Personal Enjoyment
Each day was a challenge of enjoyment, and he [Hemingway] would plan it out as a field general plans a campign.
Author: A. E. HotchnerTopics: Action, Challenge, Challenges, Enjoyment, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Personal Enjoyment, Plan, Plane flying
Modeling is really what I do during my free time. It’s fun for me, so it doesn’t feel like work. I choose to do it.
Author: Kaia GerberTopics: Choice, Choose, Famous, Free time, Fun, Modeling, Personal Enjoyment, Personal Feelings, Personal Fulfillment, Work

Growing up, I played on matting wickets. I always enjoyed the pace and bounce and somewhere that has a big role or big effect on your game.
Author: K. L. RahulTopics: Cricket, Effect, Famous, Growing up, Personal Enjoyment, Teamwork
I had to learn – since I’m divorced now and everyone is like, ‘Oh my God, you’re single, what’s going on?’ – that if I don’t like to spend time with myself, how can I ask someone else to enjoy spending time with me? I’m getting to learn how to enjoy my solitude and have a good time.
Author: Gabrielle UnionTopics: Curiosity, Divorce, Famous, Learning, Life, Personal Enjoyment, Single, Solitude

Joy is a big stress buster too. Measure your success by how much fun you’re having.
Author: Gabrielle BernsteinTopics: Famous, Fun, Inspirational, Joy, Measure, Personal Enjoyment, Stress buster, Success
I write songs, and I sing them. I never formulated a plan; I can’t tell anyone else how to do this. But it feels right, so I just kind of enjoy it and get on with it.
Author: Gabrielle AplinTopics: Famous, Never, Personal Enjoyment, Plan, Singing, Songs
I like looking good. But it’s also about the feeling, right?
Author: Conor McGregor
Topics: Feel, Feeling, Good, Like, Like me, Looking, Looking ahead, Personal Enjoyment, Personal Feelings, Personal Fulfillment

I like finding talent. That’s what really turns me on, I suppose.
Author: Gordon RamsayTopics: Like, Personal Enjoyment, Personal Fulfillment, Talent
I am on a drug. It’s called Charlie Sheen.
Author: Charlie Sheen
Topics: Actors, Drug, Druggists, Fact, Famous, Feelings, Meaningful, Personal challenge, Personal decision, Personal Enjoyment, Valuable, Valuable lesson
I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let’s face it, friends make life a lot more fun.
Author: Charles R. Swindoll
Topics: Enjoyment, Freshness, Friend, Friendship, Fun, Fun-loving, Heart, Heart Rate, Image, Imaginary, Personal Enjoyment
Our knowledge of circumstances has increased, but our uncertainty, instead of having diminished, has only increased. The reason of this is, that we do not gain all our experience at once, but by degrees; so our determinations continue to be assailed incessantly by fresh experience; and the mind, if we may use the expression, must always be under arms.
Author: Carl von Clausewitz
Topics: Degree, Knowing, Knowledge, Mind, Mind-Blowing, Minded, Mindful, Personal Enjoyment, Personal Fulfillment, Uncertainty
No longer able to believe in the Church religion, whose falsehood they had detected, and incapable of accepting true Christian teaching, which denounced their whole manner of life, these rich and powerful people, stranded without any religious conception of life, involuntarily returned to that pagan view of things which places life’s meaning in personal enjoyment.
Author: Leo TolstoyTopics: Disillusioned, Falsehood, Famous, Improvements, Learning, Manner Of Life, Personal Enjoyment