First, a man of sense would have known that a single experiment is not sufficient to establish a general rule even in sciences much less complicated than the science of government; that, since the beginning of the world, no two political experiments were ever made of which all the conditions were exactly alike; and that the only way to learn civil prudence from history is to examine and compare an immense number of cases.
Author: Thomas Babington MacaulayTopics: Civil, Complicated, Establish, Experiment, Famous, Government, History, Life, Meaningful, Political, Rule, Single, Sufficient
It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood.
Author: James MadisonTopics: Choice, Complicated, Famous, Laws, People, Read, Understood

The fast fliers are not disgraced.” Queen Ree reached up for the missing tiara. “She saved us, but she’s with him now.” Vidia was complicated, two fairies in one, a loyal traitor.
Author: Gail Carson LevineTopics: Complicated, Fairies, Famous, Missing
A big budget studio film is slower, they’ve got so much to create around you. Everything is more complicated.
Topics: Budget, Complicated, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Film, Inspirational, Life, Meaningful, People, Positive, StudioI think a lot of tunes can suffer from being so simple, so either they get over-complicated or their simplicity means the simple way to lay them down becomes the difficulty
Author: Thom YorkeTopics: Complicated, Famous, Feelings, Life, Meaningful, Simple, Simplicity, Suffer
Please don’t. When you think about things, Sophronia, they only get more complicated. This thing between us could be so very easy, if you let it.
Author: Gail CarrigerTopics: Complicated, Easy, Famous, Things, Think
I think we’re very complicated and we’re capable of all kinds of things, and movies don’t reflect that.
Author: Ryan GoslingTopics: Capable, Complicated, Famous, Meaningful, Movies, Reflection
It’s always complicated to play against Italy.
Author: Thiago AlcantaraTopics: Complicated, Experiences, Feelings, Meaningful, Play

I’m not one of those New Yorkers who so much identifies themselves with the city that they can’t imagine living anywhere else. I plan to live a lot of other places, but it is defiantly is a big part of who I am. I have a complicated relationship with it. It has changed so much, but I love it, and it’s my home. I’m really glad I grew up there.
Author: Gaby HoffmannTopics: Complicated, Famous, Glad, Grew Up, Home, Imagine, New York, Relationship
Jose Mourinho was a difficult coach for me, and we had a respectful but complicated relationship. When I thought he would give me a chance, I couldn’t prove to him that I was in good shape.
Author: KakaTopics: Coach, Complicated, Difficult, Famous, Mourinho, Prove, Relationship, Respectful, Strictly
People who pride themselves on their “complexity” and deride others for being “simplistic” should realize that the truth is often not very complicated. What gets complex is evading the truth
Author: Thomas SowellTopics: Complicated, Famous, Feelings, Meaningful, Pride, Realize, Simplistic, Truth
all technical professions have an incentive to make themselves look more complicated than they really are so that they can justify the high fees their members charge for their services.
Author: Ha-Joon ChangTopics: Complicated, Famous, High fees, Justify, Look, Profession, Service
95 percent of economics is common sense made complicated, and even for the remaining 5 percent, the essential reasoning, if not all the technical details, can be explained in plain terms.
Author: Ha-Joon ChangTopics: Complicated, Famous
95% of Economics is common sense deliberately made complicated.
Author: Ha-Joon ChangTopics: Complicated, Famous, Non-fiction

Be true to yourself- and keep things simple. People complicate things.
Author: Jay-ZTopics: Complicated, Famous, Meaningful, People, Yourself
Love makes everything complicated.
Topics: Complicated, Everything, Everywhere, Experiences, Famous, Feelings, Life, Love interest, Love Life, Loveable, Loved, Lovely, Meaningful
When I found out that Santa Claus wasn’t real, I wasn’t upset; rather, I was relieved that there was a much simpler phenomenon to explain how so many children all over the world got presents on the same night! The story had been getting pretty complicated – it was getting out of hand.
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Complicated, Found, Phenomenon, Relieved, World
You see, the chemists have a complicated way of counting: instead of saying “one, two, three, four, five protons”, they say, ‘hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron.’
Author: Richard P. FeynmanTopics: Complicated, Famous, Instead, Protons
Topics: Complicated, Compliment, Famous, Life, Life Cycle, Make, Making a Decision, Realized, Really, Similarity, Simple, Simple life style
I’m a problem solver. I love people. The more complicated they are, the more I get into them, and I just want to understand what makes them tick.
Author: Paul Walker
Topics: Complicated, Famous, Meaningful, People, Problem, Understand
We’re Vatican assassins. How complicated can it be?
Author: Charlie Sheen
Topics: Complicated, Famous, Feelings, Life, Successor, Sudden, Suffer
Art is the expression of the self; the more complicated and restrictive a method is, the lesser the opportunity for expression of one’s original sense of freedom.
Author: Bruce LeeTopics: Complicated, Opportunity, Self-Expression, Self-Fulfilling, Self-Growth

Don’t complicate your mind.
Author: Bob MarleyTopics: Complicated, Famous, Growth-oriented mindset, Life, Meaningful, Mindset
Scientific method, although in its more refined forms it may seem complicated, is in essence remarkably simply. It consists in observing such facts as will enable the observer to discover general laws governing facts of the kind in question. The two stages, first of observation, and second of inference to a law, are both essential, and each is susceptible of almost indefinite refinement. (1931)
Author: Bertrand RussellTopics: Complicated, Essential, Refinement, Scientific