- Country : United States
- Profession :American Singer, Songwriter And Actress.
- DOB: 1979-09-08
Pink, born Alecia Beth Moore on September 8, 1979, is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. Rising to prominence with her powerful vocals and distinctive style, she has enjoyed a successful two-decade career. After starting in the R&B group Choice, Pink launched her solo career with “Can’t Take Me Home” in 2000. Her breakthrough album, “Missundaztood” in 2001, produced hits like “Get the Party Started.” Over the years, she released critically acclaimed albums like “Funhouse,” “The Truth About Love,” and “Beautiful Trauma.” Pink’s music often addresses personal and societal issues, making her a prominent advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, feminism, and mental health awareness. Beyond music, she’s ventured into acting and philanthropy, supporting causes like UNICEF and breast cancer awareness. Pink’s enduring impact in the industry is a testament to her resilience, unique style, and unapologetic advocacy.
When I first appeared, people couldn’t figure out whether I was gay, straight, black, white or whatever, and I loved that. I loved the fact it scares people.
Author: PinkLoads of my friends are lesbians, and it really annoys me that gay people aren’t allowed to get married in most parts of America. I’d go on a march for gay rights any time.
Author: PinkI think you learn more about yourself in the context of a relationship than you can outside of it.
Author: PinkMy favorite books, art pieces, films, and music, always have something jarring about them.
Author: Pink
There are 50 new tabloids every year, and I’m in them, and I read them, and I do stupid things.
Author: PinkI’ve been asked to do ‘American Idol’ and ‘X Factor.’ I’m an Ed McMahon kind of girl. ‘Star Search?’ I’m in, all day long. It felt more authentic, and the market wasn’t oversaturated with karaoke contests.
Author: PinkBig productions, to me, are great – like, I love going to Vegas and seeing shows – but I think that sometimes it’s distracting, especially when you are there to listen to the music.
Author: PinkI’d love to have time to do my hair, honestly. I’d love to be Victoria Beckham just for one day – to look that good. But I can’t.
Author: PinkFor the first few years we paid all the bills first and divided what was left as salary. Sometimes that was $50 a week.
Author: PinkI’m never the kind of person who’s sitting at home reading the charts and basing how I feel about myself or even my career on stats. I’ve always based it on, ‘Am I doing the best that I can do?
Author: PinkI’m very involved with PETA – People for Ethical Treatment of Animals – and Greenpeace and a lot of women’s shelter and clothing giveaways.
Author: PinkI decided at 15 that I didn’t want to be one of those artists that gets up and sings love songs they don’t mean. I decided that I was going to be me to the fullest extent, that my songs were going to reflect relationships I’ve had, things I’ve been through, and even the stuff I’m embarrassed about.
Author: PinkI have to speak for myself. As far as videos go – casting, the artwork, everything – I’m completely hands-on. You have to be if you want your points across.
Author: PinkI turned down Prince William’s invitation for me to sing at his birthday bash because he was spearing animals in Africa and bringing publicity to it, and I thought that was pretty disgusting!
Author: PinkThere’s something about breaking up with someone – you just look hotter than you ever did before.
Author: PinkIt takes a lot of people years to turn a negative into a positive. It takes me, like, an album.
Author: PinkThe last time I checked, the only difference between my gay friends and I is who we choose to love. I’m not sure how that warrants a loss of rights, but it needs to stop. What ever happened to liberty and justice for all?
Author: PinkOn her daughter: And she’s going through all these changes. You know, it’s just crazy times.
Author: PinkCameron Diaz was so cute at the MTV Movie Awards when she pulled her skirt up and wiped her armpits.
Author: PinkFor so long, I was searching for something to be proud of. But at a certain point, I realized, ‘Wait, I’m doing what I want to be doing. I’m not wanting to do it; I’m doing it.’ And that’s awesome.
Author: PinkI’ve always loved to prove people wrong. I want to be able to cross color lines, because in music, there really is no barrier.
Author: PinkMy mum and I have an incredible friendship now after a mixture of pain, honesty, unconditional love and a long break from each other.
Author: PinkI’m taking my rats. Those are my friends for the tour. Thelma and Louise. They’re so cute.
Author: PinkIn my experience the best way to beat depression is to get involved in something inspiring.
