One comes to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whether the statement be true of false. It comes to be the dominating thought in one’s mind.
Author: Vince LombardiTopics: Domination, Statement, Sufficiently, True
When the unexpected does happen, however, and when it is of sufficiently grave import, the unfit perish. They do not see what is not obvious, are unable to do the unexpected, are incapable of adjusting their well-grooved lives to other and strange grooves. In short, when they come to the end of their own groove, they die.
Author: Jack LondonTopics: Incapable, Strange, Sufficiently, Unexpected
Reason and Ignorance, the opposites of each other, influence the great bulk of mankind. If either of these can be rendered sufficiently extensive in a country, the machinery of Government goes easily on. Reason obeys itself; and Ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it
Author: Thomas PaineTopics: Famous, Government, Ignorance, Influence, Machinery, Mankind, Meaningful, Opposites, Reason, Submits, Sufficiently
give a New York friend a panic attack, turn up unannounced on a Wednesday and suggest going for a drink. It is easier to organize five guys to raise a flag on Iwo Jima than to get mates out for movie and dinner. Surprise parties are such fun, but require e-mail “save the date” warnings. And everyone needs to know how to dress
Author: A. A. GillTopics: Dress, Dressing, Drink, Drinking Alcohol, Friend, Knowing, Knowing yourself, Knowledge, New form, New life, Raise, Sufficiently, Suggestion
It isn’t sufficient just to want—you’ve got to ask yourself what you are going to do to get the things you want
Author: Franklin D. RooseveltTopics: Famous, Inspirational, Life, Little hard, Little Things, Meaningful, Sufferers, Sufficiently
There’s no reason to assume that my idea of what’s better would really be better. I resent it when other people try to inflict their ideas of betterness on me. I don’t think they know. And I can’t see any authority on the horizon that’s got any answers that seem worthwhile. Most of the things that are suggested are probably detrimental to your mental health
Author: Frank ZappaTopics: Healing, Health, Idealizations, Ideas, Sufficiently, Suggestion, Suggests, Worth
A distant enemy is always preferable to one at the gate.
Author: Emil CioranTopics: Enemies, Enemy, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Sufficiently, Suggestion, Suggests
He who criticizes, be he ever so honest, must suggest a practical remedy or he soon descends from the height of a critic to the level of a common scold.
Author: Elbert HubbardTopics: Critical thinking, Criticism, Height, Honest, Honestly, Level, Level of jealousy, Practical, Scolding, Suffer, Suffering, Sufficiently, Suggestion, Suggestiveness
Art is never chaste. It ought to be forbidden to ignorant innocents, never allowed into contact with those not sufficiently prepared. Yes, art is dangerous. Where it is chaste, it is not art.
Author: Pablo PicassoTopics: Dangerous, Famous, Ignorant, Innocents, Sufficiently
It’s gona hurt me to hate you, but loving your worse.
Author: Cardi BTopics: Famous, Feelings, Hate, Hurt, Life, Meaningful, Suffer, Suffering, Sufficiently
We were told our campaign wasn’t sufficiently slick. We regard that as a compliment.
Author: Margaret ThatcherTopics: Campaigns, Compliment, Famous, Meaningful, Sufficiently
I ought to call myself an agnostic; but, for all practical purposes, I am an atheist. I do not think the existence of the Christian God any more probable than the existence of the Gods of Olympus or Valhalla. To take another illustration: nobody can prove that there is not between the Earth and Mars a china teapot revolving in an elliptical orbit, but nobody thinks this sufficiently likely to be taken into account in practice. I think the Christian God just as unlikely.
Author: Bertrand RussellTopics: Christian, Illustration, Olympus, Practical, Practice, Purposes, Sufficiently