
Academia is ruled by a pathological herd mentality. Stick out, and be prepared to get ostracized.
Author: Gad Saad
Topics: Famous, Herd Mentality, Ostracized, Pathological, Ruled, Stick
I just have my own taste, and I just try and stick with that. I’m just trying to play as many characters as I can for as long as I have an opportunity to.
Author: Ryan GoslingTopics: Characters, Famous, Meaningful, Opportunity, Own, Stick, Taste
Just stick with it. What seems so hard now will one day be your warm up
Author: Therese FowlerTopics: Famous, Feelings, Hard, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Stick
For if someone gets too close to her, the pins stick further in.
Author: Tim BurtonTopics: Close, Famous, Feelings, Pins, Stick
To the uneducated an A is just three sticks.
Topics: Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, Steps, Stick, uneducated man, Unemployment
Sex should be friendly. Otherwise stick to mechanical toys; it’s more sanitary.
Author: Robert A. HeinleinTopics: Famous, Mechanical, Sanitary, Stick
If you get the dirty end of the stick, sharpen it and turn it into a useful tool.
Author: Colin Powell
Topics: Dirty, Getting, Sharpen, Stick, Useful Things
I think kids are natural actors. You watch most kids; if they don’t have a toy, they’ll pick up a stick and make a toy out of it. Kids will daydream all the time.
Author: Clint Eastwood
Topics: Day-To-Day, Famous, Life, Meaningful, Stick, Things, Think, Time, Watch, Watching
If you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language.
Author: Douglas AdamsTopics: Famous, Instantly, Language, Meaningful, Stick
Would you like me to go and stick my head in a bucket of water?
Author: Douglas AdamsTopics: Bucket, Famous, Head, Meaningful, Stick, Water
I try to stick to the same daily routine as much as possible.
Author: Patrick MahomesTopics: Famous, Meaningful, Possible, Routine, Stick
There are some people you like immediately, some whom you think you might learn to like in the fullness of time, and some that you simply want to push away from you with a sharp stick.
Author: Douglas AdamsTopics: Famous, Immediately., Learn, Meaningful, Push, Sharp, Stick, Time
Once you have made up your mind, stick to it; there no longer any ‘if’ or ‘but’.
Author: Napoleon BonaparteTopics: Famous, Longer, Mind, Stick
We do not need to import any foreign economic ideas or any foreign government. We had better stick to the American brand of government, the American brand of equality, and the American brand of wages. America had better stay American
Author: Calvin CoolidgeTopics: Equality, Government, Need, Stick
Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket.
Author: George OrwellTopics: Famous, Rattling, Stick
I’ve got a woman’s ability to stick to a job and get on with it when everyone else walks off and leaves it.
Author: Margaret ThatcherTopics: Ability, Everyone, Famous, Inspirational, Leaves, Meaningful, Stick
Why change? Everyone has his own style. When you have found it, you should stick to it.
Author: Audrey HepburnTopics: Change, Everyone, Stick, Style
When you have found it, you should stick to it.
Author: Audrey HepburnTopics: Famous, Found, Learn, Learning, Life, Stick
Chins up, stick it out. Better times will come
Author: Anne FrankTopics: Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Stick, Time