Soren Kierkegaard
- Country : Denmark
- Profession :Danish philosopher, theologian, and writer
- DOB: 1813-05-05
Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855) was a Danish philosopher, theologian, and existentialist thinker. Known as the “father of existentialism,” he explored the individual’s subjective experience, emphasizing personal responsibility and the leap of faith. Influenced by Christian existentialism, his major works include “Fear and Trembling” and “Either/Or.” Kierkegaard critiqued organized religion and societal conformity, advocating for authentic individuality. His writings had a profound impact on existentialist philosophy, shaping the works of later thinkers. Despite his relatively short life, Kierkegaard’s ideas continue to influence philosophy, theology, and literature, leaving a lasting legacy in the exploration of human existence.
It is the duty of the human understanding to understand that there are things which it cannot understand, and what those things are. Human understanding has vulgarly occupied itself with nothing but understanding, but if it would only take the trouble to understand itself at the same time it would simply have to posit the paradox.
Author: Soren KierkegaardNever cease loving a person, and never give up hope for him, for even the prodigal son who had fallen most low, could still be saved; the bitterest enemy and also he who was your friend could again be your friend; love that has grown cold can kindle.
Author: Soren KierkegaardTruth is not something you can appropriate easily and quickly. You certainly cannot sleep or dream yourself to the truth. No, you must be tried, do battle, and suffer if you are to acquire the truth for yourself. It is a sheer illusion to think that in relation to the truth there is an abridgement, a short cut that dispenses with the necessity for struggling for it.
Author: Soren KierkegaardWhere am I? Who am I? How did I come to be here? What is this thing called the world? How did I come into the world? Why was I not consulted? And If I am compelled to take part in it, where is the director? I want to see him.
Author: Soren KierkegaardTruth has always had many loud proclaimers, but the question is whether a person will in the deepest sense acknowledge the truth, allow it to permeate his whole being, accept all its consequences, and not have an emergency hiding place for himself and a Judas kiss for the consequence.
Author: Soren KierkegaardOh, can I really believe the poet’s tales, that when one first sees the object of one’s love, one imagines one has seen her long ago, that all love like all knowledge is remembrance, that love too has its prophecies in the individual.
Author: Soren KierkegaardPhilosophy is perfectly right in saying that life must be understood backward. But then one forgets the other clause – that it must be lived forward. The more one thinks through this clause, the more one concludes that life in temporality never becomes properly understandable, simply because never at any time does one get perfect repose to take the stance – backward.
Author: Soren KierkegaardIn the end, therefore, money will be the one thing people will desire, which is moreover only representative, an abstraction. Nowadays a young man hardly envies anyone his gifts, his art, the love of a beautiful girl, or his fame; he only envies him his money. Give me money, he will say, and I am saved…He would die with nothing to reproach himself with, and under the impression that if only he had had the money he might really have lived and might even have achieved something great.
Author: Soren KierkegaardIf I were a physician, and if I were allowed to prescribe just one remedy for all the ills of the modern world, I would prescribe silence. For even if the Word of God were proclaimed in the modern world, how could one hear it with so much noise? Therefore, create silence.
Author: Soren KierkegaardPeople have an idea that the preacher is an actor on a stage and they are the critics, blaming or praising him. What they don’t know is that they are the actors on the stage; he (the preacher) is merely the prompter standing in the wings, reminding them of their lost lines.
Author: Soren KierkegaardHow did I get into the world? Why was I not asked about it and why was I not informed of the rules and regulations but just thrust into the ranks as if I had been bought by a peddling shanghaier of human beings? How did I get involved in this big enterprise called actuality? Why should I be involved? Isn’t it a matter of choice? And if I am compelled to be involved, where is the manager—I have something to say about this. Is there no manager? To whom shall I make my complaint
Author: Soren KierkegaardHow did I get into the world? Why was I not asked about it and why was I not informed of the rules and regulations but just thrust into the ranks as if I had been bought by a peddling shanghaier of human beings? How did I get involved in this big enterprise called actuality? Why should I be involved? Isn’t it a matter of choice? And if I am compelled to be involved, where is the manager—I have something to say about this. Is there no manager? To whom shall I make my complaint.
Author: Soren KierkegaardThe ever increasing intensity of despair depends upon the degree of consciousness or is proportionate to this increase: the greater the degree of consciousness, the more intensive the despair. This is everywhere apparent, most clearly in despair at its maximum and minimum. The devil’s despair is the most intensive despair, for the devil is sheer spirit and hence unqualified consciousness and transparency; there is no obscurity in the devil that could serve as a mitigating excuse. Therefore, his despair is the most absolute defiance.
