Gad Saad
- Country : Canada
- Profession :Scientist
- DOB: 1964-10-13
Gad Saad (13 October 1964) , born in Beirut, Lebanon, is a Canadian evolutionary behavioral scientist known for his work in consumer behavior and the application of evolutionary psychology in marketing and business. Holding the Concordia University Research Chair in Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, Saad has authored several books, addressing topics like human behavior, marketing, and consumer psychology, often emphasizing evolutionary theory’s role. He gained significant attention for his popular YouTube channel and podcast, where he delves into various aspects of psychology and evolutionary theory, discussing social issues and critiquing political correctness. His interdisciplinary approach has made him a prominent figure in understanding human behavior through an evolutionary lens.

Academia is ruled by a pathological herd mentality. Stick out, and be prepared to get ostracized.
Author: Gad Saad
My purity manifests itself in countless ways, including an utter inability to sit idly when exposed to attacks on truth, reason, logic, and/or individual dignity.
Author: Gad Saad
There is a natural rhythm to parent-child interactions, including the fact that some parental insights prove poignant and veridical decades after they were first shared with us.
Author: Gad Saad
All other things equal, advertisements containing cute babies, sexy endorsers, and fear-inducing stimuli are typically attention grabbing and will likely yield greater recall.
Author: Gad Saad
The desperate need to belong is perhaps never as great as during adolescence. Advertisers seek to communicate with teenagers by frequently using that powerful appeal.
Author: Gad SaadMemorable people do memorable things. Followers are seldom remembered. The herd mentality is the killer of innovation. When appropriate, be bold in your undertakings.
Author: Gad SaadMy attachment to my wedding ring is a powerful symbol of the infinite love that I have for my wife and children.
Author: Gad SaadMost people experience some insecurity regarding one or more of their physical traits.
Author: Gad Saad
If you are of sound mind and body, many exciting and challenging adventures are within your reach irrespective of your age.
Author: Gad SaadIn criticizing an ideology, one cannot be racist, hateful, or bigoted. These descriptors apply to positions held against people and not ideologies.
Author: Gad SaadIn the public realm, secularism should not concede a single inch to religious intrusions. To argue otherwise is to violate the meaning of secularism.
Author: Gad SaadIt is an immeasurable tragedy to spend a sizeable portion of one’s waking hours doing a job that does not excite you nor infuse you with a sense of purpose.
Author: Gad Saad
Few people are as well-situated to speak about the laudable benefits of a humane immigration policy than me.
Author: Gad SaadFor humans, gift giving is a universal ritual laden with evolutionary implications.
Author: Gad SaadFreedom of religion does not entitle your religion to have a privileged position within the public sphere.
Author: Gad SaadGreat leaders are not proverbial fence sitters. They judge. They opine. They challenge. They fight for their vision.
Author: Gad SaadI contend that the ethos of perpetual non-judgment is intellectually dishonest if not outright cowardly.
Author: Gad SaadEarly in my doctoral training at Cornell University, I became immersed in the behavioral decision theory paradigm.
Author: Gad SaadConsumer behaviour is a powerful realm from which to explore our biological heritage.
Author: Gad SaadBottom line – cosmetics are used to accentuate an existing sex difference in facial contrast. This does not mean that women engage in this beautification practice with knowledge of this sexual dimorphism.
Author: Gad SaadAs members of a social species endowed with large brains, we are natural-born marketers. Capitalism, the economic system that has elevated innumerable people out of abject poverty and misery, is founded on marketing. Everything that defines your daily existence has the indelible marks of marketing on it.
Author: Gad SaadAs a professor of marketing, I have a professional interest in examining how companies create integrated messages when communicating a corporate image.
Author: Gad SaadAnimals use a broad range of strategies to advertise themselves in the mating market. In some instances, visual cues highlight a morphological feature – for example, the peacock’s tail.
Author: Gad SaadAmongst Western intelligentsia, to criticize if not loathe American values is viewed as progressive and liberal, whilst to support brutal and intolerant religious and political ideologies is a hallmark of being enlightened.
Author: Gad Saad
Any clear-thinking person should be able to engage in nuanced thinking when it comes to complex political positions.
Author: Gad SaadAcross disparate cultures that require physical risk-taking as a rite of passage, it is always the men who engage in such pursuits.
Author: Gad SaadThe next time some academics tell you how important ‘diversity’ is, ask how many Republicans there are in their sociology department.
Author: Gad SaadSomeone should advise women to stop fantasizing about courageous firefighters and heroic uniformed soldiers. There is a new sheriff in town who epitomizes a progressive definition of masculinity: Apathetic Cowardly Bystander Man.
Author: Gad SaadIn Unicornia, all people are just as likely to be terrorists. To think otherwise is to be a hateful bigot.
Author: Gad Saad
In the land of progressive Unicornia, science is only valuable if it is consistent with ideological dogma. Otherwise it is nothing more than bigoted hate facts.
Author: Gad SaadIn short, if your average voter had five key issues in mind, scored each candidate on them, and weighted them in order of importance, it was easy to understand how perfectly reasonable and rational people might have voted for Donald Trump without being deplorable bigots.
Author: Gad SaadIf you want to know what’s wrong with higher education, this reversal of traditional university priorities — with social justice now at the top and scholarship lower on the totem pole — is a good place to start.
Author: Gad SaadI opened up my rebuttal by explaining that there are only two types of theories: Those that divide the world into two types of theories, and those that do not.
Author: Gad SaadI quickly learned that most academic feminists were profoundly hostile to evolutionary psychology.
Author: Gad Saad
Progressives seem to believe that if they say the words “diversity, inclusion, and equity” often enough, all problems will be solved.
