Everyday life is interesting enough, whether it be in an office or being ignored on the set of something supposedly more glamorous.
Author: Ricky GervaisTopics: Everyday, Ignored, Interesting, Something
It’s easy to stay grounded. The ground is very close. And we walk on it every day
Author: Keanu ReevesTopics: Everyday, Famous, Grounded
Seek that which within lies waiting to begin the fight of your life that is everyday.
Topics: Everyday, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Fight, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, People, Positive, WaitingThe ballpark is a sanctuary where fans come to escape the pressures of everyday life.
Author: A. Bartlett GiamattiTopics: Everyday, Everything, Fans, Press, Pressure
I’m not a person that sets a long-term goal. My goals are on an everyday basis.
Author: K. L. RahulTopics: Everyday, Famous, Goals, Instant Priorities, Long term, Setting, Short-Term Goals
A writer’s job is to make the ordinary extraordinary, to reveal the magic hidden in everyday life.
Author: A. B. YehoshuaTopics: Everyday, Everyone, Hesitate, Hidden, Hidden life, Hidden sources, Job, Job oppertunity, Joblessness, Magic, Magical realism, Ordinary, Ordinary girls, Ordinary ingredients

I work out in a studio. Every day, regardless where I am, at least two hours. I need it. I can’t cease it.
Author: Gabriela SabatiniTopics: Everyday, Famous, Studio, Work
Taxes are paid in the sweat of every man who labors
Author: Franklin D. RooseveltTopics: Everyday, Everyone, Everything, Famous, Labour, Lack, Life, Meaningful, Paid, Painful duty, Tax
Everyday courage has few witnesses. But yours is no less noble because no drum beats for you and no crowds shout your name.
Author: Robert Louis StevensonTopics: Courage, Drum, Everyday, Famous, Noble
Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry: Worry never fixes anything.
Topics: Couple, Courage, Everyday, Everything, Fit, Lifelong Learning, Lifetime, Something, Something for nothing, Train, Will, Will power, Worry
I wanted a bronzer so I could look like I just came from Ibiza everyday.
Author: ImanTopics: Everyday, Famous, Meaningful
Whenever I happen to be in a city of any size, I marvel that riots do not break out everyday: Massacres, unspeakable carnage, a doomsday chaos. How can so many human beings coexist in a space so confined without hating each other to death?
Author: Emil Cioran
Topics: City, Death, Everyday, Everything, Happen, Happening, Human, Human behavior, Speak, Speaker's words, Special
You don’t develop courage by being happy in your relationships everyday. You develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.
Author: EpicurusTopics: Challenging, Courage, Develop, Difficult, Everyday, Famous, Happy, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, People, Relationship, Survival, Times
Man starts over again everyday, in spite of all he knows, against all he knows
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Everyday, Everything, Know, Knowing, Knowing yourself, Knowledge, Male friends, Man
Dream as big as you want because they come true everyday.
Author: Hunter HayesTopics: Dream, Everyday, Famous, Meaningful
I love the practicality of a good car. You know what I mean? And when I say ‘practicality,’ I mean the complete practicality of a Ferrari 458, a wonderfully fantastic every day car.
Author: Hunter HayesTopics: Everyday, Famous, Meaningful, Practicality
War is like night, she said. It covers everything.
Topics: Everyday, Everything, Leads, Night, Nightmare, Path, Sudden, Suffer
After a day’s walk everything has twice its usual value.
Author: G. M. TrevelyanTopics: Everyday, Famous, Motivational, Twice, Value, Walking
She’s so beautiful and I tell her every day
Author: Bruno MarsTopics: Everyday, Everything, Famous, Feelings, Lessons, Letting go, Life, Tell, Telling
Just like the clouds My eyes will do the same if you walk away Everyday it’ll rain
Author: Bruno MarsTopics: Everyday, Eye, Famous, Feelings, Life, Like, Like me, Meaningful, Walking, Walking Miracle
I grew up with J. Edgar Hoover. He was the G-man, a hero to everybody, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation was the big, feared organization. He was ahead of his time as far as building up forensic evidence and fingerprinting. But he took down a lot of innocent people, too.
Author: Clint Eastwood
Topics: Everybody, Everyday, Everywhere, Evidence, Federal, Feed Down, Greet, Grew Up, Innner Beauty, Innocence
Everybody does have a book in them, but in most cases, that’s where it should stay.
Author: Christopher HitchensTopics: Everybody, Everyday, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Stay, Staying Resolute
Long-term relationships are an everyday choice. It’s harder to be in a marriage than it is to bounce from one relationship to the next.