Author: Soren Kierkegaardtwitter
The greatest danger to Christianity is, I contend, not heresies, not heterodoxies, not atheists, not profane secularism – no, but the kind of orthodoxy which is cordial drivel, mediocrity served up sweet. There is nothing that so insidiously displaces the majestic as cordiality.
In a theatre it happened that a fire started off stage. The clown came out to tell the audience. They thought it was a joke and applauded. He told them again, and they became still more hilarious. This is the way, I suppose, that the world will be destroyed-amid the universal hilarity of wits and wags who think it is all a joke.
Author: Soren KierkegaardThe Bible is very easy to understand. But we Christians are a bunch of scheming swindlers. We pretend to be unable to understand it because we know very well that the minute we understand, we are obliged to act accordingly.
Author: Soren KierkegaardTruth always rests with the minority, and the minority is always stronger than the majority, because the minority is generally formed by those who really have an opinion, while the strength of a majority is illusory, formed by the gangs who have no opinion — and who, therefore, in the next instant (when it is evident that the minority is the stronger) assume its opinion… while truth again reverts to a new minority.
Author: Soren KierkegaardIn order to help another effectively, I must understand what he understands. If I do not know that, my greater understanding will be of no help to him… instruction begins when you put yourself in his place so that you may understand what he understands and in the way he understands it.
Author: Soren KierkegaardThe daily press is the evil principle of the modern world, and time will only serve to disclose this fact with greater and greater clearness. The capacity of the newspaper for degeneration is sophistically without limit, since it can always sink lower and lower in its choice of readers. At last it will stir up all those dregs of humanity which no state or government can control.
Author: Soren KierkegaardIt is easy to see, though it scarcely needs to be pointed out, since it is involved in the fact that Reason is set aside, that faith is not a form of knowledge; for all knowledge is either a knowledge of the eternal, excluding the temporal and historical as indifferent, or it is pure historical knowledge. No knowledge can have for its object the absurdity that the eternal is the historical.
Author: Soren KierkegaardAnd this is the simple truth – that to live is to feel oneself lost. He who accepts it has already begun to find himself, to be on firm ground. Instinctively, as do the shipwrecked, he will look around for something to which to cling, and that tragic, ruthless glance, absolutely sincere, because it is a question of his salvation, will cause him to bring order into the chaos of his life. These are the only genuine ideas; the ideas of the shipwrecked. All the rest is rhetoric, posturing, farce.
Author: Soren Kierkegaardtwitter
Above all, do not lose your desire to walk. Everyday, I walk myself into a state of well-being & walk away from every illness. I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it. But by sitting still, & the more one sits still, the closer one comes to feeling ill. Thus if one just keeps on walking, everything will be all right.
Concepts, like individuals, have their histories and are just as incapable of withstanding the ravages of time as are individuals. But in and through all this they retain a kind of homesickness for the scenes of their childhood.
Author: Soren KierkegaardSince boredom advances and boredom is the root of all evil, no wonder, then, that the world goes backwards, that evil spreads. This can be traced back to the very beginning of the world. The gods were bored; therefore they created human beings.
Author: Soren KierkegaardPeople commonly travel the world over to see rivers and mountains, new stars, garish birds, freak fish, grotesque breeds of human; they fall into an animal stupor that gapes at existence and they think they have seen something.
Author: Soren KierkegaardJust as in earthly life lovers long for the moment when they are able to breathe forth their love for each other, to let their souls blend in a soft whisper, so the mystic longs for the moment when in prayer he can, as it were, creep into God.
Author: Soren KierkegaardThe paradox is really the pathos of intellectual life and just as only great souls are exposed to passions it is only the great thinker who is exposed to what I call paradoxes, which are nothing else than grandiose thoughts in embryo.
Author: Soren KierkegaardPeople demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.
Author: Soren KierkegaardDo not interrupt the flight of your soul; do not distress what is best in you; do not enfeeble your spirit with half wishes and half thoughts. Ask yourself and keep on asking until you find the answer, for one may have known something many times, acknowledged it; one may have willed something many times, attempted it – and yet, only the deep inner motion, only the heart’s indescribable emotion, only that will convince you that what you have acknowledged belongs to you, that no power can take it from you – for only the truth that builds up is truth for you.
Author: Soren KierkegaardListen to the cry of a woman in labor at the hour of giving birth – look at the dying man’s struggle at his last extremity, and then tell me whether something that begins and ends thus could be intended for enjoyment.
Author: Soren KierkegaardThe tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins.
Author: Soren KierkegaardPatience is necessary, and one cannot reap immediately where one has sown.
