• Country : Germany
  • Profession :Theologian, philosopher, musician, and physician
  • DOB: 1875-01-14
Details About Author:

Albert Schweitzer (1875–1965) was a renowned Alsatian theologian, philosopher, musician, and physician. Born in Germany, he achieved global recognition for his profound contributions to theology, philosophy, and medical work. A versatile scholar, he earned doctorates in theology and music, and later a medical degree to serve as a doctor in Africa. Schweitzer’s commitment to the concept of “Reverence for Life” underscored his philosophy, emphasizing respect for all living beings. He founded a hospital in LambarĂ©nĂ©, Gabon, where he dedicated his life to providing medical care to underserved communities. His legacy continues to inspire humanitarian efforts and ethical reflections on the interconnectedness of life