Rosa Parks
- Country : United States
- Profession : American - Activist
- DOB: 1913-02-04
Rosa Parks (1913–2005) was an American civil rights activist best known for her role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a segregated bus, violating local segregation laws. Her act of defiance sparked a year-long boycott of the bus system by African Americans, led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and became a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement. Parks’ courage and determination made her an enduring symbol of resistance to racial injustice. She continued to fight for equality and civil rights throughout her life and received numerous accolades, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
I was born 50 years after slavery, in 1913. I was allowed to read. My mother, who was a teacher, taught me when I was a very young child. The first school I attended was a small building that went from first to sixth grade. There was one teacher for all of the students. There could be anywhere from 50 to 60 students of all different ages.
Author: Rosa Parks
I was determined to get on that bus. I wasn’t going to let fear dictate my life anymore.
Author: Rosa ParksThe struggle is not over, and we must not rest until every man, woman, and child is free.
Author: Rosa ParksThe advice I would give any young person is, first of all, to rid themselves of prejudice against other people and to be concerned about what they can do to help others. And of course, to get a good education, and take advantage of the opportunities that they have. In fact, there are more opportunities today than when I was young. And whatever they do, to think positively and be concerned about other people, to think in terms of them being able to not succumb to many of the temptations, especially the use of drugs and substances that will destroy the physical health, as well as mental health.
Author: Rosa ParksLet us look at Jim Crow for the criminal he is and what he has done to one life multiplied millions of times over these United States and the world. He walks us on a tightrope from birth.
Author: Rosa ParksHave you ever been hurt and the place tries to heal a bit, and you just pull the scar off of it over and over again.
Author: Rosa ParksI do the very best I can to look upon life with optimism and hope and looking forward to a better day, but I don’t think there is any such thing as complete happiness. It pains me that there is still a lot of Klan activity and racism. I think when you say you’re happy, you have everything that you need and everything that you want, and nothing more to wish for. I haven’t reached that stage yet.
Author: Rosa ParksVictory or defeat? It is the slogan of all-powerful militarism in every belligerent nation. And yet, what can victory bring to the proletariat?
Author: Rosa Parks
I am leaving this legacy to all of you to bring peace, justice, equality, love, and good will to all people.
Author: Rosa ParksFrom my upbringing and the Bible I learned people should stand up for rights just as the children of Israel stood up to the Pharaoh.
Author: Rosa ParksI thought of Emmett Till, and when the bus driver ordered me to move to the back, I just couldn’t move.
Author: Rosa ParksAt the time I was arrested I had no idea it would turn into this. It was just a day like any other day. The only thing that made it significant was that the masses of the people joined in.
Author: Rosa Parks
I didn’t want to be mistreated, I didn’t want to be humiliated, and I didn’t want to be discriminated against.
Author: Rosa ParksI will no longer act on the outside in a way that contradicts the truth that I hold deeply inside. I will no longer act as if I were less than the whole person I know myself inwardly to be.
Author: Rosa ParksAs far back as I can remember, I knew there was something wrong with our way of life when people could be mistreated because of the color of their skin.
Author: Rosa ParksIt is better to teach or live equality and love… than to have hatred and prejudice.
Author: Rosa ParksYou spend your whole lifetime in your occupation, actually making life clever, easy and convenient for white people. But when you have to get transportation home, you are denied an equal accommodation. Our existence was for the white man’s comfort and well-being; we had to accept being deprived of just being human.
Author: Rosa Parks
When I made that decision, I knew that I had to be ready to stand up for what was right.
Author: Rosa ParksWhat really matters is not whether we have problems, but whether we go through them. We must keep going on to make it through whatever we are facing.
Author: Rosa ParksPeople always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn’t true. I was not tired physically, or no more tired than I usually was at the end of a working day. I was not old, although some people have an image of me as being old then. I was forty-two. No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in.
Author: Rosa ParksStand for something or you will fall for anything. Today’s mighty oak is yesterday’s nut that held its ground.
Author: Rosa ParksRacism is still with us. But it is up to us to prepare our children for what they have to meet, and, hopefully, we shall overcome.
Author: Rosa ParksTo bring about change, you must not be afraid to take the first step. We will fail when we fail to try.
Author: Rosa ParksWhatever my individual desires were to be free, I was not alone. There were many others who felt the same way.
Author: Rosa ParksThere were times when it would have been easy to fall apart or to go in the opposite direction, but somehow I felt that if I took one more step, someone would come along to join me.
Author: Rosa ParksDifferences of race, nationality or religion should not be used to deny any human being citizenship rights or privileges. Life is to be lived to its fullest so that death is just another chapter. Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others.
Author: Rosa ParksI would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free… so other people would be also free.
Author: Rosa ParksWe still have a long way to go, we still have many obstacles and many challenges to face. It’s far from perfect, and it may never be, but I think as long as we do the best we can to improve conditions, then people will be benefited.
Author: Rosa ParksLife is to be lived to its fullest so that death is just another chapter. Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others.
Author: Rosa Parks