Author: Soren KierkegaardThe highest and most beautiful things in life are not to be heard about, nor read about, nor seen but, if one will, are to be lived.
Author: Soren KierkegaardGod creates out of nothing. Wonderful you say. Yes, to be sure, but he does what is still more wonderful: he makes saints out of sinners.
Author: Soren KierkegaardIf I am capable of grasping God objectively, I do not believe, but precisely because I cannot do this I must believe.
Author: Soren KierkegaardThere is nothing with which every man is so afraid as getting to know how enormously much he is capable of doing and becoming.
Author: Soren KierkegaardWhat is a poet? An unhappy person who conceals profound anguish in his heart but whose lips are so formed that as sighs and cries pass over them they sound like beautiful music.
Author: Soren KierkegaardA man who as a physical being is always turned toward the outside, thinking that his happiness lies outside him, finally turns inward and discovers that the source is within him.
Author: Soren KierkegaardNot just in commerce but in the world of ideas too our age is putting on a veritable clearance sale. Everything can be had so dirt cheap that one begins to wonder whether in the end anyone will want to make a bid.
Author: Soren KierkegaardHow absurd men are! They never use the liberties they have, they demand those they do not have. They have freedom of thought, they demand freedom of speech.
Author: Soren KierkegaardThe function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.
Author: Soren KierkegaardI feel as if I were a piece in a game of chess, when my opponent says of it: That piece cannot be moved.
Author: Soren KierkegaardThe more a man can forget, the greater the number of metamorphoses which his life can undergo; the more he can remember, the more divine his life becomes.
Author: Soren KierkegaardPeople understand me so poorly that they don’t even understand my complaint about them not understanding me.
Author: Soren KierkegaardMost men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it.
Author: Soren KierkegaardIt was completely fruitless to quarrel with the world, whereas the quarrel with oneself was occasionally fruitful and always, she had to admit, interesting.
Author: Soren KierkegaardDuring the first period of a man’s life the greatest danger is not to take the risk.
Author: Soren KierkegaardFar from idleness being the root of all evil, it is rather the only true good
Author: Soren KierkegaardMarriage brings one into fatal connection with custom and tradition, and traditions and customs are like the wind and weather, altogether incalculable.
Author: Soren KierkegaardBecause of its tremendous solemnity death is the light in which great passions, both good and bad, become transparent, no longer limited by outward appearences.
Author: Soren KierkegaardIt belongs to the imperfection of everything human that man can only attain his desire by passing through its opposite.
Author: Soren KierkegaardThe truth is a snare: you cannot have it, without being caught. You cannot have the truth in such a way that you catch it, but only in such a way that it catches you.
Author: Soren KierkegaardI begin with the principle that all men are bores. Surely no one will prove himself so great a bore as to contradict me in this.
Author: Soren KierkegaardSince my earliest childhood a barb of sorrow has lodged in my heart. As long as it stays I am ironic if it is pulled out I shall die.
Author: Soren KierkegaardFaith is the highest passion in a human being. Many in every generation may not come that far, but none comes further.
Author: Soren KierkegaardThere are, as is known, insects that die in the moment of fertilization. So it is with all joy: life’s highest, most splendid moment of enjoyment is accompanied by death.
Author: Soren KierkegaardIt seems essential, in relationships and all tasks, that we concentrate only on what is most significant and important.
Author: Soren KierkegaardThere are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.
Author: Soren KierkegaardThe most painful state of being is remembering the future, particularly the one you’ll never have.
Author: Soren KierkegaardLove is the expression of the one who loves, not of the one who is loved. Those who think they can love only the people they prefer do not love at all. Love discovers truths about individuals that others cannot see.
Author: Soren KierkegaardMost people are subjective toward themselves and objective toward all others, frightfully objective sometimes–but the task is precisely to be objective toward oneself and subjective toward all others.
Author: Soren KierkegaardIt is not the path which is the difficulty; rather, it is the difficulty which is the path.
Author: Soren KierkegaardA man prayed, and at first he thought that prayer was talking. But he became more and more quiet until in the end he realized prayer is listening.
Author: Soren KierkegaardFor without risk there is no faith, and the greater the risk, the greater the faith.
Author: Soren KierkegaardThe minority is always stronger than the majority, because the minority is generally formed by those who really have an opinion.
Author: Abraham MaslowAre you not aware that there comes a midnight hour when everyone must unmask.
Author: Soren KierkegaardIt is better to try something and fail than to try nothing and succeed. The result may be the same, but you won’t be. We always grow more through defeats than victories.
Author: Soren KierkegaardChrist has not only spoken to us by his life but has also spoken for us by his death.
Author: Soren Kierkegaard