The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It’s your mind you have to convince
Author: Vince Lombardi
Topics: Good, Lord, Mind, mind of state, Mind-Controlling, Stand
It is supposed that there has been progress in the science of textual criticism, and the most frivolous pretender has learned to talk superciliously about “the old unscientific days”. The old unscientific days are everlasting; they are here and now; they are renewed perennially by the ear which takes formulas in, and the tongue which gives them out again, and the mind which meanwhile is empty of reflexion and stuffed with self-complacency.
Author: A. E. HousmanTopics: Empty, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Mind, mind of state, Mind-Controlling, Positive, Programming, Progress, reflecting, Reflexes, Reformation, Science, Scientific, Superior, superior leader, Superiors, Supernatural, Suppose
Always keep your mind that the very moment when your life may stifle you anyway, then it is the true sign that your life is actually not yours.
Author: A. C. BensonTopics: Always, Leadership, Leadership Qualities, Leading, Leads, Mind, mind of state, Mind-Blowing, Mind-Controlling, Moment, True, True character, True comprehension
Always keep in mind that whatever you may see had well begun that may always turn out to be half-ended.
Author: A. C. BensonTopics: Always, Ending, Endings, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Mind, mind of state, Mind-Controlling

Always keep in your mind that your soul always has some doors to open for you every time, no matter whether that door can be either upward or it can be the one inward also
Author: A. C. BensonTopics: Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Keep, Keeping, Keeping in touch, Life, Matter, Matters, Meaningful, mind of state, Mind-Controlling, Mindful, Soul, Soulmate, Times, Times of difficulty, Upwards

Always keep in your mind the best stories you will always see in reality.
Author: A. C. BensonTopics: Honestly, Honesty, Keep, Keeping, Keeping in touch, Mind, Mind-Controlling, Realities, Reality, Realization, Stories
She poked him in the center of his chest with two fingers to punctuate her words. “You are an unfeeling”—poke —“traitorous”—poke—“mistrusting”—poke—“rude”—poke —“booby!” Every poke turned him mortal, but Lord Maccon didn’t seem to mind it in the least. Instead he grabbed the hand that poked him and brought it to his lips. “You put it very well, my love.
Author: Gail CarrigerTopics: Famous, Hands, Mind-Controlling, Mistrust, Mortal, Poke, Rude
Mind over matter, will make the Pooh unfatter.
Topics: Lesson, Letting, Matter, Matters, Mature, Mind, Mind-Controlling, Will, Will power
The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind.
Topics: Changeable, Die, Mind, Mind-Controlling, Operation, Opinion
Never to have occasion to take a position, to make up one’s mind, or to define oneself – there is no wish I make more often.
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Lesson, Letting go, mind of state, Mind-Controlling, Minded, Never, Never Ending, Position, Position Information, Positive, Positive aspects
Look what I’m dealing with, man, I’m dealing with fools and trolls.
Author: Charlie Sheen
Topics: Deal, Dealing, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Fool, Fooling, Forward-looking, Life, Longing, Look, Meaningful, Mind-Controlling, Mindful, Mindfulness
There can be no disparity in marriage like unsuitability of mind and purpose.
Author: Charles Dickens
Topics: Disappearing, Disappointed, Lesson, Letting go, Marriage, Marrying, Mind-Controlling, Mindful, Minds, Pure, Purposeful
Some lose all mind and become soul,insane. some lose all soul and become mind, intellectual. some lose both and become accepted
Author: Charles Bukowski
Topics: Intellectual, Intellectual decision, Mind, Mind-Controlling, Minded, Self-Acceptance
Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water.
Author: Bruce LeeTopics: Empty, Mind, Mind-Controlling, Shape, Water
I am a feminist. I reject wholeheartedly the way we are taught to perceive women. The beauty of women, how a woman should act or behave. Women are strong and fragile. Women are beautiful and ugly. We are soft-spoken and loud, all at once. There is something mind-controlling about the way we’re taught to view women.
Author: Lady GagaTopics: Famous, Female, Feminism, Feminists, Fragile, Mind-Controlling, Perception, Rejection, Strong, Women