Jimmy Dean
- Country : United States
- Profession :American singer and television host
- DOB: 1928-08-10
Jimmy Dean (1928–2010) was an American singer, television host, and entrepreneur, best known for founding the Jimmy Dean Sausage Company. He began his career as a country music singer, achieving fame with his hit song “Big Bad John” in 1961. Dean later transitioned into television, hosting The Jimmy Dean Show in the 1960s, which helped establish his celebrity status. In the 1960s, he founded the Jimmy Dean Sausage Company, which became highly successful and was eventually sold to the Sara Lee Corporation. Dean also made appearances in films and continued to contribute to music and entertainment throughout his life. His legacy as a businessman and entertainer endures.
I don’t really feel like I can be good doing gigs. I can be good before, and I can be good after.
Author: Jimmy DeanI’m playing the best basketball of my life, I’m in the best shape physically, and I’m looking forward to the best film roles of my career.
Author: Jimmy DeanI think the rewards of being an actor is playing the parts you love, portraying characters that you can’t play in your own life, and hopefully entertaining people.
Author: Jimmy DeanThe other day, I said I should write a song, ‘When Does the New Wear Off?’ I think it would be a helluva title.
Author: Jimmy DeanIt’s always better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.
Author: Jimmy DeanI think the biggest disease the world suffers from in this day and age is the disease of people feeling unloved.
Author: Jimmy DeanI’m exactly where I want to be – we live out here on the James River outside Richmond. I have three ponds, and we catch the biggest, most beautiful bass you’ve ever looked at in your life.
Author: Jimmy DeanSuccess is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
Author: Jimmy DeanI made more money yesterday than I ever thought I’d make in an entire lifetime. But it’s like somebody’s going to take it all away from me and I’ll be back in Texas, installing them damned irrigation wells. I didn’t like that when I was sixteen. And I know I wouldn’t like it when I’m eighty.
Author: Jimmy DeanI was a hard-workin’ little boy. Oh, I worked. Pullin’ cotton, shockin’ grain, cuttin’ wheat, loadin’ wheat, choppin’ cotton, cleanin’ chicken houses, milkin’ cows, plowin’.
Author: Jimmy DeanKeep your head on straight, keep your heart in the right place, and things will work out.
Author: Jimmy DeanThe other day, I said I should write a song, ‘When Does the New Wear Off?’ I think it would be a helluva title.
Author: Jimmy DeanSomebody said he came from New Orleans, where he got in a fight over a Cajun queen. And a crushing blow from a huge right hand, sent a Louisiana fella to the Promised Land.
Author: Jimmy DeanI find it hard to look at Jessica Tandy or Morgan Freeman. I can’t look at them and not see the characters they play.
Author: Jimmy DeanI’ve seen so many people in this business that made a fortune. They get old and broke and can’t make any money. I tell you something… no one’s going to play a benefit for Jimmy Dean.
Author: Jimmy DeanI’ve learned the hard way that life isn’t always fair, but that’s no reason not to try to make it better.
Author: Jimmy DeanA lot of things I am, and a lot of things I am not. But I think I’m about as good an American as there is. I love this country. It’s been very, very good to me. And it will be good to anybody if they are willing to give of themselves.
Author: Jimmy DeanI used to help my granddaddy make sausage. He would mix it up in a cleaned-out washtub with his hands, no gloves. Man, if we did anything like that today, they would jack the jail up and throw us under it.
Author: Jimmy DeanTo me, acting is the most logical way for people’s neuroses to manifest themselves, in this great need we all have to express ourselves.
Author: Jimmy DeanMy favorite song? ‘Amazing Grace.’ Anybody singing it. But the best it’ll ever be done is by the Scottish National Pipe band and their National Orchestra. It’ll bring tears to your eyes.
Author: Jimmy DeanWhen I was a kid, I used to think, ‘Man, if I could ever afford all the ice cream I want to eat, that’s as rich as I ever want to be.
Author: Jimmy DeanBe yourself. Because if people don’t like you as you are, they’re not going to like you as somebody you’re trying to be.
Author: Jimmy DeanI can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Author: Jimmy DeanDo what you say you’re going to do. And try to do it a little better than you said you would.
Author: Jimmy Dean