Author: PinkTopics: Choice, Everyday, Famous, Harder, Long-Term, Marriage, Relationships
Everyday God gives us the sun, and also the moment in wich have the ability to change everything that makes us unhappy. Our magic moment helps us to change and send us off in search of our dreams.
Author: Paulo CoelhoTopics: Ability, Change, Dreams, Everyday, Everything, Famous, God, Magic, Moment, Sun, Unhappy
If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine.
Author: Che GuevaraTopics: Everyday, Everything, Injustice, Mindfulness, Minds
Every day people straighten up the hair, why not the heart
Author: Che GuevaraTopics: Everyday, Everything, Habit, Hair, Heart, Heart-Broken, Individual lifestyle, Lifelong Learning, Lifestyles, Light
Everyday you have to fight so that love for humanity can be transformed into concrete deeds, into acts that set an example, that mobilize.
Author: Che GuevaraTopics: Everyday, Example, Excellence, Facing, Fact, Factor, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Mix of emotions, Mobilize, Transform
Every day People straighten up the hair, why not the heart?
Author: Che GuevaraTopics: Everyday, Everything, Hair, Hairstyle, Healthy, Heard, Heart, Straight, Strange
I’m a surfer. I grew up in Southern California and used to surf twice a day, every day.
Author: Paul WalkerTopics: Everyday, Famous, Grew Up, Meaningful, Southern, Twice
The way I see it, you should live everyday like its your birthday.
Author: Paris HiltonTopics: Everyday, Famous, Meaningful, See
It’s perfect. It’s awesome. Every day is just filled with just wins. All we do is put wins in the record books. We win so radically in our underwear before our first cup of coffee, it’s scary. People say it’s lonely at the top, but I sure like the view.
Author: Charlie Sheen
Topics: Everyday, Everywhere, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Perfect, Perfect Chaos, Poets, Points, Points of view, Surer, Top
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
Author: Pablo PicassoTopics: Dust, Everyday, Famous, Life, Meaningful, Soul
A family is a place where principles are hammered and honed on the anvil of everyday living.
Author: Charles R. SwindollTopics: Everyday, Experiences, Fame, Family, Family Secrets, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Living, Living situation, Meaningful, Place, Principle of uniformity
And a beautiful world we live in, when it is possible, and when many other such things are possible, and not only possible, but done– done, see you!– under that sky there, every day.
Author: Charles Dickens
Topics: Everyday, Everything, Possible, Seaceful sky., Skilled, Sky
You don’t want a girl like me, I’m too crazy, but every other girl you meet is fugazi.
Author: Cardi BTopics: Crazy, Everyday, Everything, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Give, Inspirational, Life, Like, Like me, Meaningful
Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done
Author: C. S. LewisTopics: Everyday, God, Lesson, Nothing
If you get down and quarrel every day, you’re saying prayers to the devil, I say
Author: Bob MarleyTopics: Devil, Down, Everyday, Famous, Life, Meaningful, Prayer
I believe, every day, you should have at least one exquisite moment.
Author: Audrey HepburnTopics: Everyday, Famous, Learn, Life, Meaningful, Moment
Live every day like it’s your last… and eventually it will be. You’ll be fully prepared.
Author: George CarlinTopics: Everyday, Famous, Last day, Live, Motivational
I’m a truth seeker. That’s what I do every day on the show – put out the truth. Some people don’t like it, they call it sensational, but I say life is sensational.
Author: Oprah WinfreyTopics: Everyday, People, Seekers, Sensation, Truth
Bravery shows up in everyday life when people have the courage to live their truth, their vision and their dreams.
Author: Oprah WinfreyTopics: Brave, Courage, Dreams, Everyday, Life, Live, People, Truth, Visions
Every time you state what you want or believe, you’re the first to hear it. It’s a message to both you and others about what you think is possible. Don’t put a ceiling on yourself.
Author: Oprah WinfreyTopics: Everyday, Message, Messages, Possible
Energy is the essence of life. Every day you decide how you’re going to use it by knowing what you want and what it takes to reach that goal, and my maintaining focus.
Author: Oprah WinfreyTopics: Essence, Everyday, Knowing, Maintained, Maintaining, Positive Energy
Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance.
Author: Oprah WinfreyTopics: Breath, Chance, Dance, Everyday
Instead of trying to build a brick wall, lay a brick everyday. Eventually, you’ll look up and you’ll have a brick wall
Author: Nipsey HussleTopics: Everyday, Famous, Life, Meaningful, Try
I just want to paint that picture of Chicago that everybody’s missing, and I just want to rap about it.
Author: Lil DurkTopics: Chicago, Everyday, Famous, Missing, Powerful aspiration, Rap, Strong desire
Every realm of nature is marvelous
Author: AristotleTopics: Everyday, Famous, Feelings, Human Nature, Life, Meaningful