Kage Baker
- Country : United States
- Profession :Writer
- DOB: 1952-06-10
Kage Baker, a talented science fiction and fantasy author, captivated readers with her inventive storytelling. Born in 1952, she crafted imaginative worlds and intricate plots, earning acclaim for her “Company” series, exploring time travel and immortality. Her writing, known for its wit, rich characters, and meticulous research, garnered numerous award nominations and a devoted following. Baker’s contributions to speculative fiction, blending history, humor, and speculative elements, cemented her legacy as a distinctive and influential voice in the genre. Her untimely passing in 2010 saddened fans and fellow writers, but her literary legacy continues to inspire new generations of readers.
Rutherford was a historian, after all, and secretly enjoyed it when the truth did injury to modern sensibilities.
Author: Kage Baker
You have to be pretty damned hot and thirsty to enjoy a soy-milk smoothie, but they were, so it was okay.
Author: Kage BakerFaith and its attendant rituals sound like a good deal, the whole eternal salvation thing, but inevitably they lead to fear, oppression, the rack and flames.
Author: Kage Baker

In 1916, Universal Studios released the first filmed adaptation of Jules Verne’s novel ‘20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.’ Georges Melies made a film by that name in 1907, but, unlike his earlier adaptations of Verne, Melies’ version bears no resemblance to the book.
Author: Kage BakerIn 1913, the noted German actor and director Paul Wegener was making a film in Prague when he heard the legend of Rabbi Loew, who created a golem to protect the inhabitants of the Prague ghetto from persecution.
Author: Kage Baker1925’s ‘The Lost World’ is… really, everything a dinosaur movie should be. Like a dinosaur, this classic was once extinct too, existing as mere fragmentary footage and stills, but cinemaphile fossil-hunters have painstakingly excavated bits and pieces from obscure archives and assembled them into a nearly-complete animal.
Author: Kage BakerDespite what you hear about the publishing industry being a fixed game that you can only get in if you know somebody, I’m here in person to tell you it ain’t so. If your stuff is really any good, sooner or later some editor will take a chance on you.
Author: Kage BakerA generation before, it had been sagebrush and coyotes; a generation later, it was a burgeoning movie town. But for that brief idyllic time in 1910, Hollywood looked like the perfect place for a successful writer to settle down, build his dream house, and maybe do some gardening.
Author: Kage Baker
Back when the concept of organ transplants qualified as science fiction, novelist Maurice Renard wrote a thriller called ‘Les Mains d’Orlac.’ Call it a bastard offspring of ‘Frankenstein;’ its plot revolved around the old theme of Science Giving Us Stuff We Shouldn’t Have – in this particular case, restoring severed body parts.
Author: Kage BakerSo vast is the shadow cast by the MGM production of ‘The Wizard of Oz,’ so indelible are its characterizations, so perfect its music, and so assured is its cinematic immortality, that most people think of it as ‘The Original.’ In fact, it isn’t.
Author: Kage BakerFor all its flaws, ‘The Hands of Orlac’ really is a seminal film, and if you’re partial to that particular B-movie subgenre of Demon Body Parts, you really ought to see it.
Author: Kage BakerWhat has ‘The Patchwork Girl of Oz’ got in its favor? Quite a lot, from our point of view in 2009. If you want to see how Oz’s creator envisioned his own work, here it is.
Author: Kage BakerI saw the Kino print of ‘The Man From Beyond,’ but apparently a superior new print has been produced by Restored Serials. Maybe a few snippets of missing footage will close up some of the plot holes, but I have my doubts.
Author: Kage Baker
We who grew up with ‘drop and cover’ drills know all too well what wonders science can bring us, and we like to see the guy in the white lab coat suffer a little. Or a lot.
Author: Kage BakerAccording to Jewish legend, only the very wisest and very holiest rabbis had the power to make golems, animated servants of clay. Strictly speaking, the golem is not in the same class with Frankenstein’s monster, because the golem is neither alive nor dead. He is, rather, the ancestor of all robots.
Author: Kage BakerWritten and directed by French showman Georges Melies, ‘Le Voyage’ features one of the most indelible images in cinema history: the wounded Man in the Moon bleeding like a particularly runny Brie, grimacing in pain with a space capsule protruding from his right eye.
Author: Kage BakerLet’s say you need a perfectly obedient servant who never gets tired, never needs to be paid, and is virtually indestructible. If you’re in a galaxy a long time ago and far, far away, you’ll just fly off to the local droid auction and pick up one of those shiny gold models with lovely manners.
Author: Kage BakerWe are time machines! The truth’s been right in front of our noses since cinema was invented. Hell, since photography was invented. Hell, since writing was invented. Make an image of something, and it escapes the flow of time. That’s why it’s forbidden! Dickens had a grasp on it with his ghosts, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley almost got it, and Einstein came so close to the truth.
Author: Kage BakerIt was suitably like limbo to depress the spirits of an ordinary man, let alone one with Alec’s problems.
Author: Kage BakerHe is aware that he feels a vague respect for the woman. Mendoza, at least, had never done the reasonable thing, never settled for less, but held to her one insane passion even as it had dragged her into the flames. Such a valuable quality in a pawn.
Author: Kage Baker
Nurse Balnshik, Lord Emenwyr’s minder, is 100% demon, but glamorous:
“Do you know any other midwife who can also tear apart armored warriors with her bare, er, hands? Lovely and versatile.
