Umberto Eco
- Country : Italy
- Profession :novelist, semiotician, philosopher, and literary critic
- DOB: 1932-01-05
Umberto Eco (1932–2016) was an Italian novelist, semiotician, philosopher, and literary critic. Born in Alessandria, Italy, Eco became internationally renowned for his erudite and intricate novels that often explored themes of semiotics, philosophy, history, and religion. His most famous work, “The Name of the Rose” (1980), catapulted him to literary fame and was later adapted into a successful film starring Sean Connery. Eco’s writing style was characterized by its intellectual depth, intertextuality, and playful use of language. In addition to his fiction, Eco was a prolific scholar, writing extensively on semiotics and medieval studies. He remains one of the most influential Italian authors of the 20th century.
I am not on Facebook and on Twitter because the purpose of my life is to avoid messages. I receive too many messages from the world, and so I try to avoid that.
Author: Umberto EcoI suspect that there is no serious scholar who doesn’t like to watch television. I’m just the only one who confesses.
Author: Umberto Eco
Semiotics is a general theory of all existing languages… all forms of communication – visual, tactile, and so on… There is general semiotics, which is a philosophical approach to this field, and then there are many specific semiotics.
Author: Umberto EcoIn this universe of ours, with its wealth of errors and legends, historical data and false information, one absolute truth is the fact that Superman is Clark Kent. All the rest is always open to debate.
Author: Umberto EcoHitler’s one genuine obsession was the underground currents. He believed in the theory of the hollow earth, Hohlweltlehre.”
Author: Umberto EcoI would define the poetic effect as the capacity that a text displays for continuing to generate different readings, without ever being completely consumed.
Author: Umberto Eco
In the Middle Ages, cathedrals and convents burned like tinder; imagining a medieval story without a fire is like imagining a World War II movie in the Pacific without a fighter plane shot down in flames.
Author: Umberto EcoCulture isn’t knowing when Napoleon died. Culture means knowing how I can find out in two minutes.
Author: Umberto EcoIf western culture is shown to be rich, it is because, even before the Enlightenment, it has tried to ‘dissolve’ harmful simplifications through inquiry and the critical mind.
Author: Umberto EcoSince I became a novelist I have discovered that I am biased. Either I think a new novel is worse than mine and I don’t like it, or I suspect it is better than my novels and I don’t like it.
Author: Umberto Eco
We’ve been led astray by rationalist thought,” Diotallevi said. “I keep telling you.
Author: Umberto EcoBut then the light of reason has rarely been of any real use to people who live in darkness.
Author: Umberto EcoIf a student works rigorously, no topic is truly foolish, and the student can draw useful conclusions even from a remote or peripheral topic.
Author: Umberto EcoNot bad, not bad at all,” Diotallevi said. “To arrive at the truth through the painstaking reconstruction of a false text.
Author: Umberto EcoThe French, the Italians, the Germans, the Spanish, and the English have spent centuries killing each other.
Author: Umberto EcoNational identity is the last bastion of the dispossessed. But the meaning of identity is now based on hatred, on hatred for those who are not the same.
Author: Umberto EcoThe mobile phone… is a tool for those whose professions require a fast response, such as doctors or plumbers.
Author: Umberto Eco
As the Chinese said, to curse someone: “May you live in an interesting period.
Author: Umberto EcoI like the image of the undecided writer who is unable to put the pen down. It means he is alive.
Author: Umberto EcoCaptain Cook discovered Australia looking for the Terra Incognita. Christopher Columbus thought he was finding India but discovered America. History is full of events that happened because of an imaginary tale.
Author: Umberto EcoThe function of memory is not only to preserve, but also to throw away. If you remembered everything from your entire life, you would be sick.
Author: Umberto EcoDaytime sleep is like the sin of the flesh; the more you have the more you want, and yet you feel unhappy, sated and unsated at the same time.
Author: Umberto EcoHypotyposis is the rhetorical effect by which words succeed in rendering a visual scene.
Author: Umberto EcoWriting doesn’t mean necessarily putting words on a sheet of paper. You can write a chapter while walking or eating.
Author: Umberto EcoIf I’ve got to be afraid of something, I’m afraid of the continuation of everyday life, with its inevitable breaches.
Author: Umberto EcoTo escape the power of the unknown, to prove to yourself that you don’t believe in it, you accept its spells. Like an avowed atheist who sees the Devil at night, you reason: He certainly doesn’t exist; this is therefore an illusion, perhaps a result of indigestion. But the Devil is sure that he exists, and believes in his upside-down theology. What, then, will frighten him? You make the sign of the cross, and he vanishes in a puff of brimstone.
Author: Umberto EcoMusical compositions can be very sad – Chopin – but you have the pleasure of this sadness. The cheap consolation is: you will be happy. The higher consolation is the pleasure and recognition of your unhappiness, the pleasure of having recognised that fate, destiny and life are such as they are and so you reach a higher form of consciousness.
