history and has a profound grasp of the practical movement.
Author: Mao ZedongTopics: Famous, Great, History, Knowledge, Meaningful, Movement, Party, Political, Possesses, Possibly, Practical, Profound, Revolutionary, Theory, Victory
You can’t be a revolutionary if you don’t eat chilies.
Author: Mao ZedongTopics: Famous, Meaningful, Revolutionary
There is in fact no such thing as art for art’s sake, art that stands above classes, art that is detached from or independent of politics. Proletarian literature and art are part of the whole proletarian revolutionary cause.
Author: Mao ZedongTopics: Fact, Famous, Independent, Meaningful, Politics, Proletarian, Revolutionary