Author: PinkCutting, and suicide, two very different symptoms of the same problem, are gaining on us. I personally don’t know a single person who doesn’t know at least two of these victims personally.
Author: PinkI’m such a control freak, and it’s very hard for me to lose my inhibitions without something chemical inside me.
Author: PinkPeople are always like, Why did you and husband Carey Hart get back together? Well, we weren’t done. And now we have Willow, so we’ll never be done.
Author: PinkMy fans mean more to me than they will ever know. I call these people my friends and my confidence and if they are here to see me and they are here to support me, then that’s all I need in life.
Author: PinkLong-term relationships are an everyday choice. It’s harder to be in a marriage than it is to bounce from one relationship to the next.
Author: PinkMy mom took all of my behavior personally. Everything I did she thought it was an act of rebellion against her. But it was just me being me.
Author: PinkThe only problems I’ve ever had with being honest is telling people how I feel about them or saying how I feel about other people.
Author: PinkIf I wasted my time trying to be like everybody else when I was 10 and 11, I wouldn’t be me today. So if you are gonna be the future rockstars, the future somebody, whatever you wanna be then you’re wasting your time trying to be somebody else, because you’ll never get to you.
Author: PinkI dedicate my love and whole heart this Memorial Day to my Dad, a soldier, who like many others, suffers in silence with pride and honor.
Author: PinkMy definition of freedom is knowing who you are, and then being it. No matter what anyone else is doing. And naked parties of course.
Author: PinkYou hear people say it all the time, how life changes so drastically. But you can’t possibly grasp how beautiful that is until you have your child.
Author: PinkThe willow is my favorite tree. I grew up near one. It’s the most flexible tree in nature and nothing can break it – no wind, no elements, it can bend and withstand anything.
Author: PinkA lot of people have problems with public confrontation, but it doesn’t worry me at all. I can handle myself. I know my martial arts.
Author: Pink
I have never really encountered anybody that was rude to me. Well, not to my face anyway.
Author: PinkI was a very defensive kid ’cause I was really sensitive underneath and didn’t want people to know. So I came off as very tough and very angry.
Author: PinkI’m very much in the trenches, and I don’t live in the lap of luxury. I come from a working-class military family. We watch the news and read the paper and vote, so there’s always something to be upset about. I always have a certain amount of angst in my back pocket.
Author: PinkI sing my life. It’s like I’m having group therapy 350 days a year, and the people who come to the show get that, and they’re there for that – whether it’s to be lifted up, or to be lifted out, or just entertained or inspired, or to feel not so alone.
Author: PinkThe problem was, I was labeled as trouble – so I was like, ‘Trouble? I’ll show you trouble. You want trouble, well here it is!’ No matter what label they give you, the best thing you can do is prove them wrong.
Author: PinkConsumerism diverts us from thinking about women’s rights, it stops us from thinking about Iraq, it stops us from thinking about what’s going on in Africa – it stops us from thinking in general.
Author: PinkMy dad raised me with some good advice: ‘Always tell the truth. Always shoot from the hip. You might not have many friends, but you’ll never have enemies, because people will always know where you’re coming from.’
Author: PinkMy definition of stupid is wasting your opportunity to be yourself because I think everybody has a uniqueness and everybody’s good at something.
Author: PinkTo experience the good you have to have seen the bad; plus it makes you appreciate blessings more. Tough times taught me to be a fighter.
Author: PinkI don’t try to be candy coated. I don’t try to walk on eggshells. I am what I am. Love me or hate me.
Author: PinkI see you try to hurt me bad. Don’t know what you’re up against. Maybe you should reconsider; come up with another plan. Cause you know I’m not that kinda girl. I’ll just get back up again.
Author: PinkI’ve always felt that animals are the purest spirits in the world. They don’t fake or hide their feelings, and they are the most loyal creatures on Earth. And somehow we humans think we’re smarter-what a joke.
Author: PinkI’m pretty confident and, at the same time, I’m pretty insecure. I’m like a walking conflict.
Author: PinkWomen have fought so long and hard for our rights and equality, and now all our attention is put on being a size 0.
Author: PinkPretty, pretty please, don’t you ever ever feel like you’re less than, less than perfect.
Author: PinkCharting your own course isn’t just more necessary than ever before. It’s also much easier – and much more fun.
Author: PinkSometimes it takes a tragedy to bring people together, Other times it just takes music.
Author: Pink