Author: Umberto Eco
I write for five or six hours in the morning and I’m through with it by lunchtime.
Author: Umberto EcoFor the enemy to be recognized and feared, he has to be in your home or on your doorstep.
Author: Umberto EcoYou die, but most of what you have accumulated will not be lost; you are leaving a message in a bottle.
Author: Umberto EcoThe university is to be a temple, and a joke; the temple stands for the unshakable orthodoxy, the joke for the creative innovation.
Author: Umberto EcoIt is not the job of writers to tell us how to think; it is their job to tell us what we think.
Author: Umberto Eco
It is psychologically very hard to go through life without the justification, and the hope, provided by religion.
Author: Umberto EcoI think a book should be judged 10 years later, after reading and re-reading it.”
Author: Umberto EcoYou are always born under the wrong sign, and to live in this world properly you have to rewrite your own horoscope day by day.
Author: Umberto EcoMan’s principle trait is a readiness to believe anything. Otherwise, how could the Church have survived for almost two thousand years in the absense of universal gullibility?
Author: Umberto EcoIs it possible to say “It was a beautiful morning at the end of November” without feeling like Snoopy?
Author: Umberto EcoThere is no great sport in having bullets flying about one in every direction, but I find they have less horror when among them than when in anticipation.
Author: Umberto EcoA narrator should not supply interpretations of his work; otherwise he would have not written a novel, which is a machine for generating interpretations.
Author: Umberto EcoA democratic civilization will save itself only if it makes the language of the image into a stimulus for critical reflection — not an invitation for hypnosis.
Author: Umberto EcoBerlusconi is a genius in communication. Otherwise, he would never have become so rich.
Author: Umberto EcoMemory is a stopgap for humans, for whom time flies and what is passed is passed.
Author: Umberto EcoMachines, he said, are an effect of art, which is nature’s ape, and they reproduce not its forms but the operation itself.
Author: Umberto EcoThere are two kinds of friendship: one is genuine affection, the other is inability to refuse.
Author: Umberto EcoI think I like my brain best in a bar fight with all the facts knocked out of it and nothing left but the ambition to be a brain.
Author: Umberto EcoBeauty has never been absolute and immutable but has taken on different aspects depending on the historical period and the country.
Author: Umberto EcoTrue learning must not be content with ideas, which are, in fact, signs, but must discover things in their individual truth.
Author: Umberto EcoThe fact is that books were not made to be believed. (Or to be believed or disbelieved.
Author: Umberto EcoI am a philosopher, not a king. But the truth is generally seen and rarely heard.
Author: Umberto EcoAbsence is to love as wind is to fire: it extinguishes the little flame, it fans the big.
Author: Umberto EcoA person who only reads newspapers and at best books of contemporary authors looks to me like an extremely near-sighted person who scorns eyeglasses. He is completely dependent on the prejudices and fashions of his times, since he never gets to see or hear anything else.
Author: Umberto EcoWhat is love? There is nothing in the world, neither man nor Devil nor any thing, that I hold as suspect as love, for it penetrates the soul more than any other thing.
Author: Umberto EcoHistory is rich with adventurous men, long on charisma, with a highly developed instinct for their own interests, who have pursued personal power – bypassing parliaments and constitutions, distributing favours to their minions, and conflating their own desires with the interests of the community.
Author: Umberto EcoI don’t know, maybe we’re always looking for the right place, maybe it’s within reach, but we don’t recognize it. Maybe to recognize it, we have to believe in it.
Author: Umberto EcoTell me what you read and I’ll tell you who you are” is true enough, but I’d know you better if you told me what you reread.
Author: Umberto EcoAs the man said, for every complex problem there’s a simple solution, and it’s wrong.
Author: Umberto EcoThe book is like the spoon, scissors, the hammer, the wheel. Once invented, it cannot be improved. You cannot make a spoon that is better than a spoon… The book has been thoroughly tested, and it’s very hard to see how it could be improved on for its current purposes.
Author: Umberto EcoThe problem with the Internet is that it gives you everything – reliable material and crazy material. So the problem becomes, how do you discriminate?
Author: Umberto EcoIf I keep revising my text, it’s because I continue to discover new meanings in it.
Author: Umberto EcoPeople are never so completely and enthusiastically evil as when they act out of religious conviction.
Author: Umberto EcoThe paradox is that I have no desire to destroy the idea of God; I simply want to let it exist.
Author: Umberto Eco
We are all parts of a single being, and it is not possible to hurt a part without hurting the whole.
Author: Umberto EcoWe live for books. A sweet mission in this world dominated by disorder and decay.
Author: Umberto EcoI am not the one who will say that technology is better than art. Technology is in the hands of the people.
Author: Umberto Eco