• Country : Greece
  • Profession :Poet, Philosopher
  • DOB: 1923-09-14
Details About Author:

Aesop, ancient Greek storyteller, lived around 6th century BCE. Though details of his life are murky, he’s renowned for fables like “The Tortoise and the Hare.” These tales impart moral lessons through anthropomorphic animals. Aesop’s wit and wisdom earned him respect from rulers like Croesus. Later biographies attribute fictional anecdotes. His legacy thrives through timeless fables, passed down orally for centuries before recorded in texts like “Aesop’s Fables.” His impact on literature, ethics, and education remains profound, illustrating enduring truths in concise narratives. Aesop’s influence on storytelling endures, making him an enigmatic figure whose lessons transcend time and culture.

Author: Aesop