Individual lifestyle

Baseball is a sport that celebrates individual excellence within a team framework
Author: A. Bartlett GiamattiTopics: Celebrates, Excellence, Except, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Frame, Framework, Frank, Impregnable, Impress, Individual, Individual beauty, Individual Choices, Individual Experiences, Individual lifestyle, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Sport, Sports People, Team
I usually travel with a posse. I roll deep. I travel like a rapper, but without the artillery. We don’t carry guns, we carry cookies.
Author: Gabriel IglesiasTopics: Comparing, Famous, Guns, Individual lifestyle, Rappers
What everyone in the astronaut corps shares in common is not gender or ethnic background, but motivation, perseverance, and desire – the desire to participate in a voyage of discovery.
Author: Ellen Ochoa
Topics: Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Individual Choices, Individual corporation, Individual Experiences, Individual lifestyle, Participate, Particles, Particular
Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must — at that moment — become the center of the universe.
Topics: Individual lifestyle, Individual viewpoint, Personal standards, Personal Values, Personal Well-Being, Personalities, policy of civil society, Polite, Political, Political agenda, Women
A woman with good shoes is never ugly
Author: Coco ChanelTopics: Good, Idea of success, Ideal, Ideal woman, Individual lifestyle, Shoes, Ugly
A fashion that does not reach the streets is not a fashion.
Author: Coco ChanelTopics: Individual lifestyle, Individual Perception, Lifelong Learning, Lifestyles, Reach, Reaching, React, Street Style, Streets
Every day people straighten up the hair, why not the heart
Author: Che GuevaraTopics: Everyday, Everything, Habit, Hair, Heart, Heart-Broken, Individual lifestyle, Lifelong Learning, Lifestyles, Light
Focusing intently on Christ naturally results in a lifestyle of increasingly greater selflessness. And it has another benefit. Gazing on Christ gives us greater ability to look past life’s trials and remain calm in the midst of what others would call chaos.
Author: Charles R. Swindoll
Topics: Christian, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Focus, Increasingly, Individual Experiences, Individual lifestyle, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Life, Meaningful, Remain, Selfless, Selfless connection