• Country : Czech Republic
  • Profession : Austrian Poet And Novelist
  • DOB: 1875-12-04
Details About Author:

Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) was a Bohemian-Austrian poet and novelist, renowned for his profound and existential works. Born in Prague, he began his literary journey with Symbolism and later embraced Modernism. Rilke’s poetry, notably “Duino Elegies” and “Sonnets to Orpheus,” explores themes of love, solitude, and the human connection to the divine. His prose works, such as “Letters to a Young Poet,” offer insightful reflections on creativity and life. Rilke’s style evolved, blending lyrical beauty with philosophical depth. He traveled extensively, drawing inspiration from diverse cultures. His contributions to German literature solidify him as a pivotal figure in 20th-century poetry.