Does the imam have a legal right to build the mosque at Ground Zero? The answer is yes. But is it the right thing to do? The answer is no. And most Americans, and most moderate Muslims, join with me in that call.
Author: K. A. PaulTopics: Building, Famous, Legal, Moderate, Mosque, Muslim, Right
The first responsibility of the Muslim is as teacher. That is his job, to teach. His first school, his first classroom is within the household. His first student is himself. He masters himself and then he begins to convey the knowledge that he has acquired to the family. The people who are closest to him.
Author: H. Rap BrownTopics: Conveying, Family, Famous, Inspirational, Jobs, Knowledge, Muslim, Teacher, Teaching
I can’t quite say that I was raised Muslim, but I remember up until 5 or so I would pray, you know, with my dad. And it’s actually a beautiful practice. It’s giving of yourself to a higher power – no matter what you call that higher power. Living your life as close to what you think that higher power wants you to be is a really powerful thing.
Author: Gabourey SidibeTopics: Dad, Famous, God, Inspirational, Living, Muslim, Powerful
My kids are the reason I continue to strive for something better. They know – as kids who are Muslim, Somali, black Americans – that they’ve always been part of a struggle and that change isn’t easy.
Author: Ilhan OmarTopics: Famous, Meaningful, Muslim
I think my faith as a Muslim is very important. One of the core values is that you are always trying to build consensus. So when it comes to figuring out if something is permissible or not in Islam, it’s usually a discussion, and people have to come to a consensus in order for something to be approved.
Author: Ilhan OmarTopics: Famous, Meaningful, Muslim
Muslims are ordinary members of the working public, just like you.
Author: G. Willow WilsonTopics: Famous, Members, Muslim, Ordinary, Public

It’s patently impossible for a Muslim character to represent ‘all Muslims.
Author: G. Willow WilsonTopics: Character, Famous, Muslim, Represent
Since that time, Muslims have quoted the “Quraysh Model” as justification for deceptive treaties. This model means: “Negotiate ‘peace’ with your enemy until you become strong enough to annihilate him.” This is the justification Chairman Yasser Arafat quoted in Arabic to the Muslim world when he signed the Oslo Agreement. Muslims believe that no infidels really understand what the Quraysh Model means—and for the vast majority of non-Muslims, that is a correct assumption
Author: Hal LindseyTopics: Famous, Meaningful, Muslim, Negotiate, Understand
Unbeliever is he who follows predestination even if he be Muslim, Faithful is he, if he himself is the Divine Destiny.
Author: Muhammad IqbalTopics: Divine, Faithful, Famous, Meaningful, Muslim, Predestination
One of the great strengths of the United States is… we have a very large Christian population – we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values.
Author: Barack ObamaTopics: Christian, Citizen, Experiences, Famous, Ideal, Life, Meaningful, Muslim, Nation, Positive, Strength, Strengthen