• Country : United States
  • Profession :American actor and professional wrestler.
  • DOB: 1977-04-23
Details About Author:

John Cena is a multifaceted American entertainer born on April 23, 1977, in West Newbury, Massachusetts. He first gained fame as a professional wrestler in WWE, where he became a 16-time world champion and earned a reputation for his charisma and resilience. Cena’s catchphrase, “You can’t see me,” and his signature move, the “Attitude Adjustment,” became iconic in the world of sports entertainment. Beyond wrestling, Cena has successfully transitioned into acting, with notable roles in films such as Trainwreck (2015) and Bumblebee (2018). He has also hosted various television shows and is known for his philanthropic work, particularly with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Cena’s career showcases his versatility and dedication, both in and out of the ring.