Author: Gad SaadWhen parasitized by such a conspiratorial and delusional mindset, the bikini becomes a sexist tool of the patriarchy whereas the burqa is liberating and freeing since it averts the male gaze.
Author: Gad SaadIncidentally, if you are a non-racist white person who does not appreciate being accused of supporting white supremacy, you undoubtedly suffer from white fragility.
Author: Gad SaadLitterature provides us with the opportunity to escape into fictional worlds that are ultimately rooted in human universals shaped by common biological forces.
Author: Gad SaadFree societies do no recoil and the power of satire. They recognize that all beliefs and ideologies are fair game. Once we delimit what can be satirized, we are no longer living in a free society.
Author: Gad Saad
The greater the number of people present, the less likely an individual is to help someone in need because it is easier to rationalize that someone else will do it.
Author: Gad SaadAn infinite advertising budget cannot counteract products that are disconnected from our biological heritage.
Author: Gad SaadThe problem arises when domains that should be reserved for the intellect are hijacked by feelings.
Author: Gad SaadTherein lies the incongruity between progressive self-flagellants and the rest of us. What they consider introspectively virtuous and pious, we view as weak and self-loathing.
Author: Gad SaadOh, you are a non-binary bisexual chemist? Well this completely changes the atomic numbers of Carbon, Palladium, and Uranium.
Author: Gad Saad
E. O. Wilson, the Harvard entomologist and evolutionary biologist, is reputed to have said of socialism: “Great idea. Wrong species.” Any system that is built on a false understanding of human nature is doomed to fail.
Author: Gad SaadThe “us versus them” mindset coupled with our social nature implies that we have an innate need to belong to clearly defined in-groups.
Author: Gad SaadThose suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome cannot see that for 63 million Americans, voting for Trump was an obviously rational decision.
Author: Gad SaadIn the West, the ideological indoctrination is subtler. It is achieved by an ethos of political correctness and best enforced by creating university campuses that lack intellectual diversity. Political correctness is like the sting of the spider wasp. Recall that the afflicted spider is dragged to the wasp’s burrow in a zombie-like state and is subsequently eaten in vivo by the wasp’s offspring.
Author: Gad SaadNo other religion has come even remotely close to Islam in inspiring, justifying, or supporting terrorism. And yet, the progressive intelligentsia insist that none of these documented attacks have anything to do with Islam.
Author: Gad Saad
Progressives consider it laudable to criticize, mock, or insult all religious beliefs—except for the one untouchable faith. To attack Islam in the West is “Islamophobic,” “racist,” and “bigoted.
Author: Gad SaadI have seldom heard people engaging in deep intellectual conversations. Most chats are either about mundane life decisions […] or juicy gossip.
Author: Gad SaadOne problem we face today is that consequentialists make a virtue of having emotions cloud our judgments, not only to avoid hurt feelings but because emotion is seen as a sign of authenticity.
Author: Gad SaadRoughly 90 percent of songs have mating as their central theme, and this holds true regardless of cultural setting or historical period.
Author: Gad SaadWe are both thinking and feeling animals. The challenge is to know when to activate the cognitive (thinking) versus the affective (feeling) systems.
Author: Gad SaadTo be a truly wise person requires that we recognize those domains best served by our intellect versus those best guided by our emotions.
Author: Gad SaadThere is no “black mind” or “white mind”, no “white male of knowing”, there is only one truth, and we find it through the scientific method.
Author: Gad SaadHumans have an evolved capacity to engage in self-deception in order to navigate through life in a delusional state of blissful ignorance.
Author: Gad SaadAny system that is built on a false understanding of human nature is doomed to fail. Building a society where the primary objective is to protect one’s fragile self-esteem from the dangers of competition will only lead to a society of weakness, entitlement, and apathy. Life is necessarily competitive; society is necessarily hierarchical. It does no one any favors to pursue a utopian vision of society where no one’s feelings are hurt.
Author: Gad SaadAnyone who is willing to end a relationship because of a reasoned difference of opinion is not worthy of your friendship.
Author: Gad SaadA man with a conviction is a hard man to change. Tell him you disagree, and he turns away. Show him facts or figures, and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic, and he fails to see your point.
Author: Gad SaadAny human endeavor rooted in the pursuit of truth must rely on fact and not feelings.
Author: Gad SaadAcross disparate cultures that require physical risk-taking as a rite of passage, it is always the men who engage in such pursuits.
Author: Gad SaadAcademia is ruled by a pathological herd mentality. Stick out, and be prepared to get ostracized.
Author: Gad SaadA society is only as great as the values that it enshrines as part of its ethos. A society is only as great as the extent to which it is willing to defend its identity.
Author: Gad SaadA proud and healthy society does not equivocate when it comes to stating clearly and unequivocally what it expects of its prospective immigrants. It is for immigrants to adapt to the host nation’s values and never the other way around.
Author: Gad SaadThese politically correct language initiatives are misguided and harmful. They create highly entitled professional “victims” who expect to be free from any offense, and they engender a stifling atmosphere where all individuals walk on eggshells lest they might commit a linguistic capital crime.
Author: Gad Saad
In a sense, New Age gurus are akin to postmodernists within academia. They dispense meaningless drivel that masquerades as profound truths whilst in reality it is a mere exercise in obscurantism.
Author: Gad SaadHope is an elixir of life. It is the engine that propels us forward in our pursuit of countless goals, all of which might otherwise be impossible to undertake if we were bereft of hope.
Author: Gad SaadScience is based on evidence, not politics. In science knowing is always preferable to not knowing.”37 But today in academia, progressive ideology trumps scientific facts.
Author: Gad Saad