Marie Curie
- Country : Poland
- Profession :Polish And Naturalized-French Physicist And Chemist
- DOB: 1867-11-07
Marie Curie (1867-1934) was a pioneering physicist and chemist known for her groundbreaking work in radioactivity. Born in Warsaw, Poland, she defied societal norms to pursue higher education in France, where she met and married fellow scientist Pierre Curie. Together, they conducted extensive research on radioactive materials, discovering and isolating the elements polonium and radium. Marie Curie’s groundbreaking work earned her two Nobel Prizes, in physics (1903) and chemistry (1911), making her the first person ever to win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields. Her tireless dedication to science and her invaluable contributions continue to inspire future generations of scientists.
I tried out various experiments described in treatises on physics and chemistry, and the results were sometimes unexpected. At times, I would be encouraged by a little unhoped-for success; at others, I would be in the deepest despair because of accidents and failures resulting from my inexperience.
Author: Marie CurieMy experiments proved that the radiation of uranium compounds can be measured with precision under determined conditions and that this radiation is an atomic property of the element of uranium.
Author: Marie CurieYou can only analyze the data you have. Be strategic about what to gather and how to store it.
Author: Marie CurieThe various reasons which we have enumerated lead us to believe that the new radioactive substance contains a new element which we propose to give the name of radium.
Author: Marie CurieA scientist in his laboratory is not a mere technician: he is also a child confronting natural phenomena that impress him as though they were fairy tales.
Author: Marie CurieThere is no connection between my scientific work and the facts of private life.
Author: Marie CurieJust remember you will find that one special love that you know is right but for some reason just doesn’t last.
Author: Marie CurieSo perished the hope founded on the wonderful being who thus ceased to be. In the study room to which he was never to return, the water buttercups he had brought from the country were still fresh.
Author: Marie CurieWhen radium was discovered, no one knew that it would prove useful in hospitals. The work was one of pure science. And this is proof that scientific work must not be considered from the point of view of the direct usefulness of it.
Author: Marie CurieDuring the course of my research, I had had occasion to examine not only simple compounds, salts, and oxides, but also a great number of minerals.
Author: Marie CurieThere are sadistic scientists who hurry to hunt down errors instead of establishing the truth.
Author: Marie CurieAfter all, science is essentially international, and it is only through lack of the historical sense that national qualities have been attributed to it.
Author: Marie CurieKnowledge leaves no regrets. Except for radiation. I wish I’d never messed with that.
Author: Marie CurieWithout doubt, these dreamers do not deserve wealth, because they do not desire it. Even so, a well-organized society should assure to such workers the efficient means of accomplishing their task, in a life freed from material care and freely consecrate.
Author: Marie CurieWhen one studies strongly radioactive substances special precautions must be taken. Dust, the air of the room, and one’s clothes, all become radioactive.
Author: Marie CurieIt is my earnest desire that some of you should carry on this scientific work and keep for your ambition the determination to make a permanent contribution to science.
Author: Marie CurieFirst principle: never to let one’s self be beaten down by persons or by events.
Author: Marie CurieIt was like a new world opened to me, the world of science, which I was at last permitted to know in all liberty.
Author: Marie CurieWe must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.
Author: Marie CurieIf it takes a hundred years, it will be a pity, but I will not cease to work for it as long as I live.
Author: Marie Curie
I am one of those who think like Nobel, that humanity will draw more good than evil from new discoveries.
Author: Marie CurieThe first experiments on the biological properties of radium were successfully made in France, with samples from our laboratory, while my husband was living.
Author: Marie CurieWe must keep our certainty that after the bad days the good times will come again.
Author: Marie CurieWe must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something.
Author: Marie CurieYou cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end, each of us must work for his own improvement and, at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.
Author: Marie CurieThere is nothing more wonderful than being a scientist, nowhere I would rather be than in my lab, staining up my clothes and getting paid to play.
Author: Marie CurieI continued my efforts to educate myself. This was no easy task under the Russian government of Warsaw, yet I found more opportunities than in the country.
Author: Marie CurieHumanity needs practical men, who get the most out of their work, and, without forgetting the general good, safeguard their own interests. But humanity also needs dreamers, for whom the disinterested development of an enterprise is so captivating that it becomes impossible for them to devote their care to their own material profit.
Author: Marie CurieI have the best husband one could dream of; I could never have imagined finding one like him. He is a true gift of heaven, and the more we live together the more we love each other.
Author: Marie CurieI have frequently been questioned, especially by women, of how I could reconcile family life with a scientific career. Well, it has not been easy.
Author: Marie CurieDuring the year 1894, Pierre Curie wrote me letters that seem to me admirable in their form. No one of them was very long, for he had the habit of concise expression, but all were written in a spirit of sincerity and with evident anxiety to make the one he desired as a companion know him as he was.
Author: Marie CurieNothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less.
Author: Marie CurieWe have no money, no laboratory, and no help in the conduct of this important and difficult task. It was like creating something out of nothing.
Author: Marie CurieUnknown in Paris, I was lost in the great city, but the feeling of living there alone, taking care of myself without any aid, did not at all depress me. If sometimes I felt lonesome, my usual state of mind was one of calm and great moral satisfaction.
Author: Marie CurieIf I see anything vital around me, it is precisely that spirit of adventure, which seems indestructible and is akin to curiosity.
Author: Marie CurieI have no dress except the one I wear every day. If you are going to be kind enough to give me one, please let it be practical and dark so that I can put it on afterwards to go to the laboratory.
Author: Marie CurieMy husband and I were so closely united by our affection and the common work that we passed nearly all of our time together.
Author: Marie Curie