If you ordered up a whore here, you’d probably get a theater major doing Joan Crawford as Sadie Thompson. I wonder what would happen if I ordered up a Hershey bar?” His eyes lit up for a moment. “I wonder what would happen if I ordered up a whore and a Hershey bar?
Author: Kage BakerTo make a really effective monster you need to begin with a good man and tell him lies.
Author: Kage BakerBoy, you’re good at figuring things out. Isn’t he? Except that if anybody’s the devil in this room it’s _you_, buster.” An extraordinary bitterness came into his face. “I’ve seen you before. I know you, all right, preacher man. Age after age, you come back. You always lead the crusades. You’re so damned golden-tongued, other people just flock to die for your causes. You die with them, it’s true, because you’re stupid enough to believe your own great lies; but you always come back again somehow. Oh, I know _you_.
Author: Kage BakerA lengthy and painful discussion followed. It lasted through tea and dinner. It was revealed to Lady Beatrice that, though she had been sincerely mourned when Mamma had been under the impression she was dead, her unexpected return to life was something more than inconvenient. Had she never considered the disgrace she would inflict upon her family by returning, after all that had happened to her? What were all Aunt Harriet’s neighbors to think?
Author: Kage Baker
That is what you’re making of the end of your mother’s life, child. What will you make of your own?
Author: Kage BakerIt wasn’t all that different from any particularly demanding boarding school, except that of course nobody ever went home for the holidays and we had a lot of brain surgery.
Author: Kage BakerWorldly institutions fail because they require power and gold to operate. Power and gold attract wicked and greedy people. Wicked and greedy people are corrupters and betrayers. Therefore, worldly institutions become corrupt and betrayed.
Author: Kage BakerArrows you may dodge and fever you may antibody for, but mortal grief is a misfortune you cannot escape.
Author: Kage BakerNo one deserves good or evil fortune,” said Lady Beatrice. “Things simply happen and one survives them the best one can.
Author: Kage Baker
True believers aren’t real receptive to the idea that what they’re telling you is just mythology.
Author: Kage BakerI only became aware that my eyes had filled with tears when I noticed some commotion in the treetops, far off outside the perimeter wall. I blinked and looked again. There were monkeys out there fighting, screaming and pelting one another with rotten fruit.
Author: Kage BakerAnd as the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so was my beloved among the sons. Et cetera. What would I give, to have that night back, out of all my nights? No treasure fleet could hold it, what I’d give; no caravan of mules could carry it away.
Author: Kage BakerPeople like these have done more to relieve human misery than any prophet with a manifesto ever will. They number in the millions, these mortals, but they don’t make it into the history books much. They don’t do anything sweeping or controversial. They live their lives, contribute their bits of good work, and die quietly in their beds without recognition or reward. Usually.
Author: Kage BakerYou know why I’ve survived in this job, year after year, lousy assignment after lousy assignment, with no counseling whatsoever? Because I have a keen appreciation of the ludicrous. Also because I have no choice.
Author: Kage Baker
Lady, the Faith is here,” he stated. “But we must build churches in our hearts, for surely those built in the world have all betrayed us.
Author: Kage BakerI want you to tell all these people that I wanted more time to spend with them. Tell them I meant to, tell them I wanted to hear what they said and tell them what was on my mind.
Author: Kage BakerPeople who like to fume about the manner in which Disney changed beloved classics are often ignorant of history, not to mention the realities of show business.
Author: Kage BakerEngland was a cold, backward, rebellious little kingdom. It’s king: Henry the Eighth, remembered principally for his six wives and the chicken legs clutched in his fat fists.
Author: Kage BakerThe 1910 Edison film of Frankenstein was itself a dead thing revived by technology.
Author: Kage BakerThe leaf that spreads in the light is the only holiness there is. I haven’t found holiness in the faiths of mortals, or in their music, not in their dreams: it’s out in the open field, with the green rows looking at the sky. I don’t know what it is, this holiness: but it’s there, and it looks at the sky.
Probably though this is some conditioning the Company installed to ensure I’d be a good botanist. Well, I grew up into a good one. Damned good.
Funny thing about those Middle Ages, said Joseph. “They just keep coming back. Mortals keep thinking they’re in Modern Times, you know, they get all this neat technology and pass all these humanitarian laws, and then something happens: there’s an economic crisis, or science makes some discovery people can’t deal with. And boom, people go right back to burning Jews and selling pieces of the true Cross. Don’t you ever make the mistake of thinking that mortals want to live in a golden age. They hate thinking.
Author: Kage BakerI don’t think humanity just replays history, but we are the same people our ancestors were, and our descendants are going to face a lot of the same situations we do. It’s instructive to imagine how they would react, with different technologies on different worlds. That’s why I write science fiction — even though the term ‘science fiction’ excites disdain in certain persons.
Author: Kage BakerBesides, we weren’t made to battle villains, because there weren’t any. No nation, creed, or race was any better or worse than another; all were flawed, all were equally doomed to suffering, mostly because they couldn’t see that they were all alike. Mortals might have been contemptible, true, but not evil entirely. They did enjoy killing one another and frequently came up with ingenious excuses for doing so on a grand scale-religions, economic theories, ethnic pride-but we couldn’t condemn them for it, as it was in their mortal natures and they were too stupid to know any better.
Author: Kage BakerRomantic Orientalism was fascinated by the color and excitement of a powerful culture, and nearly always approached its subject with love.
Author: Kage BakerIn 1921, Harry Houdini started his own film company called – wait for it – the Houdini Picture Corporation.
Author: Kage Baker