• Country : South Africa
  • Profession :Anti-Apartheid Revolutionary, Political Leader, And Philanthropist.
  • DOB: 1918-07-18
Details About Author:

Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist. Imprisoned for 27 years due to his activism, he emerged as a global symbol of resistance to racial injustice. In 1994, he became South Africa’s first black president, steering the nation away from apartheid to democracy and reconciliation. Mandela’s advocacy for unity and human rights earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. His legacy lies in fostering tolerance, dismantling segregation, and inspiring worldwide social change. Fondly known as “Madiba,” Mandela’s life exemplifies unwavering dedication to freedom, equality, and the triumph of the human spirit.