• Country : United States
  • Profession :entrepreneur, co-founder of Apple Inc., and a pioneer
  • DOB: 1955-02-24
Details About Author:

Steve Jobs, born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, was a visionary entrepreneur and co-founder of Apple Inc. He revolutionized the technology industry with his relentless pursuit of innovation and design excellence. Jobs co-created iconic products like the Macintosh computer, iPhone, and iPad, changing the way people interact with technology. His commitment to seamless integration of hardware and software set new industry standards. He was also instrumental in the founding of Pixar Animation Studios, which redefined the animation world. Jobs’ intense focus on simplicity and user experience became his trademark, earning him a reputation as one of the most influential figures in modern technology. His legacy continues to inspire future innovators. Steve Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011, but his impact endures.