Human Condition
Man, the creature who knows he must die, who has dreams larger than his destiny, who is forever working a confidence trick on himself, needs an ally. Mine has been tobacco.
Author: J. B. PriestleyTopics: Challenges, Dream, Famous, Human Condition, Human Nature, Life's, Meaningful, Mechanisms, Navigate, Tobacco
The basic fact about human existence is not that it is a tragedy, but that it is a bore. It is not so much a war as an endless standing in line.
Author: H. L. MenckenTopics: Famous, Human Condition, Tragedy, War
Solitude is the deepest bond we can have.
Topics: Famous, Human Condition, Inspirational, Profound truth, Solitude, WorldThe best form of saying is being
Author: Che GuevaraTopics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Human, Human Being, Human Condition, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Positive
If I carefully consider others, God will consider me, and in some way or other He will recompense me. Let me consider the poor, and the LORD will consider me. Let me look after little children, and the LORD will treat me as His child. Let me feed His flock, and He will feed me. Let me water His garden, and He will make a watered garden of my soul. This is the LORD’s own promise; be it mine to fulfill the condition and then to expect its fulfillment.
Author: Charles Spurgeon
Topics: Childhood, Children, Fulfilling, Fulfillment, Human Condition, Human Emotions, Lord, Lord God, Promises, Soul, Treat
Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true.
Author: Charles Dickens
Topics: Famous, Feelings, Growing Brave, Growth, Growth Mindset, Human Being, Human communication, Human Condition, Life, Meaningful, Shine Like, Shining substances, Sorrows, Soul, True, True courage