If anybody would make me the greatest king that ever lived, with palaces, and gardens and fine dinners, and wine, and coaches, and beautiful clothes, and hundreds of servants, on condition that I would not read books, I would not be a king
Author: Thomas Babington MacaulayTopics: Condition, Dinner, Famous, Feelings, Greatest, Life, Meaningful, Read

They decided the mummy would be unwrapped, for the titillation of the ladies, just after dinner.
Author: Gail CarrigerTopics: Dinner, Famous, Ladies, Mummy, Titillation, Unwrapped
He is clearly bookish. I did not follow a single word of their conversation at dinner last night, not one jot of it. He must be bookish.
Author: Gail CarrigerTopics: Conversation, Dinner, Famous, Follow, Single word
The man of petty ambition if invited to dinner will be eager to be set next his host
Author: TheophrastusTopics: Ambition, Dinner, Famous, Host, Life, Meaningful
I started getting emails from Anna Wintour inviting me to her dinners. It was just surreal
Author: Theophilus LondonTopics: Dinner, Famous, Inviting
We all love animals. Why do we call some ‘pets’ and others ‘dinner?’
Author: K. D. LangTopics: Dinner, Famous, Pet, Vegetarianism
If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner.
Author: H. L. MenckenTopics: Dinner, Famous, Found, Missionaries, Politician, Promise
Oh, right! Because that’s what Thanksgiving is all about—running around with a bunch of stupid birds and going on rides. Fine, go. But you know what? I am not making dinner!”
Author: H. Jon BenjaminTopics: Dinner, Famous, Running
We sleep in separate rooms, we have dinner apart, we take separate vacations – we’re doing everything we can to keep our marriage together.
Author: Rodney DangerfieldTopics: Dinner, Famous, Marriage, Rooms, Separate, Sleep, Together, Vacations

I like to hike and play with my dogs and spend time with my family. We go out to family dinners a lot.
Author: Gabby DouglasTopics: Dinner, Dogs, Family, Famous, Hike, Like, Play, Quality time, Spend, Time

When opportunity knocks, invite it to stay for dinner.
Author: H. Jackson Brown, Jr.Topics: Dinner, Famous, Meaningful, Stay
Music with dinner is an insult both to the cook and the violinist.
Author: Gilbert K. ChestertonTopics: Cook, Dinner, Famous, Insult, Music, Violinist
More business decisions occur over lunch and dinner than at any other time, yet no MBA courses are given on the subject.
Author: Peter DruckerTopics: Business, Dinner, Famous, Meaningful, More, Subjects, Time
I’ve been turning it over in after-dinner speeches, but it looks awkward—it’s not what people are used to—it wants a good deal of Latin to make it go down.
Author: George EliotTopics: Deal, Dinner, Famous, Good, Inspirational, Latin, People, Want
I like to be able to wear something that is appropriate for wherever the day takes me: to work, on a hike and then out to dinner. I like to take the formality out of the day’s schedule and be ready for any off-road detour.
Author: Matthew McConaugheyTopics: Dinner, Famous, Meaningful, Something, Wear
I take my kids to school. And if I go to work, I go to work, and they visit me on set. I come home. I have dinner with my family. I have breakfast with my family. I have a very solid, very warm home.
Author: Angelina JolieTopics: Dinner, Famous, Feelings, Kid, Life, Solid, Work
I notice that my characters go out to dinner and have fun and take these great trips, but I spend so much time on their lives, I don’t have much of a personal life of my own. I have to sort of remember to fill out that little notebook on me.
Author: Angelina JolieTopics: Character, Dinner, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Personal, Personal Life, Time